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Everything posted by G-Point

  1. Well this is a tricky one...I guess that anyboy at first, after reading the question, draws a circle and a triangle in its interior, or a circle and a triangle in its exterior. For both cases just with 3 contact points (from the corners of the squeare with the perimeter of the circle)....But well, to get the maximum number of points, just draw a circle, and triangle with its first line starting in its interior. This line goes out of the circle and comes back to the interior, goes out on the circle and comes inside again to join the first triangle line. :-) Hence 6 contact points... Its a bit ackward to explain a firgure but, well, I havent found the way to add an image..
  2. Well I have checked on the internet the formula for 3 sets and I think you mistyped the sign of (gnfns). The thing is that if you substract 3 times (gnfns) with (gnf), (gns) and (fns) you take out 3 times the (gnfns), where you should have substract it once. Therefore you need to add 2 times (gnfns), instead of substracting it twice. So IMO, max= 79 -27 +2(7) +3= 69 min = 79-27+2(0)+3= 55
  3. Hi CrackXam! I dont really get how you got into that result...From what I read in you IMO, I think that you considered that you needed to flip the coin four times. That is wrong, or at least IMO. I think that you only have to toss it twice, in in those 3 toss none of the coins can be a nickel..Therefore like eltonr said: P(first time) = 9/15 P(second time) = 8/14 PT = 9/15 * 8/14 = 12/35 Remark: Watch out and dont get missed up like I did the first time by finding out the probability of obtaining a nicle twice and then by taking the difference of 1. In that case the solution was 1-1/7 = 6/7 and of course was wrong. With this calsulus you consider the posibility that not the both tossed coins are nickle but you consider the probability that the first is a nikle and the second not, and the probability that the first coin is not and the second is a nickle. This approach of course is wrong
  4. how many even integers do you suppose are there between102 and 200, inclusive? I would have used another aproach.. 102 --> 102/2= 51 200 --> 200/2 = 100 100-51+1=50 Therefore, 50
  5. I agree with you preet but I would have taken another approach to the solution... A) 6386B = 2 * q + 1 --> " Incognits and just one equation -->Insuff (For this stp is not bad, in my opinion, using your approach...) B) 6386B = 7 * q --> 2 incognits and just one equation --> not suff (Here I think that because 7 is a complicated number to work with, and because you have to make 9 divisions if you wanna asure the numbers with the ones you get a integer, I would rather use my approach. Did you used any trick to work with the 7?? Both together) 2 equations and 2 incognits -->Suff
  6. Post please the whole explanation, not just the solution... Could osmebody also post the formula to use for 3 elements, I'm not sure if im doing right..
  7. Well, given any set of numbers (where it doesnt matter weather is an even or odd set), how can you multiply them all very fast. There must be trick:idea: It could be also very handy to use with the factorials... Does somenone know that? -------- I know that you can add all the numbers in a set by finding the average, and by multiplying afterwards the average for the number of values in the set. E.g: [41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49] -->Av=45 --> Total sum = 45*9= 405 A requirement to use this is: +that the set should maintain the same steps between its consecutives values. E.g: [1, 4, 7, 10, 13] or [45,46,47,48,49] but not [3, 4, 3, 5, 6] +The need also to be linear. That means that a set that follows the function x^2 is for example not applicable to this trick for summing. ------ But what about the multiplication???
  8. I agree... but I will even add a tipp. Always check first the options that multiply and divide their terms before the options that add or substract. This assumption is normally certain based on and rule that I studied in signal and system communications (a mathematical subject), I'm sorry that I cannot name it. Just think about it as it was the same signal or equation but retarded one unit in time.
  9. Ahh I forgot to post the why of my thinking...... The pint is that it is said that that the reason of my popinion is because: "Pipe A which can fill a tank in 20 minutes is kept open for 5 minutes when the tank is empty." From my poitn of view that means that after 5 minutes it would be closed...
  10. Prep07, although your answer sound more plausible as what is being asked, I understood the following timeline: ----------5min----------------/---------rest of time-- A start A finish / B start B finish till the tank is empty This form could be answers like: First 5min ---> A will fill 1/4 of the tank Afterwards ---> B will fill what is left to get to be full, so 3/4. If B lasts 30min to fill the hole tank, for 3/4 of the tank will last 22,5min. That together with the 5min of A for the first period makes 27,5min. Probably mine is wrong, looks very easy..Could you post the OA
  11. Hi ribery, Take into account that the formula of the work is 1/T1+1/t2 = 1/Ttotal and ssomething very important that might fool us; to use this formula we need to use times. That is hours, minutes, etc but always values in time units, and never in work.. Considering that, if the a small pump works at 2/3 rate of the big pump, the small pump would need 3/2 the time that the big pump needs to fill up the tank. This is from my point of view, the tricky thing in this problem...the rest is just to operate... cosidering that the time of the big pump alone is 1/L = 1/T -> T = L 1/(3L/2)+1/(3L/2)+1/(3L/2) + 1(3L/3) = 1/T; 2/3L+2/3L+2/3L+3/3L = 1/T; (2+2+2+3)/3L = 1/T; 9/3L = 1/T --> T = 3L/9=1L/3 --> so they all fill the tank in 1/3 of the time that the big pump would need alone... Hope it was clear enough... :)
  12. Hi Ribery, So: Karl 40% Work in 10 days.Hence, 100% Work in 25 days (or (100/40) * 10). On the onther hand, Roger works 50% slower. so to do the 40% of the work, he will need 20 days. Same operation is applied to this. Therfore, for achieving the 100% he will need 50 days. (Of course this is, so he could do it on his own) Finally, the 1/(time employ by karl alone to do 100% of the work) + 1/(time needed by Roger to do the 100% of the work) = 1/(time the need together) so simply 1/K+1/R=1/T substitute and, 1/25+1/50 = 1/T --> Take out the T and operate and T = 50/3 days Can you confrim this with the OA :-)
  13. Hi lsr, I don't agree with you in number 2... I'm not hundred percent sure, but give me some feedback...what do you think? The point is that whatever color I choose the probability of choosing the first shoe of one color is 2/10. Moreover, the next probablity of choosing a shoe of the same color among the rest of the 9 shoes left is 1/9. Therefore, I believe that the probability would be 2/10*1/9 = 2/90= 1/45 ... What do you think??? Anyway, now that I have read again my post, it could be that I got messed up, and that I considered the case in which the question would have asked us for a special color, instead of for any kind of color... In case that is right, then you might be right...Anyway that was a good exercise to realize that is not the same if we are asked for any of the colors than for a special color...Both need different approaches... Now that I thought it through, you are right....These probability cannot be the same, mine must be smaller as is a part of yours, excatly five times less.. :-)
  14. 7. The postal service is badly mismanaged. Forty years ago, first-class letter delivery cost only three cents. Since then, the price has increased nearly tenfold, with an actual decrease in the speed and reliability of service. Each of the following statements, if true, would tend to weaken the argument above EXCEPT: (A) The volume of mail handled by the postal service has increased dramatically over the last forty years. (B) Unprecedented increases in the cost of fuel for trucks and planes have put severe upward pressures on postal delivery costs. © Private delivery services usually charge more than does the postal service for comparable delivery charges. (D) The average delivery time for a first-class letter four decades ago was actually slightly longer than it is today. (E) The average level of consumer prices overall has increased more than 300 percent over the last forty years. 9. Which of the following inferences about industrialization is best supported by the passage above? (A) People in advanced industrialized societies have more leisure time than those in nonindustrialized societies. (B) An average workday of twelve hours or more is peculiar to economies in the early stages of industrialization. © Industrialization involves a trade-off between tedious, monotonous jobs and the benefits of increased leisure. (D) It is likely that the extended workday of an industrializing country will eventually be shortened. (E) As industrialization progresses, people tend to look for self-fulfillment in leisure rather than work. 15. Susan: Those who oppose experimentation on animals do not properly value the preservation of human life. Although animal suffering is unfortunate, it is justifiable if it can lead to cures for human ailments. Melvin: But much animal experimentation involves testing of ordinary consumer products such as soaps, dyes, and cosmetics. Susan: These experiments are justifiable on the same grounds, since cleanliness, convenience, and beauty are worthwhile human values deserving of support. Which of the following is the best statement of the logical flaw in Susan’s argument? (A) Her claim that animal experimentation is justifiable if it supports human values contradicts her claim that such experimentation is justifiable only if it leads to cures for human ailments. (B) She places a higher value on human cleanliness, convenience, and beauty than she does on the preservation of animal life. © She uses the word “value” in two different senses. (D) She assumes that all ordinary consumer products aid in the preservation of human life. (E) She fails to show how mere support for human values actually preserves human lives. OA Could somebody explain me why on the 7 is not E, on the 9 is not E and on 15 is not A??? These are questions from the Test D of the 1000CR Thanks!
  15. Hi rinku008! Although it might look difficult, is very easy... ;-) Well imagine that in the ecuation 5^2*z = 3* x^y, you want to give z another value, another prime number, lets say 13...Well, because it's an ecuation and what is one side must be on the other side, there should be another 13. If you give x the value of 13, then that is not a problem anymore, you would counter the 13 that stands on the other side...perfect!! but check something out! Now that you have a fixed number for x (y would be 1, if you want to counter the one time 13 on the other side. That means also a fixed number for y), and for z, how are you going to counter in the left side the 3 (that is on the right side) if there are no more incognits available. Same for the 5 (that is on the left side) on the right side... Hope I have helped a bit :-)
  16. Would also love to know that, so I can invest my time efficiently...
  17. Kart I also used your approach to solve it but the problem is that you need more than 2 minutes to solve that way... I think there must be like a stick-In method or somethig with the one you can solve it easily and faster... What do you think?
  18. Has somebody found that tool, the one that can rate your score automatically? Cause I haven't. Have tried to translate the webpage into english with Google transaltor... http://translate.google.com/translate?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.findscore.com%2Ftwe%2Fsubmit.php&langpair=zh%7Cen&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&prev=%2Flanguage_tools but still havent found anything... Sanchi could you please post the exactly link to the tool? Thanks in advance :-)
  19. If everybody that is collaborating in this forum used the same template, the one that starts like: The issue/belief/idea/opinion that ______________________________________ is an interesting/controversial one. This issue is increasingly important in this age of ___________________________. Many people believe _________________________, but these people overlook _________________________________________________. Furthermore, _____________________________________. In this essay, I will argue that __________________________________________________ _______________. ... how valid is still the template? The point is that if it was used 5000 times, it is obvious, that the testers will recognize it very easily and I was wondering the probabylity that the issue wouldnt be scored as if it would have been a template that the testers where not used to it... What do you think? Is still applicable...Hope so cause I really like it...its concise, simple and accurate...
  20. So regarding the examples...How extensively should they be described??
  21. G-Point

    Magic Template

    It looks really good... Im definitly gonna start my approach to the AWA with this template...Let´s see how it works? By the way, one question, does anybody knows weather this template is still valid nowadays?? The thing is that the template was posted in 2004 and I just wonder if is still applicable..
  22. I would go with E. As Legolife said, that the proportion decreased doesnt mean that the total amount of people decreased if the total number of retirements increased... For instance: -In 1980 could have been 50 % of all retirements. Being the retirements 1000. That means that 500 people move up there. -In 2007 by the way the rate could have dropped till a 10%. But this time, the total nunber of people who move is 10.000. That would mean that, in this year 1000 people move to this city, though the rate was smaller... On the other hand, to make it clear, from my point of view, by "Another state" the author is trying to introduce the total number of people who move to another state, doesnt matter where...the point is that if this increased, but the same number of people continues going to the Sun State, the rate this tame will decreased (although having the same number of people moving to the state)
  23. The OA is "D". I remembered that I did this question not too long ago, so I went back to the tests I took and I found it...Remember also that I have a lot of trouble in this question!!!Is the first question of TEST B on the 1000CR...
  24. Hey CrackXam thanks men!!! You really cheered me up...Is that I was so pissed off...you are right we need to reamin positive...Thats part of the clue!! :-) :D Im glad that you mentioned the issue time...Now I feel releif!!!Anyway I have decided that I wont practice anymore with LSAT but with GMAT test....felt that didnt help but instead minor my stamina and motivation... On the other side, Im gonna follow your advice and will stop being a user on the shadow to becomen more parcitipant...
  25. Am I doing right, practicing with LSAT test? Cause I really see no change, moreover I will say that my stamina and motivation decreased... I don't know what to do...I was going to take the exam at the beggining of November but I'm gonna leave it for the biggining of December, since I have realized that Im not still prepared to ace more than a 700... What should I do with this section. By the way, how many wrong can you get in lets say a CR quiz of 20 questions if you wanna get more than a 700What about the LSAT practice? What would you recommend me? By the way, what about the timing. I really don't grasp how you should be able to answer well 25 questions in 35 minutes...Really dont get it.... Maybe is because im foregneir and it take us more time, but really 35 minutes? If people do that and get all right ohhhh Congratulations!!Incredible cause it takes me like around 2 minutes to answer each question , so about an hour in total and I still dont get them all right, but around 60% so 15 out of 25... What should I do? How can I improve...(The worst is that I have invested a lot of my time in this :-( Thanks
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