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If rituals did not exist, we would have to invent them, we need ceremonies and rituals to help us define ourselves socially and culturally


What are rituals? These are typically the practices that we are taught to follow at specific time intervals based on religion or social customs. For e.g. in the Hindu family, the prayer lamp is lit every evening or taking the example of an Indian classical dance performance which would start with a performance as an invocation to Lord Ganesha. Many believe that rituals are just passed from generation to generation and play no particular role, on the other hand there are those who believe that rituals help us define ourselves socially and culturally.


Man is a social animal and we are all driven by the need to belong and to connect. The way humans have done is through language, art and rituals. This forging of a connection helps us guide our behavior and those of the people surrounding us. Take the case of the sense of community that is built around the local church, or community center where people enjoy participating in each other’s festivities and lives. Even in rural India where people may not have too many means, villages gather today to ensure festivals are celebrated and prayers are performed.


Rituals have been existing through the ages and undergo changes with growing social consciousness. Take the example of the practice of child marriage in India. As India has progressed in terms of education and development the practice is almost abolished. Interestingly, a trace of the ritual still exists as seen in the Brahmin weddings where the bride sits on the fathers for a segment of the ceremony. We as a society are learning to study existing norms and redefine them appropriately. Each generation thus leaves a stamp on a ritual or custom.


We also make our own rituals and derive strength from the stability and regularity of performing those rituals. New parents are advised to follow the same ritual before bedtime so that babies get used to the notion of going to sleep at a certain time. Over a period of time they understand the cues be it being told a story or the sound of a song and prepare to close their eyes. Children take comfort in those rituals to the point that any deviation causes distress. As adults we too create our own rituals and derive comfort in doing something,which becomes a part of how we live life.


In conclusion, rituals are practices or customs which help us bond with society, community and life itself. They are constantly being modified by our interests, knowledge and social consciousness. We derive comfort from performing them as they introduce stability to our lives even in moments of distress. Consequently, we would invent rituals if they did not exist to help us define ourselves

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