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Bring on the criticism: perspective on an issue

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Hi guys,


I am preparing for the GRE, for which I have 3 weeks left, to get into a PhD. program in Economics.

I hope there are any of you who would like to out their critique and give some pointers on the 'present

your perspective on an Issue' part. I wrote the following in 40 minutes.


Thank you for your help,


cheers A.I.E.



Statement: 'School uniforms would decrease the violence in schools and increase the potential for learning.’


Uniformity leads to more homogenous classes and homogeneity will lead to less violence, since violence in schools comes mainly from bullying: bullying itself can be stimulated to a great extent because some children are ‘different’. Different is in many cases difference from the norm, and the norm can be expressed by clothing style. For a big part, these difference occur through the socio-economic situation in which a family finds itself. Introducing school uniforms will put these differences more to the background. In a safer environment children, children will be more stimulated to focus and enjoy their school, hence increasing their learning potential.


A safer environment will always be better and more stimulating than an environment in which bullying occurs. School uniforms will not cease bullying to exist, other reasons for bullying will be found, but it will take away some of the stimuli for bullying. An environment where some motives for bullying is de-institutionalized, will be a more nutritious ground for children to flourish and grow into their full potential. Of course, this does not mean that the children will do this, but at least they have a better head start if they are willing to learn.


From my own experience I know that socio-economic position can be a motive for bullies to pick on other children and that, for example, having the newest sneakers can give more self-esteem to children: this way they feel that they are accepted into a group. By introducing school uniforms, children will feel the need to identify themselves belonging to the dominant group (trend) to a lesser extent. Violence coming forth out of these reasons will be avoided.


School uniforms will also symbolize that children from the same school, belong to the same group. This stimulates the idea that they have more in common: a group identity. Being accepted into the group, can also give confidence to children. This might just be the confidence they need to perform successfully in school.

One might argue against the introduction of school uniforms, that it just fights a symptom and not the real cause of bullying: the bullies themselves. Fighting the cause of bullying (the bullies themselves) has proven to be very hard, so taking away motives for bullying will, if it does not help, not do any harm.

Another, more subtle point, might be made against the introduction of school uniforms: it might lead children to be afraid of being different. I want to make two points against this argument: first, there are other ways of expressing uniqueness than in clothes (hairstyle for example) and even if a child wants to express difference through clothing, it has the opportunity to do this outside of school. Second, in this case, being different is often a choise and there are ways to be find to express this choice (if being different is not a choice, school uniforms will not cause it). But, if children don’t have this choice based on their socio-economic background it is more fair to these children to be accepted into the dominating discourse by introducing school uniforms.


I have argued that a cause for violence in schools is based on a difference expressed in clothing, sometimes sprouting from a socio-economic position. If the latter is the case, then this difference can be solved by introducing school uniforms. A positive side effect from school uniforms is that it can stimulate group identity, which, in turn, can give confidence to children. It might not solve violence in schools, but it will take away some of the motives for bullies. This will lead to an environment in which unnecessary differences will be taken away, and lead to a safer environment for children. This safer environment will be more stimulative to children’s potential for learning.

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