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  1. It is a nicely argued essay, with instances of good vocabulary usage. But if I was the grader I would have given it a 3.5 or may be 4. 4 seems the accurate representation. I am also a fellow GRE student and not an official grader, but I am familiar with the ETS rubric for AWA. While this essay is well argued, but it is littered with grammatical mistakes and unnecessarily convoluted sentences. Moreover, your urge to use GRE vocabs is apparent in the writing. While using advanced vocabulary is certainly a plus, shoehorning words to fit your sentences is not the way to go about it; rather use proper words in proper context. Some grammatical mistakes: "There is often debate over our nation’s educational system and curriculum in political arenas: teachers’ efficiency and influence in the classroom, our pundit position compared to the more scholarly incisive China and Europe, how to improve our scores compare to these countries." Now, when you put the colon after that sentence, the reader expects you to list "various political arenas", not the topics of the debates. Moreover the phrase "pundit position" is an awkward one to use. Rather use something along the lines of, "Student aptitude" or something. Furthermore, the use of "incisive" here is all wrong. Incisive means => "(of a person or mental process) intelligently analytical and clear-thinking." "and have fostered a love of critical thinking " In this particular instance, love , should be followed by for, not of. Another example of a convoluted sentence with verbiage is : "Those same debate students will apply the critical thinking they acquired in that class to history and social studies classes, examining hot-button often complex times, such as the debated ethical decision for the US to drop the atomic bomb on hundreds of innocent civilians to stop a cruel expansive war." While I did figure out what this sentence wanted to convey, but it was hard. Especially the portion - " examining hot-button often complex times" is unfathomable to me. Anyway, I tried my best to provide a honest review. Your writing is good and your ideas are well-developed in the essay. My suggestion would be to steer clear of using words whose usage, you don't know properly. Do not try to pack sentences with complex words, rather use the ones you know how to. If this is done, I think you can reach an score of 5.
  2. I'm currently a senior year student in the EE department at aBangladeshi University, and I'm 2 months away from graduation. I'm consideringapplying to US universities for graduate studies. I expect to graduate with aCGPA of about 3.8 (junior and senior year: 3.93). I am a bit confused as towhat to choose for my Graduate research field. My research experience includes two different fields. First, I participated in an International Competition,developing a Machine Learning system (software) for classifying the origin ofmedia recordings. Second, for my undergraduate research I've worked onnanophotonics, in particular, the enhancement of light trapping in novel solarcells via metal nanoparticles with computational methods. Now, while applying for graduate schools I'm confused as towhich line of research would be better for me. I'm highly enthusiastic about modern (quantum) physics ingeneral, so I am naturally drawn towards nanophotonics/solid state/ quantumelectronics. But, I'm unsure about the future of these fields and the kind ofjobs that these fields entail, and the chances of even getting a job. On the other hand, I am a good programmer, and I feel likeDeep Learning/ Machine Learning programs would be a safe and good choice,because of the possibility of a lot of application of these fields in the nearfuture. I do enjoy working on these also, but I have never before thought aboutgoing into these fields. So, could anyone who knows about the implications of workingon any these areas discuss the kind of work that I would be doing and putforward any suggestions as to which might be a better choice. Any suggestion ingeneral is welcome. Thanks a lot for your time.
  3. Scandals are useful because they focus our attention on problems in ways that no speaker or reformer ever could. Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which youagree or disagree with the claim. In developing and supporting your position,be sure to address the most compelling reasons and/or examples that could beused to challenge your position. People in generalhave always been uncannily curious about all things gossipy and scandalous. Thepublic has little time to engage in convoluted issues that don't directlyaffect them. So major iniquitous incidents can often go unnoticed due to lack of significant publicpressure. In contrast scandals have a way to bring these inconspicuousdebauchery into the forefront of our lives and into the limelight in a way thatfew other system can rival. While skimming through the morning newspaperor while injecting our daily dose of television we often can't help but feel atouch of schadenfreude when we come across a scandal linked with a majorcorporation or that famous celebrity. Consider the case of the famous NFL starturned murderer O.J. Simpson that turned the whole United States on its head.When he was convicted of the murders in the 90s the whole of America couldn'tget enough of it. Every news outlet, every TV channel ran stories depicting thecurrent scenario then and everyone was captivated by the unfolding drama. Whatit did was bring age-old social issues like racism and the loop-holes of thecriminal justice system to the glare of publicity that no other case hassucceeded to do before. This case forever changed the way we see racism that nospeaker or reformer would hardly ever be able to and all of this was possiblebecause of a scandal. Moving on from theOJ Simpson case to a more recent unravelling when the FIFA was finally indictedof mass corruption after years of allegation was successfully proved to betrue. Prior to this development few were versed with the information on FIFA'smulti-million dollar syphoning of sponsor funding into off-shore bank accountswith the sole purpose of paying just for the apartments of some senior FIFAofficials' cats! Now it'd be hard to imagine without such sumptuous informationmany people even bothering to care about what was going on behind the scenes.That trivial little information brought to light the magnitude of corruptionsimply due to the sheer weirdness of the findings and a lot of people gotinterested. But ironically a lot of FIFA reformers such as Luis Figo andPlatini had been very vocal about these corruption long before the scandal, butfew paid any heed to them. Scandals, althoughcan influence issues and unearth hidden injustices which escape the public eye,can sometimes also bring innocent victims in their crosshair. Many celebritiesand top officials have fallen prey to the innate human nature to believe anythingthat is sufficiently repeated. On the otherhand Fake scandals can havedisastrous repercussions. Climate change denialism and Anti-vaccine scandalshave rocked the scientific community and many are worried about theirdeleterious effect on environment and the health sector respectively. Scandalssuch as these pose a great threat as they tap into the gullibility of theuninformed general. Famous speakers orreformers such as Carl Sagan has brought enormous scientific information intothe public domain while those such as Malala Yousufzai has opened our eyes tothe deplorable state of women in some developing countries. It is inaccurate to say that reformers and speakerslack the ability to focus our attention on oft overlooked problems because theycan. But it is just as true that scandals can propel extremely pertinent issuesinto public limelight fairly quickly too and shed light on age-old problems ina new light, and also because we cannot just get enough of scandals.
  4. To understand the most important characteristics of a society,one must study its major cities. Writea response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position youtake. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might nothold true and explain how these considerations shape your position. ​In ancient times cities were the true cultural and educational hub of a society, they were a close reflection of the characteristics of a society and as close a resemblance as it gets to the psyche of the common mass. For starters the famous ancient cities such as Rome and Athens displayed the cultural trends and the societal traits with admirable accuracy, more or less. The Colosseum in Rome manifested their penchant for violence and the total disregard for human well-being. Fast forward to twenty-first century and the same line of arguments might not hold or seem as convincing. Our present society is much more complex and the simple argument presented in the statement falls well short of truly elucidating our current scenarios and the convoluted dynamics of modern societies. City life in present age can still boast as the center of culture, heritage and education but not in its purest form like in the past. More people from all over the world are flocking to the so called 'Mega-Cities' like Tokyo, New York and London and creating a more cosmopolitan environment. The music scene for example in such cities may not accurately depict the overall cultural preference of that particular society, nor may the food served in the restaurants because in such a pluralistic environment many food vendors might prefer to serve food for particular target ethnicities. Thus it becomes increasingly harder to garner information about the traits of a society from the bigger, major cities. In fact a lot can be extracted from the lifestyle and preferences of the people from the suburbs and the comparatively rural areas where the intrinsic cultural features of a society might be preserved. As most of the agrarian-rural areas are mostly inhabited by people from that particular area the people there are more likely to have a set and well-defined way of life. For instance in Alaska, we might find a hunting rifle in many of the mountain-side homes which signifies the Alaskans proclivity for hunting. Again in a suburban middle-class Indian area we see that the parents forces their children to study all day long implying their view on education as a means to a better life. By observing these suburban or rural places we might get a better understanding of the characteristics of the society. But even observing the rural areas what we learn in reality is the way and norms of the rural societies. In a large multi-ethnic country like the USA or India the suburban or rural areas might be a better indicator of the important features of the society. The sheer volume and diversity of these nations mean that there is no one "true" society. So it becomes impractical to study any important features of a society because different cities, different states and different areas might possess totally different qualities. But in smaller nations like Myanmar or Vietnam the major cities might very well be a decent pointer of the distinguishing traits of the society.
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