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toefl word list


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hallo everyone,

here is list of important words for toefl..

i got it on this website only...it was possted by someone.

i think this will be helful for u too...







1. ABANDON v. to give up something; desert; forsake.

2. ABASE v. to humiliate; degrade; lower.

3. ABATE v. to lessen subside; decrease.

4. ABDICATE v. to give up power; relinquish responsibility.

5. ABET v. to encourage a crone; to incite.

6. ABHOR v. to hate; loathe; detest; shun

7. ABHORRENT adj. disgusting; repugnant; repellent

8. ABILITY n. the capacity to do something; skill; competence.

9. ABJECT adj. wretched; miserable; base.

10. ABRIDGE v. to condense; shorten.

11. ABRUPT adj unexpectedly sudden; discontinuous; curt; brusque.

12. ABSOLUTE adj unlimited; perfect; not to be doubted

13. ABSOLVE v. to pardon; release from an obligation.

14. ABSORBED adj preoccupied; engrossed; assimilated.

1S. ABSTAIN v. to refrain from doing something; hold back

16. ABSTRACT adj theoretical; not concrete; non-representational

17. ABSURD adj. contrary to common sense; ridiculous; foolish; farcical

18. ABUNDANT adj. plentiful; more than sufficient; copious.

19. ABYSMAL adj. immeasurably deep or bad; extreme.

20. ABYSS n. a bottomless pit; immeasurable depth; chasm

21 ACCELERATE v. to speed up; cause to happen more quickly.

22 ACCENTUATE v. to emphasize; stress; accent

23. ACCESSIBLE adj. approachable; open to outsiders.

24. ACCESSORY n. a supplement; added part; aider of a crime.

25. ACCIDENTAL adj. occurring unexpectedly or by chance.

26. ACCLAIM v. to applaud; proclaim with app royal; praise

27. ACCOMMODATION n. an adaptation; compromise; lodging.

28. ACCOMPLICE n. a partner in a crime; an accessory.

29. ACCOUNTABLE adj. answerable; responsible; liable.

30. ACCUMULATE v. to coiled; amass; increase in amount

31. ACCURATE adj. correct; true

32. ACKNOWLEDGE v to admit the truth of; recognize; certify.

33. ACQUAINTANCE n. someone known slightly; personal knowledge

34. ACQUIESCE v. to passively comply; consent; submit

35. ACROBATICS n. gymnastics; tumbling; a show of agility~

36. ACRONYM n. a word formed from the initial letters of a name.

37. ACTIVITY n. movement; an event or function~

38. ACUTE adj perceptive; sharp.

39. ADAMANT adj unyielding; inflexible; firm

40. ADAPTATION n. an alteration; change; adjustment; modification

41. ADDITIONAL adj. added; extra; supplemental

42. ADEPT adj highly skilled; proficient; capable.

43. ADEQUATE adj. sufficient; suitable; barely satisfactory.

44. ADJACENT adj. close to; next to; adjoining.

45. ADJUSTABLE adj. adaptable; conformable; moveable.

46. ADMINISTER v. to direct; manage; be in charge of

47. ADMIRE v. to esteem; respect; approve.

48. ADMONISH v. to counsel against; wane; caution; reprove.

49. ADOPT v. to take in a child or idea as one’s own.

50. ADORE v. to revere; worship; love.

51. ADROIT adj. skillful; dexterous; adept

52. ADULATION n. excessive praise.

53. ADVENTURESOME adj. inclined to take risks; daring.

54. ADVERSARY n. opponent; enemy.

55. ADVISORY adj. consultative; giving advice.

56. ADVOCATE v. to recommend; support; plead in favor of

57. AESTHETIC/ESTHETIC adj. concerning beauty or taste; artistic.

58. AFFINITY n. attraction; kinship.

59. AFFLICT v. to torment; cause to suffer; distress.

60. AFFLICTION n. pain; suffering; a cause of suffering or distress.

61. AFFLUENT adj. wealthy; rich; opulent; abundant 62. AFFRONT n. an insult

63. AGGRANDIZE v. to enlarge

64. AGGRAVATE v. to make worse; annoy; intensify

65. AGGREGATE n. an assemblage; total amount

66. AGORESSIVE adj. hostile; vigorous; assertive; militant.

67. AGILITY n. nimbleness; quickness

68. AGITATE v. to excite; arouse interest in; upset

69. AGRARIAN adj. pertaining to the land; agricultural; rural

70. AGREEABLE adj. pleasing; comfortable; consenting; amiable

71. AILMENT n. an illness; a physical or menial disorder.

72. AJAR adj. partly open; not harmonious

73. AKIN adj. related; similar; analogous

74. ALERT adj. attentive; watchful; mentally responsive.

75. ALIEN adj. foreign; different; strange.

76. ALIENATE v. to turn away from, estrange; repel; make unfriendly.

77. ALLAY v. to calm reduce the intensity of

78. ALLEVIATE v. to relieve; lessen.

79. ALLOCATE v. to apportion; assign; set aside

8O. ALLOWANCE n. an allotment or provision; margin; acceptance

81. ALLUDE v. to refer to indirectly.

82. ALLURING adj. enticing; tempting; charming.

83. ALOOF adj. reserved; indifferent; distant

84. ALTER v. to change; modify; adjust

85. ALTERCATION n. noisy quarrel; vehement dispute.

86. ALTERNATE v. to take turns or switch off interchange regularly.

87. ALTERNATIVE n. a choice; another possibility.

88. AMASS v. to collect; gather; accumulate.

89. AMATEUR n. a nonprofessiona1; unskilled person.

90. AMAZE v. to surprise; astonish; fill with wonder.

91. AMBIENCE/AMBIANCE n. surrounding atmosphere.

92. AMBIGUOUS adj. unclear; open to different interpretations; vague.

93. AMBITION n. desire for power or distinction; aspiration.

94. AMBIVALENCE n. having mixed feelings; indecision.

95. AMBLE v. to walk leisurely.

96. AMENABLE adj. tradable; submissive; obedient

97. AMICABLE adj. friendly.

98. AMNESIA n. loss of memory from injury or illness.

99. AMORPHOUS adj. shapeless~

100. AMPLE adj. abundant; large; sufficient; plenty.

101. AMPLIFY v. to enlarge; make more important; exaggerate.

102. AMUSING adj. entertaining; pleasing; humorous; facetious.

103. ANALOGOUS adj. similar; corresponding; comparable.

104. ANARCHY n. absence of government

105. ANCESTOR n. someone you are descended from, forefather.

106. ANCIENT adj. very old; existing long ago.

107. ANCILLARY adj. subordinate; auxiliary.

108. ANGUISH n. extreme pain; torment; regret

109. ANIMOSITY n. hatred; enmity

110. ANNEX v. to take control of

111. ANNOUNCE v. to proclaim, give notice of, declare.

112. ANOMALOUS adj. irregular; abnormal

113. ANTAGONISTIC adj. hostile; adverse; opposed

114. ANTECEDE v. logo before; precede.

115. ANTICIPATE v. to expect; foresee; realize ahead of time

116. ANTIQUATED adj. old-fashioned; outmoded.

117. ANTITHESIS n. direct opposite.

118. ANXIOUS adj. worried; uneasy; eager.

119. APATHY n. indifference; lack of emotion.

120. APERTURE n. an opening; orifice

121. APPALLING adj. horrifying; frightful; shocking.

122. APPEAL v. to request urgently; be attractive or interesting.

123. APPEASE v. to placate; soothe; pacify

124. APPEND v. to add as a supplement; attach.

125. APPLAUD v. to clap; express approval; praise.

126. APPOINTMENT n. a position or assignment; arranged meeting; rendezvous.

127. APPRAISAL n. an estimate of value; an evaluation, assessment

128. APPREHENSION n. dread; understanding.

129. APPRISE v. to inform

130. APPROPRIATE adj. suitable; proper; fitting.

131. APPROXIMATELY adv. nearly; almost; about

132. AQUEOUS adj. watery; formed by water.

133. ARBITRARY adj. determined by whim; despotic.

134. ARBITRATE v. to judge; decide a dispute.

135. ARCHAIC adj. no longer in use; antiquated

136. ARCHETYPE n. original model; prototype.

137. ARCHIVES n. repository for records; public records, historical documents.

138. ARDENT adj. intense; fervent; zealous; passionate&

139. ARDUOUS adj. strenuous; wearisome; difficult

140. ARGUMENTATIVE adj. disposed to agree; disputatious; contentious.

141. ARID .adj. dry; lacking moisture; lifeless; uninteresting.

142. AROMA n. a fragrance; agreeable odor.

143. AROUSE v. to excite; awaken; stimulate; provoke; kindle.

144. ARRANGE v. to put in order; settle; plan

145. ARREST v. to take to jail; to seize; stop; prevent

146. ARROGANT adj. overly proud; haughty.

147. ARTICLE n. a separate item; a non-fictional literary piece.

148. ARTICULATE adj. able to speak; dearly and distinctly expressed

149. ARTIST n. someone who creates art or beautiful things.

150. ASCENDANT adj. rising; dominant

151. ASCRIBE v. to attribute; assign.

152. ASHAMED adj. feeling guilt or shame

153. ASPIRATION n. ambition; desire; an ambitious goal; yearning.

154. ASSAULT v. to attack; abuse.

155. ASSEMBLE v. bring together; congregate; gather; fit together.

156. ASSENT v. to approve; concur; express agreement

157. ASSERT v. to declare; affirm; express oneself firmly.

158. ASSET n. something advantageous or valuable

159. ASSIMILATE v. to absorb; take in; incorporate; adapt.

160. ASSISTANT n. one that assist; a helper; aide.

161. ASSOCIATE v. to link together; join in a relationship.

162. ASSORTMENT n. a collection of varied things; diversified group.

163. ASSUAGE v. to ease; pacify; relieve; lessen; soothe.

164. ASSURE v. to give confidence to; convince; to make certain.

165. ASTOUND v. to astonish; amaze; surprise.

166. ASTRAY adv. away from the proper path; wrong.

167. ASTUTE adj. keen; shrewd

168. ATHEISM n. denial of the existence of God

169. ATMOSPHERE n. the air; the surrounding environment or mood

170. ATROPHY v. to waste away.

171. ATTEMPT v. to make an effort; try; undertake.

172. ARREST v. to affirm; to testify on behalf of

173. ATTRACTION n. something that attracts; charm; allure.

174. AUDACIOUS adj. bold reckless

175. AUDIBLE adj capable of being heard

176. AUDIENCE n. spectators; those who rea4 see or hear a work.

177. AUGMENT v. to increase; make larger.

178. AUGUST adj. awe inspiring; imposing.

179. AUSTERE adj. severe; morally strict; simple and unadorned.

180. AUTHORIZE v. to give legal power; to approve; sanction

181. AUTOCRAT n. domineering person; despot

182. AUTOMATIC adj. following naturally; habitual; self-moving

183. AUTONOMOUS adj. independent; self-contained; self-governing.

184. AVARICE n. greed; cupidity.

185. AVERSION n. intense dislike; repulsion.

186. AVID adj. eager; enthusiastic

187. AVOW v. to confess; declare openly.

188. AWE n. wonder or admiration mixed with fear.

189. AWFUL adj. extremely bad or unpleasant; terrible; appalling.

190. AWKWARD adj. clumsy; ungraceful; embarrassing.

191. AXIOM n. maxim; universal truth






192. BACKWARD .adj. turned toward the back; reversed; out of date.

193. BADGER v. to harass; pester; heckle.

194. BAFFLE v. to frustrate; impede; confuse; perplex

195. BAN v. to forbid; prohibit, censure; disallow.

196. BARAL adj. commonplace; drearily predictable.

197. BANQUET n. a ceremonial dinner; elaborate feast.

198. BARBARITY n. cruelty; brutality; crudeness; coarseness.

199. BARRICADE n. a barrier; obstruction; mock; bulwark

200. BASE adj. low an rank; inferior; mean.

201. BASHFUL adj. shy; self-conscious; diffident.

202. BECKON v. to signal to come forward; attract; entice.

203. BEFRIEND v. to act as a friend; to assist; aid

204. BEGUILE v. to delude; amuse.

205. BEHAVIOR n. how one acts; demeanor; deportment.

206. BELATED adj. coming late; tardy.

207. BELITTLE v. to make lower or unimportant; demean.

208. BELLICOSE adj. warlike; pugnacious

209. BELLIGERENT adj. quarrelsome; bellicose; at war.

210. BELLOW n. loud utterance or noise; a roar; shout.

211. BELONGINGS n. personal possessions; things you own; effects

212. BEMUSED adj. engrossed; lost in thought; confused

213. BENEFICIAL adj. advantageous; profitable; helpful

214. BENEFICIARY n. one who receives a benefit; a recipient

215. BENEVOLENT adj. kindly; generous; charitable.

216. BENIGN adj. favorable; gentle; kind

217. BEQUEATH v. to hand down; bestow in a will

218. BERATE v. rebuke; scold

219. BESTIAL adj. savage; brutal

220. BESTOW v. to give; confer upon.

221. BEVERAGE n. a drink; any drinkable liquid

222. BEWILDER v. to confuse; perplex, puzzle

223. BICKER v. to squabble; argue; quarrel

224. BIOGRAPHY n. the life history of a person.

225. BITTER adj. unpleasant tasting; harsh; disagreeable; cruel; acrimonious.

226. BLAME v. to charge with a fault; assign responsibility.

227. BLASPHEMY n. a profanity; irreverent remark~

228. BLATANT adj. offensively loud; conspicuous; obvious.

229. BLEAK adj. desolate; barren; cold and harsh; dreary

230. BLEND v. to mix; combine together; unite.

231. BLIZZARD n. a heavy and violent snowstorm

232. BLOCK v. to obstruct; stop; impede

233. BLUNDER n. a stupid mistake; foolish act

234. BLUSH v. to turn red from embarrassment or modesty.

235. BOGUS adj. fake; counterfeit

236. BOLSTER v. to support; prop up; reinforce.

237. BORDER n. a boundary; dividing line; edge.

238. BOULDER n. a large stone

239. BOUNDARY n. a border; limit; dividing line.

240. BRAWL n. alight; noisy quarrel; fracas.

241. BREATHTAKING adj. inspiring awe; exciting; astonishing.

242. BREVITY n. briefness; conciseness; shortness.

243. BRIBE n something given illegally for a favor.

244. BRISK adj. quick; lively; energetic; invigorating.

245. BRITTLE adj fragile; easily broken; crisp.

246. BROCHURE n. a pamphlet; booklet

247. BRUSQUE adj. abrupt

248. BRUTAL adj. crud; harsh; crude; bestial

249. BUDGET n. an assignment of expenses; a monetary plan

250. BUFFOON n. clown; jester.

251. BULLY n. one who intimidates the less powerful

252. BURLY adj. big and muscular; husky; brawny; strong.

253. BUSTLING adj. busy; energetic; full of commotion and activity.




254. CAJOLE v. to coax, persuade using flattery.

255. CALAMITY n. a disaster; distress.

256. CALLOUS adj. hardened; insensitive; unfeeling.

257. CAMOUFLAGE n. a means of concealing; a disguise.

258. CANCEL v. to nullify; erase; annul; make invalid

259. CAPITULATE v. to surrender; give up.

260. CAPTIVATE v. to fascinate; charm; enrapture.

261. CAPTIVE n. a prisoner; one who is captured

262. CARCASS n. the dead body of an animal; lifeless remains.

263. CAREFREE adj. without worry or responsibilities; untroubled

264. CARELESS adj. not careful; negligent; inattentive; reckless; heedless.

265. CARESS v. to touch affectionately; stroke tenderly.

266. CARICATURE n. an exaggerated representation; comic depiction

267. CARNAGE n. massacre; massive slaughter.

268. CARVE v. to cut; slice; divide

269. CASTIGATE v. to punish; chastise; severely criticize.

270. CATACLYSM n. a violent upheaval; disaster; catastrophe.

271. CATASTROPHE n. a disaster; calamity; cataclysm

272. CAUTIOUS adj. careful; showing caution; wary.

273. CEASE v. to stop; discontinue; come to an end

274. CELEBRATE v. to observe with a ceremony; rejoice; praise.

275. CENSURE v. to criticize severely.

276. CENTURY n. a period of one hundred years.

277. CESSATION n. discontinuance; stopping.

278. CHAGRIN n. embarrassment; disappointment

279. CHANCE n. an accident; risk; opportunity; unexpected event; hazard

280. CHAOS n. complete confusion; disorder.

281. CHARLATAN n. an impostor; quack.

282. CHART v. to make a map of; plan in detail; record

283. CHASM n. a deep crack; gap; abyss; wide divergence; gorge

284. CHASTE adj. morally pure; decen4 virtuous; unadorned

285. CHASTISE v. to punish; severely criticize.

286. CHILLY adj. cold; shivering; distant; unfriendly.

287. CHORE n. a minor job; unpleasant duty; routine task

288. CHRONIC adj. continual; constant; prolonged

289. CHUCKLE v. to laugh softly; cluck with amusement

290. CIRCUMSPECT adj. watchful; prudent; careful

291. CIRCUMVENT v. to avoid; outwit.

292. CITE v. to quote; refer to; mention; use as support

293. CIVILITY n. politeness.

294. CLAMOROUS adj. noisy; loud; boisterous.

295. CLANDESTINE adj. secret; covert

296. CLAP v. to strike hands together; to applaud

297. CLARITY n. dearness; lucidity.

298. CLEMENCY n leniency; mercy; mildness.

299 CLEVER adj. skillful; ingenious; mentally quick; shrewd; adroit

300. CLUMSY adj. awkward; blundering; lacking grace; inept; unwieldy.

301. CLUTITERED adj. messy; disorderly; confused

302. COERCE v. to force; compel; threaten.

303. COGENT adj. convincing; persuasive.

304. COGNIZANCE n. awareness.

305. COLLAPSE v. to fail apart; break down; fail; fold

306. COLLEAGUE n. a professional associate; co-worker

307. COLLIDE v. to come together violently; dash; conflict

308. COLLISION n. a violent confrontation; crash; conflict

309. COLLOQUIUM n. an informal meeting; discussion; seminar.

310. COLOSSAL adj. huge; gigantic; very large.

311. COMBINATION n. a compound; mixture; aggregate

312. COMICAL adj. funny; amusing.

313. COMMENCE v. to begin; come into existence.

314. COMMEND v. to praise; recommend; entrust

315. COMMENSURATE adj. corresponding; of equal size

316. COMMITMENT n. a pledge; obligation; contract; bond

317. COMMODITY n. an article of trade; product usefu1 thing.

318. COMMOTION n. noisy confusion; agitation; unrest

319. COMPASSION n. a feeling of sympathy; mercy; pity.

320. COMPETENT adj. capable; well-qualified; suitable

321. COMPETITION n. a rivalry; match; contest

322. COMPLACENT adj. self-satisfied; content

323. COMPLIANT adj. yielding; obedient

324. COMPLICATED adj. complex, intricate; confusing.

325. COMPLICITY n. involved as an accomplice.

326. COMPLIMENT n. an expression of praise or admiration.

327. COMPREHENSIVE adj. including everything; large in scope; inclusive.

328. COMPULSORY adj. obligatory; required; compelling.

329. CONCEAL v. to hide; keep undercover or secret

330. CONCEDE v. to acknowledge; admit; yield

331. CONCEITED adj. vain; having too high of an opinion of oneself

332. CONCENTRATE v. to bring together; focus in on; condense

333. CONCILIATE v. to placate; soothe; pacify.

334. CONCISE adj. short and to the point; succinct; brief

335. CONCOCT v. to make something; devise; contrive; cook up.

336. CONCORD n. harmony; agreement

337. CONCRETE adj. real; solid; particular; made of cement.

338. CONCUR v. to agree; coincide

339. CONDEMN v. to criticize; doom sentence; declare unfit; denounce

340. CONDENSE v. to make compact; compress; reduce; abridge

341. CONDESCEND v. to patronize; act with an air of superiority

342. CONDOLENCE n. expression of sympathy.

343. CONDONE v. to forgive; overlook.

344. CONFIDE v. to entrust; reveal privately; tell secretly.

345. CONFIDENT n. self-assured; bold; certain.

346. CONFINE v. to restrict; imprison; keep indoors; fettered

347. CONFIRM v. to make firmer; corroborate; verify; strengthen; ratify.

348. CONFISCATE v. to take away or seize something; to appropriate

349. CONFORM v. to adapt; harmonize; comply; make similar.

350. CONFOUND v. to confuse; to puzzle

351. CONFRONT v. to bring face to face; challenge; meet head on

352. CONFUSION n. disorder; bewilderment; distraction; jumble; perplexity.

353. CONGEAL v. to solidify coagulate; thicken.

354. CONGENIAL adj. agreeable; friendly.

355. CONGESTED adj. overcrowded; overfilled; clogged

356. CONGRATULATE v. to acknowledge someone’s achievement

357. CONJECTURE v. to infer; guess

358. CONJUNCTION n. a connection; union; the act of joining

359. CONNOISSEUR n. a knowledgeable appreciator of the arts

360. CONSCIENTIOUS adj. scrupulous; careful; thorough.

361. CONSECRATE v. to make sacred; dedicate to some service; sanctify

362. CONSECUTIVE adj. following successively; in a sequence.

363. CONSENSUS n. general agreement in opinion

364. CONSEQUENTIAL adj. important; following as a result

365. CONSIDERABLE adj. important; notable; fairly large.

366. CONSIDERATE adj. thoughtful of others’ heeds; respectful

367. CONSIGN v. to entrust; assign; set apart

368. CONSOLE v. to comfort or cheer up someone sorrowful

369. CONSOLIDATE v. to make firm; solidify; merge; strengthen, unite.

370. CONSPIRACY n. an illegal plot; treacherous plan; collusion.

371. CONSTANT adj. regularly occurring; persistent faithful; chronic.

372. CONSTRUCTIVE adj. beneficial to progress; helpful; building.

373. CONSUME v. to eat or drink; ingest; use up; destroy

374. CONSUMMATE adj. complete; supremely accomplished

375. CONTAGIOUS adj. able to spread; communicable; hard to resist

376. CONTAMINATE v. to make impure by mixing; to taint; po11ute

377. CONTEMPLATE v. to consider thoughtfully; ponder; meditate on; envisage.

378. CONTEMPORARY adj. from flee same tune or period; current; modern.

379. CONTEND v. to compete; strive; assert

380. CONTENTION n. an assertion; a dispute; controversy; struggle.

381. CONTENTIOUS adj. quarrelsome

382. CONTINGENT adj. possible; conditional; accidental.

383. CONTRACT n. a formal or legal agreement

384. CONTRACT v. to make smaller; condense; shrink; acquire

385. CONTRADICT v. to assert the opposite; be contrary to; deny; refute.

386. CONTRARY adj. opposed; different; conflicting; perverse.

387. CONTRIBUTE v. to give; add to; supply; make a gift to charity.

388. CONTRITE adj. repentant; humbly penitent

389. CONTROVERSIAL adj. marked by differing opinions or debate

390. CONVENE v. to assemble; gather for a meeting.

391. CONVENTION n. an assembly; formal meeting; custom.

392. CONVENTIONAL adj. customary; ordinary; conforming to norms.

393. CONVERGE v. to come together; intersect.

394. CONVERSION n. a change; the act of converting; a turn around

395. CONVEY v. to transport; transmit; communicate; impart

396. CONVINCING adj. persuasive; believable.

397. COOPERATE v. to work together; proceed jointly.

398. COPE v. to overcome; contend; struggle successfully

399. COPIOUS adj. abundant; plentiful

400. CORDIAL adj. friendly; gracious.

401. CORE n. the center; innermost part; essence; heart

402. CORPULENT adj. fat

403. CORRELATION n. statistical correspondence; interdependence

404. CORROBORATE v. to confirm; verify.

405. COUNTENANCE n. appearance; approval; composure.

406. COVERT adj. secret; hidden; concealed; covered

407. COVET v. to desire something; wish for; crave

408. COWARD n. one who lacks courage

409. COZY adj. comfortable; warm and inviting; snug.

410. CRANKY adj. irritable; grumpy; hard to please

411. CRAVE v. to long for; desire; need; covet

412. CREDIBLE adj. believable; reliable.

413. CREDITABLE adj. deserving praise; commendable

414. CREDULITY n. gullibility; readiness to believe.

415. CREED n. statement of principles or religious beliefs.

416. CRITERIA n. standards for judging

417. CRITICAL adj. inclined to judge harshly; crucial; serious.

418. CRITIQUE n. a critical review; an evaluation

419. CRONY n. an old friend

420. CRUCIAL adj. decisive; extremely important; critical

421. CRUDE adj. unrefined; raw; lacking tact; blunt

422. CRUEL adj. vicious; pitiless; causing suffering or pain

423. CRUISE n. a recreational ocean trip.

424. CRUMBLE v. to break into small pieces; decay; disintegrate.

425. CRUTCH n. a support for walking; anything used for support

426. CRYPTIC adj. hidden; secret; concealed; ambiguous.

427. CULMINATE v. to reach the highest point; climax

428. CULPABLE adj. responsible for an error; blameworthy.

429. CULTIVATE v. to prepare for crops; promote growth; nurture.

430. CULTURED adj. refined; well bred; urbane.

431. CURE v. to heal; remedy; restore to health.

432. CURIOUS adj. interested in information; inquisitive; strange.

433. CURSE v. to damn; call evil upon; swear at.

434. CURSORY adj. hasty; superficial

435. CURT adj. abrupt; concise; rudely brief; short

436. CURTAIL v. to cut short; stop; deprive oft lessen.

437. CYNICAL adj. distrustful of human motives; mocking; sarcastic.





438. DANGEROUS adj. not safe; hazardous; perilous

439. DANGLE v. to hang loosely; suspend

440. DANK adj. damp and chilly; moist

441. DAUNT v. to intimidate; dishearten.

442. DEARTH n. scarcity; famine

443. DEBACLE n. disaster; sudden collapse; complete failure.

444. DEBATABLE adj. questionable; subject to doubt; in dispute.

445. DEBTOR n. one who owes money or something else.

446. DECADE n. a period often years; a group of ten

447. DECADENCE n. decay; deterioration in art or morals; period of decline.

448. DECEASED adj. no longer alive; deadly

449. DECEIVE v. to mislead; delude; betray; cheat; beguile.

450. DECENT adj. respectable; ethical; proper; modest

451. DECIPHER v. to translate a code; find the meaning of

452. DECISIVE adj. conclusive; firm unmistakable; determined; crucial

453. DECOMPOSE v. to decay; break down into parts; disintegrate

454. DECORATE v. to embellish; adorn; give a medal of honor to.

455. DECORATIVE adj. ornamental; adding beauty.

456. DECOROUS adj. proper; seemly.

457. DECREPIT adj. worn out by old age.

458. DEDICATE v. to devote or set aside something; commit

459. DEDICATED adj. devoted; committed to something.

460. DEDUCE v. to arrive at by reasoning, slander.

461. DEFAME v. to dishonor; malign; slander.

462. DEFECTION n. desertion; ad of leaving a group or cause.

463. DEFECTIVE adj. imperfect; faulty; damaged

464. DEFERENCE n. respect; courteous submission

465. DEFIANT adj. resisting; challenging; not submissive.

466. DEFICIENT adj. inadequate; imperfect; incomplete; lacking.

467. DEFILE v. to corrupt; befoul

468. DEFLECT v. to turn aside.

469. DEFORM v. to disfigure; distort; misshape.

410. DEGENERATE v. to deteriorate; become worse.

471. DEGRADE v. to reduce in rank or degree; lower; debase; disparage.

472. DELEGATE v. to entrust with authority; send as a representative

473. DELETE v. to erase; omit; take out

474. DELIBERATELY adv. intentionally; voluntarily.

475. DELINEATE v. to outline; portray.

476. DELINQUENT adj. falling in one’s obligations; overdue; an offender.

477. DELUDE v. to deceive; cheat

478. DELUGE n. a flood; overflow.

479. DELUSION n. deception; false belief

480. DEMARCATE v. to set boundaries.

481. DEMEAN v. to degrade; lower.

482. DEMEANOR n. bearing; behavior; manner.

483. DEMENTED adj. insane

484. DEMISE n. death.

485. DEMOLISH v. to destroy; pull down; ruin.

486. DEMURE adj. shy; reserved; modest

487. DENIGRATE v. to defame; blacken.

488. DENOTE v. to identify; designate; indicate.

489. DENOUNCE v. to condemn; criticize.

490. DEPART v. to go away; leave; deviate; die.

491. DEPENDENT adj. relying on another; conditional

492. DEPICT v. to portray; represent in a picture; describe.

493. DEPLETE v. to use up; exhaust; drain

494. DEPLORE v. to regret; lament

495. DEPOSE v. to remove from office or power.

496. DEPOSIT v. to put down; put in a safe spot; put in a bank

497. DEPRAVITY n. wickedness; perversity.

498. DEPRECIATE v. to lower in value.

499. DEPRESSED adj. dejected; sad; low an spirit

500. DEPRIVATION n. poverty; want; privation.

501. DERIDE v. to laugh at; ridicule; mock.

502. DERISION n. ridicule; mockery.

503. DESERT v. to abandon; forsake; leave

504. DESIGNATE v. to specify; point out; appoint; name; earmark

505. DESIRE v. to crave; long for; want.

506. DESOLATE adj. lonely; uninhabited; barren.

507. DESPICABLE adj. contemptible; looked down on; vile; hateful

508. DESPISE v. to look down upon; regard with contempt; scorn.

509. DESPOT n. autocratic ruler; tyrant

510. DESSERT n. a sweet served at the end of a meal; a treat

511. DESTITUTE adj. devoid; impoverished

512. DESTROY v. to demolish; ruin; put an end to; annihilate; eradicate.

513. DETACHED adj. impartial; aloof, separate.

514. DETAIN v. to hold back; delay; confine.

515. DETECT v. to find out; discover; discern

516. DETERIORATE v. to degenerate; lower in value; worsen; decay.

517. DETERMINE v. to find out; decide; resolve; ascertain.

518. DETERRENT n. something that prevents or discourages.

519. DETEST v. to strongly dislike; abhor; loathe

520. DETRACT v. to take away from; diminish; reduce.

521. DETRIMENTAL adj. harmful; injurious; causing damage.

522. DEVALUE v. to lower in value; lessen.

523. DEVASTATE v. to ruin; pillage.

524. DEVIATE v. to turn away from; digress; stray.

525. DEVIOUS adj. deviating from the usual; erring; cunning.

526. DEVISE v. to think up; concoct; invent; contrive.

527. DEVOID adj. lacking; destitute; empty; without

528. DEVOTED adj. dedicated; loyal; faithful; strongly attached

529. DEVOUR v. to eat greedily; consume; absorb; destroy.

530. DEXTERITY n. adroitness; skillfulness; skill

531. DIABOLIC adj. satanic; cruel

532. DIAGNOSIS n. a conclusion reached by analysis.

533. DIAGRAM n. a chart or plan; an explanatory drawing.

534. DICHOTOMY n. division into two parts; schism

535. DICTATE v. to command; prescribe; order.

536. DIFFIDENT adj. shy; timid

537. DIFFUSE adj. widely dispersed; verbose.

538. DIGEST v. to break down food in the body; think through.

539. DIGRESSION n. straying from the subject; deviation.

540. DILAPIDATED adj. broken down; in disrepair.

541. DILATE v. to expand; enlarge; widen.

542. DILIGENT adj. industrious; assiduous; hard working.

543. DILUTE v. to weaken by adding water; reduce in strength.

544. DIMINISH v. to make smaller; reduce; lessen.

545. DIMINUTIVE adj. tiny; small

546. DIPLOMACY n. tact; negotiating skill; skill in dealing with others.

547. DIRE adj. disastrous; dreadful

548. DISAPPOINTING adj. falling to meet expectations; less than hoped for.

549. DISASTER n. a catastrophe; calamity; total failure; cataclysm

550. DISBAND v. to dissolve a group; dismiss members; breakup.

551. DISCARD v. to throw away; cast off get rid of

552. DISCERN v. to perceive; distinguish; see

553. DISCIPLE n. a follower; a devotee of a movement

554. DISCLOSE v. to reveal; make known

555. DISCONCERT v. to upset; ruffle.

556. DISCORDANT adj. confiding; dissonant

557. DISCOVER v. to find something new; gain new knowledge

558. DISCRETION n. prudence; freedom of judgment

559. DISDAIN v. to despise; to consider unworthy.

560. DISEASED adj. unhealthy; sick; ill; disordered

561. DISGUISE v. to conceal the identity of; mask; misrepresent.

562. DISHONEST adj. tending to lie~ cheat or deceive.

563. DISINTEGRATE v. to fragment; decompose; break down into pails.

564. DISMAL adj. gloomy; dreary; depressing; cheerless.

565. DISORGANIZED adj. full of disorder; unorganized; confused

566. DISORIENTATION n. confusion; loss of direction

567. DISPARAGE v. to belittle, degrade.

568. DISPARATE adj. dissimilar; completely distinct

569. DISPARITY n. condition of being unequal; dissimilarity.

570. DISPASSIONATE adj. calm, impartial; unemotional

571. DISPENSE v. to distribute; deal out; administer; do without

572. DISPERSE v. to scatter; distribute widely; cause to vanish.

573. DISPLAY v. to show; exhibit; expose.

574. DISPUTE n. an argument; disagreement; debate; quarrel

575. DISROBE v. to remove clothing; undress

576. DISSECT v. to cut or separate into pieces; examine in detail

577. DISSEMINATE v. to disperse widely; promulgate.

578. DISSENT v. to disagree; differ.

579. DISSOLVE v. turn to liquid; melt; disunite; breakup.

580. DISSUADE v. to discourage; persuade against

581. DISTINCTIVE adj. different; distinguishable; characteristic.

582. DISTINGUISHABLE adj. recognizable; identifiable; perceivable.

583. DISTORT v. to twist out of shape; contort; misrepresent

584. DISTRACT v. to divert; cause to lose focus; confuse.

585. DISTRAUGHT adj. worried; crazes

586. DISTRESSING adj. painful; adverse; upsetting.

587. DIVERGENT adj. differing; drawing apart; deviating.

588. DIVERSE adj different; varied; not alike; dissimilar.

589. DIVIDE v. to separate; disjoin; disunite; distribute

590. DIVULGE v. to make known; disclose; tell; reveal

591. DOCILE adj. submissive; tradable; easily managed

592. DOCTRINAIRE adj. inflexibly devoted to certain principles; dogmatic

593. DOCUMENT v. to support with written evidence or reference~

594. DOCUMENT n. a written or official paper; written record

595. DOGMATIC adj. doctrinaire; over positive.

596. DOLEFUL adj. mournful; melancholy.

597. DOMESTIC adj. relating to home life or a country’s internal affair

598. DOMINANT adj. controlling; most powerful or important

599. DOMINEERING adj. overbearing; tyrannical; arrogant

600. DONATE v. to give as a gift; contribute; bestow.

601. DORMANT adj. inactive; temporarily quiescent; sleeping.

602. DOUBTFUL adj. questionable; unlikely; uncertain

603. DOZE v. to sleep lightly; nap; nod off

604. DRAMATIC adj. intensely interesting; striking; eventful

605. DREADFUL adj. horrible; frightfu1; terrible; shocking.

606. DREARY adj. gloomy; dismal; tedious; boring.

607. DRENCH v. to soak; saturate; wet thoroughly.

608. DROUGHT n. a long period without rain; a scarcity.

609. DROWSY adj. sleepy.

610. DUBIOUS adj. doubtful; questionable; undecided

611. DUMBFOUND v. to confuse; stun; surprise; amaze.

612. DUNGEON n. a dark underground cell; dark prison cell

613. DUPLICITY n. deception; hypocrisy.

614. DURABLE adj. long lasting; able to withstand wear.

615. DURATION n. the time during which something continues.

616. DURESS n. constraint by force or threat; coercion.

617. DUSK n. twilight; partial darkness.

618. DWINDLE v. to become less; decrease; diminish.




619. ECCENTRIC adj. unconventional; odd; irregular.

620. ECONOMICAL adj. thrifty; prudent; sparing.

621. ECSTATIC adj. enraptured; blissful; extremely happy.

622. EDIBLE adj. fit to be eaten; nonpoisonous.

623. EDIFY v. to enlighten morally; instruct; impart knowledge.

624. EERIE adj. unsettling; mysterious.

625. EFFACE v. to erase; obliterate; rub out

626. EPFECT n. a result; outcome; consequence.

627. EFFECTIVE adj. productive; efficient; serving its purpose.

628. EFFICACY n. effectiveness.

629. EFFICIENT adj. capable; effective; causative.

630. EFFORTLESS adj. requiring little effort or work; easy.

631. EGREGIOUS adj. shockingly bad; blatant.

632. ELABORATE v. to work out in detail

633. ELDERLY adj. old

634. ELEVATED adj. raised; lifted up; lofty.

635. ELICIT v. to bring out; evoke

636. ELIGIBLE adj. qualified; fit to be chosen; available.

637. ELIMINATE v. to get rid of remove; omit; eradicate.

638. ELITE n. a superior or select group.

639. ELONGATE v. to make longer; extend

640. ELOQUENCE n. fluency and persuasiveness; expressiveness.

641. ELUCIDATE v. to clarify; explain.

642. ELUDE v. to escape; evade; avoid

643. ELUSIVE adj. hard to grasp.

644. EMANATE v. to come forth from; originate.

645. EMANCIPATE v. to set free; liberate.

646. EMBARRASS v. to make self-conscious; disconcert; impede

647. EMBELLISH v. to adorn; make more beautiful

648. EMERGE v. to come into sight; rise up; become apparent

649. EMERGENCY n. a critical situation; urgent need for action.

650. EMIGRATE v. to leave a country and settle somewhere else.

651. EMINENT adj. prominent; distinguished

652. EMIT v. to send forth; utter; release; discharge.

653. EMPHASIZE v. to stress; call attention to; highlight

654. EMPHATIC adj. bold; accentuated; definite.

655. EMPLOY v. to use; put to service; give a job to.

656. EMPOWER v. to authorize; permit; give power to.

657. EMULATE v. to imitate; compete with.

658. ENCHANT v. to cast a spell on; charm; fascinate; delight

659. ENCOMPASS v. to surround; enclose; contain; encircle.

660. ENCOUNTER n. a meeting; conflict

661. ENCOURAGE v. to give confidence to; incite; embolden; support

662. ENCROACHMENT n. a gradual intrusion.

663. ENDANGER v. to expose to harm; put at risk; imperil.

664. ENDEAVOR v. to strive; attempt earnestly; make an effort

665. ENDORSE v. to approve; ratify; support.

666. ENDURING adj. long lasting; chronic; durable.

667. ENEMY n. a hostile person or country; opponent; foe.

668. ENERGETIC adj. full of energy; vigorous; active.

669. ENGAGED adj. pledged to be married; occupied; involved

670. ENGAGING adj. charming; pleasing; attractive

671. ENGROSSED adj. attentively occupied; abforbe4

672. ENHANCE v. to improve; advance; augment; make greater.

673. ENORMOUS adj. huge; immense; gigantic; vast.

674. ENTANGLE v. to involve in difficulties; mix up; entrap; confuse; embroil

675. ENTERTAIN v. to amuse; provide hospitality; contemplate

676. ENTHRALL v. to charm, captivate; enslave.

677. ENTHUSIASTIC adj. eager; excited; ardent; zealous.

678. ENTICE v. to attract by arousing desire; lure

679. ENTRENCH v. to establish securely; dig in; fix firmly.

680. ENUNCIATE v. to pronounce clearly; proclaim

681. ENVIOUS adj. jealous; wanting what another has

682. EPISODE n. an incident; segment from a series; occurrence.

683. EPITOME n. summary; embodiment; essence.

684. EQUITABLE adj. fair; just

685. EQUIVALENT adj. corresponding; equal in strength or meaning.

686. EQUIVOCAL adj. ambiguous; uncertain; questionable.

687. ERADICATE v. to annihilate; destroy; eliminate.

688. EROSION n. a wearing away of soil; slow dissolution.

689. ERRATIC adj. unpredictable; wandering; eccentric.

690. ERUDITE adj. deeply learned; scholarly.

691. ERUPTION n. volcanic discharge; violent outburst.

692. ESCAPADE n. reckless adventure.

693. ESCORT v. to accompany; protect; serve as a companion.

694. ESPIONAGE n. spying.

695. ESPOUSE v. to many; to give One’s support; adopt.

696. ESSENTIAL adj. indispensable; fundamen1al; necessary.

697. ESTABLISHED adj. firmly based; fixed; proven.

698. ESTATE n. property; one’s possessions; status.

699. ESTEEM v. to raped; appreciate; judge.

700. ESTIMATE n. an approximate calculation; opinion

701. ETHICAL adj. moral; conforming to accepted conduct

702. EULOGY n. speech honoring a dead person; praise.

703. EUPHORIA n. bliss; ecstasy.

704. EVALUATE v. to determine the value oft judge; examine.

705. EVAPORATE v. to change into vapor; disappear; vanish.

706. EVASIVE adj. elusive; evading; not straight forward

707. EVICT v. to expel; force out; dispossess; oust

708. EVIDENCE n. proof; supporting data; trial testimony.

709. EVIDENT adj. apparent; obvious; dear; plainly seen.

710. EVOKE v. to call forth; elicit

711. EVOLVE v. to develop gradually; unfold; emerge.

712. EXACERBATE v. to aggravate; embitter.

713. EXACTING adj. demanding; strict; severe.

714. EXAGGERATE v. to overstate; enlarge the importance of; magnify; aggrandize

715. EXASPERATE v. to irritate; vex; provoke.

716. EXCEED v. logo beyond; surpass; be greater that

717. EXCEL v. to be superior; surpass; exceed

718. EXCEPTION n. something left out or non conforming; objection

719. EXCEPTIONAL adj. unusual; extraordinary; uncommon.

720. EXCHANGE v. to trade one thing for another; substitute.

721. EXCLUSIVE adj. selective; accepting only a few; snobbish.

722. EXECUTE v. to put into effect; carry out; perform

723. EXECUTIVE n. a manager; administrator.

724. EXEMPLARY adj. commendable; serving as a model or example

725. EXEMPLIFY v. to explain by an example; embody.

726. EXEMPT adj. excused; excepted; not obliged; released

727. EXERTION n. a great or strenuous effort

728. EXHALE v. to breathe out; emit; give off

729. EXHAUSTED adj. worn out; used up; depleted

730. EXHAUSTIVE adj. comprehensive; thorough.

731. EXHILARATION n. extreme happiness; elation; joyousness.

732. EXILED adj. banished; expelled; removes

733. EXONERATE v. to free from blame: exculpate.

734. EXORBITANT adj. excessive; inordinate; far beyond the usual

735. EXPAND v. to increase in size; stretch out; widen; spread

736. EXPANSION n. an increase: extension.

737. EXPEDITE v. to speed up; hasten.

738. EXPENDITURE n. an expense; disbursement; outlay; cost

739. EXPENSES n. costs; charges; expenditures.

740. EXPERTISE n. knowledge; skill; expertness.

741. EXPIRE v. lo die; come to an end; exhale.

742. EXPLICIT adj. dearly expressed; definite; outspoken.

743. EXPLODE v. to burst open; break into activity; erupt

744. EXPLOIT v. to take advantage of; utilize selfishly.

745. EXPONENT n ONE who represents or explains; an advocate.

746. EXPOSE v. to uncover; make visible; reveal; make known

747. EXPOUND v. to explain; give d~1etailed account of; elucidate.

748. EXPRESSIVE adj. revealing; demonstrative; easily understood

749. EXQUISITE adj. elegant; delicately; beautiful; intense

750. EXTEMPORANEOUS adj. impromptu; without preparation

751. EXTENSIVE adj. wide in range or scope; thorough; vast

752. EXTINCT adj. no longer in existence or use.

753. EXTINGUISH v. to put out; quench; destroy.

754. EXTOL v. to praise; eulogize; speak highly of

755. EXTRANEOUS adj. coming from without; not essential

756. EXTRAORDINARY adj. remarkable; beyond the ordinary; exceptional

757. EXTRAVAGANT adj. excessive; wasteful of money; profuse.

758. EXTRICATE v. liberate; differentiate; disentangle.

759. EXTRINSIC adj. extraneous; inessential; external

760. EXUBERANCE n. extreme happiness; abundance; lavishness

761. EXUDE v. to ooze out; emit







762. FABRICATE v. to construct; make up; concoct

763. FACADE n. front of a building; false front

764. FACETIOUS adj. humorous; flippant; amusing

765. FACILE adj. easy; fluent; superficial

766. FACILITATE v. to make easier; assist

767. FACSIMILE n. an exact copy

768. FACTORY n. a manufacturing building or plant

769. FALLACIOUS adj. false; delusive.

770. FALLIBLE adj. capable of failing; subject to error; not perfect

771. FALSIFY v. to misrepresent; after to deceive; forge.

772. FALTER v. to waver; be unsteady; stumble; hesitate.

773. FAMINE n. starvation; widespread food shortage.

774. FAMISHED adj. starving; very hungry.

775. FANTASY n. something unreal or imagined; an illusion

776. FASCINATING adj. extremely interesting; captivating.

777. FATIGUE n. weariness; exhaustion; extreme

778. FAULTY adj. defective; imperfect; erroneous; amiss.

779. FEAT n. an act of courage or skill; an accomplishment

780. FEEBLE adj. lacking strength; weak; ineffective; frail

781. FEIGN v. to pretend

782. FERRY v. to transport or deliver; cross on a ferryboat

783. FERTILIZE v. to make productive by enriching; impregnate.

784. FERVENT adj. passionate; ardent; hot.

785. FEUD n. a long lasting quarrel; vendetta; bitter dispute.

786. FICTITIOUS adj. unreal; false; fictional

787. FIDELITY n. faithfulness; verity; loyalty.

788. FIENDISH adj. cruel; diabolical

789. FIERCE adj. savage; violent; intense

790. FIGMENT n. something imagined or fabricated; a fantasy.

791. FIGURATIVE adj. not literal; symbolic; metaphorical

792. FINAL adj. last; concluding; ultimate; decisive

793. FINANCES n. monetary resources; funds; revenue.

794. FINITE adj. limited; impermanent

795. FLAGRANT adj. conspicuous; notorious.

796. FLAMBOYANT adj. showy; ornate; highly elaborate.

797. FLATTER v. to praise insincerely; portray favorably.

798. FLEE v. to escape; run away from

799. FLICKER v. to burn unsteadily; quiver; flutter.

800. FLIMSY adj. insubstantial; weak; unconvincing

801. FLINCH v. to shrink from pain; retreat; show cowardice; recoil

802. FLIPPANT adj. offensive levity; disrespectful

803. FLOUNDER v. to struggle helplessly; move clumsily.

804. FLOURISH v. to thrive; grow lushly; prosper; wave vigorously.

805. FLUCTUATE v. to continually change or vary; rise and fall

806. FLUFFY adj. soft and airy; puffy; downy.

807. FLUX n. flow; change

808. FOIBLE n. minor weakness.

809. FOMENT v. to instigate; stir up

810. FONDLE v. to caress; touch affectionately; stroke lovingly.

811. FOOLISH adj. silly; unwise; ridiculous; absurd

812. FORBEARANCE n. restraint; patience.

813. FORBID v. order not to be done; prohibit; refuse to permit

814. FOREBODING n. fear something evil is coming; apprehension.

815. FORECAST n. a prediction; weather report

816. FOREFATHER’s n. ancestors; preceding generations.

817. FOREMAN n. person in charge of work crew; jury spokesman

818. FORESIGHT n. ability to foresee the future; prudence

819. FORESTALL v. to prevent

820. FORMALITY n. conformity to custom or procedure.

821. FORMER adj. preceding; earlier; previous; coming before

822. FORMIDABLE adj. difficult to surmount; feared; admirable.

823. FORT n. a defensive stronghold; fortification

824. FOSSIL n. remains of prehistoric life; something outdated

825. FOUL adj. disgusting; offensive; spoiled; unfair.

826. FOWL n. an edible bird; a chicken

827. FRACTION n. a fragment; part of a unit; small portion

828. FRAGMENT n a broken piece; unfinished part; fraction.

829. FRAUD n. a trick; deception; dishonest act or person.

830. FRET v. to worry; be anxious or uneasy.

831. FRIGID adj. extremely cold; emotionally unresponsive~

832. FRIVOLITY n. a lack of seriousness; silliness.

833. FROLIC v. to play joyfully; romp.

834. FRONTIER n. border region of a country; undeveloped area.

835. FRUGAL adj. thrifty; inexpensive.

836. FRUITION n. realization; fulfillment

837. FRUITLESS adj. unproductive; barren; unprofitable

838. FRUSTRATE v. to defeat; prevent; thwart

839. FUGITIVE n. one who has fled the law or a duty.

840. FURIOUS adj. violently angry; raging; fierce.

841. FURTIVE adj. secret; stealthy; sly.

842. FUSE v. to melt together; combine; blend; weld

843. FUTILE adj. useless; ineffectual; unproductive.





844. GALL n. bitterness; impudence; nerve

845. GAMBLE v. to risk something; bet; speculate.

846. GARB n. clothes; attire; distinctive costume.

847. GARBLED v. distorted; scrambled; purposely mixed up.

848. GARISH adj. gaudy; showy; over-decorated

849. GARRULOUS adj. talkative; loquacious; wordy.

850. GASH n. a deep cut; slash; wound

851. GASP v. to breathe in suddenly or with difficulty.

852. GAUCHE adj. tactless; awkward

853. GAUDY adj. tastelessly showy or ornate; garish; flashy.

854. GEM n. a precious stone; something highly valued

855. GENEROSITY n. unselfishness; willingness to give

856. GENIAL adj. cordial; friendly; beneficial

857. GENUINE adj real; not artificial; authentic; sincere.

858. GERMINATE v. to begin to grow; sprout

859. GESTURE n. a body movement used to communicate; a sign.

860. GHASTLY adj. shocking; dreadful; very pale.

861. GIFTED adj. talented; having natural ability.

862. GIGANTIC adj. very large; huge; enormous.

863. GINGERLY adj. delicately; carefully.

864. GIST n. the general meaning; essence; central idea.

865. GLAMORIZE v. to glorify; idealize; romanticize.

866. GLANCE n. a quick or superficial look

867. GLIB adj. smooth; fluent; insincere.

868. GLITTER v. to sparkle; glisten; shine

869. GLOAT v. to show enjoyment at another’s misfortune.

870. GLOSSARY n. an explanatory list of terms.

871. GLOW v. to shine; emit a warm light; be flushed or radiant

872. GLUTTON n. one who eats excessively; a greedy person

873. GOAD v. spur on: prowl

874. GOAL n. an objective; finish line or scoring area.

875. GORGEOUS adj. strikingly beautiful; dazzling; magnificent.

876. GORY adj. bloody; bloodstained

877. GOSSIP n. idle talk about other people

878. GRACIOUS adj. courteous; charming; elegant; kind

879. GRATUITOUS adj. given without charge; unwarranted

880. GRAVITY n. seriousness~

881. GREEDY adj. overly desirous for money or things; avaricious; insatiable.

882. GREGARIOUS adj. sociable; outgoing; enjoying being with others.

883. GRIEF n. intense sorrow; anguish; regret; failure.

884. GRIEVANCE n. a complaint; cause for protest; injustice.

885. GROPE v. to feel one’s way; seek aimlessly or blindly.

886. GROUCHY adj. ill tempered; complaining; grumpy.

887. GROWL n. to snarl deeply; speak angrily; grumble.

888. GRUDGE n. a cause of hostility and resentment.

889. GRUESOME adj. horrifying; ghastly; repugnant

890. GRUMBLE n. a discontented mumble; growl

891. GRUMPY adj. irritable; cranky; surly

892. GUARANTEE v. to assume responsibility for; insure; promise

893. GUIDE v. to show the way; direct; lead; escort

894. GUILTY adj. responsible for a crime; culpable; blameworthy.

895. GULLIBLE adj. easily deceived; credulous

896. GUSH v. to flow out abundantly; be overly emotional

897. GUST n. a sudden rush of wind; an outburst




898. HAGGARD adj. worn; emaciated

899. HAMLET n. a small village.

900. HAMPER v. to hinder; impede; restrain; restrict; shackle.

901. HANDY adj. close at hand; accessible; convenient

902. HAPHAZARD adj. random; determined by chance.

903. HARBNGER n. a forerunner; sign of the approach of something.

904. HARDENED adj. firm; set; fixed; unyielding.

905. HARDY at sturdy; capable of surviving harsh conditions.

906. HARMLESS adj. unable to do harm; safe; inoffensive; innocuous

907. HASTY adj. rapid; recklessly quick; hurried; slapdash

908. HAUGHTINESS n. excessive pride; arrogance.

909. HAZARDOUS adj. dangerous; perilous; risky.

910. HAZY adj. missy; unclear; foggy; vague.

911. HEADLONG adv. hastily; with uncontrollable force; headfirst

912. HEADSTRONG adj. obstinate; willful; unruly.

913. HECTIC adj. confused; hasty; excited; feverish

914. HEED v. to pay attention to; consider; listen to advice.

915. HEEDLESS adj. neglectful; careless; not listening to advice.

916. HEINOUS adj. wicked; atrocious; evil

917. HEIR n. one who will inherit property; a successor.

918. HENCEFORTH adv. form this time onward; from now on

919. HEROINE n. a female hero; a principal female character.

920. HESITATE v. to hold back; pause; be indecisive.

921. HIERARCHY n. a group arranged by rank

922. HILARIOUS adj. extremely funny.

923. HINDER v. to hold hack; hamper; impede; delay; deter.

924. HINGE n. joint which allows motion; controlling principal

925. HINT n. a subtle suggestion; clue; very small amount

926. HOARSE adj. deep wad harsh sounding; husky.

927. HOAX n. a trick; deception; practical joke.

928. HOLOCAUST n. widespread destruction

929. HOMOGENEOUS adj. alike; uniform

930. HOSTILE adj. aggressively unfriendly; antagonistic.

931. HOWL v. to wail like a wolf; cry out in pain; laugh loudly.

932. HUBBUB n. a confusion of voices; noisy uproar.

933. HUMANE adj. kind; compassionate.

934. HUMANITARIAN adj concerned with helping people; philanthropic

935. HUMANITIES n. areas of study dealing with people and culture.

936. HUMBLE adj. lowly; unimportant; meek; modest

937. HUMID adj. moist; damp; muggy.

938. HUMILIATION n. disgrace; shame; degradation.

939. HUMILITY n. humbleness; modesty.

940. HUMOROUS adj. funny; comical; laughable; witty.

941. HYBRID n. something of mixed composition; a mongrel

942. HYPOCRITICAL adj. pretending to believe what you don’t; insincere.

943. HYPOTHETICAL adj. based on a hypothesis; conjectural; uncertain.




944. IDEAL adj. perfect; not real; imaginary.

945. IDENTICAL adj. exactly alike; the same.

946. IDEOLOGY n. the ideas or doctrines of a group.

947. IDLE adj. inactive; unemployed; useless

948. IDYLLIC adj. picturesque; pastoral; simple.

949. IGNOBLE adj. dishonorable lowly.

950. IGNORANT adj. lacking knowledge; unlearned; uninformed

951. IGNORE v. to refuse to acknowledge or pay attention to.

952. ILLEGAL adj unlawful; not permitted by the law; illicit

953. ILLICIT adj. unlawful; illegal

954. ILLUSORY adj. deceptive; unreal

955. ILLUSTRIOUS adj. famous; celebrated; distinguished

956. IMAGINARY adj. not real; existing in the imagination

957. IMAGINATIVE adj. creative; having a lively imagination; inventive.

958. IMITATE v. to copy; mimic; act like; simulate; emulate

959. IMMACULATE adj. pure; unblemished; dean.

960. IMMATURE adj. not fully grown or developed; unripe.

961. IMMENSE adj. very large; huge; boundless; vast

962. IMMIGRANT n. one who comes to settle in a new country.

963. IMMINENT adj. impending; soon to occur; approaching.

964. IMMORAL adj. not conforming to moral standards; indecent

965. IMMORTAL adj. not subject to death; eternal; imperishable.

966. IMMUNE adj. exempt; not able to catch a disease

967. IMMUTABLE adj. unchangeable.

96S. IMPACT n. a collision; striking together; effect

969. IMPAIR v. to worsen; injure.

970. IMPARTIAL adj. unprejudiced; not biased; fair.

971. IMPASSIVE adj. unfeeling; expressionless; motionless.

972. IMPATIENT adj. eager; anxious; not willing to wait; restless.

973. IMPECCABLE adj. faultless; irreproachable.

974. IMPEDE v. to hinder; obstruct.

975. IMPENDING adj. approaching; imminent.

976. IMPERATIVE adj. expressing a command; mandatory; urgent

977. IMPEREECT adj. faulty; defective; not perfect.

978. IMPERTINENT adj. presumptuous; rude; insolent

979. IMPERVIOUS adj. impenetrable; unable to be affected.

980. IMPETUOUS adj. impulsive; brash

981. IMPETUS n. stimulus; impulse; the encouragement needed to do something.

982. IMPLACABLE adj. not able to be satisfied or changed; relentless; unyielding.

983. IMPLANT v. to insert or place in something usually a living body.

984. IMPLAUSIBLE adj. not likely to be true; unbelievable.

985. IMPLEMENT v. to enact; put into effect; provide with means.

986. IMPLICATE v. to show that someone participated or was involved especially in a crime; involve

987. IMPLICATION n. something implied or hinted of; an inference

988. IMPLICIT adj. implied; inherent

989. IMPLORE v. to beg; to beseech.

990. IMPLY v. to suggest; indicate in directly; hint

991. IMPOLITE adj. discourteous; rude; not polite.

992. IMPORT v. to bring products into one country from another.

993. IMPOSE v. to force on; inflict; be a burden on; inflict

994. IMPOSING adj. impressive; grind; stately.

995. IMPOSITION n. placement of something usually a burden or difficulty.

996. IMPOSTOR n. a person who pretends to him someone else

997. IMPOTENT adj. weak; powerless; sterile

998. IMPOUND v. to seize and keep by law; to confiscate

999. IMPOVERISH v. to make poor.

1000. IMPRACTICAL adj. not realistic; not sensible.

1001. IMPRECISE adj. not exact; vague.

1002. IMPRESSIVE adj. causing admiration; awesome; grand

1003. IMPRISON v. to send to jail; to incarcerate.

1004. IMPROBABLE adj. unlikely; farfetched

1005. IMPROMPTU adj. without preparation; extemporaneous.

1006. IMPROPER adj. not suitable; unseemly; indecent; incorrect

1007. IMPROPRIETY n. something that lacks proper behavior or standards.

1008. IMPROVE v. to make heifer; enhance.

1009. IMPROVISE v. perform without preparation; create on the spot

1010. IMPRUDENT adj. unwise; thoughtless; rash

1011. IMPUDENT adj. impertinent; disrespectful

1012. IMPULSIVE adj. spontaneous; acting on impulse; impetuous; madcap.

1013. IMPUNITY n. without risk or fear of punishment

1014. INACCESSIBLE adj. impossible or difficult to reach.

1015. INACTIVE adj. idle; not being used; dormant; inert

1016. INADVERTENTLY adv. unintentionally; accidentally; carelessly.

1017. INALIENABLE adj not transferable; not able to be taken way.

1018. INARTICULATE adj. lacking facility in speech; incomprehensible.

1019. INCESSANT adj. uninterrupted; unceasing; continuous

1020. INCIDENTAL adj. accidental; minor; nonessential

1021. INCISIVE adj. penetrating; sharp; trenchant

1022. INCITE v. to provoke to action; stimulate; instigate.

1023. INCLUSIVE adj. including everything; comprehensive.

1024. INCOMPATIBLE adj. not able to get along together; inharmonious

1025. INCOMPETENT adj. not capable; unfit; inept

1026. INCONGRUOUS adj. inconsistent; inharmonious; inappropriate.

1027. INCONSEQUENTIAL adj. insignificant; lacking importance; trivial

1028. INCONSISTENT adj. erratic; lacking uniformity; contradictory

1029. INCORPORATE v. to combine together; unite with; add

1030. INCREDIBLE adj. unbelievable; extraordinary.

1031. INDECISIVE adj. unable to decide; hesitant; inconclusive.

1032. INDIFFERENT adj. lacking concern; apathetic; unbiased

1033. INDIGENOUS adj. native; intrinsic

1034. INDIGENT adj. impoverished; poor; penniless

1035. INDISCRIMINATE adj. not selective; random; confused

1036. INDOLENT adj. lazy.

1037. INDUCE v. to persuade; incite; cause.

1038. INDULGE v. to give in to desire; gratify a craving; pamper; spoil

1039. INDUSTRIOUS adj. hardworking; diligent; busy.

1040. INEPT adj. inappropriate; unfit; incompetent; awkward

1041. INERT adj. unable to move

1042. INEVITABLE adj. certain to occur; unavoidable.

1043. INEXPERIENCED adj. lacking experience; unskilled

1044. INFAMOUS adj. notoriously bad or evil

1045. INFECTIOUS adj. capable of spreading; contagious

1046. INFERENCE n. conclusion from evidence; presumption.

1047. INFERIOR adj. lower in rank or quality; lesser.

1048. INFEST v. to invade; pervade; overrun.

1049. INFINITESIMAL adj. immeasurably small; minute.

1050. INFLICT v. to impose; harmfully cause.

1051. INFLUENTIAL adj. able to influence or affect things; powerful

1052. INFORMAL adj. casual; not fancy; unofficial; relaxed

1053. INFORMATIVE adj. instructive; providing information or news

1054. INGENIOUS adj. clever; inventive; imaginative.

1055. INGREDIENTS n. components of a mixture; constituents.

1056. INHABIT v. to live, dwell or reside in

1057. INHERENT adj. intrinsic; essential; inborn.

1058. INHOSPITABLE adj. unfriendly; barren; not able to support

1059. INIMITABLE adj. unique; matchless.

1060. INITIAL adj. placed at the beginning; first

1061. INITIATE v. to begin; start; originate; instruct; admit in.

1062. INITIATIVE n. ability to start something; leadership; first step.

1063. INJURY n. a wound; damage; injustice.

1064. INNATE adj. inherent; inborn

1065. INNOCUOUS adj. harmless.

1066. INNOVATION n. something newly introduced; a change.

1067. INNOVATIVE adj. creative; novel; inventive.

1068. INNUENDO n. an insinuation or hint; derogatory implication.

1069. INORDINATE adj. unrestricted; excessive

1070. INQUIRY n. an investigation; question; dose examination

1071. INQUISITIVE adj. curious; prying.

1072. INSATIABLE adj. not capable of being satisfied; greedy.

1073. INSENSITIVE adj. unfeeling; not sensitive; harsh; callous

1074. INSIGHT n. sudden understanding; discernment; intuition

1075. INSIGNIFICANT adj. trivial; unimportant, not significant.

1076. INSINCERE adj. hypocritical; deceitful; not sincere

1077. INSINUATE v. to suggest indirectly; imply deviously; hint at

1078. INSOLENT adj. arrogant; impertinent

1079. INSPECT v. to examine for flaws; look at carefully; review.

1080. INSPIRATION n. an insight; stimulation; divine instigation

1081. INSTALL v. to put in office; set up far use; conned up.

1082. INSTANTLY adv. at once; immediately; without delay.

1083. INSTIGATE v. to provoke; incite; foment

1084. INSTINCTIVE adj. spontaneous; inborn; natural; deep-seated

1085. INSTITUTE v. to establish; organize; begin; initiate.

1086. INSURMOUNTABLE adj. not capable of being overcome.

1087. INTEGRATE v. to combine separate things; bring together.

1088. INTEGRITY n. completeness; uprightness; honesty.

1089. INTELLECTUAL n. a smart and informed person; deep thinker.

1090. INTELLIGIBLE adj. comprehensible; understandable.

1091. INTENSE adj. strong; acute; extreme; deeply felt

1092. INTENSIVE adj. concentrated extreme; exhaustive.

1093. INTERMINABLE adj. endless; continual

1094. INTERMITTENT adj. stopping and starting again at intervals; periodic

1095. INTERNAL adj. located within; inherent; domestic; subjective.

1096. INTERRUPT v. to stop; make a gap in; intrude upon.

1097. INTERSECT v. to cut across or through; overlap.

1098. INTERVAL n. a gap in time or distance between things

1099. INTIMIDATE v. to make timid; frighten; overawe; threaten.

1100. INTOXICATE v. to become drunk; stimulate; excite.

1101. INTRANSIGENT adj. uncompromising.

1102. INTREPID adj. fearless

1103. INTRICATE adj. complex difficult to comprehend; complicated

1104. INTRIGUING adj. interesting; mysterious; exciting curiously.

1105. INTRINSIC adj. essential; inherent

1106. INTRODUCTORY adj. serving to introduce; prefatory.

1107. INTROSPECTIVE adj contemplative.

1108. INTRUDE v. to thrust in without being welcome or invited

1109. INTUITION n. the act of knowing instinctively; insight

1110. INUNDATE v. to overwhelm; flood

1111. INVALID n. a chronically sick or disabled person.

1112. INVALID adj. not valid; unjustifiable; without legality.

1113. INVALUABLE adj. of immeasurably high value; priceless

1114. INVARIABLE adj. unchanging; constant

1115. INVASION n. a forced entry; infringement; attack

1116. INVERT v. to turn inside out or upside down; reverse.

1117. INVESTIGATE v. to examine or inquire into in detail

1118. INVIGORATE v. to give strength or vitality to; animate.

1119. INVINCIBLE adj. unconquerable; not able to be defeated

1120. INVITING adj. attractive; tempting; alluring.

1121. INVOLVED adj. complicated; complex; intricate; incriminated

1122. INVULNERABLE adj. incapable of being attacked; impregnable

1123. IRATE adj. angry; enraged

1124. IRONIC adj. contrary to what is expected; sarcastic

1125. IRRELEVANT .adj. not applicable; not pertinent

1126. IRREPARABLE adj. incapable of being repaired or amended

1127. IRRESOLUTE adj. uncertain hew to ad; vacillating; indecisive.

1128. IRRITABLE adj. having a bad temper; testy; easily annoyed

1129. ISOLATE v. to set apart; separate; single-out






1130. JARGON n. gibberish; specialized language.

1131. JEOPARDY n. vulnerability; danger.

1132. JERK n. an abrupt movement; a jolt; stupid person

1133. JEST v. to speak playfully or jokingly.

1134. JOCULAR adj. playful; joking.

1135. JOSTLE v. to bump against; make unsteady; shove.

1136. JOVIAL adj. Jolly; cheerful

1137. JUBILANT adj. joyful; extremely happy.

1138. JUGGLE v. to balance many activities or balls; manipulate.

1139. JUMBO adj. very large; extra big.

1140. JUNCTION n. where things join or meet; the ad of uniting.

1141. JUNGLE n. dense tropical forest; competitive environment

1142. JUST adj. fair; equitable; upright.

1143. JUVENILE adj. young; youthful; immature.







1144. KEEN adj. sharp; perceptive; intense; eager.

1145. KNOWLEDGEABLE adj. well-informed; wise.



1146. LABORATORY n. a building for scientific research

1147. LAME adj. crippled; limping; ineffectual; unsatisfactory

1148. LAMENT v. to mourn; to express sorrow; regret

1149. LANKY adj slim and toil; lean and ungainly.

1150. LATENT adj. dormant; hidden; undeveloped

1151. LATTER adj. else second of two; more recent

1152. LAUD v. to praise; glorify.

1153. LAVISH adj. extravagant; ornate; profuse.

1154. LEAK n. a crack or gap where something escapes.

1155. LEASE n. a rental agreement for property or equipment

1156. LECTURE n. an instructive talk; discourse; long reprimand

1157. LEISURELY adj. unhurried; at a slow pace; relaxed

1158. LIABLE adj. legally responsible; susceptible; likely.

1159. LIBERAL adj. favoring reform and freedom; tolerant; generous

1160. LIBERATE v. to set free; give liberty to; release.

1161. LID n. a removable cap or cover; top; eyelid

1162. LIFT v. to raise up; elevate; remove

1163. LIMB n. a large branch of a tree; an arm or leg.

1164. LIMELIGHT n. a stage light; publicity; focus of attention

1165. LIMIT n. a boundary; edge; furthest confine or restriction.

1166. LIMP v. to walk lamely; proceed haltingly.

1167. LIMPID adj. transparent; clear; lucid; calm.

1168. LIQUEFY v. to turn to liquid; melt

1169. LIQUIDATE v. to pay debts; convert to cash; close; kill

1170. LITERAL adj. word for word; true to meaning; not figurative.

1171. LITTER n. an animal’s newborns; scattered garbage.

1172. LOAFER n. an idle person; one who does nothing.

1173. LOATHE v. to hate; detest.

1174. LOCATION n. a particular place; site; position.

1175. LOFTY adj. exalted; very high; arrogant

1176. LOGICAL adj. dearly reasoned; rational; expected

1177. LOITER v. to loaf; anger aimlessly; waste time; lag.

1178. LONGING n. a prolonged desire; yearning.

1179. LOOT n. stolen goads; booty; spoils.

1180. LOQUACIOUS adj. talkative.

1181. LUCID adj. clear; rational

1182. LULLABY n. a soothing song sung to put a child to sleep.

1183 LUMNOUS adj. emitting light; bright; clear; lucid; brilliant

1184. LUSH adj. luxuriant; thickly grown; opulent.

1185. LYRICAL adj. romantic; poetic.




1186. MAGNIFICENT adj. splendid; grand; lavish; outstanding.

1187. MAGNIFY v. to enlarge; amplify; glorify; intensify.

1188. MAIM v. to disable by wounding; mutilate; impair.

1189. MALEVOLENT adj. wishing harm to others; malicious.

1190. MALICIOUS adj. intending harm; spiteful

1191. MALIGN v. to speak ill of; defame

1192. MANIFESTATION n. a demonstration; revealed form; display.

1193. MANSION n. a large stately house

1194. MANUSCRIPT n. a handwritten or unpublished work

1195. MARE n. a female horse.

1196. MARGIN n. a bordering space or edge; limit; allowance

1197. MARITIME adj. located near the sea; concerned with shipping.

1198. MARTYR a. one who sacrifices himself for a cause.

1199. MASSACRE n. indiscriminate and large scale killing.

1200. MASSIVE adj. very large; heavy; substantial

1201. MATURE adj. fully grown or developed; ripe; complete.

1202. MEAGER adj. scanty; lean; inadequate

1203. MEDDLE v. interfere; intrude

1204. MEDIATE v. to help settle differences; intervene

2205. MEDICATION n. a medicine; treatment; remedy.

1206. MEDIOCRE adj. average; ordinary; commonplace.

1207. MEEK adj submissive; humble; not aggressive

1208. MELANCHOLIC adj. gloomy; depressed.

1209. MELANCHOLY n. depression; gloominess; sadness

1210. MELLOW adj. mature; soft and ripe; gentle; relaxed

1211 MELODIOUS adj. pleasing to the ear; musical; tuneful

1212. MEMO n a note; memorandum; written communication.

1213. MENACE n. a threat; a harmful thing or person

1214. MEND v. to fix; repair; improve.

1215. MENIAL adj. servile; lowly

1216. MENTOR n. wise counselor; teacher.

1217. MERCHANT n. one who buys and sells goods; a shopkeeper.

1218. MERCY n. compassion; leniency; forgiveness

1219. MERGE v. to blend together; unite; be absorbed

1220. MERIT n. worthiness; value.

1221. METAPHORICAL adj. figuratively; not literal

1222. METEORIC adj. swift and brilliant; like a shooting star.

1223. METICULOUS adj. extremely careful; fastidious.

1224. MIDGET n. a very small person; miniature version.

1225. MIGRANT n. person or animal which moves to other areas.

1226. MILEAGE n. distance in miles; traveling allowance.

1227. MINGLE v. to mix; blend; combine; associate.

1228. MINIMIZE v. to belittle; reduce; lessen; depreciate.

1229. MINUTE adj. vet small; tiny; insignificant

1230. MIRTH n. gladness; lightheartedness; gaiety; hilarity.

1231. MISCELLANEOUS adj. mixed; diversified; varied; heterogeneous.

1232. MISCHIEVOUS adj. causing trouble; annoying; teasing; playful

1233. MISERLY adj. stingy; tending to hoard wealth

1234. MISPLACE v. to put in the wrong place; lose; bestow wrongly

1235. MISSILE n. a weapon or object hurled through the air

1236. MISSION n. a duty; charge or special service; function.

1238. MODULATE v. to adjust; regulate; temper; vary.

1239. MOLEST v. to disturb; interfere; attack sexually.

1240. MONARCHY n. a government with a hereditary ruler.

1241. MONOTONOUS adj. unvarying; boring; tediously uniform; dull.

1242. MONSTROUS adj. grotesquely abnormal; outrageous; huge

1243. MONUMENTAL adj. imposing; enormous; notable.

1244. MOODY adj. gloomy; uneasy; sullen; emotionally inconstant.

1245. MOOT adj. debatable; unresolved

1246. MORALE n. level of confidence, courage and discipline

1247. MORALITY a. virtue; concept of right and wrong; ethics.

1248. MOROSE adj. sullen; gloomy.

1249. MORSEL n. a small piece of something; a bite of food

1250. MORTAL adj. subject to death; human; deadly; fatal

1251. MOTIF n. recurrent thematic element

1252. MUGGY adj. hot and humid

1253 MUMBLE v. to speak indistinctly; mutter.

1254. MURAL n. a large painting done on a wall

1255. MUSEUM n. an exhibition building.

1256. MUSTER v. to assemble; gather.

1257. MUTE adj. unable to talk or vocalize; silent; not speaking.

1258. MUTILATE v. to disfigure; maim; damage

1259. MUTUAL adj. reciprocal; shared

1260. MYSTERIOUS adj. unexplainable; obscure; enigmatic; puzzling; occult

1261. MYTHICAL adj. imaginary; fictitious; legendary.




1262. NADIR n. lowest point; time of deepest depression.

1263. NAKED adj. without clothing; nude; exposed; unprotected

1264. NARRATIVE n. a story; an account or description

1265. NASTY adj. disgusting; filthy; indecent; mean; unpleasant.

1266. NAVIGATE v. to plan a course; maneuver through something

1267. NEGLECT v. to ignore; disregard; fail to care for properly.

1268. NEGLIGENT adj. neglectful; careless in performing duties

1269. NEGLIGIBLE adj. insignificant; of little importance; trifling.

1270. NEGOTIATE v. to arrange or settle through discussions.

1271. NESTLE v. to lie close by; settle comfortably; snuggle

1272. NOCTURNAL adj. occurring at night

1273. NOISY adj. loud; clamorous; vociferous

1274. NOTABLE adj. remarkable; striking; prominent

1275. NOTICE v. to acknowledge; observe; see.

1276. NOTIFY v. to inform give notice to.

1277. NOTORIOUS adj. widely and unfavorably known.

1278. NOVELTY n. something new and different

1279. NOVICE n. beginner.

1280. NUANCE n. subtle variation in meaning or quality

1281. NULLIFY v. to make invalid; neutralize.

1282. NUMB adj. without sensation; stunned unable to feel or act

1283. NUMEROUS adj. many.

1284. NURTURE v. to feed; rear; educate.





1285. OASIS n. fertile spot in a desert; place go relax in.

1286. OBESE adj. very fat; extremely overweight

1287. OBEY v. to follow orders; comply.

1288. OBLIGATION n. a duty; responsibility; debt

1289. OBLITERATE v. to completely destroy; wipe out.

1290. OBLIVION n. state of being completely forgotten

1291. OBLIVIOUS adj. forgetful; unaware; unmindful

1292. OBSCENE adj. offensive; indecent; lewd; coarse.

1293. OBSCURE adj. unclear; vague; indistinct; dark; remote.

1294. OBSEQUIOUS adj. servile; fawning; overly compliant.

1295. OBSERVANT adj. quick to perceive or see things; alert.

1296. OBSOLETE adj. outmoded; no longer in use.

1297. OBSTINATE adj. stubborn; refractory; obdurate.

1298. OBSTRUCT v. to block; prevent passage; Impede; hinder.

1299. OBTAIN v. to gain possession; acquire.

1300. OBVIOUS adj. plainly apparent; evident; easily understood

1301. OCCASIONALLY adv. now and then; sometimes

1302. OCCURRENCE n. that which fakes place; an incident; happening.

1303. OFFENSIVE adj. disagreeable; unpleasant; aggressive.

1304. OFFSPRING n. children; descendants; outcome; product.

1305. OMINOUS adj. foreboding; threatening.

1306. OMIT v. to leave out; neglect

1307. OMNIPOTENT adj all-powerful.

1308. OPERATE v. to function; work; perform surgery.

1309. OPPONENT n. an adversary; rival; antagonist

1310. OPTIMIST n. one who expects good things to happen.

1311. OPULENCE n. affluence; luxuriant abundance.

1312. ORBIT n. path; range of activity.

1313. ORCHARD n. a grove of fruit or nut trees.

1314. ORCHESTRATE v. to compose; arrange.

1315. ORDEAL n. a difficult or painful experience; severe trial

1316. ORDINARY adj. common; usual; average; normal

1317. ORGANIZE v. to make orderly; arrange; systematize.

1318. ORIGIN n. the beginning; source; root; ancestry.

1319. ORNATE adj. heavily decorated; elaborately adorned; showy.

1320. OSCILLATE v. to swing back and forth; vacillate.

1321. OSTENTATIOUS adj. showy; pretentious.

1322. OSTRACIZE v. to banish; exclude.

1323. OUTLINE n. an outer contour; rough plan or summary.

1324. OUTPUT n. production; yield; amount produced

1325. OUTRAGEOUS adj. extremely offensive; disgraceful; extravagant.

1326. OUTSKIRTS n. an outer region or area; bordering districts

1327. OUTSTANDING adj prominent; standing out; excellent; not resolve~

1328. OVERALL adj including everything; comprehensive.

1329. OVERLOOK v. to view from above; fail to notice; supervise.

1330. OVERSEE v. to supervise; direct; watch over; observe.

1331. OVERT adj. open; not concealed






1332. PACIFY v. to appease; restore calm make peaceful

1333. PACKAGE n. small wrapped bundle or box; container; parcel

1334. PACT n. an agreement; treaty; compact

1335. PALATABLE adj. acceptable; agreeable; sufficiently tasty; appetizing

1336. PALTRY adj. petty; trifling; insignificant

1337. PAMPHLET n. a booklet; brochure.

1338. PANIC n. a sudden attack of fear or terror.

1339. PARADIGM n. example; model

1340. PARADISE n. heaven; an ideal place of great beauty.

1341. PARADOX n. inexplicable problem; self-contradictory thing.

1342. PARALYZE v. to make unable to move; make inoperative

1343. PARAMOUNT adj. of foremost importance.

1344. PARAPHRASE v. to restate or summarize using other words

1345. PARASITE n. something that lives or feeds off another.

1346. PARDON v. to excuse; forgive; absolve

1347. PARTICIPATE v. to rake an active part; share or join an.

1348. PARTITION v. to divide.

1349. PASSAGE n. a means or ad of traveling; excerpt or segment

1350. PASSIVE adj. unresisting; not active; submissive.

1351. PASTORAL adj. pertaining to shepherds; rural

1352. PATHETIC adj. lamentable; sad; inadequate.

1353. PATIENCE n. the capacity to calmly wait or endure.

1354. PATRIOT n. one who loves and defends his or her country.

1355. PATRON n. a benefactor; Supporter; regular customer.

1356. PAUCITY n. scarcity; fewness

1357. PAUPER n. an extremely poor person; recipient of charity.

1358. PEDESTRIAN adj. ordinary; commonplace; on foot

1359. PEEK v. to sneak a look at; glance quickly.

1360. PEERLESS adj. unmatched

1361 PENCHANT n. inclination

1362. PENETRATE v. to pierce; permeate; enter; understand

1363. PENSIVE adj. thoughtful; reflective; melancholy.

1364. PERCH n. a place for sitting or resting; a roost for bird

1365. PERFORATED adj. having a series of punched holes; penetrated

1366. PERILOUS adj. dangerous; risky.

1367. PERIODIC adj. recurring at intervals; intermittent

1368. PERIPIWRY n. outermost area; fringe.

1369. PERMANENT adj. lasting; unchanging; fixed

1370. PERMEATE v. to pervade penetrate; infiltrate

1371. PERMISSIBLE adj. allowable; permitted

1372. PERPETUAL adj. continuous; ceaseless; everlasting

1373. PERPETUATE v. to continue indefinitely; prolong.

1374. PERPLEX v. to confuse; puzzle; bewilder.

1375. PERSECUTE v. to oppress; persistently harass; cause to suffer.

1376. PERSEVERE v. to slick with something; persist be steadfast

1377. PERSISTENT adj enduring; persevering; continuous

1378. PERSPECTIVE n. point of view; relative position; illusion of depth.

1379. PERSPIRE v. to sweat; excrete through the pores.

1380. PERSUADE v. to convince; win over; prevail upon

1381. PERTINENT adj. relevant; appropriate; related

1382. PERTURB v. to upset; greatly disturb; agitate.

1383. PERUSE v. to read attentively; examine.

1384. PERVADE v. to permeate; spread throughout

1385. PERVASIVE adj. present throughout; widespread

1386. PESSIMISM n. tendency to expect the worst; gloominess.

1387. PETITION n. a formal written request

1388. PETTY adj. trivial; small; insignificant; mean.

1389. PHENOMENON n. observable occurrence; notable thing; marvel

1390. PHONETICS n. the study of the sounds of speech.

1391. PHYSICIAN n. a medical doctor; one who heals.

1392. PIETY n. religious or familial reverence; devoutness

1393. PIGMENT n. coloring matter; dye

1394. PILFER v. to steal a small amount; rob.

1395. PILLAGE v. to rob; plunder

1396. PILLAR n. supporting column; holder of a central position.

1397. PIOUS adj. devout; high minded

1398. PITY n. compassion; sympathy; something unfortunate

1399. PIVOTAL adj. crucial; essential; vital

1400. PLATEAU n. flat elevated land; stable period; leveling off

1401. PLAUSIBLE adj. seemingly true or valid; apparently acceptable; reasonable

1402. PLEAD v. to earnestly appeal; beg; urge.

1403. PLEDGE n. a promise; vow; guarantee.

1404. PLENTIFUL adj. abundant; of great quantity; copious

1405. PLOT n. piece of land; plan; conspiracy; story outline.

1406. PLUMP adj. chubby; fat; well-rounded; ample.

1407. POIGNANT adj. piercing; relevant; pungent

1408. POLLUTED adj. impure; dirty; contaminated; corrupt

1409. POMPOUS adj. pretentious; bombastic

1410. PONDER v. to meditate on; weigh mentally; reflect

1411. PORTABLE adj. easily moved or carried

1412. PORTLY adj. staid; corpulent; stately.

1413. PORTRAY v. to represent pictorially; depict; describe; enact

1414. POSITIVE adj. definite; confident; affirmative; greater than zero

1415. POSSESSION n. something owned; a belonging; ownership.

1416. POSSESSIVE adj. jealous ownership; wanting to control

1417. POSTERIOR adj. located behind; coming after.

1418. POSTERITY n. future generations

1419. POSTPONE v. to delay; put off until later.

1420. POTENT adj. powerful; strong; effective

1421. PRACTICAL adj. useful; usable; acquired through practice

1422. PRACTICALLY adj. virtually; almost; in a way that is useful

1423. PRAGMATIC adj. practical; dealing with actual occurrences.

1424. PRANK n. a playful trick; mischievous act; practical joke.

1425. PRECARIOUS adj. unstable; uncertain.

1426. PRECAUTION n. a safeguard; forethought; protection in advance.

1427. PRECEDE v. to come before; be in front of

1428. PRECEDENT n. previous instance used as an example; custom; standard

1429. PRECIOUS adj. of great value; costly; cherished; beloved.

1430. PRECIPITATIQN n. rain or snow; a headlong fall; haste.

1431. PRECISE adj exact; definite; dearly expressed; distinct

1432. PRECOCIOUS adj. maturing earlier than usual; intellectually advanced

1433. PRECURSOR n. forerunner; harbinger.

1434. PREDECESSOR n. one who preceded another in a position; ancestor.

1435. PREDICAMENT n. a dilemma; difficult or embarrassing situation.

1436. PREDICT v. to foretell; prophesy; reveal the future

1437. PREDILECTION n. preference; partiality

1438. PREJUDICE n. bias; prejudgment; preconceived opinion.

1439. PRELIMINARY adj. prior; introductory; preceding.

1440. PREMISE n. proposition on which an argument is based; assumption

1441. PREOCCUPIED adj engrossed; absorbed; distracted

1442. PREPARE v. to make ready ahead of time; put together.

1443. PREPOSTEROUS adj. absurd; foolish; contrary to common sense.

1444. PREREQUISITE adj. required; necessary.

1445. PRESERVE v. to protect; maintain; keep safe.

1446. PRESTIGE n. prominence; high status.

1447. PRESUMPTUOUS adj. arrogant

1448. PRETENTIOUS adj. claiming importance; ostentatious

1449. PRETEXT n. an excuse; pretense.

1450. PREVAIL v. to be victorious; be most common; persuade; triump

1451. PREVALENT adj. widely used or accepted; prevailing.

1452. PREVENT v. to keep from happening; hinder; impede; forestall

1453. PRIEST n. one who performs religious rites; a minister.

1454. PRIMARILY adj. chiefly; principally; originally.

1455. PRIMARY adj. coming first or earliest; chief, fundamental

1456. PRIMITIVE adj. pertaining to earliest times; crude; simple

1457. PRINCIPAL adj. first in importance; chief, foremost

1458. PRINCIPLE n. a basic truth or doctrine; a rule or standard

1459. PRIOR adj. preceding; coming before

1460. PRIORITY n. the right to precede or come earlier.

1461. PRISONER n. a captive; one forcibly restrained

1462. PRISTINE adj. pertaining to the earliest time; unspoiled; pure.

1463. PRIVACY n. seclusion; isolation; secrecy.

1464. PRIVILEGE n. an advantage; special right

1465. PROBE v. to search; investigate; explore

1466. PROCRASTINATE v. to put off doing something; postpone needlessly.

1467. PROFESSIONAL adj. engaged in a profession; skillful; not an amateur.

1468. PROFICIENT adj. skilled; adept

1469. PROFOUND adj. deeply meaningful; thoroughgoing; complete.

1470. PROFUSE adj. copious; overabundant; lavish.

1471. PROJECT n. a plan; undertaking; piece of research.

1472. PROJECT v. to jut out; protrude; direct out a sound or image

1473. PROLIFERATE v. to reproduce; increase rapidly.

1474. PROLIFIC adj abundantly fertile; productive

1475. PROLONG v. to make longer; extend

1476. PROMISCUOUS adj. sexually indiscriminate; lacking selection standards.

1477. PRONE adj. lying face downward; inclined or tending toward

1478. PROP n. a support; part of a stage scene.

1479. PROPENSITY n. inclination; proclivity.

1480. PROPONENT n. one who supports or proposes something.

1481. PROPORTIONATE adj. having balanced parts, harmonized

1482. PROPOSAL n. a suggestion; plan; offer of marriage.

1483. PROPRIETOR n. an owner.

1484. PROPRIETY n. appropriateness; rightness; correct behavior; suitability.

1485. PROSAIC adj. commonplace; straightforward; unpoetic

1486. PROSECUTE v. to proceed against in court; pursue; carry on

1487. PROSPECT n. possibility; outlook; expectation.

1488. PROSPEROUS adj. successful; thriving; well-off

1489. PROTAGONIST n. principal figure.

1490. PROTECT v. to keep safe; shield from harm.

1491. PROTEST v. to object; demonstrate against; solemnly declare.

1492. PROTOTYPE n. original type; model

1493. PROTRUDE v. to stick out; project

1494. PROVISIONAL adj. tentative; conditional; temporary.

1495. PROVOKE v. to incite to anger; arouse; annoy; stir up.

1496. PROWESS n. superior skill or daring.

1497. PROXIMITY n. nearness; propinquity

1498. PRUDENCE n. discretion; careful judgment

1499. PUBLICIZE v. bring to public attention; advertise; make known.

1500. PUNCTUAL adj. prowl; on time; precise.

1501. PURCHASE v. to buy; to earn.

1502. PURIFY v. to make pure; cleanse; free from sin.

1503. PURSUE v. to chase after; follow; strive for; engage in.

1504. PUZZLING adj. perplexing; confusing; bewildering




1505. QUANTIFY v. to express in numbers; specify amount

1506. QUARRELSOME adj. tending to quarrel or argue; belligerent

1507. QUARTERLY adj. occurring every three months; having four parts

1508. QUENCH v. to satisfy; put out; cool down; repress.

1509. QUEST n. a pursuit; search.

1510. QUIRK n. a sudden twist; peculiarity; unpredictable event.

1511. QUIZ v. to question; examine; test; interrogate

1512. QUOTA n. an assigned share; allotment; production goal




1513. RADIANT adj. shining; glowing; beaming; emitting; radiation

1514. RAGE v. to speak angrily; move or spread violently.

1515. RAID n. a surprise attack or incursion; sudden invasion

1516. RAMBLE v. to wander aimlessly; roam; grow irregularly

1517. RAMIFICATION n. an outgrowth; consequence.

1518. RAMPANT adj. unchecked; unrestrained

1519. RANCOR n. bitterness; hatred; enmity

1520. RANDOM adj. haphazard; casual

1521. RANGE n. extent; scope; grazing land; a stove.

1522. RASH adj. acting without caution; reckless; hasty.

1523. RATIFY v. to formally approve; sanction; confirm

1524. RATIONAL adj. having or displaying reason; sane; logical

1525. RAZE v. to demolish.

1526. REBELLIOUS adj. defiant; resisting control; unruly; insubordinate; mutinous

1527. RECANT v. retract; disavow.

1528. RECAPITULATE v. to summarize; repeat in a concise form.

1529. RECIPIENT adj. one who receives or accepts something

1530. RECITE v. to orally repent something memorized; tell; list.

1531. RECKLESS adj. daring; careless; rash; uncontrolled

1532. RECLUSE n. one who withdraws from the world; a hermit

1533. RECOGNIZE v. to identify from memory;; know; acknowledge.

1534. RECOLLECTION n. something recalled or remembered

1535. RECONCILE v. to reestablish a relationship; resolve; accept; mediate.

1536. RECOUNT v. to tell; narrate; relate

1537. RECOUP v. to recover or make up for ones losses.

1538. RECTIFY v. to make right; correct

1539. RECUPERATE v. to return to health; recover.

1540. RECURRENT adj. appearing again; returning repeatedly.

1541. REDUNDANT adj. more than is needed; superfluous; repetitive

1542. REFINED adj. cultivated; polished; pure; sub1le~

1543. REFLECTION n. a mirror image; careful consideration; comment

1544. REFORM v. to change; improve; make over.

1545. REFRAIN v. to hold ones elf back; abstain

1546. REFURBISH v. to renovate; make fresh or clean again.

1547. REFUTE v. to show to be false; disprove; deny; contradict

1548. REGIMENT n. governmental rule; regulated system

1549. REGRESS v. to revert; go back; relapse

1550. REGULATE v. to direct or control; keep in order; adjust.

1551. REHEARSE v. to practice for a performance; recite.

1552. REIMBURSE v. to repay; refund; compensate.

1553. REITERATE v. to repeat

1554. REJUVENATE v. to make youthful; restore vigor; renew; refresh.

1555. RELAPSE v. to revert; slip back; regress; backslide

1556. RELEASE v. to set free; liberate; relinquish; unfasten

1557. RELENTLESS adj. persistent; unyielding; pitiless

1558. RELEVANT adj. pertinent; related; applicable

1559. RELIABLE adj. dependable; trustworthy.

1560. RELIC n. a very old object or custom; memento.

1561. RELIGIOUSLY adv. conscientiously; diligently; devoutly.

1562. RELINQUISH v. go give up; surrender; renounce.

1563. RELISH v. to enjoy; like; take pleasure in.

1564. RELUCTANT adj. unwilling; resisting; disinclined

1565. REMAINDER n. something left over; a surplus; remains; residue.

1566. REMEDY n. cure; treatment; medicine

1567. REMISS adj. tax, negligent; careless; sluggish.

1568. REMNANT n. left over piece; small remainder.

1569, REMORSE n. guilt; anguished regret

1570. RENDER v. to give; relinquish; represent; perform

1571. RENOUNCE v. to disown; repudiate; abandon, give up.

1572. RENOWNED adj. famous; acclaimed

1573. REPELLENT adj. resistant; repulsive; distasteful

1574. REPLENISH v. to make full again; restock

1575. REPLICATE v. to duplicate; repeat; copy.

1576. REPORT v. to present; relate; write an account of

1577. REPRIEVE n. postponement; temporary relief

1578. REPRODUCTION n. a copy of something.

1579. REPUDIATE v. to reject; disown; renounce

1580. REPUGNANT adj. distasteful; repulsive; offensive.

1581. REPULSIVE adj. disgusting; repugnant; tending to repel

1582. REQUEST v. to ask for; demand

1583. REQUIRED adj. necessary; needed; essential

1584. REQUISITE adj. required; essential; necessary.

1585. RESEMBLE v. to look like; be similar to.

1586. RESIDENCE n. dwelling; place where one lives; house.

1587. RESIDUE n. the remainder of something; something leftover.

1588. RESIGNED adj. reconciled; acquiescent; passively submitting.

1589. RESIST v. to oppose; withstand; abstain from.

1590. RESOLUTE adj. firm unwavering; fixed; resolved; determined

1591. RESOLVE n. determination; firmness; a resolution.

1592. RESOURCEFUL adj. able to effectively use what is available.

1593. RESPECTED adj. highly regarded; esteemed; honored

1594. RESPOND v. to answer; make a reply; react.

1595. RESPONSIBLE adj. trustworthy; accountable; capable; answerable

1596. RESTLESS adj. not related; uneasy; unable to sleep.

1597. RESTORE v. to return to former condition; renew; reestablish.

1598. RESTRAIN v. to hold back; confine; restrict; control; hamper.

1599. RESTRICT v. to limit; restrain; inhibit; hamper.

1600. RESUME v. to begin again; fake up again; continue.

1601. RESUME n. summary; brief account of working experiences

1602. RETAIN v. lo keep; hold on to; remember; hire.

1603. RETARD v. to impede; delay; hinder.

1604. RETICENT adj, silent; restrained; reserved

1605. RETORT v. to reply; answer sharply; return.

1606. RETRACT v. to withdraw; recant; take back

1607. RETRIBUTION n. punishment; revenge

1608. REVEAL v. to make known; expose; show; disclose.

1609. REVENUE n. income; public funds

1610. REVERSE adj. opposite; contrary; turned backward; inverted

1611. REVERT v. Logo back; return to former condition.

1612. REVISE v. to correct; change; modify; revamp.

1613. REVIVE v. to bring back to life; restore; renew; resurrect.

1614. REVOKE v. to repeal; ctmce4 take back

1615. REVULSION n. a violent change of feeling; disgust; loathing.

1616. RHYTHM n. a regular variation or pattern; beat; meter.

1617. RIDICULE v. to make fun of, mock; deride.

1618. RIDICULOUS adj. foolish; absurd; silly; laughable

1619. RITUAL n. a ceremony; sacred rite; formalized procedure

1620. RIVAL n. a competitor; opponent

1621. ROAM v. to wander; travel without purpose.

1622. ROBUST adj. strong; sturdy; vigorous; healthy.

1623. ROLE n. actor’s part; expected behavior; position; function

1624. ROTATE v. to spin; turn; alternate.

1625. ROUGH adj. not smooth; crude; approximate; harsh.

1626. ROUTINE n. an often repeated procedure; regular activity.

1627. RUMOR n. an unconfirmed story; hearsay; gossip.

1628. RURAL adj. in the countryside; rustic; pastoral; agricultural

1629. RUSTIC adj. pertaining to the country; rural; simplex

1630. RUSTY adj. corroded; out of practice; reddish brown.

1631. RUTHLESS adj. merciless; crud; having no pity.



1632. SACRED adj. holy; venerable; dedicated to a deity, hallowed

1633. SAGACIOUS adj. wise; shrewd

1634. SALVAGE v. to save from destruction; rescue.

1635. SANCTION v. to authorize; approve; legitimize.

1636. SARCASM n. a taunting comment; witty mockery.

1637. SARCASTIC adj. taunting; sharply witty; ironic; satirical

1638. SATIRICAL adj. ridiculing; sarcastic; ironic

1639. SATURATE v. to soak; surfeit; fill to capacity.

1640. SAVAGE adj. uncivilized; barbarous; uncultivated

1641. SAYING n. a familiar expression; word of wisdom; proverb.

1642. SCANDAL n. a public disgrace; outrage.

1643. SCANTY adj. meager; deficient; limited

1644. SCARCITY n. a shortage; insufficiency; dearth

1645. SCATTER v. to separate; disperse; distribute haphazardly, diffuse

1646. SCHEDULE a program of events; written list; agenda

1647. SCHEME n. a plan; system; plot; intrigue.

1648. SCIENTIFIC adj. objective and factual; systematic.

1649. SCOLD v. to find fault; reprimand; criticize harshly.

1650. SCOPE n. outlook; extent; intellectual range

1651. SCORCH v. to burn; char; singe; criticize severely.

1652. SCORN v. to treat as inferior; despise; reject

1653. SCOUNDREL n. a villain; undisciplined or wicked person

1654. SCRAMBLE v. to climb hurriedly; struggle or strive for;

1655. SCRAP n. a small piece; fragment; discarded, metal

1656. SCREECH n. a high-pitched cry; shriek; scream.

1657. SCREEN v. to conceal; protect; shield; hide; separate; sift

1658. SCRUB v. to dean by rubbing; to wash.

1659. SCRUPULOUS adj. principled; conscientious.

1660. SCRUTINIZE v. go examine closely; inspect critically; investigate.

1661. SECLUDED adj. remote; removed from others; hidden.

1662. SECULAR adj. temporal; worldly.

1663. SECURITY n. safety; freedom from risk; confidence.

1664. SEDATE adj. composed; serious.

1665. SEDENTARY adj. inactive.

1666. SEGMENT n. a portion; part; section.

1667. SEIZE v. to take hold of; grasp; comprehend; capture; apprehend

1668. SELECTIVE adj. careful in choosing; discriminating; particular.

1669. SENSIBLE adj. reasonable; perceptible by the senses; aware.

1670. SENSITIVE adj. responsive to stimulation; easily hurt or affected

1671. SENTIMENTAL adj. emotional; romantic; appealing to feelings

1672. SENTRY n. a guard; one who keeps watch; sentinel

1673. SERENITY n. calmness; tranquility.

1674. SEVER v. to divide or cut into parts; separate; break off

1675. SEVERE adj. harsh; strict; stein; serious; extreme.

1676. SHABBY adj. worn out; seedy; deteriorated; mean.

1677. SHAKY adj. trembling; unsteady; wavering; insecure

1678. SHALLOW adj. not deep; superficial; lacking depth.

1679. SHATTER v. to break into pieces; ruin; seriously impair.

1680. SHELTER n. a protected or covered place; refuge; asylum

1681. SHIMMER v. to shine; flash; glimmer; flicker.

1682. SHREWD adj. keen; quick-witted clever; tricky; astute

1683. SHRIEK n. a shrill outcry; screech; scream

1684. SHRIVEL v. to shrink up wad wrinkle; lose vitality.

1685. SHUN v. to deliberately avoid; keep away from

1686. SIGNIFICANT adj. meaningful; important; suggestive.

1687. SIMPLICITY n. a lack of complexity; condition of being simple

1688. SIMULATE v. to imitate; pretend

1689. SINISTER adj harmful; evil; ominous.

1690. SINUOUS adj. having many turns or curves; winding; devious.

1691. SKEPTIC n. a doubter; one inclined to skepticism

1692. SKEPTICAL adj. doubting; disbelieving; questioning.

1693. SKETCHY adj. not detailed; incomplete.

1694. SKIM v. to remove top layer; glide over; read superficially.

1695. SKIRMISH n. a minor battle or dispute.

1696. SLANDER v. to defame; malign; spread damaging things.

1697. SLAP v. to strike with the palm of the hand; criticize

1698. SLAUGHTER v. to butcher animals; kill many; massacre

1699. SLAY v. to kill by violence.

1700. SLEAZY adj. funny; cheap; shoddy; insubstantial

1701. SLEEK adj. smooth and polished; glossy; well-groomed

1702. SLIGHT adj. small; meager; of tilde importance; slender; frail

1703. SLIT n. a long, narrow cut; a tear; slash.

1704. SLUGGISH adj. lazy; slow; inactive; lacking vigor; lethargic.

1705. SLY adj. clever; cunning; crafty; deceitful

1706. SNATCH v. to grab hastily; seize; grasp; take violently.

1707. SOAR v. to fly; glide through the air; rise up.

1708. SOLAR adj. pertaining to the sun

1709. SOLELY adv. alone; singly; exclusively.

1710. SOLICIT v. to seek; request; entreat

1711. SOLITUDE n isolation; seclusion; state of being alone

1712. SOMBER adj. dark; gloomy.

1713. SONOROUS adj full of sound; resonant; impressive.

1714. SOOTHE v. to calm, ease the pain of; relieve; assuage, mollify

1715. SORROWFUL adj sad; mournful; full of grief

1716. SPACIOUS adj. roomy; extensive; vast

1717. SPAN n. extent or measure of something; breadth; time.

1718. SPARSE adj. not dense; thinly distribute

1719. SPECIES n. a biological classification; distinct category.

1720. SPECIFIC adj. definite; explicit; particular; distinctive.

1721. SPECIMEN n. a representative example; sample.

1722. SPECK n. a small spot; dot of color; any particle

1723. SPECTACLE n. public performance; striking sight or display.

1724. SPECULATE v. to conjecture; theorize; think about; risk money.

1725. SPIRITED adj vigorous; animated; full of courage.

1726. SPLENDID adj. excellent; grand; magnificent; admirable

1727. SPLURGE n. an extravagant expense or display.

1728. SPOIL v. to damage; decay; disrupt; overindulge.

1729. SPONTANEOUS adj. arising naturally or impulsively; without planning

1730. SPORADIC adj. infrequent; occurring irregularly.

1731. SPRAWL v. to spread or stretch out awkwardly.

1732. SPURT n. a sudden gush of liquid; sudden effort

1733. SQUABBLE v. to quarrel over something minor; bicker; argue.

1734. SQUALOR n. misery; filth; poverty.

1735. SQUANDER v. to waste; use up; spend extravagantly.

1736. SQUASH v. to crush; flatten; suppress.

1737. STABILITY n. firmness; permanence; resistance to change

1738. STACK n. an orderly pile; heap; bookcase.

1739. STAGGER v. to move unsteadily; arrange in a zigzag pattern; lurch.

1740. STAGNANT adj. not moving; foul from inactivity

1741. STALE adj. not fresh; trite.

1742. STALL v. to delay; cause to stop; evade.

1743. STALWART adj. robust; resolute; strong; uncompromising.

1744. STAPLE n. a major commodity; major part; wire fastener.

1745. STARK adj. barren; desolate; complete; extreme; blunt.

1746. STARTLE v. to surprise; frighten; alarm; shock

1747. STARVE v. to suffer or die from lack of food; be in need

1748. STATIC adj. stationary; quiescent; unchanging.

1749. STATIONARY adj. not moving; fixed in position; unchanging.

1750. STEADFAST adj. firm; loyal; resolute.

1751. STELLAR adj. star-like; outstanding; principal

1732. STERN adj. harsh; severe; inflexible; austere; strict.

1753. STIFLE v. to suppress; smother; suffocate.

1754. STIGMA n. mark of infamy or grace

1755. STIMULATE v. to excite; spur to action; invigorate; provoke; whet

1756. STINGY adj. reluctant to spend; tightfisted; miserly; scanty.

1757. STIPEND n. payment; allowance

1758. STIPULATION n. a condition; provision.

1759. STORE v. to put away for future use; stock

1760. STRAGGLE v. to wander; lag behind; stray; spread irregularly.

1761. STRAIN v. to stretch too far; injure by overuse; filter.

1762. STRATEGIC adj. of vital importance; essential

1763. STRAY v. to wander; become lost; deviate; digress.

1764. STREAMLINED adj. designed to flow efficiently; modernized

1765. STRICT adj. severe; not permissive; precise; exact; absolute

1766. STRIKING adj. impressive; prominent

1767. STRIVE v. to make a strenuous effort; struggle; endeavor.

1768. STROLL v. to walk leisurely.

1769. STUBBORN adj. not easily persuaded; obstinate; resistant

1770. STUMBLE v. to trip; stagger; blunder; discover accidentally.

1771. STUNT v. to hinder growth or development

1772. STUPEFY v. to amaze; astonish; shock; deprive of sensibility.

1773. STURDY adj. strong; robust; vigorous; durable

1774. SUBDUE v. to conquer; bring under control; repress.

1775. SUBMERGE v. to cover with water; inundate; obscure.

1776. SUBMISSIVE adj. yielding; obedient; docile

1777. SUBORDINATE n. secondary; of a lower rank; inferior.

1778. SUBSEQUENT adj. following in time; succeeding; later

1779. SUBSERVIENT adj. servile; subordinate; humble.

1780. SUBSIDE v. to sink lower; abate; become quiet

1781. SUBSTANTIAL adj. solidly built; considerable; real; ample.

1782. SUBSTANTIATE v. to support with evidence; verify; confirm

1783. SUBSTITUTE n. replacement; one taking the place of another.

1784. SUBTERRANEAN adj. underground; hidden; secret

1785. SUBTLETY n. delicacy tact; nicety; cunning.

1786. SUBVERT v. to undermine; overthrow.

1787. SUCCEED v. to come after; accomplish something; do well

1788. SUCCESSIVE adj. following in order or sequence; consecutive.

1789. SUCCINCT adj. concise; terse; brief and clear

1790. SUCCUMB v. to submit under pressure; yield; give up; die

1791. SUFFICE v. to meet requirements; satisfy needs

1792. SUFFICIENT adj adequate; as much as needed; enough.

1793. SUFFOCATE v. to smother; stifle; keep from breathing; choke

1794. SUITABLE adj. appropriate; fit; satisfactory; applicable.

1795. SULK v. to be silently resentful or unhappy.

1796. SULLEN adj. gloomy; morose; somber; resentful

1797. SULLY v. to soil; defile; tarnish.

1798. SULTRY adj. hot and humid; passionate.

1799. SUMMARIZE v. to restate briefly; condense; make a summary of; recapitulate

1800. SUMMON v. to send for; request to appear; call together.

1801. SUPERFLUOUS adj. beyond what is necessary; extra; nonessential

1802. SUPERIOR adj higher in rank; of greater value; overly proud

1803. SUPERSEDE v. to replace; supplant; succeed

1804. SUPPLANT v. to take the place of displace; supersede.

1805. SUPPLEMENT n. an added section or part

1806. SUPPLIES n. provisions; necessary equipment

1807. SUPPORT v. to holdup; sustain; aid; provide for.

1808. SUPPRESS v. to restrain; subdue; withhold from publication; quash

1809. SUPREME adj greatest in power or importance; dominant.

1810. SURLY adj. ill-tempered; not civil

1811. SURMISE n. an inference; conjecture; guess.

1812. SURPASS v to exceed; transcend; excel

1813. SURPLUS n. an excess; what is left over.

1814. SURRENDER v. to give up; submit; capitulate; relinquish.

1815. SURVEILLANCE n. observation of a person or group; supervision.

1816. SUSCEPTIBLE adj. capable of being affected or influenced; liable.

1817. SUSPECT v. to believe to be guilty; distrust, doubt; surmise

1818. SUSPEND v. to hang from above delay; postpone; interrupt

1819. SUSTAIN v. to maintain; prolong; keep alive; provide for; buoy.

1820. SWAMP v. to flood; overwhelm, burden.

1821. SWAP v. to exchange; trade; barter.

1822. SWARM n. a group of bees; a mob; throng; flock

1823. SWERVE v. to turn suddenly; veer.

1824. SYMMETRICAL adj. balanced; proportionate; equivalent.

1825. SYMPATHETIC adj. compassionate; sharing a feeling; agreeable

1826. SYNCHRONIZE v. to operate in unison; be simultaneous; coincide.

1827. SYNOPSIS n. a summary; outline; abstract; brief overview.

1828. SYNTHESIS n. combination of separate things; product

1829. SYNTHETIC adj. artificial; man-made; devised

1830. SYSTEMATIC adj. methodical; orderly.







1831. TACIT adj. silent; unspoken.

1832. TACITURN adj. quiet; saying little; uncommunicative.

1833. TACT it ability to say the right thing; diplomacy; subtlety; discretion.

1834. TAINT v. to stain; corrupt; spoil

1835. TALLY it an account; record; score; count

1836. TAMPER v. to interfere; meddle; touch improperly.

1837. TANGIBLE adj. capable of being touched; concrete; real

1838. TANTALIZE v. to lease by arousing expectation.

1839. TARDY adj. late; delayed overdue; sluggish.

1840. TARNISH v. to discolor; sully; detract from; taint

1841. TAUNT v. to ridicule; deride; jeer at; provoke

1842. TAUT adj. stretched tight; tense; stiff; trim; tidy.

1843. TEASE v. to make fun of annoy; pester; mock playfully; tantalize.

1844. TEDIOUS adj. boring; tiresome.

1845. TEMPER n. mood; disposition; composure; irritability

1846. TEMPT v. to entice lure; invite; provoke

1847. TENACIOUS adj. persistent; stubborn; holding fast.

1848. TENDENCY n. an inclination; propensity; disposition.

1849. TENTATIVE adj. provisional; uncertain; experimental; temporary.

1850. TENUOUS adj. slender; weak

1851. TEPID adj. lukewarm; not very enthusiastic.

1852. TERMINATE v. to end; finish; conclude; cease; halt

1853. TERRIFY v. to frighten; scare intimidate; make afraid

1854. TESTIFY v. to declare; under oath; attest to the facts.

1855. THOROUGH adj. complete; exhaustive; careful

1856. THOUGHTFUL adj. considerate; concerned; contemplative

1857. THREATEN v. to menace; intimidate; endanger.

1858. THRIFTY adj. economical; frugal; industrious.

1859. THRILL v. to greatly excite; delight; tremble or quiver.

1860. THRONG n. a large crowd or group; multitude

1861. THUMP n. a heavy blow; dull sound made by a blow; thud

1862. THWART v. to prevent; frustrate; block

1863. TILTED adj. tipped; leaning; slanted

1864. TIPTOE v. to walk on the toes; walk quietly.

1865. TOLERATE v. to allow; permit; put up with; bear; endures

1866. TORMENT v. to cause to suffer; annoy; distress; harass; anguish.

1867. TORRENTIAL adj. flowing wildly and abundantly; overwhelming.

1868 TORTURE v. to inflict mental or physical pain torment; distort

1869. TOUCHY adj. overly sensitive irritable; risky; delicate.

1870. TOURNAMENT n. a contest; formal competition

1871. TRAGIC adj. disastrous; lamentable; extremely unfortunate

1872. TRAITOR n. one who betrays; one who commits treason; renegade.

1873. TRANQUILLITY n. serenity; calmness peacefulness

1874. TRANSACT v. to carry out; conduct business; perform

1875. TRANSCEND v. to go beyond; surpass; exceed

1876. TRANSFER v. to move to another place; copy onto something.

1877. TRANSFORM v. to change the form or appearance of; convert

1878. TRANSIENT adj. fleeting; transitory; temporary.

1879. TRANSPARENT adj. dear; obvious; easily understood or seen through.

1880. TRANSPIRE v. to occur; become known.

1881. TRANSPORT v. to carry to another place; move emotionally.

1882. TRAVERSE v. to travel across; examine; go counter to.

1883. TREACHEROUS adj. betraying a mat; disloyal; dangerous; deceptive

1884. TREATMENT n. a remedy; care; therapy.

1885. TREATY n. a formal agreement between nations; pact

1886. TREMBLE v. to shake involuntarily; shiver with fear; quaver.

1887. TREMENDOUS adj. very large; enormous; gigantic; wonderful

1888. TREND n. direction of movement; inclination; tendency.

18S9. TRIBUTARY n. river or stream that flows into a larger body of water.

1890. TRICKERY n. deception; artifice; use of tricks.

1891. TRITE adj. commonplace; overused; hackneyed; cliche

1892. TRIVIA n. unimportant matters or facts; trifles.

1893. TRIVIAL adj. unimportant; trifling; commonplace; ordinary; paltry.

1894. TROPHY n. a prize; symbol of victory.

1895. TUG v. to pull; haul; drag.

1896. TUMBLE v. to fall over; stumble; collapse; do acrobatics.

1897. TUMULT n. disorderly commotion; disturbance; excitement

1898. TURBULENT adj. tumultuous; violently agitated; unruly.

1899. TURMOIL n. confusion; commotion; agitation; tumult

1900. TWILIGHT n. dim light at the end of a day; period of decline.

1901. TWOFOLD adj. having two parts; double.

1902. TYRANNICAL adj. despotic; oppressive.




1903. UBIQUITOUS adj. omnipresent; en sting everywhere.

1904. ULTIMATE adj. final; conclusive; maximum, decisive; last

1905. UNANIMOUS adj. all agreeing or of the same opinion

1906. UNAWARE adj. not knowing or realizing; not conscious of

1907. UNBEARABLE adj. intolerable; unendurable.

1908. UNCIVILIZED adj. barbarous; lacking culture; primitive

1909. UNCOMPROMISING adj inflexible; not willing to make concessions; rigid

1910. UNCOUTH adj. rude; ill-mannered; crude; clumsy; awkward

1911. UNDERLYING adj. basic; fundamental; implicit.

1912. UNFORTUNATE adj. unlucky; regrettable; disastrous; hapless.

1913. UNGAINLY adj. awkward; clumsy; not graceful; uncouth.

1914. UNIFORMITY n. sameness; lack of variation; homogeneity.

1915. UNILATERAL adj. involving only one side.

1916. UNIVERSAL adj. worldwide; applicable to all; comprehensive.

1917. UNKEMPT adj untidy; messy; disheveled

1918. UNMITIGATED adj. unrelieved; absolute

1919. UNOBTRUSIVE adj. inconspicuous; not noticeable

1920. UNORGANIZED adj. lacking order; confused; not systematic

1921. UNPRECEDENTED adj. never been done before; novel

1922. UNRULY adj. ungovernable; not submissive; headstrong; recalcitrant

1923. UNSEEMLY adj. improper; not in good taste; indecorous

1924. UNSOPHISTICATED adj. naive; unworldly; inexperienced

1925. UNSTABLE adj. changeable; fluctuating; unsteady; not secure.

1926. UNWARRANTED adj. without justification; undeserved; groundless.

1927. UNWIELDY adj. awkward; ungainly; difficult to handle; clumsy.

1928. UPHEAVAL n. a violent bursting up; uprising; revolt

1929. UPROARIOUS adj. hilarious; boisterous; noisy; clamorous.

1930. USURP v. to seize power without right.

1931. UTILIZE v. to make use of, put into service.

1932. UTOPIA n. ideal but nonexistent place

1933. UTTER adj. complete; absolute.




1934. VACANT adj. empty; unoccupied; expressionless; stupid

1935. VACILLATE v. to waver; fluctuate; swing from side to side.

1936. VAGABOND n. a wanderer; tramp; vagrant; drifter.

1937. VAGUE adj. unclear; imprecise; indistinct; ambiguous

1938. VALID adj. legally sound; just; well supported; effective

1939. VALUABLE adj. highly prized; of great worth; costly.

1940. VANISH v. to disappear; fade away; cease to exist.

1941. VANITY n. excessive pride; conceit; worthlessness.

1942. VANQUISHED adj. defeated; conquered; suppressed

1943. VARIABLE adj. changeable; not constant

1944. VARIED adj. having many forms; assorted; differing; diversified

1945. VEER v. to turn aside; swerve; change direction.

1946. VEHEMENT adj. ardent; emphatic; vigorous; violent; forceful

1947. VENDOR n. a salesman; peddler; seller of goods.

1948. VENERABLE adj. worthy of respect; honorable

1949. VENTURE n. a daring undertaking; risky enterprise

1950. VERBATIM adj. word for word

1951. VERBOSE adj. wordy; having more words than are necessary.

1952. VERDICT n. the decision of jury; judgment; conclusion

1953. VERIFY v. to prove to be true; substantiate; ascertain

1954. VERSATILE adj. able to do many tasks; having many uses

1955. VESTIGE n. a trace; remainder; something left over.

1956. VETERAN n. a former soldier; one with a lot of experience

1957. VIABLE adj. capable of surviving; practicable; workable

1958. VIBRANT adj. full of energy; vigorous.

1959. VIBRATE v. to move back and forth rapidly; quiver.

1960. VICARIOUS adj. experienced indirectly; substituted

1961. VICINITY n. the region near a place; proximity.

1962. VICIOUS adj. malicious; evil; cruel; wicked.

1963. VIGILANCE n. watchfulness

1964. VIGOROUS adj. lively; robust; energetic; healthy.

1965. VILIFY v. to defame; slander; malign.

1966. VILLAIN n. a scoundrel; wicked person; evil character.

1967. VINDICATE v. to clear from accusation; justify

1968. VINDICTIVE adj. vengeful

1969. VIOLATE v. to break a trust or rule; injure; harm, profane; infringe

1970. VIRTUOUS adj. morally upright; righteous; pure.

1971. VITALITY n. energy; liveliness; exuberance; vigor.

1972. VIVACIOUS adj. animated; vibrant

1973. VIVID adj. intense1y bright; animated; life-like; vigorous.

1974. VOCIFEROUS adj. clamorous; loud; noisy.

1975. VOID adj. empty; unfilled; invalid; ineffectual; null

1976. VOLATILE adj. evaporating quickly; fickle; unstable

1977. VOLUPTUOUS adj. pleasing to the senses; full inform; sensuous.

1978. VORACIOUS adj. greedy; ravenous.

1979. VULNERABLE adj. susceptible to attack; insufficiently defended






1980. WANDER v. to roam; travel aimlessly; stroll; go astray.

1981. WARRANT v. to justify; deserve; guarantee; authorize.

1982. WARY adj. cautious; careful

1983. WAVER v. to vacillate; falter; show indecision

1984. WEARY adj. tired; exhausted; fatigued

1985. WEIRD adj. unusual; strange; unearthly.

1986. WHIMSICAL adj. quaintly humorous; capricious; unusual

1987. WIDESPREAD adj. covering a large area; widely occurring.

1988. WILDERNESS n. an uninhabited area; area with wild animals.

1989. WILT v. to become limp; droop; weaken.

1990. WILY adj. cunning; sly; calculating.

1991. WINCE v. to flinch; show pain or distress; shrink back

1992. WITHER v. to dry up and shrivel; droop; fade

1993. WITTY adj. clever wad humorous.

1994. WRATH n. rage; fury; fierce anger; vengeance.

1995. WRECK v. to destroy; ruin; dismantle

1996. WRETCHED adj. miserable; lowly; despicable.

1997. WRIGGLE v. to twist and turn; squirm; escape by shrewdness





1998. YIELD n. amount produced; return on an investment.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 5 months later...

Thanks a lot! These words are very helpful for me. but i want to ask you a question: Do you think that these vocabulary are enough for studying Toefl. And can you share me the experience to learn by heart... If i only see them, it is very hard to remember...:(

Thank you very much! Reply soon, plz

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi Im a new member but I always been looking to this forum> I would highly appreciate it if someone answered my quistion which is are those vocabulary enogh for toefl because Im facing problem to build my vocabulary and dont know what to do :blush::blush:in another words are thses words covering the toefl ibt or not:hmm:
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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh! Thanks in advance, sana_2007!! It's really awesome! :) Wow, today seems to be very wonderful to me since I've seen that list! Anyway, Thaní a bunch ! You are so kind and enthusiastic! Good luck to you, my "new" friend! :grad:!


To all who have the same phobia with me in studying TOEFL list: Well, I think we should find out the best way to learn new words, not only for this TOEFL list, right??? We can make some flash cards. I'll tell you how to do one, OK?. First of all, cut a piece of an A4 paper. Write 3 -> 5 new words on one side. Remember, only new words! Then, we will write their meanings and examples on the other side. So that, it is very easy for us to study! And then, after one week, we can review and see how hard we are! :grad: Hihi!

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Ah, I find some words and idioms that you missed:


CORPULENT: having a large body (adjective) => Example: The corpulent politician jabbed a fat finger in the air.

ADJUST: to change or adapt to fit or match something

PULSE: the regular action of blood through arteries

THERMAL: relating to the presence of heat

FEASIBLE: able of being done (adjective)



At sixs and sevens: confused and perplexed

Bone of contention: the reason for disagreement


Bury the hatchet: make peace, case all hospitality

A French leave: a leave without notice

Willy-nilly: in any case

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Hi guys

Do you mean, thease words are the sample toefl vocabulary words? How did you find out about the words. I mean, we can pick up a dictionary and remember the new words. What would be the difference?

Thanks anyway.

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