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Please Rate! To understand the most important characteristics of a society, one must

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The statement focus is on studying the major cities in order to understand the important characteristics of society. Society is group of people which are different from each other in so many aspects. So to understand the most important characteristics of society we need to study people from different backgrounds,religions,having different beliefs,customs etc. The most important characteristics of a society are social relationship between people living in it, their inter-dependency,their liking ,differences etc. Major cities have so many people living in it, came from corner of the country. So by studying major cities it is possible to understand characteristics of society up-to some extent. We have to study the cities like New York,Washington to understand the characteristics of United States. Similarly to understand the culture of India, we need to study the major cities in it like Mumbai,Delhi, Bangalore etc. For example Mumbai is the economical capital of India. It has people from various states of India living in it. It has a developed IT sector, World of Bollywood, So many Business Tycoons and Bombay Stock Exchange residing. On other hand it has a big slum area. Which represents a very big economical difference between two classes of society. People of so many religions are living in Mumbai, so the term "Unity in Diversity" can be understood by studying Mumbai.

However major cities have impact of foreign culture on it as impact of globalization. Mahatma Gandhi Said "India is a Agricultural Nation".India has a very prosperous and great cultural history. But by looking towards Major cities like Mumbai, Delhi we may found this statement false.So to get complete understanding of the this culture, its beliefs we have to study small cities,their living style. To understand the cultural enrichment of India we have to study the Ajanta-Velora Caves,Lofty Of Sahyadri,Highness of Himalaya,Beauty Of Kashmir etc.We have to study the common people living there.Because people in small cities are more adherent to their religious belief, their customs,their festivals. People major cities are more inclined towards modernization. They are profit-seeking,development oriented.

So to get the understanding of most important characteristics of society, one have to study major cities and in together to that the small cities and rural area.

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