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I'm a highly motivated third year History student at a top European university, where because of the nature and content of my course, cannot take official math courses. However, a.) having self-taught advanced calc/prob theory/lin algebra/real analysis, b.) RA under macro economics proff, c.) having been published in 2 economics journals, and d.) taking certain optional econometric and economic theory courses, I have tried to make my profile very economics centric. I was able to land an analyst internship at a well funded think tank for this coming summer, and at European Central Bank for the next month. However, as you're aware, these have virtually no academic standing for PhD admissions. I have found certain online programmes, which include assignments and exams that are graded and are of expected standards, which can possibly attest to my mathematical capabilities. This includes paid courses at MIT OCW (Advanced mathematical modelling, advanced statistics, prob theory) and Harvard Extension School (calc II, multivariable calc, linear algebra, real analysis I & II, and real analysis - convexity and optimisation). I hope to complete all of these in the next 2.5 years and would have had greater exposure to economic research by then. What else can I do? I am willing to work extremely hard and give my very best. And before you say it - Yes, I know it's crazy/impractical/possibly useless/weird and Yes, my chances are really low and I'm possibly not going to cut it. EDIT 1: GRE: 170(Q)- 167 and GPA ~ 3.9. Extracurriculars - starting a software product company with 6 digit annual turnover/ consultancy internships/ volunteering EDIT: Do you suggest any master's programmes? Are there master's programmes in economics which have placements in top 10 for econ PhD? other aspects ~ 3.9 GPA, with a letter from my college's vice-chancellor and econ proff.
Dear all, I am posting below a brief information on various aspects of my profile. I am looking for an evaluation and sources for improvement. Any schools in particular I should target? What ranking bracket should I be targeting? Any help is greatly appreciated. Degrees Undergraduate: B.A.(Hons.) Economics from the top Indian University. [Grade: top 50 in the University/85.7%] Postgraduate: M.A. Economics from the top Indian school. [Grade: First class/First division] GRE 168Q/162V/4.5 Courses [TABLE=class: grid, width: 500] [TR] [TD]Level[/TD] [TD]Course Type[/TD] [TD]Number of Courses[/TD] [TD]Score[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Undergraduate[/TD] [TD]Calculus[/TD] [TD]3[/TD] [TD]More than 90/100 on each[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Undergraduate[/TD] [TD]Linear Algebra[/TD] [TD]3[/TD] [TD]More than 90/100 on each[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Undergraduate[/TD] [TD]Advanced Micro[/TD] [TD]3[/TD] [TD]More than 90/100 on each[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Undergraduate[/TD] [TD]Advanced Macro[/TD] [TD]2[/TD] [TD]More than 90/100 on each[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Undergraduate[/TD] [TD]Econometrics/Statistics[/TD] [TD]3[/TD] [TD]More than 95/100 on each[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Master's[/TD] [TD]Calculus/Linear Algebra[/TD] [TD]2[/TD] [TD]More than 60/100 on each[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Master's[/TD] [TD]Advanced Micro[/TD] [TD]5[/TD] [TD]More than 70/100 on each[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Master's[/TD] [TD]Advanced Macro[/TD] [TD]2[/TD] [TD]More than 60/100 on each[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Master's[/TD] [TD]Statistics/Econometrics[/TD] [TD]3[/TD] [TD]More than 70/100 on each[/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] Research experience RA: 2 years at a business school on projects related to political economy, finance, and development. RA: 6 months+ at a foreign university on a project related to political economy. One solo authored working paper on environmental economics and development. One solo authored working paper on political economy and finance. Two ongoing projects on environmental economics and development. Recommendation Letters One each from the two PIs I have RA'ed for. Expect them to be strong. One from the master's program. Expect it to be between average and strong. Other Information Good programming skills. Highly proficient in STATA, R, GIS,HTML. Working knowledge of Python. Ability to identify gaps in the literature and come up with novel research questions. Can work independently. Thanks a lot! :)
Type of Undergrad: Economics Degree with Honours at Australian Uni, Top 200 World QS Rankings GPA: Distinction (High Distinction for Econ Classes), First Class Honours (University Medal for first in class) GRE: 167Q / 159V/ 5.0W Econ Courses Undergrad: Economics 1 (HD, 85/100), Economics 2 (HD, 86/100), Intermediate Micro (D, 83/100), Intermediate Macro (HD, 87/100), Introductory Econometrics (D, 82/100), Mathematics for Economics (HD, 92/100), Game Theory (HD, 95/100), Public Economics (HD, 90/100), Global Economy (HD, 85/100), Applied Microeconometrics (D, 83/100) Econ Courses Honours: Advanced Econometrics (HD, 85/100), Advanced Micro (D, 83/100), Advanced Macro (HD, 86/100), Economic Policy (HD, 85/100) Research Experience: Honours thesis, policy research team in top government department after graduation Teaching Experience: Tutor for Economics 2, Introductory Econometrics LOR: Thesis supervisor and professor for one of the advanced classes, secondary thesis supervisor, honours coordinator and professor for one of the advanced classes Goals: European masters programs as pathway to US PhD. LSE, Oxford, UCL, Cambridge, BGSE, TSE, Bocconi, CEMFI Comments: I clearly don’t have the signalling factor of actual math classes, but at my uni and most in Australia they don’t offer them as part of an econ degree and instead teach you the math required as part of the econ classes, in particular the math for econ class. This is why I am looking at a masters first to improve my chances at US programs. I have researched the type of math needed for these courses and we covered all the important topics, especially in the honours classes. I am worried that my subject list doesn’t signal this and it will be assumed I don’t have a strong enough math background. Also I am considering re-taking the GRE. I did the at-home test due to COVID and my whiteboard marker ran out halfway through, meaning for the second quant section I couldn’t do any working on paper, all in my head. I am confident I could get it higher but not sure it is worth the investment if 167 is good enough. Will 167 exclude me from any potential scholarships or is my profile not competitive enough for that anyway? I’d appreciate any comments on my profile or suggestions for other programs to apply to :)
Problems are resolved. Thank you.
I have been admitted to both LSEs EME and BGSE Masters in Economics. Both of them are unfunded. I just wondered which has the best outcomes in terms of PhD placements? I have looked at some of the data on the websites but also wanted to get a second opinion on here! In terms of research interests, I am interested primarily in Empirical Macro. Additionally: 1) If I attend BGSE, I would take the advanced track. 2) I have no prior research experience. 3) LSE's course is twice the price of BGSE advanced track!
Which is better from an admissions signalling perspective? 1. Advanced econometrics (uses Greene, focuses on going beyond OLS to IV, limited dependent variables, etc) 2. Mechanism design course in CS department (similar to Algorithmic Game Theory (CS364A), Fall 2013) 3. Stochastic processes I've heard that math courses are better signals than econ courses, but advanced econometrics specifically seems pretty important for admissions, so I'm not sure. I'm also unsure how the CS course (which has quite a lot of overlap with mechanism design econ) would be evaluated.
HI, I'm a Korean undergraduate student from Top 3 Econ school in my country. I have read through lots of posts here and they all have been of tremendous help to me. Straight to the point, I am planning to take advanced calculus and differential equations next semester, but the problem is I have yet virtually no math background except mathematics for economics, college math, and general stuff like that. After conquering those courses, (hopefully) I will need to take more advanced courses like real analysis, and etc. Now, I strongly feel that I have to start digging into some math to build a solid foundation for the tough ones (in my view) coming up next semester and ahead, but I have noticed that calculus books alone were like 1,200 pages thick (e.g. James Stewart), so I'm wondering if it is a wise strategy to go through all of it. I'm not allergic to math or anything like that but I'm just curious what would be the most recommended way of building mathematical structure in my brain. I'm currently having an internship in one of the UN offices in my country so I need to spend my time wisely because I do not have a plenty of time to focus on my study. I would very much appreciate any kind of advice. Thanks :)
Hi, I am a current student at NYU, which is top 30 undergrad with top 15ish econ department I suppose? I am trying to decide between Advanced Micro course vs complex variable. I am actually leaning toward Complex variable for the following reasons: 1. I am trying to do RA after undergrad and my plan includes taking phd micro 1. 2. I am also trying to do math masters right after undergrad; however, I will have to take grad complex variable course, in which I will be better prepared if I take undergrad complex variable. 3. I hear that undergrad econ classes are less important than math courses. Also I am considering an alternative option: stochastic process vs complex variable vs advanced micro/macro. (I will be taking stochastic calc later)
Hey everyone! So, I’m planning on doing a Canadian Econ Masters at UofT, but I have an issue: I recently got my midterm mark back on my Advanced Microeconomics test and didn’t do so well. It looks like the highest I’ll be able to get is an A- and that’s being REALLY optimistic. This is the last semester I can take the course in, and still have it show up in time on my transcript for admissions. These are some of my other marks, for reference: Overall cGpa: 3.92/4.0 from UofT Relevant Courses: linear algebra (A+), intermediate microeconomics (A), statistics (A+), econometrics (A+), advanced macroeconomics (A+), and some other miscellaneous Econ courses that are all A- or above. Basically, I’m conflicted. Should I drop my Advanced Micro course now, or should I keep doing it and settle for a sub-par mark? I’m not sure which is more important: taking in and getting a not great mark, or just not having it on my transcript at all. Thanks in advance for your help!
I'm currently an undergrad, and I have a quick question about taking grad linear algebra: Initially, I took a matrix theory/algebra class (which was called something like Matrix and Linear Transformations and so it covered some parts of linear transformations), and got a C initially, which I then retook and got a B. Later, I took a course that's actually called Linear Algebra (so this is the more legit linear algebra course & covers everything that was covered in matrix theory/algebra class + more linear algebra stuff & is mathematically rigorous, proof based), and got an A. I have an option to take grad linear algebra as an elective, and I was wondering what you guys think, given that even though I got an A in the Linear Algebra course, those bad grades in matrix algebra worry me. (I had some hard time with math in the beginning, but did better as I took harder courses: in fact, I got straight straight As the past three semesters in all math courses including: two sequences of Real Analysis, Topology, Stochastic Process, PDE and Fourier series, and so on.) I would like to be competitive for top schools (20 or higher), so let me know what your thoughts are, thanks for the help!
Hi all, I'm currently at LSE's MSc Economics (1 year programme). By default, MSc Econ students take the regular microeconomics class, but there is an option to take advanced microeconomics together with the students from the MSc Econometrics & Mathematical Economics (EME). For the purposes of admission into a T20 US PhD programme, is it better to excel in the normal microecon class, or be the median student in the more advanced class? If it makes a difference, I plan to apply during the MSc Econ programme so that I can enroll into the PhD right after the MSc year, so the most I would have is grades from January exams and/or a letter from whoever is teaching the micro/ advanced micro courses. For more context, I have previously posted my profile here. Since then, the significant changes are that I have finished my remaining undergraduate courses with A or A+ (including thesis and last module of econometrics sequence), and, as above, I have enrolled into LSE's MSc Econ programme. I think one of my main weaknesses are no formal math grades (though I have done well in the "math for economists" courses), hence the coursework question above. Thanks!
My school offers undergraduate analysis and graduate analysis. However, in course content they are both undergrad analysis - both use Baby Rudin or similar level references. There are only two salient differences: 1. The undergrad version is called "Advanced Calculus" and the graduate version is called "Advanced Analysis". 2. The graduate version will have a harder curve by virtue of being full of graduate students. Should I be indifferent between them? If not, which one should I take?
Hi, I am currently finishing my 3rd year at UofT, and I'm interested in pursuing a MA in Economics in Canada. This is my profile below - I would appreciate any advice regarding my chances at some Canadian schools for an MA: Type of Undergrad: UofT Undergrad GPA: 3.76/4.0 Major: Economics, Environmental Management GRE: 168Q, 164V, AWA 5 Math Courses: Calculus I and II (A-) Linear Algebra (A) Econ Courses: Intermediate Micro (B+): (Class average was quite low at C-, which is indicated on transcript) Intermediate Macro (A+) Environmental Economics (A) Public Economics (A+) Advanced Public Economics (A+) Econometrics (A) Teaching Experience: TA for Macroeconomic course for 2 years during undergrad. Gaps in application: - Lack of Advanced Micro and Macro is the real thing that's causing some uncertainty. I could choose to take one of these courses during the fall semester of my last year, but I can't fit the other one in. Which one would be more important? I'm assuming Advanced Micro, because my intermediate mark is the worst one I've gotten in Economics so far. Any advice about which schools to apply to is appreciated!
I've done bad in some of the intro courses, but got A's in the advanced courses: Calculus I - III (As), intro to proof ©, basic matrix algebra ©, advanced matrix algebra (A), discrete math (B), linear algebra (A), Real Analysis I (A), Real Analysis II (A), algebraic structures (A), differential equations (A), Stochastic Methods (A), operations research (A). Will this hurt my chances (the C's and a B)? I'm from a top 20 private research university in the states. Also, feel free to give me any advice. I'd like to go on a top econ phd in the future :/
Dear all, I am trying to figure out the best master degree option for placing me to top level UK or top 40 US and I am VERY interested in staying in Barcelona for my master. Any advice or comment would be really appreciated (Especially current or old BGSE students!). My concern is whether I can really handle advanced track or not. I've done my bsc economics in the UK and took as many theory courses as possible and did quite well on them. However, my university is not a stellar one, around top 15, hence, my econ courses may not be as rigorous & challenging as top univ like Oxbridge or LSE. Moreover, BGSE standard track seems to be almost the same level as the most British msc economics: LSE msc economics, 1st year Oxford Mphil and UCL msc econ (I may be completely wrong though) and advanced track is more like LSE, UCL MRes level and 2nd year Oxford. Hence, rather than taking advanced track straightaway, I might choose to study standard and apply for MRes at BGSE (so called delayed(?) track) to stay one more year for advanced track and make phd applications while I am doing advanced ones. Do any of you think my scenario convincing? or should I force myself to the advanced track? as it is far better option.
Calc I-III (A's), Intro to Proof ©, Intro to Matrix Algebra ©, Advanced Matrix Algebra (A), Discrete Math (A), Real Analysis I and II (A's), Algebraic Structures (A), Differential Equations (A), Stochastic Process for Applied Mathematics (A), Operations Research (A), Linear Algebra (A) How does this math profile sound like? The two C's there concern me, but I was able to overcome my weakness in math and perform better in more advanced courses. Also, any suggestion as to which more math's to take? (Or advice in general). Thanks. (I'm from top 20-25 private research university in the US, double majoring in econ and math)
Hello! Im applying to economics masters programs in the next few months and I'm curious to see how prepared I am for an advanced degree in econ? I've taken the following courses: Introductory/intermediate/advanced micro & macro (intermediate and advanced courses covered what you would expect, but very quant-intensive) Statistics I, II, and III for economists (covering everything from basic probability concepts, to regressions with time series data, to simultaneous equations and two-stage least squares etc etc.) Mathematical Economics I & II (covering univariate, multivariate calculus, Khun-Tucker, integration, linear algebra, static and dynamic optimization [diff eq] with economic applications) Advanced Mathematics for Economists (PDEq, topology, dynamic optimization) Calculus I & II Applied Econometrics (maximum likelihood, constructing price indices, estimation and forecasting with univariate time series processes etc.) Econometrics I (the simple and multiple classical regression models, problems of mis-specified structures, multi-collinearity, and forecasting etc...lots of proofs). What are your thoughts? I know the information I provided is a little sparse, but does it look like I am prepared for an advanced degree in economics? And bonus question...answer if you want..what sorts of schools am I a competitive applicant for given that I received A's in all of these courses and scored a 163 on the GRE quant? Thank you!
Many of you want text completion drill, here, I have some sets of question which can help you. Explore The Revised GRE: Text Completion drill comment here for answer and explanation.
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Here's a tricky one! A bag contains 5 white marbles and 5 black marbles. If each of 5 girls and 5 boys randomly selects and keeps a marble, what is the probability that all of the girls select the same colored marble? A) 1/126 B) 1/120 C) 1/24 D) 4/25 E) 1/2 Cheers, Brent