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Essay topic : People who make decisions based on emotion and justify those decisions with logic afterwards are poor decision makers. Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position. My Essay: Every person takes myriad decisions in the journey of life. Generally decisions are based upon multiple factors:emotions, logic, consequences of decisions, people involved in the situation. People choose the option with which they feel more comfortable then it may be based on emotion or logic. Let's consider a few examples: Staying away from family for better job opportunities, better education are one of the most important decisions for one's career. One person might choose to stay with the family and leave career opportunities because of emotional attachment with family, sometimes he needs to give emotional support to the family. Another person might choose to leave family and go for his/her dreams. First decision is based on emotions but still there is logic behind it, the person won't be happy after leaving his family. He feels good in his comfort zone. Maybe he does not have courage to go away, stay alone and make new friends, start a new life. For him emotional decision is logical. He has his own reasons. Second person likes to take challenges, explore the world, get out of his comfort zone. His decision is also based on emotions that he wants to grow and improve. He has logic and emotions in his decision. Does it mean that any one of them is a poor decision maker? No. They are good and happy with their own decisions. Both of them are able to justify their decision with logic. Maybe first person has taken decision based on emotions but still it is logical. Moderate amount of emotions are always logical. Let's consider country's important decisions. PM cannot take such decisions based on only emotions, because it will affect entire country. If he takes decisions based on emotions then he won't be able to justify it with apt logic. Even if he generates some logic then it will be fallacious. In this case, PM will be poor decision maker. CEO of a company cannot take decisions based only on emotions. There should be practical reasoning. Emotions should be important part of any decision because our happiness or sadness after decision is also a emotion. The way we will handle consequences of decision depends upon our emotions. If we are able to justify our decision with logic then definitely we are not poor decision makers. But whether we should focus more on emotions or practical approach depends upon the situation, consequences after decision, people involved in decision making.
Topic Educators should find out what students want included in the curriculum and then offer it to them. Instruction Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the recommendation and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, describe specific circumstances in which adopting the recommendation would or would not be advantageous and explain how these examples shape your position. Essay In a way to keep the students engaged in the curriculum which if, designed by keeping students' interests in mind, seems logically far better than the curriculum in which students’ opinions are not given careful considerations. To explain this, there are few points that will validate this approach. First, students will themselves take interest in the courses because these courses are well chosen by themselves. Things will not get boring with time, if they study the subjects of their own choice. For example, if a student wants to pursue his/her career in the field of medical science, then it would not be beneficial to force him to study the pesky English literature as well mathematics. Students will start to take interest more when they know that they can study what they want. They will definitely engage in exploring themselves that in what field they want to excel and from early age, their goal will remain focused. Likewise, for teachers it would become easier to understand what a student thinks about his/her own career. As extracurricular activities also play a major role in the whole curriculum, the students will find themselves engaging the activities they want to participate. A student would not be told to play the cricket just because it is an inseparable part of the curriculum, he/she might easily take part in swimming or the sport which they are proficient in. In contrast to all these, there are students who don't know what they are actually going to choose their career in. In that case also, it would be better, if a proper counselling is done for them. They would be told about the specifics of each course and what would it bear on their career so that they start choosing wisely. In conclusion, it would be beneficial for the students, if they are given the freedom to include the things, they want to be a part of their curriculum.
I wrote the following essay on the gre issue topic, kindly analyze and give your precious feedback so that I can be aware of my mistakes. Universities should require every student to take a variety of courses outside the student's field of study. Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim. In developing and supporting your position, be sure to address the most compelling reasons and/or examples that could be used to challenge your position. Students step in universities with passion to culminate the highest point in their fields. But many of them are demotivated by the rigid requirements to pass numerous courses out of their interests. Therefore,universities should not bound every student to pursue courses out of the area of research. Courses which has no bearing on student's field of study divert the student's attention from research intense courses to irrelevant courses. For example, student of Electronics engineering wanted to research in Embedded systems does not only feel burdened while taking courses like Psychology and English literature, but also ponder over his time which he could spent playing with system on chips and development boards. To make it more serious, professors give cumbersome assignments too. Neither those lectures nor those assignments would help him/her in designing instruction set architectures , and Machine learning and Artificial intelligence algorithms. The feelings of English literature student are same while resolving mysteries behind blackholes and covalent bonding. Hence, irrelevant courses do not add anything a hindrance to research thoroughly. Out of the scope courses does not only become hindrance but also lengthen the degree time. If university officials do not make it a requirement to pass the degree, students could complete their degrees in shorter time. Graduating in less time has many positive consequences. Like, graduates could contribute to their field earlier than usual. Also by earning money, these folks could contribute to their families and society earlier. Therefore, universities should look upon these consequences before making any rigid policy regarding courses out of the field. However, the mentioned claim would be beneficial for the students who are not aware of their interests ahead of pursuing the degree, or wanted to indulge in other courses as well. Thus, universities undergoing on mentioned principle should look upon the consequences of such a rigid requirement, otherwise society and the relevant professions would continue to bear the loss.
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Please review my essay and help give an idea of the possible score range. The essay prompt was: People who make decisions based on emotion and justify those decisions with logic afterwards are poor decision makers. My response: The statement about people who make decisions based on emotions and later justify them based on logic appears to be true in almost all cases. While it is true that, in certain cases, an emotional basis for decision making is often helpful, the logical aspects of any decision must not be ignored. A careful analysis of various situations shows that such an approach only lends to poor decision making ability. To see how the statement could hold true, consider some of the decisions that one makes in life. The buying of a car, purchasing of real-estate, choosing a career and so on are all examples in which a logical clarity of thought is vital to correct decision making. Without a logical basis for such decisions, people often end up not considering the nuances of issues, are unable to weigh the pros and cons and are often oblivious to any unconscious bias that they may be having to such decision making. The lack of a sound logical underpinning in such cases most commonly results in poor decisions and any attempts to justify such decisions with logical reasons at a later point would seem only futile. However, there are, undoubtedly, cases in which emotions do help a person in making right choices. Consider self-confidence and the mental strength to overcome failures. It is inevitable that an individual faces numerous setbacks in life, both personal and career-related. In such cases, a logical basis to decision making might not always be the complete approach. Consider a student who has consistently encountered failures in examinations. It might seem all too logical that he/she is unsuited for that particular course and it would be best to give up on it. However, the student might have emotional reasons to believe that sustained attempts might change matters. Such self-belief, which certainly comes under the category of emotions, is often helpful in ensuring that people discover their true potential in spite of setbacks. But, although such a resoning is acceptable, it must be ensured that logical aspects of decision-making are not ignored. A logical line of reasoning must also be maintained in such cases, along with emotional aspects, to ensure that no unreasonable measures are taken. Other instances where emotional bases to decisions can cause dangers are those of fanatical beliefs such as religious fanaticism and jingoism. Such extreme emotions blind people to logical clarity and result in them making unreasonable decisions, often resulting in violence and destruction to society. Such people often do attempt to justify their actions on the logical bases. However, such attempts are merely diversions by these individuals to seek support for their claims and this is a clear case where emotional blinding can cause problems. In conclusion, it is apparent that logical soundness is a crucial aspect of decision making and the two must always go hand-in-hand. Although, emotional aspects do help in certain circumstances, they certainly should not form the only basis for the judgement of any issue and must always be accompanied by a logical analysis of various aspects. Such an approach would greatly help in making successful decisions.
We can usually learn much more from people whose views we share than from people whose views contradict our own Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position. Learning is continuous process and we learn from different source like books, people, environment. People with same kind of views have huge influence on our life. It is because of sense of belongness and comfort. So I agree with the author on this part. But we learn from our opponent, critics and adversaries as well which can not be ignored either. First, people having common views develop quickly sense of bonding and trust. Also they can interact and follow each other with ease. For example martin luthar king had same views about non violence as Mahatma Gandhi of India. So he learnt a lot from his biography and applied in his life. He developed a sense of bonding which made him follow Gandhi's views very easily.It even helps in bringing best out of you. We can keep ourselves updated with new information and innovation. Also, we are always surrounded by people with common interest. It is the way human psychology works. So we always notice them and debate, discuss and learn from them. Having such people around you gives you a lot of wide and deep knowledge about common things. For instance all of your friends love basketball like you, then you would be learning and knowing different techniques, stories and about events from your friends. Similarly, everyone can not be as equally good about all component of subjects. Like some of your friend would be good in micro economics while some would be good in macro economics. So having such people around helps in becoming expert in that domain. However, role of critics can not be neglected. They possess different way of looking, understand and visualizing anything from you. So they can bring some idea which was not visualized or thought through. Also, no view can fit well in all condition. Depending upon circumstances and condition one view will supersede other. For example, classical physics considered electron as particle and come up with many applications out of it. Whereas people who believed election is a wave came up with different sort of applications out of it. But we as a whole now understand duality of electron. So learning from contradictory view can not be ignored. In final note, it is true we can learn from equal minded people but to understand any thing as a whole we can not ignore the contradictory view.
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Prompt: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position. youth are building blocks for any nation. They are open minded, willing to experiment, try new things. It is important to analyze the trends of its youth to understand contempory culture. But I do not agree completly with the author. We can not ignore old people while understanding any culture as they and their behavior have huge impact on young people. First, Youth learn more from society and surrounding. Every youth receives cultural values from his parents. So in that way they are the blue print of the society. They reflect same thing which they receive in home, school and neighbourhood. For example if you meet an indian guy he will greet you by saying namaste in contract to a chiness guy who will welcome you by saying ni hao. Also, Youth mind is very open to try new things and experiment. They keep themselves up to date with current trends. They notice people around and based on respect and fame others receiving they follow them. Also movies have huge impact on their mind. After globlization, they come to know about new things every day. They know culture of other cuntry poeple because of internet and other communication mediuam and youth eagerness force them to experiment. For example, wearing batman tshirt is common trend amaong youth accross countries. However, we can not ignore old people while understanding contemporary culture. As we all live in era of globlization and whole wolrd has infulence on us. Being youth, we seek for instant name, fame and glory as our mind is not matured enough. So what ever is trending in one country youth same would be trending in other country youth as era of social media and internet has brought everyone together with vile. Where as old people continuous the tradition. For example, if you see youth of india you will not be able to understand indian culture as all youth are driven by western culture and our parents are actually carrying actual indian culture with them. Therefore, it is required to see trends among youth but at the same time we can not ignore older people to understand contemprary culture. Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position. Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.
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Topic :- A teacher’s ability to relate well with students is more important than excellent knowledge of the subject being taught. There is saying in my country “A good teacher can make student culminate greatness and a bad teacher can equally plunged student down”. Teacher plays a very important part in the life of student. He is not only responsible for student’s subjective knowledge but for his personality as well. There is numerous example which can be easily found in mankind history. I do believe that a teacher ability to relate well with students supersede profound knowledge of the subject being taught. Although, a teacher should have decent knowledge of the subject being taught if not excellent. A potter need to know the properties of clay like whether it is smooth or rough when wet, whether it get dried quickly, how much strength of clay and so on. There is a reason behind this. As all types of clay tends to behave differently than others: what may work with one type of clay, it might not work with another. Based on this understanding, potter work with shapeless clay to derive some beautifully shaped structure. Same analogy can be applied to teacher-student relationship. A teacher plays the role of potter in shaping a student mind. And to do this effectively, teacher need to understand and relate to the student. If a teacher is able relate to the students, he or she will have profound impact on students than the teacher with excellent knowledge but little understanding of student. One Such example can be story of a boy named Alex and his teacher Ram. Alex was suffering of dyslexia and was having difficulties in learning even though he was studying in one of the best school of city which had most educated and recondite teachers. But it took one art teacher Ram to help Alex ameliorate his studies performance. Ram empathetic of Alex’s condition, developed teaching method based on the fact around the Alex’s predilection towards drawing and colors. Ram encourage Alex to see words and mathematics as he would think about his drawing and colors. This led to striking change in Alex’s study results. He scored well in every subject and went on to become one of the most successful student of his batch. Here, Ram’s ability to understand Alex’s condition and use Alex’s liking for drawing shaped Alex into a successful person. All teacher with excellent knowledge was not able to help him due to mere fact that they were not able to relate his struggles. Although, some people will gainsay that a teacher need to have excellent knowledge of subject being taught to give a thorough knowledge to a student. I agree to them to an extent. A teacher must have a decent knowledge of the subject being taught. If a teacher has decent knowledge of the subject and can relate to student, even with his limited knowledge he can inspire student to work harder and learn the subject. As with the story of Ram and Alex in which Ram even though limited knowledge of other subject inspired Alex to work harder and achieve success. teacher always have important role in the life of students. A teacher with excellent knowledge of subject might not be able to stimulate the mind of the student due to lack of understanding of his students. On the other hand, if a teacher can relate to student, he or she can inspire them work harder towards their goals. Although, teacher do require to have certain amount of knowledge as to ignite student’s understanding towards the subject.
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Please provide me a review about the shortcoming in my essay. I believe this is an average level of essay, but I fear it may be worse. Please help me improve the essay for my GRE exam. Prompt: Governments should offer a free university education to any student who has been admitted to a university but who cannot afford the tuition “Equality manifests itself in education” – Mr. A P J Abdul Kalam states during the convocation at Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University. The government should provide aid to students who cannot afford the tuition at the university. This provides a level playing field amongst the rich and the poor sections of the society. Since such programs allow the weaker sections of the society get an opportunity to pursue higher levels of education, these programs also help in the overall development of the society. Students admitted into reputed university should be provided necessary financial aid by the government. A student with a keen interest in geophysics may be deprived the opportunity to study in a world class university due to the lack of financial resources. This opportunity is later passed on to a student who has scored lower marks but has to financial resources to pay the university tuition. If the poorer student gets financial aid from the government, he/she would be able to compete equally with the richer guy, ensuring that the opportunity is passed only to the deserving student. Also, the universities can make unbiased decisions in selecting the candidates since they do not have to consider the financial capabilities of the candidates. This reduces the financial discrimination in the education sector, and ensures that the right opportunity reaches the right candidate. However, it may be countered that a lot of financing options are provided by banks to students in the form of educational loans. These loans although are a substantial financial assistance to the students admitted into a university, they are provided based on the salaries or the credit scores of the student’s parents. Thus, these loans end up being beneficial only to the richer students and the poorer students remain outside the purview of these loans. Additionally, by providing the poor with the opportunity to better education, the government indirectly aids the development of the poorer section of the society. These students getting world class education would be better able to represent their communities in global forums and ensure that the pain of the poor in discussed at all levels of governance. Thus, government providing financial aid to students admitted into universities would go a long way in developing the society and ensure equal opportunities for the poor.
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Q) As people rely more and more on technology to solve problems, the ability of humans to think for themselves will surely deteriorate. Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position. Ans) Every generation of humans is better than their previous generation. Just like any other visceral skill, human intelligence surpasses its prior generation equivalent. As technology is progressing at a prolific rate, human tendency to over rely on technology is growing too, so much so that the employment of instincts and visualisation which is a part of human intelligence is diminishing in every generation. Upon graduating from primary school, the first and foremost technique taught to most students in any mathematically oriented course is to use and abuse the power of a calculator to solve questions. Even though the dexterity of using a calculator, especially in the commerce and statistics stream, cannot be stressed enough, nevertheless students tend to ignore the nuances that mathematics encapsulates and incessantly use a calculator to solve various rudimentary problems. The aforementioned approach is much more innocuous than it might seem at the first glance, as it would lead to students neglecting their instinct and visualization to arrive at the answer in contrast to laborious manual data entry. Arduous extra terrestrial activities such as rock climbing, hunting, paragliding is best learnt from experience than following an instruction manual available on the internet. In the recent issue of new york times, it was well documented that a novice rock climber named Richard Dunne failed to trust the veteran rock climbers purporting that he has watched a Youtube video teaching him all that he needs to know to perform the aforementioned task. Needless to say, his effort although reprimanded by bystanders lead to deleterious outcomes. Ultimately, if Richard stepped out of his bubble and thought for himself, the after effects of the task he is attempting perhaps the results could have been a lot more benevolent. With the recent advent of Google Maps, citizens of metropolitan cities could now easily reach their destinations with no prior knowledge of city roads. However the recent article on the new york times reported that a daily commuter named Ben Gibson rode over a children’s park because the application suggested the path was a shortcut. Over reliance on these services and not employing common sense would lead to cases like the aforementioned one. The usage of google maps is detrimental to the literarily deprived section of society who rely on critical thinking and directions obtained from conversation, as no one would remember the name of the street they visited few minutes ago. Ultimately, a proper balance between technology and common sense is crucial for the smooth functioning of all sections of society Even though one could argue that developing new technologies involves exorbitant amount of critical thinking, but if the outcome remains to curtail the human thought process, then such an effort would lead to no avail. All the aforementioned instances leads to the idea that the self thinking capacity of a human is deteriorating due to over reliability on new technologies.
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As people rely more and more on technology to solve problems, the ability of humans to think for themselves will surely deteriorate. Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position. Today humans have degenerated earth's climate & resources to such an extent that the effects are irrevocable however with the advent of ingenious solutions as result improvement technology can decrease the rate of extinction of human race. Computers,which were once considered futile have their DOMINANCE in every field that someone can imagine.With the rapid development in computer science,physical & biological sciences our lifestyles are becoming sophisticated.In fact biological improvements have played a vital role in decreasing the diseases & death rates drastically over the last few decades.Advancements in Physical sciences in coherence with computational science have changed the way we communicate with people, which are faster,efficient when compared to the facilities our ancestors.Avid of the 21st century a new field called Machine learning, of computational science emerged and entrenched its roots in most of the sectors,whose effects are the products that we use in our QUOTIDIAN like google, facebook , online money transfer,electric vehicles,autopilot systems etc. All the technologies that we are using to make our life SIMPLER are at the cost of losing our Cognition ability, social relations etc.For example today we use mobile apps for each and everything.We have reached a state where we cannot or complete our tasks in the absence of these apps.We use reminders for every task that we need to perform which will indirectly weakens the inbuilt natural reminder within our brain because of lack of usage over a period of time.
Topic Claim: Many problems of modern society cannot be solved by laws and the legal system. Reason: Laws cannot change what is in people's hearts or minds. Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim and the reason on which that claim is based. Response Laws serve as the backbone of the judicial system of any society. They serve to fulfill the goal of equality for all. But,not in all cases are they in congruence with the actual problems and may sometimes compel one to go against his mind or his heart. To support my point ,lets take an example of a divorce case which ,according to the court favours the mother, allowing her to take responsibility of her children and the father has to give a large chunk of his property also.It may be possible that the judgement is biased and is against the father. Take another example of a murder case which is going on for years in the courts. Wouldn't the family of the one who was the victim want to take some actoin on their own(which may be against the law) than to sit idle and see the culprit released or not given an appropriate sentence in accordance with his crime? The inner self of people is prone to ideas which may be constructive or destructive.Sometimes these are satisfied, while in most of the cases they aren't. Some cases, which can easily be solved by mutual agreement are often brought into the law and stretched intermittently, which is opposite to the interests of both the factions.Like the cases of minor disputes between the lands of two farmers where one wants to confiscate the land of the other.In many such cases lands of both may be annexed(by the government)or the judgement is against the other. I agree that abiding by the laws is a must for any individual of a democratic society as these are the foundations on which the society is layed upon.However,not in all cases can these laws solely be used for the purpose of resolving a dispute and ,may even worsen a case.
The best way to teach is to praise positive actions and ignore negative ones. Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position. There is a saying that if you spare the sticks, then you spoil the child. I guess it is clear what position I am going to take. To praise positive actions is encouraging for the child but to completely ignore the negatives will never make the child improve upon them. Rather, a stitch in time saves nine. If the child is corrected now, a big disaster can be avoided. Suppose the child does something which is good, for example, studying regularly. To keep him motivated to go on studying like that, praising will help a lot. The leader, whether a father, mother or a school teacher, must be very vigilant in observing the good of the dependents and must offer hearty appreciations. After all they are children and they do not have strong discriminatory power to go on doing the right. They like encouragements and thus that motivates them to go ahead. But on the other hand, if the child does some mistake, for example, goes out for smoking, then it is the duty of the leader to nip it at the bud. Else he will become addicted to smoking and it will become hard for him to leave it later even though he may be suffering from bronchritis. An “intelligent” correction at that time, may make him little upset with the parents for a while, but next time before smoking, he will fear the correction of parents and may not take. Later on, he will be grateful to his parents for the timely correction. By "intelligent", I mean that correction should not be so hard that the child feels that my parents do not love me or leave no desire in him to go ahead in his life. Level of correction has to be decided from case to case. In conclusion, it is good to praise the positive actions of the children since it encorages them to go on with the good, but a timely correction on the negatives saves him from major problems later on.
Hi all! I'm taking the GRE pretty soon and would appreciate any feedback (and a grade) for my practice issue essay. Thank you in advance! Here's the question.... All too often, companies hire outside consultants to suggest ways for the company to operate more efficiently. If companies were to spend more time listening to their own employees, such consultants would be unnecessary. Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with these statements and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statements might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position. And my response... I disagree with the statement that companies who listen more to their own employees would not need outside consultants. Although listening to one's own employees and hiring outside consultants are two different approaches to company betterment, they are not mutually exclusive, and one approach would not necessarily eliminate a need for the other. Companies generally hire outside consultants to increase profit by boosting overall efficiency. These outside consultants take a 'big picture' stance when viewing what the company should change. The suggestions from outside consultants are important because they come from an objective and knowledgeable source, and companies often need the advice of others who are not involved in the day-to-day aspects of the company itself. In addition to receiving suggestions from hired outside sources, companies should also be sure to listen to their employees. The human resources side of business is certainly important in its own way, and ensuring the satisfaction of employees helps to keep up productivity within the company. This intra-business, individual-focused approach to company efficiency is certainly one important aspect, but it is certainly not the only necessity to run a successful business. One example of this multi-pronged approach in action involves the National Institutes of Health (NIH). At the NIH, outside contractors are hired to evaluate the quality of data analysis, assess both ethical and practical aspects of research proposals, and even provide a quadrennial review of the use of funds for research and the related outcomes. In addition to all these quality controls and efficiency checks that are necessary to keep the research on-track and of the highest possible quality, there are ample opportunities for employees themselves to make suggestions and express their own opinions on how to improve both the research itself and the work environment generally. This truly holistic approach allows employees to be heard in addition to utilizing the expertise of objective outsiders to improve the company as much as possible. Because employees are involved in very specific tasks or research areas, it would not make sense to only rely on individual suggestions. Especially in such a large, diversified work environment, it is important to have some suggestions from consultants who know how to remain detached and to assess the overall efficiency of such a large-scale environment. In some cases, such as with small start-up businesses, it may be true that employee opinions are the only ones necessary to increase efficiency, especially if there is a smaller budget with which to work. Given the cost of hiring outside consultants, it is certainly true that some of these smaller businesses would not benefit enough from the advice to justify the hiring, and that in-house assessment of efficiency could provide high quality suggestions for improvement. In these cases, the original statement could hold true. However, it is often the case that a multi-pronged, multi-level approach involving both subjective inside and objective outside suggestions provide the best assortment of suggestions for how to increase a company's efficiency.
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Hi all! I'm taking the GRE pretty soon and would appreciate any feedback (and a grade) for my practice issue essay. Thank you in advance! Here's the question.... All too often, companies hire outside consultants to suggest ways for the company to operate more efficiently. If companies were to spend more time listening to their own employees, such consultants would be unnecessary. Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with these statements and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statements might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position. And my response... I disagree with the statement that companies who listen more to their own employees would not need outside consultants. Although listening to one's own employees and hiring outside consultants are two different approaches to company betterment, they are not mutually exclusive, and one approach would not necessarily eliminate a need for the other. Companies generally hire outside consultants to increase profit by boosting overall efficiency. These outside consultants take a 'big picture' stance when viewing what the company should change. The suggestions from outside consultants are important because they come from an objective and knowledgeable source, and companies often need the advice of others who are not involved in the day-to-day aspects of the company itself. In addition to receiving suggestions from hired outside sources, companies should also be sure to listen to their employees. The human resources side of business is certainly important in its own way, and ensuring the satisfaction of employees helps to keep up productivity within the company. This intra-business, individual-focused approach to company efficiency is certainly one important aspect, but it is certainly not the only necessity to run a successful business. One example of this multi-pronged approach in action involves the National Institutes of Health (NIH). At the NIH, outside contractors are hired to evaluate the quality of data analysis, assess both ethical and practical aspects of research proposals, and even provide a quadrennial review of the use of funds for research and the related outcomes. In addition to all these quality controls and efficiency checks that are necessary to keep the research on-track and of the highest possible quality, there are ample opportunities for employees themselves to make suggestions and express their own opinions on how to improve both the research itself and the work environment generally. This truly holistic approach allows employees to be heard in addition to utilizing the expertise of objective outsiders to improve the company as much as possible. Because employees are involved in very specific tasks or research areas, it would not make sense to only rely on individual suggestions. Especially in such a large, diversified work environment, it is important to have some suggestions from consultants who know how to remain detached and to assess the overall efficiency of such a large-scale environment. In some cases, such as with small start-up businesses, it may be true that employee opinions are the only ones necessary to increase efficiency, especially if there is a smaller budget with which to work. Given the cost of hiring outside consultants, it is certainly true that some of these smaller businesses would not benefit enough from the advice to justify the hiring, and that in-house assessment of efficiency could provide high quality suggestions for improvement. In these cases, the original statement could hold true. However, it is often the case that a multi-pronged, multi-level approach involving both subjective inside and objective outside suggestions provide the best assortment of suggestions for how to increase a company's efficiency.
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- gre awa essays
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“As people rely more and more on technology to solve problems, the ability of humans to think for themselves will surely deteriorate.” Technology has played a greater role in understanding the complexities of this world. It has helped us to develop in the area of medicine, space research, automobiles, education etc. Technlogy evolved not because of human need a alternative of their brain who do things by themselves like a robot but they evolved because we need something which can help us to innovate different things which can ultimately help millions of people. To argue that due to over dependence of humans on technology impired the human’s ability to think is simply not true. When we think about technology then mostly people see robots, computers or calculators, to some extent this argument may have some shred of truth. For example in Japan many housewife using robot in their kitchen so that they can prepare meal within time due to this kind of changes many housewife just struggle to do the same thing when robots excreted from their kitchens or when they go abroad then they really looking for robots to do the basic kitchen activity like washing the dishes. There is another similar and most relevent example, calculator. Now, almost everyone use calculator to solve complex math calculations. But, many student even use calculator to solve simple calculation like 10+5= ?. Due to these changes some students become over dependent on calculators means when we take out calculator from them then they struggle to solve even a very simple math calculation. So, if we look at these examples then we can say that over dependence on technology can affect the human thinking process. But, this is not how really technology used in real world. Robots even used in hospitals to do some complex surgery and calculator can help to solve really very complex math problem. There are some demerits of technology which can make people bit lazy as I explained in my previous examples. But it has more merits than demerits. Thanks to technological advances we are not able to connect to different continent with less time. Now, people can travel at much faster speed to other countries in much less time as compare to travel on horse. Computers are play much great role in medicine or space research programme. So, computers are not just used for video games. Well, due to such dependence on technology humans ability to think is not deterioting but it is expanding. If don’t have such tools than our thinking process will surely stuck and our advancement will stop. If such over dependence on technology making any negative harmful effect on human thinking process or their body then again we have many methods by using that we can reverce those effect. For, example if a student is totally forget calculation due to over dependence on calculator then he can learn those skills again and protect himself from any future harmful effects. So, if look at the overall contribution of technology to the advancement of human race and compare it with its harmful effect then we can conclude that its negative effects can be preventable.