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Everything posted by atse

  1. atse


    1.34, 1.35, 1.36, 1.37, 1.38, or 1.39
  2. atse

    Avg problem

    First, you would want to rethink the definition of average, which is all the numbers added up and divided by the amount of numbers. For this particular problem, you already know the amount of numbers (12), so you would want to find the sum of all the numbers. To find the sum of all the numbers, you can think of the given averages as a ratio. Out of 12 of the numbers, 5 of them are 9, and 7 of them are 8. So to find the sum of them, you would do (5x9) + (7x8). Now you have all the components you need: the sum of all the numbers and the amount of numbers. Plug and chug and you've got your answer! Hope this helps. It's always a bit more confusing to understand math when it's typed out like this.
  3. No problem! I will try to ask her how she wants to contact you, then pm you once I get a reply.
  4. Just to add onto what oortiz said, if you do end up studying at the last minute, do not bother trying to do all the readings. If you are in a time-crunch, it is more useful to go over all the slides and to review your class-notes first.
  5. I don't know about the good art schools in Australia, but I know that some of the well-known art schools in the US are The Art Institute, CalArts, Pratt, RISD. I also know someone who is doing a Master's in Animation at UCLA right now.
  6. You can become a better writer by reading and writing more. It also helps to expand your vocabulary.
  7. atse

    Parallelism headache!

    It might be because "in a pool" is a prepositional phrase. I'm just guessing though.
  8. atse


    This looks like a problem that you should just plug into the calculator. I got 0.19
  9. There are a few words you spell incorrectly, so I suggest using spell-check. A friendly suggestion about writing is that you want to be as clear as possible. You should always try to delete the extra words in your sentences that do not help with the message. I'm not saying that you are being wordy, but this is just a good thing to think about whenever you are writing. Reading critically also helps you to write better because you can adopt other writers' sentence structures and learn more vocabulary. I hope I am not responding to this too late, but I can help you fix the mistakes I catch. Introduction I have been requested to propose a suitable timetable for the event including informal activities and leisure possibilities. Saturday It would be helpful to inform the students about college regulations on Saturday morning, immediately after breakfast - this would be an ideal way to start the orientation weekend. Afterwards, at 1-2pm, Students can benefit from a tour of the library and the basic steps needed to start a membership card. You might also like to consider showing students the Sports Hall since I had received some requests regarding these point of interest. These tours can be given in the late afternoon. Then, in the evening we could hold a disco where students can meet their teachers and fellow students in a relaxed atmosphere. Sunday It might be a good idea to start the day with a short but informative introduction of our computer room, so students can see how well-equipped our college is.This could take place early in the morning. Then we could present our research center and briefly cover the fields we offer there, starting with the Earth sciences laboratory. The afternoon would be an ideal time to set up an exhibition in the Main Hall with college club information stands. Conclusion I trust that you will consider the above proposal, as I firmly believe that this is the most suitable schedule for the orientation weekend held at the beginning of the next academic year. I would be glad to explain my ideas in detail.
  10. Both. I think it's good to study independently AND the traditional way. Even though I went to a regular high school, I still found it helpful to look over the lessons by myself. You can't learn everything in class, and studying by yourself is a good way to stay on track.
  11. Wow, that is a difficult question. Both choices are terrible, but I would rather work with upset or highly emotional people because I would rather get the job done than have to fix someone else's mistakes. This is just my own opinion though. I am not sure if this is the best answer.
  12. atse

    correct this please

    Recently, scientists have applied the new tools of biochemistry and molecular biology to investigate the structure of human hair.
  13. reCaptcha is a security software that asks you to read two words, and they currently only care about one of the words that you type in, usually the word that is more difficult to read. One trick that is helpful is if you zoom in by pressing ⌘Ctrl, then scrolling up. It is usually much easier to read the word when it is bigger. Try the zooming-in trick, and if it still doesn't work, email support@urch.com with your email and username. They will be able to help you set up an account.
  14. I don't know if I can pick out absolutely everything, but I'll just point out that mistakes that I can see. 1. Curtain rod is [a] beautiful piece in [the] house. 5. One thing that [despises] me is when people cannot look me in [the] eye. 11. I just started running a few months ago[,] and I'm looking to run my first marathon. 12. I went to the mall today with every intention [of buying] a new pair of [socks] by came away [empty-handed].
  15. I really enjoy reading your essay because I think that you chose a fascinating topic. It also has a great hook. However, there are a few grammar errors in your writing, and it would be a much better essay if you organized your three body paragraphs better. Right now, I can tell that you have done a lot of great research, but sometimes you repeat the same idea in different paragraphs. By organizing your ideas better, you can avoid repeating yourself and can create a stronger thesis. It can also help you to avoid writing paragraphs that seem to ramble on about facts that you learned, instead of focusing on persuading the reader on specific points that you want to prove. If you could just simplify your paragraphs to single ideas, the reader will be able to follow what you are saying and believe you, which is ultimately the goal in writing papers. Hope this helps! Good job and keep up the good work.
  16. Yes, colleges do especially look at the Junior year because it helps to show that you have been improving over time. I am probably answering this post too late, but I think that either taking Psychology or Anatomy Honors would be a good idea. Taking Psychology would help you to take a larger variety of classes so that you can learn more, while taking Anatomy Honors would give you a good head start for when you take classes in college. It is good to be aware of your own abilities when choosing to take AP and honors classes because colleges not only look to see if you have been challenging yourself, but they also like to see that you have been excelling in your classes even if you took a harder class.
  17. atse

    Essay Types

    Thanks for posting this! I always found it helpful to be aware of the different essay types when writing because it helped me to stay on topic. Just knowing what type of essay you are writing can help to create a more cohesive and interesting paper to read.
  18. I am probably answering this too late, but maybe it will help someone else. Studying abroad is a GREAT idea. Usually you only pay the price of tuition for your current university, but you get to study somewhere else. This can be beneficial for someone who wants to study abroad in a more expensive university. During the study abroad, there are usually a lot of programs for the students to meet other people from their own country and to learn English. I am not sure how it works for international students, but when applying to colleges in the US, they look at four things: GPA, SAT's, personal statement, and extracurricular activities. Sometimes they require letters of recommendations too.
  19. atse

    Writing assignments?

    I went to UCLA, but I assume that other universities also make it a requirement for everyone to take a writing class. In addition, in almost all your GE courses you will need to write papers. Somehow, after writing papers all the time and taking the writing course that they require, you will get a lot better at writing papers. So to answer your question, students do come into the university knowing how to write, but they get a lot better at it really quickly through the writing class and by practising in all their other classes.
  20. I feel that both choices are good, but that it might be better financially if you tried to see if you can work your way up before you go back to school. If you really are planning to go back to school for Biomedical Engineering, make sure to not do it too late. But of course, the choice is up to you.
  21. I think there is a typo. It should be, "Probably no speech of so few words has ever been as celebrated as Lincoln's Gettysburg Address." That would make more sense.
  22. atse

    place and prestige

    At first, I went to a school because of its prestige. But after two years, I transferred to a school for its location and because it had my major. When making a choice like this, it is useful to try to picture where you want to be in the future. If location matters a lot to you in the future, then I would choose a school for its location. And if you feel that a school's prestige would benefit you a lot in the long run, then I would choose the prestigious school. If both are equally as important, then both choices are good and there is no wrong choice.
  23. To prepare for the SAT, there are many test prep centers that offer classes. They are usually very fun too. If you want to study in a low-budget way, you can take the practice exams in SAT books. I recommend taking the practice test before you read through the entire book because practicing is one of the most helpful ways to raise your score.
  24. Let me start out by saying what works in your essay. The structure of your essay is correct for an academic paper. It is clear that there is an introduction paragraph, three body paragraphs, and a concluding paragraph. I can also see that your three body paragraphs back up your argument, education is important for improving lives. It is good that you have a well-organized paper. However, there is room for improvement. Helpful tip: start with a short outline of your essay before you start writing. Your first paragraph is usually where the thesis belongs. A thesis is an argumentative sentence that some people can disagree with. "We would not be able to better our lives and our world without education" is a good start because some people can argue against it. However, it could be stronger if you also included the 'how'. For example, a sentence such as "We would not be able to better our lives and our world without education because education helps us to make better decisions for the future, make improvements in technology, and connect with the rest of the world," would be a stronger thesis because it introduces what you are going to talk about in the rest of the essay. It is important to be as specific as possible when writing papers. Your body paragraphs would be a lot stronger if you included more specifics. Just one or two extra sentences pointing to a specific situation would be very helpful. For the first body paragraph, you could mention an event in history, such as slavery, that we try not to repeat. Adding points like these make a more interesting paper and provide a stronger argument. Remember that concrete evidence makes you more believable. Your concluding paragraph is pretty strong because it reiterates your main points in a fresh way. For an essay that is timed and as short as this one, you could also try to narrow down your topic so that you can be even more specific about it. For example, you could have taken one of the points that you wrote and made a whole essay out of that one point. Good job and keep it up!
  25. Generally, people take the SAT's during their junior year. Some take it earlier, but you should take it when you feel ready. Be sure to also leave time for retaking it if you feel like that is something you would want to do. You can sign up for the SATs on the collegeboard website. Good luck and remember to take a lot of practice exams. They really help improve your score.
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