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1632. SACRED adj. holy; venerable; dedicated to a deity, hallowed

1633. SAGACIOUS adj. wise; shrewd

1634. SALVAGE v. to save from destruction; rescue.

1635. SANCTION v. to authorize; approve; legitimize.

1636. SARCASM n. a taunting comment; witty mockery.

1637. SARCASTIC adj. taunting; sharply witty; ironic; satirical

1638. SATIRICAL adj. ridiculing; sarcastic; ironic

1639. SATURATE v. to soak; surfeit; fill to capacity.

1640. SAVAGE adj. uncivilized; barbarous; uncultivated

1641. SAYING n. a familiar expression; word of wisdom; proverb.

1642. SCANDAL n. a public disgrace; outrage.

1643. SCANTY adj. meager; deficient; limited

1644. SCARCITY n. a shortage; insufficiency; dearth

1645. SCATTER v. to separate; disperse; distribute haphazardly, diffuse

1646. SCHEDULE a program of events; written list; agenda

1647. SCHEME n. a plan; system; plot; intrigue.

1648. SCIENTIFIC adj. objective and factual; systematic.

1649. SCOLD v. to find fault; reprimand; criticize harshly.

1650. SCOPE n. outlook; extent; intellectual range

1651. SCORCH v. to burn; char; singe; criticize severely.

1652. SCORN v. to treat as inferior; despise; reject

1653. SCOUNDREL n. a villain; undisciplined or wicked person

1654. SCRAMBLE v. to climb hurriedly; struggle or strive for;

1655. SCRAP n. a small piece; fragment; discarded, metal

1656. SCREECH n. a high-pitched cry; shriek; scream.

1657. SCREEN v. to conceal; protect; shield; hide; separate; sift

1658. SCRUB v. to dean by rubbing; to wash.

1659. SCRUPULOUS adj. principled; conscientious.

1660. SCRUTINIZE v. go examine closely; inspect critically; investigate.

1661. SECLUDED adj. remote; removed from others; hidden.

1662. SECULAR adj. temporal; worldly.

1663. SECURITY n. safety; freedom from risk; confidence.

1664. SEDATE adj. composed; serious.

1665. SEDENTARY adj. inactive.

1666. SEGMENT n. a portion; part; section.

1667. SEIZE v. to take hold of; grasp; comprehend; capture; apprehend

1668. SELECTIVE adj. careful in choosing; discriminating; particular.

1669. SENSIBLE adj. reasonable; perceptible by the senses; aware.

1670. SENSITIVE adj. responsive to stimulation; easily hurt or affected

1671. SENTIMENTAL adj. emotional; romantic; appealing to feelings

1672. SENTRY n. a guard; one who keeps watch; sentinel

1673. SERENITY n. calmness; tranquility.

1674. SEVER v. to divide or cut into parts; separate; break off

1675. SEVERE adj. harsh; strict; stein; serious; extreme.

1676. SHABBY adj. worn out; seedy; deteriorated; mean.

1677. SHAKY adj. trembling; unsteady; wavering; insecure

1678. SHALLOW adj. not deep; superficial; lacking depth.

1679. SHATTER v. to break into pieces; ruin; seriously impair.

1680. SHELTER n. a protected or covered place; refuge; asylum

1681. SHIMMER v. to shine; flash; glimmer; flicker.

1682. SHREWD adj. keen; quick-witted clever; tricky; astute

1683. SHRIEK n. a shrill outcry; screech; scream

1684. SHRIVEL v. to shrink up wad wrinkle; lose vitality.

1685. SHUN v. to deliberately avoid; keep away from

1686. SIGNIFICANT adj. meaningful; important; suggestive.

1687. SIMPLICITY n. a lack of complexity; condition of being simple

1688. SIMULATE v. to imitate; pretend

1689. SINISTER adj harmful; evil; ominous.

1690. SINUOUS adj. having many turns or curves; winding; devious.

1691. SKEPTIC n. a doubter; one inclined to skepticism

1692. SKEPTICAL adj. doubting; disbelieving; questioning.

1693. SKETCHY adj. not detailed; incomplete.

1694. SKIM v. to remove top layer; glide over; read superficially.

1695. SKIRMISH n. a minor battle or dispute.

1696. SLANDER v. to defame; malign; spread damaging things.

1697. SLAP v. to strike with the palm of the hand; criticize

1698. SLAUGHTER v. to butcher animals; kill many; massacre

1699. SLAY v. to kill by violence.

1700. SLEAZY adj. funny; cheap; shoddy; insubstantial

1701. SLEEK adj. smooth and polished; glossy; well-groomed

1702. SLIGHT adj. small; meager; of tilde importance; slender; frail

1703. SLIT n. a long, narrow cut; a tear; slash.

1704. SLUGGISH adj. lazy; slow; inactive; lacking vigor; lethargic.

1705. SLY adj. clever; cunning; crafty; deceitful

1706. SNATCH v. to grab hastily; seize; grasp; take violently.

1707. SOAR v. to fly; glide through the air; rise up.

1708. SOLAR adj. pertaining to the sun

1709. SOLELY adv. alone; singly; exclusively.

1710. SOLICIT v. to seek; request; entreat

1711. SOLITUDE n isolation; seclusion; state of being alone

1712. SOMBER adj. dark; gloomy.

1713. SONOROUS adj full of sound; resonant; impressive.

1714. SOOTHE v. to calm, ease the pain of; relieve; assuage, mollify

1715. SORROWFUL adj sad; mournful; full of grief

1716. SPACIOUS adj. roomy; extensive; vast

1717. SPAN n. extent or measure of something; breadth; time.

1718. SPARSE adj. not dense; thinly distribute

1719. SPECIES n. a biological classification; distinct category.

1720. SPECIFIC adj. definite; explicit; particular; distinctive.

1721. SPECIMEN n. a representative example; sample.

1722. SPECK n. a small spot; dot of color; any particle

1723. SPECTACLE n. public performance; striking sight or display.

1724. SPECULATE v. to conjecture; theorize; think about; risk money.

1725. SPIRITED adj vigorous; animated; full of courage.

1726. SPLENDID adj. excellent; grand; magnificent; admirable

1727. SPLURGE n. an extravagant expense or display.

1728. SPOIL v. to damage; decay; disrupt; overindulge.

1729. SPONTANEOUS adj. arising naturally or impulsively; without planning

1730. SPORADIC adj. infrequent; occurring irregularly.

1731. SPRAWL v. to spread or stretch out awkwardly.

1732. SPURT n. a sudden gush of liquid; sudden effort

1733. SQUABBLE v. to quarrel over something minor; bicker; argue.

1734. SQUALOR n. misery; filth; poverty.

1735. SQUANDER v. to waste; use up; spend extravagantly.

1736. SQUASH v. to crush; flatten; suppress.

1737. STABILITY n. firmness; permanence; resistance to change

1738. STACK n. an orderly pile; heap; bookcase.

1739. STAGGER v. to move unsteadily; arrange in a zigzag pattern; lurch.

1740. STAGNANT adj. not moving; foul from inactivity

1741. STALE adj. not fresh; trite.

1742. STALL v. to delay; cause to stop; evade.

1743. STALWART adj. robust; resolute; strong; uncompromising.

1744. STAPLE n. a major commodity; major part; wire fastener.

1745. STARK adj. barren; desolate; complete; extreme; blunt.

1746. STARTLE v. to surprise; frighten; alarm; shock

1747. STARVE v. to suffer or die from lack of food; be in need

1748. STATIC adj. stationary; quiescent; unchanging.

1749. STATIONARY adj. not moving; fixed in position; unchanging.

1750. STEADFAST adj. firm; loyal; resolute.

1751. STELLAR adj. star-like; outstanding; principal

1732. STERN adj. harsh; severe; inflexible; austere; strict.

1753. STIFLE v. to suppress; smother; suffocate.

1754. STIGMA n. mark of infamy or grace

1755. STIMULATE v. to excite; spur to action; invigorate; provoke; whet

1756. STINGY adj. reluctant to spend; tightfisted; miserly; scanty.

1757. STIPEND n. payment; allowance

1758. STIPULATION n. a condition; provision.

1759. STORE v. to put away for future use; stock

1760. STRAGGLE v. to wander; lag behind; stray; spread irregularly.

1761. STRAIN v. to stretch too far; injure by overuse; filter.

1762. STRATEGIC adj. of vital importance; essential

1763. STRAY v. to wander; become lost; deviate; digress.

1764. STREAMLINED adj. designed to flow efficiently; modernized

1765. STRICT adj. severe; not permissive; precise; exact; absolute

i766. STRIKING adj. impressive; prominent

1767. STRIVE v. to make a strenuous effort; struggle; endeavor.

1768. STROLL v. to walk leisurely.

1769. STUBBORN adj. not easily persuaded; obstinate; resistant

1770. STUMBLE v. to trip; stagger; blunder; discover accidentally.

1771. STUNT v. to hinder growth or development

1772. STUPEFY v. to amaze; astonish; shock; deprive of sensibility.

1773. STURDY adj. strong; robust; vigorous; durable

1774. SUBDUE v. to conquer; bring under control; repress.

1775. SUBMERGE v. to cover with water; inundate; obscure.

1776. SUBMISSIVE adj. yielding; obedient; docile

777. SUBORDINATE n. secondary; of a lower rank; inferior.

1778. SUBSEQUENT adj. following in time; succeeding; later

1779. SUBSERVIENT adj. servile; subordinate; humble.

1780. SUBSIDE v. to sink lower; abate; become quiet

1781. SUBSTANTIAL adj. solidly built; considerable; real; ample.

1782. SUBSTANTIATE v. to support with evidence; verify; confirm

1783. SUBSTITUTE n. replacement; one taking the place of another.

1784. SUBTERRANEAN adj. underground; hidden; secret

1785. SUBTLETY n. delicacy tact; nicety; cunning.

1786. SUBVERT v. to undermine; overthrow.

1787. SUCCEED v. to come after; accomplish something; do well

1788. SUCCESSIVE adj. following in order or sequence; consecutive.

1789. SUCCINCT adj. concise; terse; brief and clear

1790. SUCCUMB v. to submit under pressure; yield; give up; die

1791. SUFFICE v. to meet requirements; satisfy needs

1792. SUFFICIENT adj adequate; as much as needed; enough.

1793. SUFFOCATE v. to smother; stifle; keep from breathing; choke

1794. SUITABLE adj. appropriate; fit; satisfactory; applicable.

1795. SULK v. to be silently resentful or unhappy.

1796. SULLEN adj. gloomy; morose; somber; resentful

1797. SULLY v. to soil; defile; tarnish.

1798. SULTRY adj. hot and humid; passionate.

1799. SUMMARIZE v. to restate briefly; condense; make a summary of; recapitulate

1800. SUMMON v. to send for; request to appear; call together.

1801. SUPERFLUOUS adj. beyond what is necessary; extra; nonessential

1802. SUPERIOR adj higher in rank; of greater value; overly proud

1803. SUPERSEDE v. to replace; supplant; succeed

1804. SUPPLANT v. to take the place of displace; supersede.

1805. SUPPLEMENT n. an added section or part

1806. SUPPLIES n. provisions; necessary equipment

1807. SUPPORT v. to holdup; sustain; aid; provide for.

1808. SUPPRESS v. to restrain; subdue; withhold from publication; quash

1809. SUPREME adj greatest in power or importance; dominant.

1810. SURLY adj. ill-tempered; not civil

1811. SURMISE n. an inference; conjecture; guess.

1812. SURPASS v to exceed; transcend; excel

1813. SURPLUS n. an excess; what is left over.

1814. SURRENDER v. to give up; submit; capitulate; relinquish.

1815. SURVEILLANCE n. observation of a person or group; supervision.

1816. SUSCEPTIBLE adj. capable of being affected or influenced; liable.

1817. SUSPECT v. to believe to be guilty; distrust, doubt; surmise

1818. SUSPEND v. to hang from above delay; postpone; interrupt

1819. SUSTAIN v. to maintain; prolong; keep alive; provide for; buoy.

1820. SWAMP v. to flood; overwhelm, burden.

1821. SWAP v. to exchange; trade; barter.

1822. SWARM n. a group of bees; a mob; throng; flock

1823. SWERVE v. to turn suddenly; veer.

1824. SYMMETRICAL adj. balanced; proportionate; equivalent.

1825. SYMPATHETIC adj. compassionate; sharing a feeling; agreeable

1826. SYNCHRONIZE v. to operate in unison; be simultaneous; coincide.

1827. SYNOPSIS n. a summary; outline; abstract; brief overview.

1828. SYNTHESIS n. combination of separate things; product

1829. SYNTHETIC adj. artificial; man-made; devised

1830. SYSTEMATIC adj. methodical; orderly.


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