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Hi, I was wondering if anyone is able to check over a major assignment I have completed, and point out any errors I may have made. I am fairly confident it is all correct, but if someone can give it another once over that would be great. If you're not able to do this, is it okay if you can check over 2e), 6c) and 5f) at least. The questions follow along with each other, so I have attached a link with each page of the assignment (it is six pages long) that will open in another browser. With 2e) - I have written that it is reflected on the x-axis. Is this the correct terminology, or would it just be "on its axis"? With 5f) - I am new to using derivatives so am not sure on this one. With 6c) - I am concerned whether the answer is either 113.2m or 113.3m. I put 113.3m, but this is with using the previously rounded values in my distance formula. Would I have to use the original non-rounded values in it for it to be correct? LINK TO ASSIGNMENT: Dropbox - Maths Assignment.pdf - Simplify your life Greatly Appreciated and Kind Regards :), User007
- 3 replies
- 113.3m
- assignment
(and 3 more)
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Hi everyone. I created a service that helps you to check your essay and it can improve your writing skills. It is called CheckEssay. This is how I recommend to use the service: Step 1: Register with the service and check your first essay. Find your weak points. It's free (for now). Step 2: Find your problem areas, identify your exact mistakes. Once you have clearly defined them, practice every day until you correct the mistakes. Everyone has different mistakes. Step 3: Create a curriculum for the next month. Commit to at least 30 minutes a day, but the more you practice, the better you get. Step 4: Learn Strategies! (There are many, and they are all very important.) Find the best essays and learn from them. By analyzing good essays, you increase your chances of getting good results. So, let me know if you have any question or suggestions. Thanks!
I've tried to publish a post but it is under moderation. I don't know how to check the status. In fact, I cannot even see the post in my personal account. I apologize that the formatting for my post was a bit substandard. How to check the status of moderation process and revise and resubmit my post? By the way, since I am interested in both Econ and B-School PhD, are we allowed to publish two related posts under the two sub-forum? I was just submitting the posts and I apologize for any inconvenience if this is not allowed by our forum rules.
Q: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? In twenty years, there will be fewer cars in use than there are today. ...... There is debate concerning whether there will be fewer cars in use in the future. As far as I am concerned, I strongly disagree with this statement. A big change in the life style coupled with an unbelievable rate of technological progress support my idea and would lead to more driving alone. My arguments are given as bellow. To begin with, some evidences undoubtedly show a vast growth in the rate of moving from rural areas to the city or suburbs. The current policy in the most countries is not at least in the mid-term preventing from urbanization. In contrast, most people who live in rural areas -which are usually low income areas- have to move to the cities dreaming of enhancing their quality of life. In other words, the public will have more tendency to urbanization and live more close to urban due to reduce job commute. We also can not deny that people who live in the city are more enthusiastic to go on trip and drive lonely. This mainly change in the settlement patterns and life style would definitely lead to the increase in the number of people who drive alone in the future. Afterward, development of technology is not going to stay at the same level. The incredible undeniable pace of technological progress will bring us several benefits. At first it would help companies to reduce their costs and also the price of their production in order to stay competitive. Today most people in the world can not afford car prices. New technologies will bring the countries more ability to improve infrastructures and clearly the more enhancement in the quality of life. Also some predicts, for example, a recent one by Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft, have reported these pros as the results of the technology in the future. Needless to say, the more quality of life, the more demands to buy new things such as car. Thinking into what has discussed above, our future life would be influenced by the incredible role of technology. One of its specific results would be the better quality of life, thereupon more people who will be more eager to buy those things that currently can not afford. An old saying goes "The more you have, the more you get". It is obviously says that no matter what goes right, you always want to earn more and more. All in all, I can safely draw the conclusion that in twenty years, there will be more cars in use than there are today
The graph demonstrates changes in the popularity of several durable goods in the UK between 1997 and 2006. The microwave oven remained the most widespread item of all presented on the graph for the entire period. The CD player was the second most popular article. Tumble dryers were quite common in UK households at the beginning of the period. In contrast, dishwashers did not enjoy popularity in 1997/98. However, the ownership of both tumble dryers and dishwashers rose minimally between 1998 and 2006. The percentage of families owning mobile phones increased almost fourfold over the period, although the growth became less marked at the end of the period. The number of people having a computer also rose considerably. Overall, there was an upward trend in the ownership of all long-lived goods between 1997/98 and 2006. Some of the goods, namely mobile phones and computers, gained popularity rapidly. By contrast, there was no significant increase in the use of dishwashers and tumble dryers.[ATTACH=CONFIG]6749[/ATTACH]
A Secular state or an Islamic republic of Pakistan for the progressive growth? What Pakistan had the father of this nation envisioned? That is a question yet to be answered, and is still an ongoing debate leading to intense arguments amongst the most intelligent theologians even after sixty five years of independence. Did Jinnah aim to develop a state impervious to religion or a state run by the sharia law? However for the significant dynamic growth it is believed that the only religion left to public sphere is the religion of pantheon, where man once again becomes” the measure of all things”. This is the basic concept of secularism “(secularism and its opponents from Augustine to Solzhenitsyn) Although here it seems like secularism favors atheism, however this is not true. A secular state does not specify any religion and does not follow any specific religious laws but allows all religious practices. Therefore a secular state is unbiased and decisions are made on logical grounds rather than decisions based on belief. A Proper comparison and understanding can only be achieved once the misunderstandings have been removed. Although the opposition believes that forming an Islamic republic will unite the Muslim community however for the progressive growth a secular Pakistan is needed rather than Islamic republic because Islamic republic induces extremism in the society, increases terrorism and hostility, and is unable to protect minority rights. The opposition believes that having a constitution based on Islamic laws will not only unite the society but also the Muslim countries all around the world. The five pillars of Islam, which are obligatory for every capable Muslim, include prayer, zakat, fasting and hajj, each of these is a step towards building unity as a society and as a nation. All Muslims whether Shia or Sunni pray to express commitment to God. When Muslims pray the stand in straight lines, together they bow and prostrate. Not only the method of prayer but the language of prayer is what unites the Muslims no matter what language they speak in their daily live. Prayers offered in the mosque gathers the people of the society this gives opportunity to discuss matters of importance and problems which anyone faces. Zakat in which rich gives money to the poor, is designed to bring social equality as well as economic, unites the community by nurturing unity of Muslims. Likewise in Fasting and Hajj, Muslims from all over the world gather in mosque without any discrimination and no matter what racial or cultural background they belong to Muslims all over the world are identical to God and each other (Islam). On a global level when it comes to Muslim unity, it was seen a number of times, most importantly in the regime of Bhutto when Pakistan, as a nation, also proved that it does not believe in discrimination. This was shown by the absence of any racial feeling among the delegates who gathered in Lahore between February 22, 1974, and February 24, 1974, for the Islamic summit conference which was inaugurated by Z.A. Bhutto on the behalf of the Islamic republic of Pakistan. This meeting allowed discussion amongst thirty-seven Islamic nations from across the globe, hence promoting unity outside the nation with other Muslim countries as well. Unity within a nation is very important for the welfare of its people. However Islam itself is divided into numerous sects. Islam not only includes sects like; Sunnism, Shiaism, Suffism, Wahabbism. But also these sects are further divided into groups for example the Shi'ite Muslims comprise of the followers of the twelve imams. If Islam as a religion is not in harmony and is disunited then how can the believers unite as one? The recent mass Shi’ite killing depicts the grave need for unification and for this oneness; Pakistan should adopt the secular approach. Even the five pillars of Islam are now more of a “status symbol” than a duty. According to a recent study by a religious journal, some Muslims performing the blessed hajj do not even know the basic rituals. (The Muslim World Volume 79, Issue 3-4, pages 205–216, October 1989) these Muslims stay at the best hotels and take hajj as a luxury holiday. Similar is the case with other pillars that are assumed to unite the Muslims. Pakistan is a nation with majority being the Sunni Muslims; this pushes the minorities into the backgrounds who are angered when the majority gets to make the 'democratic' decisions for the way the country is run. Even the constitution compromises mainly of Sunni ordinances. This leads to quarrels and further division amongst the people. On a larger scale, issues have also created disunity among different Muslims countries. The Islamic summit conference aimed at creating unity failed in many cases. After the Afghan war in 1979, Pakistan began to receive aid from America and hence became pro-American. This angered the delegates from Muslim countries who criticized Pakistan for helping America, since America was the leading cause of the Palestine- Israel dispute. This widened the gap between Muslims. Moreover history proves that alliance between Muslim countries is based more on motifs rather than belief. However Islamiztion initiated by president Zia encouraged growth of madrassas that caused terrorism to increase. General Zia-ul-Haq, a passionate Islamist, took charge after a military revolution in 1977. He emphasized on practicing the Islamic Law during his time. In order to convert Pakistan into an Islamic state, madrassas were hugely sponsored by Zia. Madrassa as the meaning of the name describes is any type of an educational institution. Population of madrassas increased the most under Islamization during Zia’s time. Thousands of soldiers came from these madrassas for the US and jihad funded through Saudis against the Soviets in Afghanistan. Pashtun tribesmen were closely connected to the Pakistani government with their help. Funding by Gulf petrodollars also stepped up their expansion. Furthermore, wealthy Pakistanis were also encouraged by the state to contribute due to the status of these madrassas. These guerrillas, encouraged funded and armed by the Islamic republic, were trained to fight the Soviet Union however the sharia law and the Islamic setting provided the perfect habitat for their exponential growth. Even after the Soviets departed from Afghanistan, spread of madrassas in Pakistan continued unabated with the help of Saudi and state aid. However, now in these institutions Islamic education is being replaced by hatred for other religions and concept of jihad being wrongly infused in their minds. Madrassa syllabus was moved from the five important pillars of faith such as prayer, fasting, Zakat and Hajj. Instead it just focused on infidelity, jihad and its rewards. Islam being a religion of harmony as read in the Quran again and again is being proven wrong as students’ brains is crammed with the poison of revulsion towards everyone who is not a Muslim. This intolerance towards other communities means killing Jews and Christians consequently being a good Muslim. Madrassas focus on the belief that it is important to liberate Islamic regions from unbelievers in order to set up a single Islamic nation is in their hands. Such extremism leads to terrorism. Madrassas contribution in dispersal of terrorism is the foremost center of attention of many people but they overlook the inside stories in these institutions, where male and female students are sexually abused on a regular basis. Madrasas are therefore being considered the main cause of Islamic terrorism that is religious terrorism by those whose incentives are rooted in their interpretation of Islam. Statistics gathered for by the National Counterterrorism Centre of the United States tells that "Islamic extremism" was responsible for approximately 25% of all terrorism fatalities worldwide. History is filled with many examples of such extremist Muslims involved in terrorist activities. One of such incident is in 2007 during the time of President Pervaiz Musharraf who ordered Pakistan army to carry out the operation Lal masjid or Red mosque in Islamabad, where they found arms and explosives including heavy confrontation from students. Therefore to reduce terrorism, Pakistan needs a secular approach rather than dependence on sharia law. Secularism is wrongly believed to be anti-religion; it offers physical security and cultural space to all religions on an equal level this way the rights of minorities are protected. Minority is distinctly known as “a culturally, ethnically, or racially distinct group that coexists with but is subsidiary to a more dominant group”. Pakistan is a Muslim country where Islam is an overriding group which consists largely of Sunni Muslims shadowing other Muslim sects and other religions such as Hinduism and Christianity. Jinnah preached secularism in his August 11th speech; he clearly stated that Pakistan was not to be a 'theocratic state' or to be led by any particular religious leader. He wanted the people to understand that Pakistan consisted of people of various religions; Muslims, Christians, Hindus, Sikhs, and not just that but each religion is further divided into groups which stressed importance on the fact that Pakistan is a nation full of diversity but in the end what mattered was that they were all 'Pakistani'. Jinnah urged the people to be fair and just in the matters of state, Christians and Hindus or Shias and Sufis all had an equal say in how their country was to be run 'rightful part in the affairs of Pakistan'. He incited the people to give opportunities to the citizens from the minority for better jobs and government positions. However, his quest has been ignored; up till now there have been rare cases of Christians in the government, for Hindus and Sikhs the case is near to negligible. Unfortunately, the majority being Muslims wanted their own religious laws to be implemented disliked the idea of sharing governance and power which led to most of the speech being blacked out. If all the points in his speech had been adhered to, Pakistan would have excelled in all spheres. Secularism opposes giving preferences or privileges to any religious beliefs and laws. Secularism is religiously unbiased as it neither promotes nor inhibits religion, religious beliefs, or religious practices. This clearly shows that Pakistan as a secular state would protect minorities, who will be able to practice their religion liberally minimizing any differences. Pakistan, however, is a volatile state, its people are illiterate and the economy is falling by the minute which causes disturbances within individuals causing them to act out with rage and rebellions. For example, a Christian boy of just eleven years was tormented and tortured, his lips and nose had been sliced off, his stomach removed and there was evidence that his legs had been mutilated too. This brutality is not just unacceptable but is commendable in all religions and societies. This proves that had there been equality and proper acknowledgement of secularism in the government there would be no such acts hence achieving autonomy throughout the state. In this manner no any religion or religious sect would consider them being superior or rightful to such activity. Practicing secularism in Pakistan will encourage the dispersion of power by preventing any one religious group from acquiring a great deal political, social, or cultural power at the expense of everyone else. This dispersion of power will eliminate the threat of liberty of minorities being endangered. India, a country similar to Pakistan in many aspects, has the same diverse religious population and has issues that are prevalent in Pakistan too. One of the major similar issues was based on religious inequality, since India consists of Muslims as a minority, however, the Indian government eradicated the issue by adopted the theory of secularism. This way the constitution of india granted freedom to minorities and ended the discrimination against them. Article 14, grants equality before the law, this shows how much importance has been given to equality by embracing Secularism. India widens the concept of secularism by prohibiting discrimination on the grounds of religion, race, caste, sex and even the place of birth. It goes on to give assurance to the citizens of minorities the opportunity to be a part of matters of public employment emphasizing that no discrimination would occur.(towards theory of positive secularism) It abolished the idea of social classes especially 'untouchability', which included immense discrimination to the extent that castes were formed and those who were the ‘Shudras’ or part of the ‘untouchability’ clan were forbidden from going to temples and even barber shops. They were banned to sit beside the ‘upper class’ of the society. Such practices abandoned the welfare of fellow countrymen. This was a crude practice of social rejection that it was declared a punishable offence; other titles apart from those of military or academic standing have been rid of. The Indian government was stead in its mission to eradicate such discrimination; Pakistan however, has not even begun to move along the lines of equality. Even in this era of understanding and human rights Pakistan lacks behind as seen by the condition of the Christian societies pushed to the suburbs. Christians constitute of a large number of hardworking citizens but like the 'Shudras' they have been abandoned by the government and forced to live in poor conditions. Jinnah in his speech said “….in the name of Humanity, I care more for them [the Untouchables] than for Mussalmans.”, this infers that father of this nation wanted equality among men not an inequitable independent Muslim state This however can only be achieved by removing the idea of 'islamization', and by working towards the protection of minorities and creating strengths within the nation by pursuing a more secular constitution. Unfortunately, when the parliament decided to add sharia law to their constitution they opened Pakistan’s door to extremism. The Islamic republic of Pakistan induced the “islamization effect” as intense national focus was placed on a relatively personal entity, which is the religion. Laws such as Hudood ordinance and blasphemy laws provided an easy clean up for the hideous motive based crimes against the non-Muslim minorities and women. Under the blasphemy law anyone who disrespects the holy personages or religious customs is guilty of a serious offence; to this day, several religious minorities have been a victim of this law. Rimsha Masih a fourteen year old girl was accused of desecrating Quranic verses and this started a wide spread movement against the Christian minorities. Fortunately this case was referred to the jury and the court, after scrutinizing Rimsha’s mental state, set her free. However not everyone was turned to the court for a fair decision, most of the times the hearing, the ruling and the penalty all was done at the same place of incident. Anyone found guilty by the ignorant and immoral jury was either shot, like Salman Taseer, or was beaten to death, like the Christian priest of Bahawalpur. Therefore it can be proven that The Islamic republic has failed to preach the key message of Islam, peace and patience, to the members of its society. This kind of hostile extremism is not only focused on religious minorities but also has been targeted on fellow Muslims. Is all this hostility mainly to defend a Prophet or a holy book? A recent incident in Lahore help’s one to understand that there’s mainly vested interests rather than religious belief, a teacher in a rush mistakenly printed a wrong line, she unknowingly combined a line about the prophet of Islam with the lines of a chapter on beggars (Blasphemy laws are darkening Pakistan's skies | Salman Hameed | Comment is free | . Due to this mistake the angry mob burnt down the whole school and the teacher is now in police custody however the bitter part is that the school was first looted and then burnt. This really shows the faith of the Pakistani Muslims and their true intentions and therefore the government should stop protecting these self-centered extremists. Then there is the infamous and “savior of corrupts”, Hudood law, which is referred By the Islamic extremists, as the punishments that are fixed for certain crimes and are "claims of God". Thousands of mortals have been slayed under this ordinance. A special subsection of this ordinance deals with the issue of “honor killing,” the Huffington post cites an incident in which parents kill their daughter by pouring acid on her just because she sullied the family's honor by looking at a boy and she later told her mother that it was unintentional, however this statement did not pacify her irrational mother. She told media that it was her destiny to die that way, this statement shows no remorse in what was done by the parents (Pakistan Parents Say They Murdered Daughter In 'Honor Killing' Because She Looked At A Boy). However, this is not the only case, many innocent daughters, sisters and wives are killed by the extremist society and the alarming thing is that the sharia law provides protection to these extremists. According to the human rights commission, 943 women were killed in the name of honor in 2011('Honor' murderer boasts of triple killing - This report also states that many of the killings were done in the name of honor but original issues were property rights or inheritance rights. From the above incidents it is clear that the “contemporary Islam” is protecting and encouraging a wrong notion; a notion that is less religious and more interest driven. A small yet intriguing issue shows how narrow minded population this islamization has created. Lakshmi market has been given an 'Islamic' name of Al-Chowk ul Kasab. Did the bigots who 'served' Islam this way know the word 'Lahore' is derived from ' Loh' (son of -Hindu-Ram). Any Islamic name for Lahore too then? Religion is a personal matter and therefore has no place in the constitution. A state based on religion will not only be narrow minded corrupt unfair to others but also will not prosper and unite. Given the conditions and problems surrounding Pakistan, a secular approach is more apt and is certainly the way forward. A Secular state or an Islamic republic of Pakistan for the progressive growth? What Pakistan had the father of this nation envisioned? That is a question yet to be answered, and is still an ongoing debate leading to intense arguments amongst the most intelligent theologians even after sixty five years of independence. Did Jinnah aim to develop a state impervious to religion or a state run by the sharia law? However for the significant dynamic growth it is believed that the only religion left to public sphere is the religion of pantheon, where man once again becomes” the measure of all things”. This is the basic concept of secularism “(secularism and its opponents from Augustine to Solzhenitsyn) Although here it seems like secularism favors atheism, however this is not true. A secular state does not specify any religion and does not follow any specific religious laws but allows all religious practices. Therefore a secular state is unbiased and decisions are made on logical grounds rather than decisions based on belief. A Proper comparison and understanding can only be achieved once the misunderstandings have been removed. Although the opposition believes that forming an Islamic republic will unite the Muslim community however for the progressive growth a secular Pakistan is needed rather than Islamic republic because Islamic republic induces extremism in the society, increases terrorism and hostility, and is unable to protect minority rights. The opposition believes that having a constitution based on Islamic laws will not only unite the society but also the Muslim countries all around the world. The five pillars of Islam, which are obligatory for every capable Muslim, include prayer, zakat, fasting and hajj, each of these is a step towards building unity as a society and as a nation. All Muslims whether Shia or Sunni pray to express commitment to God. When Muslims pray the stand in straight lines, together they bow and prostrate. Not only the method of prayer but the language of prayer is what unites the Muslims no matter what language they speak in their daily live. Prayers offered in the mosque gathers the people of the society this gives opportunity to discuss matters of importance and problems which anyone faces. Zakat in which rich gives money to the poor, is designed to bring social equality as well as economic, unites the community by nurturing unity of Muslims. Likewise in Fasting and Hajj, Muslims from all over the world gather in mosque without any discrimination and no matter what racial or cultural background they belong to Muslims all over the world are identical to God and each other (Islam). On a global level when it comes to Muslim unity, it was seen a number of times, most importantly in the regime of Bhutto when Pakistan, as a nation, also proved that it does not believe in discrimination. This was shown by the absence of any racial feeling among the delegates who gathered in Lahore between February 22, 1974, and February 24, 1974, for the Islamic summit conference which was inaugurated by Z.A. Bhutto on the behalf of the Islamic republic of Pakistan. This meeting allowed discussion amongst thirty-seven Islamic nations from across the globe, hence promoting unity outside the nation with other Muslim countries as well. Unity within a nation is very important for the welfare of its people. However Islam itself is divided into numerous sects. Islam not only includes sects like; Sunnism, Shiaism, Suffism, Wahabbism. But also these sects are further divided into groups for example the Shi'ite Muslims comprise of the followers of the twelve imams. If Islam as a religion is not in harmony and is disunited then how can the believers unite as one? The recent mass Shi’ite killing depicts the grave need for unification and for this oneness; Pakistan should adopt the secular approach. Even the five pillars of Islam are now more of a “status symbol” than a duty. According to a recent study by a religious journal, some Muslims performing the blessed hajj do not even know the basic rituals. (The Muslim World Volume 79, Issue 3-4, pages 205–216, October 1989) these Muslims stay at the best hotels and take hajj as a luxury holiday. Similar is the case with other pillars that are assumed to unite the Muslims. Pakistan is a nation with majority being the Sunni Muslims; this pushes the minorities into the backgrounds who are angered when the majority gets to make the 'democratic' decisions for the way the country is run. Even the constitution compromises mainly of Sunni ordinances. This leads to quarrels and further division amongst the people. On a larger scale, issues have also created disunity among different Muslims countries. The Islamic summit conference aimed at creating unity failed in many cases. After the Afghan war in 1979, Pakistan began to receive aid from America and hence became pro-American. This angered the delegates from Muslim countries who criticized Pakistan for helping America, since America was the leading cause of the Palestine- Israel dispute. This widened the gap between Muslims. Moreover history proves that alliance between Muslim countries is based more on motifs rather than belief. However Islamiztion initiated by president Zia encouraged growth of madrassas that caused terrorism to increase. General Zia-ul-Haq, a passionate Islamist, took charge after a military revolution in 1977. He emphasized on practicing the Islamic Law during his time. In order to convert Pakistan into an Islamic state, madrassas were hugely sponsored by Zia. Madrassa as the meaning of the name describes is any type of an educational institution. Population of madrassas increased the most under Islamization during Zia’s time. Thousands of soldiers came from these madrassas for the US and jihad funded through Saudis against the Soviets in Afghanistan. Pashtun tribesmen were closely connected to the Pakistani government with their help. Funding by Gulf petrodollars also stepped up their expansion. Furthermore, wealthy Pakistanis were also encouraged by the state to contribute due to the status of these madrassas. These guerrillas, encouraged funded and armed by the Islamic republic, were trained to fight the Soviet Union however the sharia law and the Islamic setting provided the perfect habitat for their exponential growth. Even after the Soviets departed from Afghanistan, spread of madrassas in Pakistan continued unabated with the help of Saudi and state aid. However, now in these institutions Islamic education is being replaced by hatred for other religions and concept of jihad being wrongly infused in their minds. Madrassa syllabus was moved from the five important pillars of faith such as prayer, fasting, Zakat and Hajj. Instead it just focused on infidelity, jihad and its rewards. Islam being a religion of harmony as read in the Quran again and again is being proven wrong as students’ brains is crammed with the poison of revulsion towards everyone who is not a Muslim. This intolerance towards other communities means killing Jews and Christians consequently being a good Muslim. Madrassas focus on the belief that it is important to liberate Islamic regions from unbelievers in order to set up a single Islamic nation is in their hands. Such extremism leads to terrorism. Madrassas contribution in dispersal of terrorism is the foremost center of attention of many people but they overlook the inside stories in these institutions, where male and female students are sexually abused on a regular basis. Madrasas are therefore being considered the main cause of Islamic terrorism that is religious terrorism by those whose incentives are rooted in their interpretation of Islam. Statistics gathered for by the National Counterterrorism Centre of the United States tells that "Islamic extremism" was responsible for approximately 25% of all terrorism fatalities worldwide. History is filled with many examples of such extremist Muslims involved in terrorist activities. One of such incident is in 2007 during the time of President Pervaiz Musharraf who ordered Pakistan army to carry out the operation Lal masjid or Red mosque in Islamabad, where they found arms and explosives including heavy confrontation from students. Therefore to reduce terrorism, Pakistan needs a secular approach rather than dependence on sharia law. Secularism is wrongly believed to be anti-religion; it offers physical security and cultural space to all religions on an equal level this way the rights of minorities are protected. Minority is distinctly known as “a culturally, ethnically, or racially distinct group that coexists with but is subsidiary to a more dominant group”. Pakistan is a Muslim country where Islam is an overriding group which consists largely of Sunni Muslims shadowing other Muslim sects and other religions such as Hinduism and Christianity. Jinnah preached secularism in his August 11th speech; he clearly stated that Pakistan was not to be a 'theocratic state' or to be led by any particular religious leader. He wanted the people to understand that Pakistan consisted of people of various religions; Muslims, Christians, Hindus, Sikhs, and not just that but each religion is further divided into groups which stressed importance on the fact that Pakistan is a nation full of diversity but in the end what mattered was that they were all 'Pakistani'. Jinnah urged the people to be fair and just in the matters of state, Christians and Hindus or Shias and Sufis all had an equal say in how their country was to be run 'rightful part in the affairs of Pakistan'. He incited the people to give opportunities to the citizens from the minority for better jobs and government positions. However, his quest has been ignored; up till now there have been rare cases of Christians in the government, for Hindus and Sikhs the case is near to negligible. Unfortunately, the majority being Muslims wanted their own religious laws to be implemented disliked the idea of sharing governance and power which led to most of the speech being blacked out. If all the points in his speech had been adhered to, Pakistan would have excelled in all spheres. Secularism opposes giving preferences or privileges to any religious beliefs and laws. Secularism is religiously unbiased as it neither promotes nor inhibits religion, religious beliefs, or religious practices. This clearly shows that Pakistan as a secular state would protect minorities, who will be able to practice their religion liberally minimizing any differences. Pakistan, however, is a volatile state, its people are illiterate and the economy is falling by the minute which causes disturbances within individuals causing them to act out with rage and rebellions. For example, a Christian boy of just eleven years was tormented and tortured, his lips and nose had been sliced off, his stomach removed and there was evidence that his legs had been mutilated too. This brutality is not just unacceptable but is commendable in all religions and societies. This proves that had there been equality and proper acknowledgement of secularism in the government there would be no such acts hence achieving autonomy throughout the state. In this manner no any religion or religious sect would consider them being superior or rightful to such activity. Practicing secularism in Pakistan will encourage the dispersion of power by preventing any one religious group from acquiring a great deal political, social, or cultural power at the expense of everyone else. This dispersion of power will eliminate the threat of liberty of minorities being endangered. India, a country similar to Pakistan in many aspects, has the same diverse religious population and has issues that are prevalent in Pakistan too. One of the major similar issues was based on religious inequality, since India consists of Muslims as a minority, however, the Indian government eradicated the issue by adopted the theory of secularism. This way the constitution of india granted freedom to minorities and ended the discrimination against them. Article 14, grants equality before the law, this shows how much importance has been given to equality by embracing Secularism. India widens the concept of secularism by prohibiting discrimination on the grounds of religion, race, caste, sex and even the place of birth. It goes on to give assurance to the citizens of minorities the opportunity to be a part of matters of public employment emphasizing that no discrimination would occur.(towards theory of positive secularism) It abolished the idea of social classes especially 'untouchability', which included immense discrimination to the extent that castes were formed and those who were the ‘Shudras’ or part of the ‘untouchability’ clan were forbidden from going to temples and even barber shops. They were banned to sit beside the ‘upper class’ of the society. Such practices abandoned the welfare of fellow countrymen. This was a crude practice of social rejection that it was declared a punishable offence; other titles apart from those of military or academic standing have been rid of. The Indian government was stead in its mission to eradicate such discrimination; Pakistan however, has not even begun to move along the lines of equality. Even in this era of understanding and human rights Pakistan lacks behind as seen by the condition of the Christian societies pushed to the suburbs. Christians constitute of a large number of hardworking citizens but like the 'Shudras' they have been abandoned by the government and forced to live in poor conditions. Jinnah in his speech said “….in the name of Humanity, I care more for them [the Untouchables] than for Mussalmans.”, this infers that father of this nation wanted equality among men not an inequitable independent Muslim state This however can only be achieved by removing the idea of 'islamization', and by working towards the protection of minorities and creating strengths within the nation by pursuing a more secular constitution. Unfortunately, when the parliament decided to add sharia law to their constitution they opened Pakistan’s door to extremism. The Islamic republic of Pakistan induced the “islamization effect” as intense national focus was placed on a relatively personal entity, which is the religion. Laws such as Hudood ordinance and blasphemy laws provided an easy clean up for the hideous motive based crimes against the non-Muslim minorities and women. Under the blasphemy law anyone who disrespects the holy personages or religious customs is guilty of a serious offence; to this day, several religious minorities have been a victim of this law. Rimsha Masih a fourteen year old girl was accused of desecrating Quranic verses and this started a wide spread movement against the Christian minorities. Fortunately this case was referred to the jury and the court, after scrutinizing Rimsha’s mental state, set her free. However not everyone was turned to the court for a fair decision, most of the times the hearing, the ruling and the penalty all was done at the same place of incident. Anyone found guilty by the ignorant and immoral jury was either shot, like Salman Taseer, or was beaten to death, like the Christian priest of Bahawalpur. Therefore it can be proven that The Islamic republic has failed to preach the key message of Islam, peace and patience, to the members of its society. This kind of hostile extremism is not only focused on religious minorities but also has been targeted on fellow Muslims. Is all this hostility mainly to defend a Prophet or a holy book? A recent incident in Lahore help’s one to understand that there’s mainly vested interests rather than religious belief, a teacher in a rush mistakenly printed a wrong line, she unknowingly combined a line about the prophet of Islam with the lines of a chapter on beggars (Blasphemy laws are darkening Pakistan's skies | Salman Hameed | Comment is free | . Due to this mistake the angry mob burnt down the whole school and the teacher is now in police custody however the bitter part is that the school was first looted and then burnt. This really shows the faith of the Pakistani Muslims and their true intentions and therefore the government should stop protecting these self-centered extremists. Then there is the infamous and “savior of corrupts”, Hudood law, which is referred By the Islamic extremists, as the punishments that are fixed for certain crimes and are "claims of God". Thousands of mortals have been slayed under this ordinance. A special subsection of this ordinance deals with the issue of “honor killing,” the Huffington post cites an incident in which parents kill their daughter by pouring acid on her just because she sullied the family's honor by looking at a boy and she later told her mother that it was unintentional, however this statement did not pacify her irrational mother. She told media that it was her destiny to die that way, this statement shows no remorse in what was done by the parents (Pakistan Parents Say They Murdered Daughter In 'Honor Killing' Because She Looked At A Boy). However, this is not the only case, many innocent daughters, sisters and wives are killed by the extremist society and the alarming thing is that the sharia law provides protection to these extremists. According to the human rights commission, 943 women were killed in the name of honor in 2011('Honor' murderer boasts of triple killing - This report also states that many of the killings were done in the name of honor but original issues were property rights or inheritance rights. From the above incidents it is clear that the “contemporary Islam” is protecting and encouraging a wrong notion; a notion that is less religious and more interest driven. A small yet intriguing issue shows how narrow minded population this islamization has created. Lakshmi market has been given an 'Islamic' name of Al-Chowk ul Kasab. Did the bigots who 'served' Islam this way know the word 'Lahore' is derived from ' Loh' (son of -Hindu-Ram). Any Islamic name for Lahore too then? Religion is a personal matter and therefore has no place in the constitution. A state based on religion will not only be narrow minded corrupt unfair to others but also will not prosper and unite. Given the conditions and problems surrounding Pakistan, a secular approach is more apt and is certainly the way forward.