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list of words that i made


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odium- odious, aversion

alias-a false name

tiff- a minor quarrel

swindle- To cheat or defraud of money or property.

Prevalent- widespread or common

Revive- to bring back to life

embellishment - a superfluous ornament

thrive- to grow strongly and vigorously

lambaste - beat with a cane

extol- to praise lavishly

precarious- dangerous or insecure

repugnant- Arousing disgust or aversion; offensive or repulsive

emaciate- To make or become extremely thin, especially as a result of starvation

Exanimate - Lifeless; dead.

Rile - to annoy or anger

Augmented - added to or made greater in amount or number or strength

Lacerated - To cause deep emotional pain to; distress.; irregularly slashed and jagged as if torn; "lacerate leaves"

Graze - To scrape or touch something lightly in passing;brush

Stultify - to dull (the mind) by boring routine

Turncoat - a disloyal person who betrays or deserts his cause or religion or political party or friend e; apostate

Fastidiousness - Difficult to please; exacting; meticulous

Insidious- working in a subtle or apparently harmless way, but nevertheless dangerous or deadly

Unbridled- not restrained or controlled in any way

Rudimentary- Being in the earliest stages of development; incipient.

Drivel- foolish talk

Feasible-able to be done

Niggardly- not generous

cliche - a trite or obvious remark

impotent- Lacking physical strength or vigor; weak.

alienate- to cause a friend to become unfriendly or hostile

obsolete- No longer in use

contemplate- To look at attentively and thoughtfully


stark- harsh, unpleasant, and plain

stiff- Difficult to bend; rigid.

simulated - not genuine or real

discern- To perceive differences.

uxorious - foolishly fond of or submissive to your wife

flaccid- Lacking firmness, resilience, or muscle tone.

Tantamount - being essentially equal to something

discomfit- to defeat in battle, embarrass,

Blush- to feel embarrass

Invincible- Incapable of being overcome or defeated; unconquerable.

Impervious- cannot be destroyed

Quandary- A state of uncertainty or perplexity.

Substantiation- To support with proof or evidence; verify

Endow- to provide with a source of permanent income, esp. by leaving money in a will

Rebus- representation of words by symbols

Irate- extremely angry

Peroration- the concluding part of a speech which sums up the points made previously



Entrench- to fix or establish firmly

Intercede- To act as mediator in a dispute

Garbled- jumbled and confused

Eavesdrop- To listen secretly to the private conversation of others.

Pliable- Easily bent or shaped;limber

Insipid- dull and boring ; lacking flavor


Minion- a slave-like follower or employee.

Petitioner- one praying humbly for something; "a suppliant for her favors

RATIOCINATION-the process of logical reasoning or rational thought

Vista- a wide range of possibilities or future events

Camouflage- Concealment by disguise or protective coloring.

Ingratiating- Pleasing; agreeable

Truce- a temporary agreement to stop fighting or quarrelling

calcify - to change into a hard, stony condition, petrify

unflappable- not easily upset

Pellucid- extremely clear in style and meaning

Venial- Easily excused or forgiven

Gist- the main point or meaning of something:

Levy- the imposition and collection of taxes, tariffs, or fines

Nebulous-Cloudy, misty, or hazy

Caveat-To qualify with a warning or clarification

Glib - Showing little thought, preparation, or concern

Profundity - Great depth

Transitory -fleeting

Capricious -unpredictable

Trite - commonplace and unoriginal

Flippancy-Talkative; voluble.; Marked by disrespectful levity or casualness

Gravity -seriousness or importance

Lassitude -physical or mental weariness

Lofty - of majestic or imposing height

Diatribe- harsh denunciation


Blatant-Unpleasantly loud and noisy; Totally or offensively conspicuous or obtrusive

Truncate-To shorten by or as if by cutting off

Leaden-Listless; sluggish.


Precariousness - Dangerously lacking in security or stability

Quiescence- Being quiet, still, or at rest; inactive

Flannel - a small piece of towelling cloth used to wash the face

Apulia-region in southeastern Italy on the Adriatic

Manna –Something of value that a person receives unexpectedly

Assiduous -Hardworking

Quash-To put down or suppress forcibly and completely

Vindicate -to clear (someone) of guilt or suspicion

Obdurate -ntractable

Jargon-Nonsensical, incoherent, or meaningless talk.

Luculent-Easily understood; clear or lucid.

Malaise -a vague feeling of unease, illness, or depression

Illicit - same as illegal

Engrossed-To occupy exclusively; absorb

Vehement- Marked by or full of vigor or energy; strong

Lament- To regret deeply; deplore

Theocracy- government by a god or by priests

Manure- animal waste used as fertilizers

Wastrel- One who wastes, especially one who wastes money; a profligate

Sophism- A plausible but fallacious argument.

Conundrum- a puzzling question or problem

Quixotic- unrealistically optimistic or chivalrousscant- Barely sufficient

Profuse- abundant

Refute-to prove (a statement or theory) to be false or incorrect

Aloof- Distant physically or emotionally; reserved and remote

Ruminative -To reflect on over and over again.

Intangible -Incapable of being perceived by the senses

Teeter -To alternate, as between opposing attitudes or positions; vacillate.


Hoary-So old as to inspire veneration; ancient


Endow -To provide with property, income, or a source of income.lugubrious- mournful, excessively sad

Immaterial- of no relevance

Pilfer- Steal

Esteem- To regard with respect; prize

Solicitous- Anxious or concerned

Ligneous- of or like wood

Osseous- consisting of or like bone

Litigant- a person involved in a lawsuit

Ordeal- A difficult or painful experience

Incursion- a sudden or brief invasion

Sedulous- diligent or painstaking

Lampoon – satire

Jabber- to speak very quickly and excitedly; chatter

Gruffness-a throaty harshness

Hearsay -gossip or rumour

Recidivism - habitual relapse into crime

Quagmire- Land with a soft muddy surface; A difficult or precarious situation

Proselytize-To induce someone to convert to one's own religious faith

Priggish- A person who demonstrates an exaggerated conformity or propriety

Peregrination - To journey or travel from place to place, especially on foot.

Facet- A small, smooth, flat surface, as on a bone or tooth.

Cortege- a funeral procession

Saunter- to walk in a leisurely manner; stroll

Canyon - a deep narrow steep-sided valley

Gully - deep ditch cut by running watste

Dolorous- showing sorrow

Fledgling- new or inexperience

Shrewd- sharp, quick to notice, astute

Dolt- dunce, stupid person, oaf

Senility-old age

Repugnance- extreme aversion

Condign- adequate

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