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Everything posted by LokeshRay

  1. ok varkir, can ya sell me ur big book? how much cost? where in mumbai?
  2. i tried loooking all over mumbai for BIG BOOK couldnt find it? could anyone who has finished using BIG BOOK sell it to me?? varkir, u still have ur big book? Lokesh
  3. DP8313 judging from ur avtaar are u a quake gamer?
  4. Is it just my misconception or is it a fact that essays written by girls get rated immediately... while my essays languish in wait like a prisoner in Bastille ? hmm, the only way to confirm that would be to get myself a female nick. :) :cool: :D
  5. Present perspective on an issue is of 45 minutes as compared to 30 minutes for Analysis of an argument. So one would expect the IssUES to be longer... Exactly how long for both?
  6. Is it just my misconception or is it a fact that essays written by girls get rated immediately..while my essays languish in wait like a prisoner in Bastille ? hmm, the only way to confirm that would be to get myself a female nick. :) :cool: :D
  7. Hi AMIGORO...can u review my essay.. here it is: At first glance, the results of the study seem to suggest that sea-food is gaining in popularity. Further on, it seems logical to take advantage of this growing popularity, and open up a new Bay City restaurant specialzing in sea food. Furthermore, this argument is provided impetus by the fact that most of the families in the area are two income families which eat most of their meals in restaurants. Yet, this argument is not entirely valid and is open to debate. The argument states that consumption at sea food has increased by thirty percent. But, one has to consider the percentage of the profits constituted by sea food. If sea food constitutes an insignificant part of the restaurant's food consumption and income, then an increase of thirty percent is not a reason enough to assume that popularity of sea food is on the rise. For example, let us suppose that the restaurant serves five hundred people in a day. Furthermore, let us assume that only ten people in a day choose sea food. An increase of thirty percent means that now, thirteen people consume sea food in a day. But the number thirteen is very small as compared to the remaining four hundred and eighty seven people who do not consume sea food. Even if sea food is consumed by a majority of patrons, it is unknown whether an increase of thirty percent is enough to warrant opening of a new sea food restaurant. For example, if a typical restaurant serves five hundred people in a day out of which 300 people consume sea food. A thirty percent increase would mean that now 390 people consume sea food. For the new restaurant to sustain itself let us assume that it would require five hundred patrons per day. Now, one can see that an icrease of 30 percent means 90 more people than before, consuming food. Ninety is very small as compared to five hundred and is not a valid argument to conclude that the new sea food restaurant will have five hundred customers per day. It could happen that the new restaurant wont have enough customers and the sea food prepared in the morning would never get finished before closing time. This would lead to wastage of food and losses. Thus, the 30 percent increase is not reason enough to open a new sea food restaurant. It is stated that the majority of families are two income families which have most of their meals in a restaurant. But, it has never been mentioned anywhere that these families would choose sea food. It is impossible to conclude that these families will definitely choose sea food over pizzas, hamburgers, french fries and other snacks. Perhaps, if a survery would have indicated high preference for sea food, then there would have been enough data to make such an assumpition. Opening a new restaurant, is a huge investment and such a decision must be based on sound reasoning and valid data. Thus, without data accumulated by surverys and questionnaires, one cannot make an assumption about families in the Bay City area liking sea food. The decision to open a new sea food restaurant must be taken only after analysing the significance of the thiry percent increase in sea food consumption. Without data about the people's preference, one cannot assume that a sea food restaurant will be able to sustain itself. Any new restaurant is a huge investment. Such a risk must be taken only after weighing the pros and cons.
  8. Hi I know that the higher the score, the better but Since i am looking towards doing my MS in Computer engineering from a reputed college, whats the optimum score i should aim for?? coz im a bit nervous i gave my TOEFL on 24 FEB and it says 227 to 283. listening 28 structure 13 to 30 Reading 30
  9. Hi, i wanna know what's da optimum length of an essay for: 1] analysis of argument 2] present perspective on an issue
  10. Here is my essay. Smoking in public places is banned in many countries. This implies that those caught smoking in a public place such as a movie theatre, public park or place of work would face legal action. Though, being strongly in favor of this ban, I doubt its effectiveness. The tobacco industry is a multi-billion dollar business. A ban on smoking will result in heavy losses to the tobacco industry resulting in unemployment and deficit. In several countries, tobacco products are heavily taxed. Such a ban would result in loss of revenue to the government. There is no doubt that smoking is hazardous to health. Tobacco is the main ingredient of cigarettes. It contains nicotine which causes the addiction. It has been proved that if a healthy person is given five milligrams of nicotine, it would lead to paralysis of his respiratory system resulting in instant death. The combustion of tobacco produces tar and carbon monoxide. Carbon monoxide is an extremely posionous gas. Tar is carcinogenic. Regular smokers are known to be afflicted by cancerrs of the mouth, tongue, lungs , throat and nose. There is no confirmed cure for cancer. Though, chemotherapy is preferred nowadays, its success rate is extremely low. Chemotherapy has several undesirable side effects like loss of hair, severe nausea and loss of immunity. Loss of immunity is a serious side effect because of which even a minor disease like common cold could prove fatal. The biggest example of the harmful effect of smoking comes from a research, where scientists proved that smoking one cigarette takes away five minutes from a person's life. Hence, it would be a crime to underestimate the harm caused by smoking. Smoking is injurious to people in the immediate vicinity of a smoker. Secondary smoke is lethal and is capable of causing cancer. Infants, pregnant mothers, senior citizens and animals are most susceptible. Secondary smoke is known to trigger an attack in a person afflicted by asthma. It has been proven that pregnant mothers coming in contact with cigarette smoke give birth to offspring who are highly likely to take up smoking when they reach adulthood. There is a high risk that smokers may experiment with narcotics resulting in a lifetime addiction. Thus, one must always be aware of the risk posed by secondary smoke. Banning smoking in public places is not the best soultion. It has several flaws. People will continue to smoke in their homes inspite of the fact that infants may be present. If people cannot smoke in offices, they will find some other place to smoke. Smoking is a bane on humanity. But substance abuse is another bigger bane. If steps are take to curb smoking then use of narcotics should not be left out. To avoid losses to the tobacco industry resulting from a ban, a long term soultion must be implemented. Tobacco industries should be encouraged to increase their area of expertise and explore other sources of revenue. In my opinion, a more holistic approach should be used wherein the production of cigarettes should be completely banned. Thus, there exist solutions other than banning smoking in public places. That smoking is hazardous to health is undebatable. Secondary smoke is responsible for trigering syptoms in people afflicted by respiratory disorders. To curb the ill-effects of smoking a holisitc approach is necessary.
  11. It is said that the introduction of an essay should proceed as follows 1] state topic 2]state your understanding of the topic 3]state thesis statement 4]state variousperspectives Sometimes it is difficult to stick this pattern.. Especially the "THESIS STATEMENT" still confuses me. I am not entirely clear about it. Could someone give a sample introduction to a sample topic such as. It would be best if ERIN could provide an introduction. :) #144: Would you prefer to live in a traditional house or in a modern apartment building? Use specific reasons and details to support your choice.
  12. Also , remember, there is no point in doing the reasoning part of CAT NOW sincE it would not benefit you in any way for GRE
  13. da CAT math and Verbal IS WAy way tougher than GRE while studying for CAT...start with da GRE word list and the CAT CAREER FORUM word list.. this way you can BE assured that you are studying both in parallel also, you can start by getting a few notes on math and VERbal from IMS or CAREER FORUM then have a look at da math n verbal syllabus of GRE and start studying from the CAT notes. this way you are not only prepared for GRE. but you also have a head start for CAT before joining any classes.
  14. ERIN.... that essay of mine you put in the Non TOEFL essays section is actually from da POWERPREP TOEFL TEST 1 so, it is a TOEFL essay and maybe you should consider shifting it into the TOEFL essays section coz it has been lying here for a long time without anyone reading it or rating it. the topic is Music tells us something about a culture. What does the music of your country reveal about the culture of your country? Use reasons and specific examples to support your answer.
  15. I saw your essay it is about 720 words !!!!! An optimum length is abput 300-500 Thats what ERIN has emphasized. Since we have only 30 minutes, I feel that your time would be better utilised if you spend it polishing your essay and improving its language and content rather than lengthening it.
  16. Meggy hmm my technique has been...to stae the opposing stand Invalidate it. state my stand Validate it Conclude. I tried to get the best of both worlds. If my approach is wrong...do tell me
  17. Ok a good essay is 300 to 500 words.. How many lines is that? Also.. are these rules applicable to TOEFL essays too? 1] avoid clichés 2]avoid redundant usage 3]avoid sexist usage like his/hers the problem is that to avoid sexist usage i have to resort to making my sentences more complicating.
  18. Neighbors are the people who live near us. In your opinion, what are the qualities of a good neighbor? Use specific details and examples in your answer. Here is my essay on this topic. I hope to see it rated ASAP: Gone are the days, when people used to live in joint families. In those days a family was made up of a man and a woman and all their children living with them. Subsequently, when the children got married they continued to live with their parents. Thus, the first generation of children formed their own families in the house of their parents. But, it is necessary to point out the fact that women never stayed with their parents once they got married. They lived with their husbands and their in-laws. Thus, in a particular house, one would see an entire family tree starting from grand parents and ending with great grand children. If by any chance, one of the second generation parents fell sick, then their siblings would take over in looking after their children and family ties would be well-maintained. But, nowadays people live in nuclear families consisting of a husband and wife and their children. In such cases, in the absence of a joint family, in times of need they depend on neighbors. Since our neighbors live near us they form a big part of our lives. First , it is neccessary that me and my neighbor speak a common language. Esistence of a good relation with the neighbor is a must. Without which there can be a communication gap. A neighbor should be approachable so that, in times of need one would not hesitate to ask for a neighbor for help. For example, my cousin once got injured in a bicycling accident. A visit to the doctor was the need of the time. Since the parents were not at home, my cousin considered asking the neighbor for help. But, the idea was dropped because the neighbor was rather reticient and bellicose. With an injured leg, my cousin went walking to the doctor. When he reached there, the doctor was agahst about the fact that my cousin had lost a lot of blood and would have lost his unconsciousness if the bleeding had continued for five more minutes. This example points out the importance of having an easily approachable friendly neighbor. The above paragraph was an example of an unsuitable neighbor. Fortunately, most neighbors are friendly and are ready to help in times of need. Being social animals, we need the company of other human beings. We socialize during festivals and national holidays. People invite their neighbors for barbecues and dinners. This helps maintain the good will. When there is any good news, it is the neighbors who spread the word. They exhchange recipes, deliciously prepared food and clothes. But, one must agree that a good neighbor is not someone who invites you for a barbecue but leaves you to your own means in times of need. For example, I live in an apartment building. On the floor above mine, an elderly person lives. When my mother noticed that the person had not come for the regular evening walk, it was decided to investigate. We found that this person had suffered a paralytic stroke. The person was immediately rushed to the hospital. It was later realized that if this person had not been taken to the hospital within tewnty four hours, the paralysis would have been permanent. This emphasizes the value of having a neighbor who does not let you down in times of need. The environment of a child plays a major role in his development into adulthood. When the environment is conducive, the child will grow into a respomsible citizen. The mind of a child is like moulding clay. It is shaped by factors like environment, parent-child relationship and friends. Children make friends with their neighbor's children. Since, the neighbors form a major part of a child's environment, it is necessary that they are responsibe citizens. It is highly likely that a child will imitate the actions of his neighbors. So, if the neighbor is a commercial sex worker or a drug dealer, it can be detrimental to the child's development. They will have a bad infleunce and the chances of the child growing into a responsible adult are reduced. Thus, a good neighbor is someone who is not only friendly but is also a responsible citizen. We rarely get to choose our neighbors. Since, they live next to us they highly influence our lives. For a neighbor to be a good one, I expect him to be amiable, communicative and a responsible citizen. Their importance should never be under estimated.
  19. The Princeton review: INSIDE THE GRE has clearly said that for the GRE, after finishing the minimum number of questions in a particular section (Quantitative section) , one must proceed only if one is sure of getting the answer right, since a wrong attempt would result in the reduction of the score. Are they wrong?? If yes, then they are deliberately misguiding us.
  20. hi i have a few questions regarding TOEFL. 1] first of all, is there a minimum number of questions in each section that must be solved? like in the GRE one must solve a minimum of 23 questions in the quantitative section and a minimum of 24 sections in the english section. Incase of the GRE, it has been advised to solve the minimum number of questions in a particular section and then go ahead only if one is sure of getting the answer right. 2] Immediately after i give my TOEFL examination, will i be asked to decide to choose which grad schools to send my TOEFL score, free of cost? 3]What is the ideal score in a TOEFL examination? 4]Also, what are the sections where one loses a lot of marks? I am looking forward to be able to read the answers to my questions as soon as possible.
  21. Topic: Music tells us something about a culture. What does the music of your country reveal about the culture of your country? Use reasons and specific examples to support your answer. Essay: Music is an art form. It originated a million years ago when a caveman learnt to create sounds by tapping a stick on a hollow tree trunk. A million years later, the stick and the tree trunk have been replaced by digital consoles, but the unique place that music holds in our past, present and future cannot be replaced. Music is also a reflection of our culture. Culture evolves over time. The changing trends of music mirror the evolution of our culture. A study of music is very useful in the study of culture. Religion is a very important part of my country. The general populace is god-fearing. This importance of religion in the culture of my country is adequately reflected by music. Here, prayers are offered at temples in the form of "bhajans" and "shlokas" which are forms of Indian religious music.When one translated the meaning of these "shlokas", it is noticed that they are used to praise God. The part played by God as the creator of this universe is eulogized and all his works are praised. The devotees are exhorted to follow the path of good and avoid all evil. In India, such kind of religious music is heard everyday in all households. On many occassions, chanting of religious songs and playing of religious music is necessary before embarking on a long journey. Thus, our religious music reinforces the fact that religion forms the very moral fiber of an Indian. Music tells a lot about diverse peoples and their customs. In a few parts of my country the land is dry and hence it is not suitable for cultivation. Rain water is a very precious commodity. Monsoons are very rare. As a result, when monsoon finally arrives, it is welcomed by a lot of song and music. It indicates how the people of those parts live an agrarian life and how important is the role played in their lives by the rains. As also, after a good harvest, village folk come together to celebrate. Worship is done in temples by the farmers to express their gratitude to the weather Gods. As also, music is an integral part of Indian marriages. During such an occassion, four days are reserved for music and singing. These four days are called "sangeet". The theme is that marriage is one of the most important things of an adult's life and hence one must be very careful with it. Thus on examination of the music of my country it can be concluded that agriculture and the institutiion of marriage are a very important part of my culture. India is made up of several states. Among these states, there exist tribal people who are struggling for their survival. Due to the advent of westernisation and expansion of cities, it is feared that these indigenous people will be wiped out and their culture will be lost forever. But, inspite of such grave predictions, these tribal people have survived. Thye make the use of music and folks songs to pass on the knowledge imbibed in their history and culture. Sons learn the music from their fathers and they pass it down to their sons. And thus one can say that music has made it possible for these tribal people to keep their culture alive. It is impossible to estimate how important has music been to my culture. But it can be said with certainty that music reflects the pre-occupation of our people with religion and agriculture. Also, music has kept several cultures alive by passing knowledge down the generations.
  22. i tried an online translation utility http://babelfish.altavista.com select translate chinese to english there is an option to translate an entire page.. so just give URL
  23. hmm.. seeems nice QUESTION: hoW long is PRESENT PERSPECTIVE ON AN ISSUE generally supposed to be?
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