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1831. TACIT adj. silent; unspoken.

1832. TACITURN adj. quiet; saying little; uncommunicative.

1833. TACT it ability to say the right thing; diplomacy; subtlety; discretion.

1834. TAINT v. to stain; corrupt; spoil

1835. TALLY it an account; record; score; count

1836. TAMPER v. to interfere; meddle; touch improperly.

1837. TANGIBLE adj. capable of being touched; concrete; real

1838. TANTALIZE v. to lease by arousing expectation.

1839. TARDY adj. late; delayed overdue; sluggish.

1840. TARNISH v. to discolor; sully; detract from; taint

1841. TAUNT v. to ridicule; deride; jeer at; provoke

1842 TAUT adj. stretched tight; tense; stiff; trim; tidy.

1843. TEASE v. to make fun of annoy; pester; mock playfully; tantalize.

1844. TEDIOUS adj. boring; tiresome.

1845. TEMPER n. mood; disposition; composure; irritability

1846. TEMPT v. to entice lure; invite; provoke

1847. TENACIOUS adj. persistent; stubborn; holding fast.

1848. TENDENCY n. an inclination; propensity; disposition.

1849. TENTATIVE adj. provisional; uncertain; experimental; temporary.

1850. TENUOUS adj. slender; weak

1851. TEPID adj. lukewarm; not very enthusiastic.

1852. TERMINATE v. to end; finish; conclude; cease; halt

1853. TERRIFY v. to frighten; scare intimidate; make afraid

1854. TESTIFY v. to declare; under oath; attest to the facts.

1855. THOROUGH adj. complete; exhaustive; careful

1856. THOUGHTFUL adj. considerate; concerned; contemplative

1857. THREATEN v. to menace; intimidate; endanger.

1858. THRIFTY adj. economical; frugal; industrious.

1859. THRILL v. to greatly excite; delight; tremble or quiver.

1860. THRONG n. a large crowd or group; multitude

1861. THUMP n. a heavy blow; dull sound made by a blow; thud

1862. THWART v. to prevent; frustrate; block

1863. TILTED adj. tipped; leaning; slanted

1864. TIPTOE v. to walk on the toes; walk quietly.

1865. TOLERATE v. to allow; permit; put up with; bear; endures

1866. TORMENT v. to cause to suffer; annoy; distress; harass; anguish.

1867. TORRENTIAL adj. flowing wildly and abundantly; overwhelming.

1868 TORTURE v. to inflict mental or physical pain torment; distort

1869. TOUCHY adj. overly sensitive irritable; risky; delicate.

1870. TOURNAMENT n. a contest; formal competition

1871 TRAGIC adj. disastrous; lamentable; extremely unfortunate

1872. TRAITOR n. one who betrays; one who commits treason; renegade.

1873. TRANQUILLITY n. serenity; calmness peacefulness

1874. TRANSACT v. to carry out; conduct business; perform

1875. TRANSCEND v. to go beyond; surpass; exceed

1876. TRANSFER v. to move to another place; copy onto something.

1877. TRANSFORM v. to change the form or appearance of; convert

1878. TRANSIENT adj. fleeting; transitory; temporary.

1879. TRANSPARENT adj. dear; obvious; easily understood or seen through.

1880. TRANSPIRE v. to occur; become known.

1881. TRANSPORT v. to carry to another place; move emotionally.

1882. TRAVERSE v. to travel across; examine; go counter to.

1883. TREACHEROUS adj. betraying a mat; disloyal; dangerous; deceptive

1884. TREATMENT n. a remedy; care; therapy.

1885. TREATY n. a formal agreement between nations; pact

1886. TREMBLE v. to shake involuntarily; shiver with fear; quaver.

1887. TREMENDOUS adj. very large; enormous; gigantic; wonderful

1888. TREND n. direction of movement; inclination; tendency.

18S9. TRIBUTARY n. river or stream that flows into a larger body of water.

1890. TRICKERY n. deception; artifice; use of tricks.

1891. TRITE adj. commonplace; overused; hackneyed; cliche

1892. TRIVIA n. unimportant matters or facts; trifles.

1893. TRIVIAL adj. unimportant; trifling; commonplace; ordinary; paltry.

1894. TROPHY n. a prize; symbol of victory.

1895. TUG v. to pull; haul; drag.

1896. TUMBLE v. to fall over; stumble; collapse; do acrobatics.

1897. TUMULT n. disorderly commotion; disturbance; excitement

1898. TURBULENT adj. tumultuous; violently agitated; unruly.

1899. TURMOIL n. confusion; commotion; agitation; tumult

1900. TWILIGHT n. dim light at the end of a day; period of decline.

1901. TWOFOLD adj. having two parts; double.

1902. TYRANNICAL adj. despotic; oppressive.


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