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The general welfare of a nation's people is a better indication of that nation's grea

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The general welfare of a nation's people is a better indication of that nation's greatness than are the achievements of its rulers, artists, or scientists.




Owning to the increased demand of welfare stimulated by the intensified sense of satisfaction of the populace in our society, the balance between the general welfare and the achievements of a nation's political leaders, artists or scientists has received increasing attention and consideration in contemporary society. For this reason, spates of people maintain an opinion that the welfare of ordinary people overweighs those achievements. In my personal opinion, this standpoint should be analyzed and deliberated on a case by case basis.


Keeping and retaining the living standard of people depend on the greatness of the whole nation, which is connected closely by the achievements of its rulers, artists, or scientists. For instance, the GNH, namely Gross National Happiness, of Northern Europeans showed their advantaged society and living condition, which are explicable in a survey conducted recently. In the heyday of those nations, the citizens are administered by the enlightened leaders, surrounded by the progressive techniques, elegant art achievements and the opportunities to prompt themselves. We cannot neglect the relations of the wise officials, advanced technologies, even though the consequential achievements in the field of art. Therefore, we should not ignore the backgrounds preserved by the rulers or scientists for the nation.


Admittedly, the norm which is prevailing not only in the past but also in modern life is that the host of a nation is the people in it, namely the insufficient for a nation's greatness simply by measuring those accomplishments. Hence, to judge the greatness of the nation, one should put the people foremost, especially the general welfare of every citizen. Even we have no precise and particular illustration to exemplify my view point, common sense and social experience can tell us that the success or failure is determined by the living condition of the average people who live in the country. Only by seeking to ameliorate the welfare and improve the well-being of the common people, can we ensure the basic living allowance and elementary payment of the minority group such as the poor, the elderly, the disabled, and then maintain the stability of our society.


From the frondose analyses and embodied demonstration made above, I strongly consent to the notion that for the sake of weighing the greatness of a nation, one should highlight the general welfare, not only because the development of society depends on the citizens, but also the people should have all of the priority and basic rights.

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