My first go at academic studies was over ten years ago, and was a total disaster. I failed courses and left after a year.
It took me more than 5 years to return and complete my degree in a different discipline. My second try was considerably better. Graduated summa cum laude. I directly continued to a master, which I graduated with honors as well.
My questions:
1. Do I need to provide the transcripts from the first go, even though the grades had no bearing on my complete degree(s)?
2. If I do, and I can address this in my SOP (I was very ill as a teen and hardly went to school which culminated in me dropping out, having un-diagnosed learning disabilities (at the time), no learning habits..), will it be held against me?
3. If I need to address this in my SOP, how to do so without it coming across as whining? My grandfather always said - if you need to make an excuse, make one, not many, or else it just sounds like you're making excuses.