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844. GALL n. bitterness; impudence; nerve

845. GAMBLE v. to risk something; bet; speculate.

846. GARB n. clothes; attire; distinctive costume.

847. GARBLED v. distorted; scrambled; purposely mixed up.

848. GARISH adj. gaudy; showy; over-decorated

849. GARRULOUS adj. talkative; loquacious; wordy.

850. GASH n. a deep cut; slash; wound

851. GASP v. to breathe in suddenly or with difficulty.

852. GAUCHE adj. tactless; awkward

853. GAUDY adj. tastelessly showy or ornate; garish; flashy.

854. GEM n. a precious stone; something highly valued

855. GENEROSITY n. unselfishness; willingness to give

856. GENIAL adj. cordial; friendly; beneficial

857. GENUINE adj real; not artificial; authentic; sincere.

858. GERMINATE v. to begin to grow; sprout

859. GESTURE n. a body movement used to communicate; a sign.

860. GHASTLY adj. shocking; dreadful; very pale.

861. GIFTED adj. talented; having natural ability.

862. GIGANTIC adj. very large; huge; enormous.

863. GINGERLY adj. delicately; carefully.

864. GIST n. the general meaning; essence; central idea.

865. GLAMORIZE v. to glorify; idealize; romanticize.

866. GLANCE n. a quick or superficial look

867. GLIB adj. smooth; fluent; insincere.

868. GLITTER v. to sparkle; glisten; shine

869. GLOAT v. to show enjoyment at another’s misfortune.

870. GLOSSARY n. an explanatory list of terms.

871. GLOW v. to shine; emit a warm light; be flushed or radiant

872. GLUTTON n. one who eats excessively; a greedy person

873. GOAD v. spur on: prowl

874. GOAL n. an objective; finish line or scoring area.

875. GORGEOUS adj. strikingly beautiful; dazzling; magnificent.

876. GORY adj. bloody; bloodstained

877. GOSSIP n. idle talk about other people

878. GRACIOUS adj. courteous; charming; elegant; kind

879. GRATUITOUS adj. given without charge; unwarranted

880. GRAVITY n. seriousness~

881. GREEDY adj. overly desirous for money or things; avaricious; insatiable.

882. GREGARIOUS adj. sociable; outgoing; enjoying being with others.

883. GRIEF n. intense sorrow; anguish; regret; failure.

884. GRIEVANCE n. a complaint; cause for protest; injustice.

885. GROPE v. to feel one’s way; seek aimlessly or blindly.

886. GROUCHY adj. ill tempered; complaining; grumpy.

887. GROWL n. to snarl deeply; speak angrily; grumble.

888. GRUDGE n. a cause of hostility and resentment.

889. GRUESOME adj. horrifying; ghastly; repugnant

890. GRUMBLE n. a discontented mumble; growl

891. GRUMPY adj. irritable; cranky; surly

892. GUARANTEE v. to assume responsibility for; insure; promise

893. GUIDE v. to show the way; direct; lead; escort

894. GUILTY adj. responsible for a crime; culpable; blameworthy.

895. GULLIBLE adj. easily deceived; credulous

896. GUSH v. to flow out abundantly; be overly emotional

897. GUST n. a sudden rush of wind; an outburst


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