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176 The purpose of science is to reassure;the purp


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I write firstly,please help me check it and give a score,thanks


176.The purpose of science is to reassure;the purpose of art is to upset.Therein lies the value of each.


In this period fully permeating with science,technology and art,which lead to more and more life complication and social complexity,including increasingly clear recognization of the social and human nature,and confusion of the this.Of course,both science and art possess dual functions:to reassure and to upset,but not solitary result they engender.

Firstlly,no one can deny that science facilitate us to understand the nature ,then reassure us.Many years ago,when people didn't know why climate changed,why there were dulge,lighting,thunder,they thought if might be the retribution while they did vicious thing,then they feared.However ,at present,advanced science interpret these phenomens satisfactorily,and predict future case using satellite and computer.Also,modern medicine can not only explain the mechanism of these diseases,and then eliminate many of them,but comprehend the tissue of our body.We can change some of our organs which ill worked,and do several orthopedic operation,even clone succeed in this

century.it is obvious to follow the reassure function of science.


Nevertheless,while science sets our mind at test,a lot of problems it

conducted emerge,many of which is called the catamity of the earth,such as nuclear weapon,Greenhouse effect,even environment pollution.As a stastistical result,the total quantity of atomic bomb is so large that the earth may be destroyed many times.Another thing i have to say is also colne,as mentioned above,indeed it also contradict to the morality as most people consider.So upset effect of science has to be realized.Following the development of science and technology,art also progressed with more and more styles and free topics.The emergence of many of them is due to their purpose exposing hidden problems of society.We usually read some books about shooting to death,subornation,also movies,television,many people,especially children tend to confuse the reality and the stage.Another conspicuous exemple is extraordinary imagination,which is leaded by imaginational art,and quixotism may be.However,no matter whatever it agitates,the art also is an essential part of our life,which can relax our heart and body,as amusement to our life.When we have holiday we often want to go to see the shrine of asts,such as paris,it must be a good chance to loosen and study,also a chance to broaden our sight.


When we go to conclusion,i think a clear view has been expressed.Moreover,i want to say is to use the advantage of science and art to develop the society,not only in material,but also in spiritual more effectively,but not to indulge them,in order to reach more stable and harmonious world.

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Dear xhtiger,

I think u have got good points in ur essay,

but u r not able to express them properly, due to the

lack of knowledge of basic grammar. Ur sentence

structure is, to be very frank, atrocious. I could

hardly figure out what u wanted to say.

U have used GRE words liberally in ur essay which is

unnecessary. U must first concentrate on improving ur

sentence structure. Maybe a spoken english class, or

any english teacher could help. U can use the GRE words

in the essay only if u r very sure about their meanings.

But remember, ETS does not give any extra points for

flowery language. It is the analysis that matters.

Another point to note is that u have written a

lot about the good and bad effects of science, and hardly

wrote anything about arts. U should give a balanced

treatment to all the aspects of the issue given. U also

have not stated ur stance clearly, and have left it to the

reader to figure out what u want to say. U should state ur

stance clearly in the introductory para, explain,analyse

and justify ur stance in the body of the essay and then

restate the stance in the concluding para.

I do not mean to discourage u, but u should work

very hard on ur spoken english.I hope my suggestions r of

some help to u.


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Being a science student, I would definitely agree to the point that purpose of science is to reassure. Science helps us to look at things with a different perspective/angle/dimension.

It enhances our thinking abilities.

Science has come to our help since ancient times. Right from the invention of fire to today’s modern computers and Internet age, life has been revolutionalized by science. The invention of the wheel facilitated faster means of transport. Due credit must be given to science for the numerous discoveries which have made life so comfortable.

Take the example of the invention of the electric bulb by Edison. Can we imagine our lives without electricity? Electricity has virtually eliminated darkness from our lives. Nowadays, we also have international cricket matches under the floodlights.

Consider the transportation problem. Today, we can dream of taking a tour not only around the world, but also in space. We can travel to faraway destinations within hours. The world has become a very small place. A businessman can now handle his chain of offices spread over different countries in a single day.

Similarly communication has become speedy because of the Internet. Computers have greatly reduced paper work. With advanced technology, man has built robots that handle most of the difficult and strenuous jobs that would otherwise require a great daring. Through satellites and spaceships we have managed to reach the moon. We can now even think of the possibility of a colony on the moon.

Contribution of science towards medicine deserves a mention. Today we have a lot of medicines that relieve us from fatal diseases. Research is going on for curing AIDS, cancer, etc. A block in the coronary artery, which supplies blood to the heart, can be removed by a bypass surgery. Thus longevity has increased. We no longer read about child deaths due to malnutrition. Person having defective vision is reassured because science provides him with a solution viz. wearing spectacles or even laser surgery to completely get rid of spectacles.

Thus science on one hand reassures us. It provides us with a definite solution to our problems. Art, on the other hand is supportive to science. The purpose of art is surely not to upset. Recalling the medieval age, we saw the upcoming of great artists, sculptors, painters and musicians.

Art provides us with a means or a platform to express our ideas/views in a different way. A play, a drama or music tunes of a song can express different moods of the human mind. Without any art, lives would be boring. Even today, a good show by a musician or a drama can draw audience because people still like art. The great Taj Mahal, the Egyptian Pyramids remind us of the form of art that existed in ancient times.

Art is necessary to make man a complete person. It helps us to enhance our personality. Art is an effective means of communication to the masses because it is easy to grasp and understand. A melody may often delight our heart when we are depressed. It soothes our heart and helps us to relax.

Science should be used for the well being of mankind. It can help to make the world a better place to live in. Art on the other hand must be an integral part of our life because it makes life livelier. Both must go hand in hand for overall development of a person. (conclusion tips)


Get it rated!!!

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127. facts are stubborn things....

Facts are the proven realities. And the “facts” are established by the observations and the laws or other facts present till the date. So, facts do not possess a clear boundary between itself and falsity and at the edge of the two lies a region of ambiguity . And thus there lies a subtle leeway allowing our wishes and interests to manipulate the base of the facts. So, we can say that the facts are solid masses, in which penetration depends on the sharpness of the blade. And not always, our wishes fit into the tiny obscured grooves of the facts and are not able to develop visible cracks in it.

Broadly we can classify facts into personal facts, historical facts, scientific facts and universal facts. Considering the personal facts, which are the most vulnerable to the attack of personal wishes and almost every time people try and manipulate the facts because the facts affect them the most. Next in the scale lies the historical facts which affects a group , a community, a nation . So ,they are also vulnerable to the attack. And finally comes the scientific and universal facts, since they don’t affect the people directly. So , people least try to manipulate these facts.

As far as the stubbornness of the facts is concerned, they are stubborn but only if their base is firm enough to prevent any ambiguity in the inferences drawn from them in order to establish the fact. Or in other words , we can say that stubborn facts resist the formation of ambiguity cloud around them by having a lot of evidences to support themselves. For example considering the laws of sciences like the gravitational law (i.e., fact), its validity is based on the observations which nobody can prove but also nobody can deny. Then also it forms the base of many other facts, and since it provides a substantial base for all of them, its considered a universal fact. Now considering the most general and personal fact about life “Everything that is born undergoes growth and that has to die”, this is also based on the wide range of observations and covers the maximum range of variations, but since people are affected directly by it. So, they try to change it by means of worshiping and by many other means but it still remains as it is i.e., stubborn.

Now consider the region of ambiguity to be very dense which allows us to infer the observations in a way that could help our motives. This may be because of insufficient data or early inclinations leading to wrong path being followed out of the ambiguity. In day to day happenings, most of the facts lie in this region with a lot of exceptions and a lot of variations. Consider a scene of court where many evidences and thoughts are tabled and each party tries to infer the evidences in a contradictory manner so as to establish a fact that might be the truth or might not be. But, since the facts are the proven reality, hence the definition itself allows the facts to swing between the truth and the posed truth. Here a lot also depends on the system of proof, the personal inclinations of the members of the jury, and also on the way the lawyer is able to convince the jury members. For example the court may follow a system in which the burden of proof may lie on the shoulders of the prosecutor or it may lie with the convicted, obviously the side bearing the burden of proof has to drag the facts out of ambiguity in order to turn the case their way. The genuine side may loose due to the lack of evidences or a plenty of false evidences made whose presence overshadowed the real once. Thus we could clearly see that the presence of ambiguity obstructing the site of some foul going on wherein a part of truth is plucked and is claimed to the complete fact i.e., the manipulation of facts.


Finally we could say that like life, the facts also traverse a long way during establishment, to the stage where the may be termed as stubborn but in the progress they are very vulnerable to the inclinations and can be molded in a very wrong manner. Thus, facts are stubborn but at the same time they are also docile.

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hi, abhideodhar,


First, the topic was not written out completely. Wait, could that be the topic?


Second, i think you are posting in the wrong section. This section is for GRE ISSUE NO 176 and its replies. Read Erins instructions on how to post essays here...http://www.TestMagic.com/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=1668


This way, your essay will be reviewed quicly.


bye bye bye.


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hi, abhideodhar,


First, the topic was not written out completely. Wait, could that be the topic?


Second, i think you are posting in the wrong section. This section is for GRE ISSUE NO 176 and its replies. Read Erins instructions on how to post essays here...http://www.TestMagic.com/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=1668


This way, your essay will be reviewed quicly.


bye bye bye.


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  • 5 months later...


"The function of science is to reassure; the purpose of art is to upset. Therein lies the value of each."


The purpose of science is to rationalize all phenomenons. Why things occur, how do they happen, when they occur? The logic, the reason behind everything is science. Everything around has a reason and science reassures us about it. How are body works? Why the heartbeats, why the blood flows, how we see, hear, feel, smell and taste? Why we resemble our forefathers? All these puzzles have been solved by science. Why does it rain, why do we have earthquakes, how volcanoes occur? All these are no longer mysteries and we no longer have to look upon supernatural reasons for their solution. Technology puts to use all that information and uses to capture greater heights. From automobiles to aeroplanes to spacecrafts, from simple remedies for fever to radiotherapy and chemotherapy for cancer to cloning technology helps building on the pegs laid by science.


Creativity is the essence of art. Art builds imaginative scaffolding on pegs of science and technology. It stretches our imagination to the impossible. It creates newer and higher realms for science to achieve. Spacecrafts, journey to moon and mars etcetera were all products of fictional literature, which was composed at a time when it seemed magic or highly impossible. Art constantly urges on the mind to think a step further of reality or science. Art takes us to world of irrationality and science accepts the challenge to rationalize it. Art upsets the routine norms and orthodox customs.


Art also is equally adroit at showing the society it's own reflection. It acts as a mirror in which no hypocrisy can stand unexposed. The criticisms of our day-to-day life make us think over our achievements. What is point finding whether or not there is water on mars when we know hundreds of humans in this world don't have access to potable water. Thus art upsets the pseudo air of assurance which science creates by showcasing the loopholes left.


Thus science and art are two parallels, each carrying out its function with reciprocal benefits. It is one of the best symbioses and must continue so forever.









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Originally posted by surbhi



"The function of science is to reassure; the purpose of art is to upset. Therein lies the value of each."


First para should be to clear ur stand on the issue.dont start discussing form the very beginning


The purpose of science is to rationalize all phenomenons. Why things occur, how do they happen, when they occur? The logic, the reason behind everything is science. Everything around has a reason and science reassures us about it. How are does body works? Why the heartbeats, why the blood flows, how we see, hear, feel, smell and taste? Why we resemble our forefathers? All these puzzles have been solved by science. Why does it rain, why do we have earthquakes, how volcanoes occur?

Arent u trying to write the same thing in one form or another.And there are some spelling and grammar mistakes

All these are no longer mysteries and we no longer have to look upon supernatural reasons for their solution. Technology puts to use all that information and uses to capture greater heights. From automobiles to aeroplanes to spacecrafts, from simple remedies for fever to radiotherapy and chemotherapy for cancer to cloning technology helps building on the pegs laid by science.

[All these things could have been neatly packed up in 3-4 sentences isnt it]

Creativity is the essence of art. Art builds imaginative scaffolding on pegs of science and technology. It stretches our imagination to the impossible. It creates newer and higher realms for science to achieve. Spacecrafts, journey to moon and mars etcetera were all products of fictional literature, which was composed at a time when it seemed magic or highly impossible. Art constantly urges on the mind to think a step further of reality or science. Art takes us to world of irrationality and science accepts the challenge to rationalize it. Art upsets the routine norms and orthodox customs.


Art also is equally adroit at showing the society it's own reflection. It acts as a mirror in which no hypocrisy can stand unexposed. The criticisms of our day-to-day life make us think over our achievements. What is point finding whether or not there is water on mars when we know hundreds of humans in this world don't have access to potable water. Thus art upsets the pseudo air of assurance which science creates by showcasing the loopholes left.

Though a valid point how is it realted to arts.


Thus science and art are two parallels, each carrying out its function with reciprocal benefits. It is one of the best symbioses and must continue so forever.


Well u have got some points to write but try to work on them.Also

there are lot of grammar and syntax errors.Summary is weak.

Content is also not that well developed.


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Well Rukku

IMHO what topic means to say is science resuures in the sense that it tries to provide us with a logic and a reason behind everything.


And while art doesnt this.It's the total imagination of the artist.U cant argues or prove anything abt it.In this sense it may be upsetting.Every now and then there are movies, serials etc or painitngs that seem shocking to people isnt it ?


Any opinions............

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  • 2 weeks later...

176.The purpose of science is to reassure;the purpose of art is to upset.Therein lies the value of each.


The services of science to mankind are numerous,Man cannot imagine to live without Science. In every walk of life,science has played a vital role,in developing ,and enhancing the standards of living ,releasing us from more pain,stress ,to ease and comfort.


It had made travel from one place to another easier ,via motor vehicles,Aeroplanes,Trains and Jets,to travel any where and everywhere in the world,even space have become a familiar place to go,with the advent of rockets and due to developments in Astronomy,the artificial satellites which help in more than one ways .They ofcourse reassures ,by predicting natural calamities like storms ect in future.


Science has made huge progress in communication from the days of sending letters through post to Internet,e-mail and Mobile phoneswhich has kept people connected to each other ,which has improved the efficiency of work in every field.


Scientific advancements in medicine have also been commendable.From the time when many diseases had crude and cruel cures,but science has helped in developing treatments simple and painless .science has assured healthy living.Science has assured comfort and decreased work to a great extent in our daily life,cooking food in microwave owens ,grinders and mixers ,food is better stored in fridges without spoiling for days.Numerous other appliances had made life easier and assured greater satisfaction.


On the other hand Art deals the darker side of the world and its people .As the painting of Piacasso may upset as it reveals the stark reality of mordern mans degeneration,whereas the painting of Van Gogh may strike wonder in us .A novel by Dastoevsky may spin our mind into a dizzy .On other hand works by Homer or Shakespear uplifts noble heights of human dignity.


So, to conclude i perceive that the value of science is in its power of rassurance ,but Arts refines human sensitivity.


i am a new kid on this block ,I requets the Analytical Guru's to correct my Issue and score me on the scale of 6.THANKYOU for your co operation.

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  • 4 weeks later...

176.The purpose of science is to reassure;the purpose of art is to upset.Therein lies the value of each.


Science and art, the two aspects of human civilization, are often regarded as having different effects on human society. Science, characterized by amounts of innovative ideas, convenient inventions, is often considered by people as positive thing, which can make them more confident about human being's power. Whereas, art, often intended to reveal the immorality and evilness of humanity, seems to make people upset. Indeed, science and art as well all have dual effects on society, ether making people reassured, or making people upset.


Science is powerful, as many people think, for it can often bring about lots of convenient inventions and make people get more in-depth understandings on certain phenomena in nature. In ancient times, people were often afraid of the power of nature. For example, thunder, and cyclone or hurricane, and earthquake occurred frequently, which make the human beings to fear, worrying about their lives, thinking that these phenoma were the punishment of the God for their malicious doings. With the development of science, people eventually know that scientific knowledge behind these things and realize that these are ordinary things of nature. Before the time of the invention of electric bulb, people had to live in darkness, without any entermainments to relax their spirits. Now, in night, people often have much choices about how to relax or kill times. What's more, with the development of medicine, some lethal diseases before are no longer serious, for there it is very easy to be cure in hospital. Thereby, people lives are often longer then their ancestors.


However, science cannot always bring out happiness and comfort. Instead, it can also destroy the human beings. The invention of nuclear weapons, the discovery of cloning technology, and so on, all have detrimental effects on society. Nuclear weapons can destroy millions of people's lives in just a few minutes. And clone of human beings will also threat people's privacy for in this world you are no longer unique. Internet technology is another example. While internet connects people around the world together and facilitate the mutual communications, it can also produce many examples of cyber-theft in banks and pornograph, violence can be easily found in cyber space. So, it is dangerous to only realize the positive effects of science.


The case is true in art. Art is defined as the use of imagination and creation in the production of things such as, paintings, sculpture, music, literture, drama, dance, and so on. It's goal is to praise the beautiful aspects of society and disedit the uglyness and immorality of human beings. Throught novels or paintings, movies or other forms of arts, people are able to realize the evilness of certain human actions and thoughts and feel upset about ourselves. However, art can also make people gain much self-confidence, just as science does. For example, in the drama of Shakespeare's "Hamlet", we could realize the power of people's morality. It is Hamlet's sense of morality that the revenge was carried out. Some novels intended to praise the well-beings of human ethics can also make people confident. So, it is not reasonable to say simply that art makes peopel upset.


In sum, both science and art have dual effets on human beings. They can bring us comport, confidence. And also, they can make people upset. We should realize the both side of the coin and should not simply say that science makes people reassured while art makes people upset.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Thanks for helping me :)


The function of science is to reassure; but the purpose of art is usually not to upset. If art equals dastruction, then all the artist would be evil; the fact, however, is usually the opposite one; art is constructive in many6 cases. When we considered the relationship between art and science, we will find out the power that science bestow art products, and the attractiveness that art improved science.


Firstly, someone may misunderstand arts by some artists' special way of expression. Art, however, is not always destructive, but usually constructive; the art of archetecture is an excellent instance. The Hong Kong And Shanghai Bank building in Hong Kong is a famous structure in Asia; the building is drawn on every Hong Kong's one hundred dollar note. Although the archetecture of the building is very beautiful and complicated, the purpose of its appearance is not only for attractiveness but also saving energy; every window around the building was built to reflect light rays into the buildings, and thus save the amount of electricity. It is how art and science work together to imprvoe people's life.


Secondly, as the purpose of art is to express one's mind, art usually combines with science to allow more people understand the meaning of art. With a scientific way of expression, a piece of art can be more effective and attractive. I am learning photography; but I did not know how to apprectiate photos before. After I knew the basic structure of photos depends on some concise knowledge, I understand how to produce good products by putting the focus on equally on both sides of the photos; and I knew the side effects of facing an object toward the wrong direction of light. Photography is a good example of how science assists art production; as science helps artist to express their idea more effectively, artist can introducte their ideas to the new learners easier, and can share their concepts in a strucutral way.


On the other hand, art expands applications of science. Science, which consists mainly abstract idea, can be tedious and boring. Art, however, usually gives impulses to science, and help scientists attract more people to understand their fields. For instance, movie is a combination of science and art. I were attracted by the animation in "The Antz"; the gestures, the actions, and even the personality were expressed clearly in the animation, it were impossible to make the movie without the help of the powerful computer calculation. Also, many people were attracted by the falling feather at the beginning of "The Forrest Gump", it were also a very complicated 3D technique. Some fields of science, without art, may not be able to attract audience; there would be few people understoodd 3D technology if there were no movie.


In sum, art is not always destrcutive, as it can help people improve life. Art and science are not mutual exclusive, they are not existing in opposite position. They usually cooperate with each other to imprvoe the quality of their own.

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The purpose of science is to reassure;the purpose of art is to upset.Therein lies the value of each.



Science concern mainly about intellect and logic while art concern mainly about emotion and imagination. The purpose and value of science is to reassure: It provide us a clear and reasonable explanation of the nature and the cociety. It teach us the skills of deduction and induction to explore the relations of things around us. Meanwhile, the purpose and value of art is to upset: When we appreciate great works of paintings , music or literature, art drive us to think, to suspect, to love, to worship, to hate, and so on. It arouse our imagination which trap us into endless inpulses and desire.


Science and art reflect the two edge of people's mind. When we see a beatiful flower as a botanist, we are more interest about its classification, the longevity of the plant, the structure of its petals and so on. But a painter, he only concern about the beauty the flower show us. He cherish its color and shape and the total asmosphere around the plant. When we record a battle happend 800 years ago, the historian mention the economic purspose of the two armies, the weapon they equiped, the life deeds of the commanders, the historical meaning of the battle in human history.`As for a litterateur, he care about the cruels scene of the battle, the hatre in the hearts of soldiers. Suppose we stand before a palatial building, as a archetect, he mainly pay attention to the style, the land, and how to make it fitful to the environment. While a engineer, he will concer if the design can come into practice, its mechanism and force analysis and so on. Obviously, the angles science and art regard the universe if different: scientist care about the data, the inner rules and laws, and the logic relation where artist try to evoke our complex emotion and provide a way tell us what is beauty.


Admittedly, the bounds of science and art can not be divided so distinct and rigid. First, most of product of people's mind and activity are synthesis of human's science and art. For example, mathematical formulas, they reflect and abstract various phenomena into a simple equation. It is not only the delegate of human intellect and logic, but present a kind of beauty: concision, austery in the surface and profundity inside. The pure mathematical world is also a world of art. It , like a garden, also has its flowers, its grass, its trees , flourish and charming. Another example is buildings. Archetecture is so called still music. Famous archetecture, such as the Great Wall in China ,is the base where people show their abundant emotion. When we stand before the Great Wall, we are astonished by its grandness ,majesty and its unimaginable length. We suspect how can ancient people without modern machines can built it? We worship the wisdom and industrious of them. We get great shock at the hamony of the Great Wall and the mountain under the foot of it. At the same time, historians and engineer pay more attention about the military value of the wall, the cost and the social influence of the buiding, the material used for the wall. Any building is the mix of science and art. Beauty and intellect can not separated within the buildings. Second, intellect and logic are also need in art while emotion and imagination are uesful in science. For example, when we paint, we need the knowledge of mix of color, the perspective and the sturcture of human body. Another example is abundant imagination is very useful in scientific explore. Some famous scientist claim that imagination is the most valuable quality a outstanding scientist should possess. Any great invention and discover is the outcome of imagination.



In sume, the purpose of science is to reassure and the purpose of art is to upset.Therein lies the value of each and they convoluted as a orgainc whole contribute to our endless progress of human mind.

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176.The purpose of science is to reassure; the purpose of art is to upset. Therein lies the value of each.



The issue states that the function of science is to reassure and the function of art is to upset, and moreover it determines their respective values. As per my opinion, both science and art acts in duel ways. The purpose of science can be acted as reassuring as well as upsetting for few cases; the same way art can be upsetting or reassuring.



While mentioning about science, we all will agree that advances in sciences have enhanced our physical well-being, comfort and life span. It is performing the function of reassuring the human about real facts in life. Previously, everyone is unaware about things like how our body works? How our brain and, nose and, ears functions? And many more curious questions like that. Science has given us satisfactory answers to all these questions. Moreover, our life is reassured from many fatal diseases due to achievements in medical sciences. We are now able to fight with disastrous disease like cancer. Thus, science has made our life simpler, comfortable and reassuring by intensifying development in fields like medical sciences, transportation, and communication.



Although, many technologies marvels that are part and parcel of our lives today are the result of extraordinary efforts of our scientists, it carries along with it some drawbacks also. The Internet media, which has many advantages like connecting whole world together, causing threat of e-thrift, the threat of damaging the whole pc network through virus and, stealing of credit card numbers and important information like that. It is through scientific achievements, that chemicals in our food, water and air increase the incidence and variety of cancers. Additionally, our very existence as species is jeopardized by the threat of nuclear warfare and at the same time the threat of depleting ozone layer thereby heating the earth’s surface is upsetting the human kind.



Now, consider the issue of art, it is undeniable that artistic achievements are needed to make nation a better place for humans overall. Art provides inspiration, lifts up human spirit, and incites our creativity and imagination. All of these spur us on to greater accomplishments and help us appreciate our own humanity. In many cases, artists make us reassured rather than upset. Consider the frescoes of Fra Angelico and others monks and nuns of medieval period, who sought primarily through their representations of Madonna and Child to reassure and be reassured about the messages of Christian redemption and salvation. Undoubtedly, these beautiful pictures will never upset the viewer but support him to grant piece of mind.



Furthermore, in some cases, art can be proved upsetting. For example, the painters and sculptors of the Renaissance period, like the artists who preceded them, approached their art as a form of worship. Yet Renaissance art focuses on other Christian images and themes, especially those involving crucifixion and apocalyptic notions of judgment and damnation, which are really upsetting and disconcerting and clearly not reassuring. Moreover, the paintings that depicts the truth of poverty, cruelty and gloominess makes the viewer upset.



In sum, when it comes to the function and value of art and science, both serve in some cases to reassure and in other cases to upset. Thus, causing dual effect in human life.




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Hi Sonali,


well your organization and examples are fabulous.


Check the Grammatic mistake in the Para 1

The purpose of science can be acted as ( "BY" would be nice here ) reassuring as well as upsetting for few cases; the same way art can be upsetting or reassuring.


Somehow,i am not in complete accordance with your statement in Para5.


Moreover, the paintings that depicts the truth of poverty, cruelty and gloominess makes the viewer upset.


Is this what internally conveied by UPSET, given in the issue.


In my openion, UPSET conveys the bad effects caused by SUBJECT

( either the science or art )




Krishna Reddy :spidey:


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  • 5 months later...

176. "The function of science is to reassure; the purpose of art is to upset.

Therein lies the value of each."


The speaker asserts that the function of science is to reassure and the

purpose of art is to upset. I would assume later in this essay that by

"function" the speaker means "purpose" or "aim" in accordance with the later

statement. Under this assumption, I agree partly with the assertion. In other

words, Although I agree with the first statement, I cannot agree with the

second statement because the upset by art is not a purpose itself but the

only side effect of it.


First, the first statement is saying that the purpose of science is to

reassure something. "Reassure" is to say or do something that makes somebody

less frightened or worried and science makes it successfully through the

explaination of it. Thus, a person can say that science has its own value

, "Reassuring".


Second, the second statement says that the purpose of art is to upset.

Few people agree with this statement because all arts do not give people the

upset. For instance, there are many works showing plain and understandable

beauty at the museum around us. In addition, the true purpose of art is said

to be in the pursuit of beauty. The upsets by some works can be just said to

be a kind of side effects. Since all arts never have its aim to upset people

and it is never the intention of artist, any person can not say like that.

For example, the works of Picasso are not supposed to give people upset. They

are just the expression of Picasso's idea, but some person who appreciate

them have some messes. It is not Picasso's intention but just side effect.


In conclusion, the first statement of the speaker that "the function of

science is to reassure" is reasonable. However, the second statement that

"the purpose of art is to upset" is not seem to be correct. The purpose of

art is not upset but the pursuit of the beauty and the statement that "upset

is the only side effect of it" is correct. But the third statement that

"therein lies the value of each" is correct because both science and art have

their each purpose.

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"The function of science is to reassure; the purpose of art is to upset.

Therein lies the value of each."



I agree that purpose of science is to reassure the things.But science and art are parallel to each other.If the function of art is to upset in some cases the function of science is also to upset.

Science and art form the same sphere of knowledge.

Technology has improved a lot since last few decades.In the early stages of life lightening ,storm ,earthquakes were mysteries for men.In fact there was misunderstanding that this is the curse of there misdeeds.And God is punishing them for there vicious act.But science has proved with the scientific explanation that the reason behind this disasters is not the curse of God but it is sudden environmental changes which results in storms,flood.

Today I am sitting in front of computer and writing this essay.Thousand of students all over the world can view my essay as soon as I post it.Who is behind this?Is there any supernatural power behind this ?Nopes.This is the power of science.

But there are always two sides of coin.the value of science gets currupted once it starts threatening to our lives.When Hiroshima and Nagasaki were destroyed by first nuclear weapons in warfare.After 50 years still people are suffering from the effect.That distruction tells that in this Nuclear society never take wrong way.

On the other hand art is recreation of mind.All forms of art including music, dance, literature, and painting are designed to give life to the spirit to human mankind. Even businessman,scientist attend the art of living classes to enliven there spirit.

Sometimes, the creative mind of the painter can portray emotions and feelings that lighten the spirit.

Finally considering these,I can conclude that the function of science is definately assure but art is also created for recreation.

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