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021 Reform is seldom brought about by people who a


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Reform is seldom brought about by people who are concerned with their own reputation and social standing. Those who are really in earnest about reforming a government, an educational system, or any other institution must be willing to be viewed with disdain by the rest of the world."






“Every reformation was first a thought in one man’s mind”- by great author. When these thought rankles the mind and turns into agony the unbearable pain give rise to a reformer. Prior to the evolution of the reformers they are mostly ordinary people and those who are reputed people on becoming a reformer turn into an ordinary man.

Reputed people are always inclined to maintain their reputation. For this purpose they always support the rich and the powerful. Reformation is to set up a new order against the traditional one continued by the administrators. People having reputation and social standing for their well-being have to support the rulers. Thus they cannot engage into reformation of any kind. Best illustration are the rulers of the colonies ruled for years by the British. Some social leaders support the reformation related with the government or educational system but with a selfish motive. They are demagogues aspiring for a high position after the reformation. Those exceptions, careless about their reputation, oppose the contemporary administration. They does not feel abased in coming into common people to seek their support.

Initially reformers are viewed with disdain by the opponents and the others but as they propagate their ideas people start joining the agitation. They receive a place in the common man’s heart and become reputed for the sufferers. True reformers don’t aspire for good positions or praise. They struggle unselfishly for the betterment of the system.

The leader of Indian revolution for freedom, reputed barrister Gandhiji, devoted his life for the freedom struggle directing people to use non-violence as their weapon. Other reformers who strived for education of women, their right to suffrage were mostly ordinary people of one time.

Thus reformers are usually are ordinary men suffering from the inefficiency of the system. People cannot maintain the reputation and social standing in their societies if they turn into reformers. So such people are seldom reformers.


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