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212 If a goal is worthy, then any means taken to a


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This is my very first attempt for a GRE Essay. I didnt even referred to any material before for Essays.So please let me know my mistakes and how can i improve myself.


"If a goal is worthy, then any means taken to attain it is justifiable."


If a goal is worthy, then any means taken to attain it is justifiable. To some extent its true but according to my point of view this topic is far too vague.As for every thing there is a positive and negative aspect but here negative aspect is more than the positive one.And obviously it depends on individual to individual.


Firstly, how can we say that if a goal is worthy we can achieve it by any means possible. A very general example can be taken like, if a person has a goal to become a millionaire then it doesnt mean that he can attain his goal by any means.He cant rob a bank and say that his goal is now achieved and its all justifiable.


Well it depends on the individual how he/she takes it. For example, if the goal for an individual is to study in the best Universities and if he/she works very hard to get through it and studies day and night without any concern what people say, then this can be called justifiable.


So, we see here that we cant say every thing done to achieve a goal is justifiable.It depends on the individual whether he/she takes the positive side or the negative side.


Therefore I would conclude by saying that as a whole we cant say that a worthy goal can be achieved by any means, as it depends on the person.









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Originally posted by karanbagla


This is my very first attempt for a GRE Essay. I didnt even referred to any material before for Essays.So please let me know my mistakes and how can i improve myself.


"If a goal is worthy, then any means taken to attain it is justifiable."


If a goal is worthy, then any means taken to attain it is justifiable. To some extent its true but according to my point of view this topic is far too vague.As for every thing there is a positive and negative aspect but here negative aspect is more than the positive one.And obviously it depends on individual to individual.


Firstly, how can we say that if a goal is worthy we can achieve it by any means possible. A very general example can be taken like, if a person has a goal to become a millionaire then it doesnt mean that he can attain his goal by any means.He cant rob a bank and say that his goal is now achieved and its all justifiable.


Well it depends on the individual how he/she takes it. For example, if the goal for an individual is to study in the best Universities and if he/she works very hard to get through it and studies day and night without any concern what people say, then this can be called justifiable.


So, we see here that we cant say every thing done to achieve a goal is justifiable.It depends on the individual whether he/she takes the positive side or the negative side.


Therefore I would conclude by saying that as a whole we cant say that a worthy goal can be achieved by any means, as it depends on the person.





CAVEAT: I have two children, and they happen to be the only critics in the world. Thus, I am the father of all critics.


These are the mistakes I see in your essay


1. It is too short. 227 words is simply not enough to discuss the rather complex GRE issues.

2. It is too informal. Don't use "So, we here..." or "Well it depends...", etc.

3. Leave a space after the fullstop(period).

4. The essay is about whether it is justifiable to achieve a goal by any means. Not whether it is possible. Read the question carefully.





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Hi AmigoRo,

Thanks alot for your analysis of the essay. I know Im too bad at this but Im trying to improve myself. Im reading the previous posted essays so that I can get an idea how to get over it.

But please can you let me know that what should be the ideal size of the essay.

From the essays I read now I know that Examples should be there.

And about periods after fullstop it was typing mistake, but then also I have to take care of it.

Thanks again for your comments.



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  • 6 months later...

TM where are you?


212"If a goal is worthy, then any means taken to attain it is justifiable."


We are living in a complex world with complex problems that have no simple solutions. In pursuing our goals, we are facing with a lot of problems. The issue arises when we ask ourselves: " Is reaching our target is so worthy that even bad means taken to attain it is justifiable?" The answer to the above question, I believe, is no.


First, whether a goal is worthy or not is very subjective. Most of the time problems we face are not pure black and white; there are gray areas, which requires our wisdom and correct judgment. The worthiness of target is one of them. We may think that this goal is beneficial to us, but others may not think so. They may think that achieving X target is good, but not necessary. Now if we uses we have and it happens that that method isn't acceptable to the rest of the world, we are losing our respect. A recent example: The war in Iraq. Most Americans believe that Saddam is evil, he is posing a threat to his neighboring country, and that he deserved to be outlasted. However Europeans do not think so. They believe that UN can contain Saddam. The war is a controversial one. Unfortunately Bush chose to remove Saddam by force while a peaceful resolution may still be possible. As a result, anti-American rhetoric runs high; the image of America is at the nadir of history. The worthy goal in Bush eyes has in turn detriment US image around the world, isn't that a price too high to pay?


If we believe that a worthy goal is all we have to achieve, then we might be in danger of sacrificing other virtues, which are of greater importance. Cracking down terrorists is a goal worthy of support. However do we have to go as far as to restrict civilians freedoms, doing email snooping, rejecting the visas from foreign students and put spies on mosques? Even if terrorism can be eliminated through this means, there might not be much to celebrate. The reason is simple: we are sacrificing the fundamental freedom and our inalienable rights of speech, and it invites the danger of dictatorial government. What's the point of attaining our target and at the same time losing our identity because of the means we use?


Sometimes unjustifiable methods are detrimental to our goals. The fact that Palestinian’s appeal doesn’t enjoy much support around the world vividly illustrates this point. Palestine's effort to have a homeland is a noble one, but they use suicide attack to achieve it watered down their legitimate claim. In the eyes of the world, Palestinians is just a bunch of terrorists, and continuing suicide bombing has seriously undermines any peace prospect. Their means is antithesis to their goal. By contrast, Gandhi is different. Gandhi also wanted independence, he use fasting to fight imperialism, instead of bomb. India achieved independence rather painlessly and quickly because of the non-violent means Gandhi used. This should remind us of how important it is to get our goal as well as our methods right.


From the above analysis, it is clear that to achieve one's goal, one needs to be careful of the method he/she uses. Attaining target can be important and urgent, but at the same time we must make sure we are following the right path. If not, we may suffer, and the benefit we enjoyed from our goals may be short-lived.


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  • 1 month later...

This issuse is a controvertial one.On one hand, it is true that a for a good cause it is

even noble to do something wrong.For eg. to tell a lie to save an innocent man it justifiable.On the other hand,one has to take into consideration the ethics of attaining

one's goal.It would be very wrong to satisfy personal needs at some one else's cost.To this effect one can say that one man's meat maybe another man's poison.


How does one define goal,that is important.For eg. person achieving personal desires maybe justifiable.This can be negative sometimes.To attain a goal there is a positive approach which has benign effect .But ,on the other hand negative approach can also be taken to attain the goal.Thus, its how one perceives the methods to achieve goals.When one door closes another opens.So,there are ways of conquering without harming anyone.


Eventhough there are many negative actions that can be taken to attain the goal,one

should concentrate on the positive methods.For eg. Gandhiji always gave importance to nonviolence approach of attaining freedom,though people were ready to resort to violent methods.Thus,it is not justifiable to resort to any means to achieve goals ,even if they are worth the effort.


On the other hand, sometimes it inevitable that one has to resort to even the extreme measure to attain the target.It is like saying sacrifice of one individual for the cause of nation is justifiable though it costs us a life.For eg. why do we resort to animal testing of drugs?This is wrong all of us know that .But to save the humanity we have to sacrifice a few animals.To save the humanity from perishing due to a deadly disease ,one has to try out life saving drugs on animals.It can be said that ,to attain something we have to sacrifice something.



Supporting the view,it can be said that after the storm calm comes.For eg. in struggle to attain democracy there is blood shed .Is this goal worth pursuing .Yes,democracy and freedom is every individuals birth right.Sacrificing life for its sake is worth one's sweat.


Last but not the least ,it can be said that one has to take the bad along with the good.But, resorting to pursue goals for the good of the humanity is something which is justifiable.



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  • 4 years later...

Hi, I would appreciate a feedback for this. This is my first attempt. Thank you .


If a goal is worthy, than any needs to attain it is justifiable



Every person has different lifelong goals, such as to study at the best Universities, to become rich, to marry, to get a high job etc. To achieve the goals one should not attain needs that harm others. However, sometimes negative needs can be used to rich the goal and could be considered as justifiable, but still those methods shouldn’t bring harm to the surrounding environment.


To back up my point we can address to the following examples. For those people whose goal is to get into the best Universities it’s not justifiable to steel money to pay for it. On the other hand, it would be more justifiable to work hard on preparation, such as reading without sleeping, bothering people by asking advices and even refraining of eating sometimes. By sacrificing their sleeps and energy they are not bringing harm to others, such as stolen money.


Another example is taken from the Central Asian culture. In order to marry, men used to steel a bride. In order this need to be satisfied, the bride should give her content to marry him. Thus, it isn’t justifiable steel a bride and to marry her against her will. However, this can be considered as justifiable, when bride and groom agree to marry but their parents resist. In this case, steeling a bride for the sake of love and building a future family will be justifiable.


In conclusion, we can say that every worthy goal can be achieved by any needs that will not hurt or bring harm to those who directly and indirectly related to it. Before deciding how to attain your worthy goals, think of how it would affect you as a victim and only then take actions.

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