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To understand the most important characteristics of a society, one must study its major cities. Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position. The true characteristics of a society can only be found in small towns and villages where heritage and traditions sill in extant. The most of urban cities are diversified by people from different societies who came and settled in for various reasons such as education and employment. Urban cities are developed mostly with benchmark of cities from western countries. In major cities of India like Chennai, Bombay and Bangalore, we can see the population of non-natives are more than natives, due to this the birds-view study of a major city will not produce an accurate result of its true characteristics. In contrast, small towns and villages, we can still see a vast number of people still holding their customs and traditions for generations- the traditional festivals, foods, Old Gods, martial arts etc can be seen celebrated there which were long forgotten by urban community. However, due the amorphous development of internet and media, the small towns even getting changed. As per saying “change is the only thing will never change” – the characteristics of the society will also will not be constant. The one which is considered as rule may considered as taboo in future. Still, the results collected from the any one developed urban part of a vast nation will not reflect the character of the bucolic village next to it.
Topic Educators should find out what students want included in the curriculum and then offer it to them. Instruction Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the recommendation and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, describe specific circumstances in which adopting the recommendation would or would not be advantageous and explain how these examples shape your position. Essay In a way to keep the students engaged in the curriculum which if, designed by keeping students' interests in mind, seems logically far better than the curriculum in which students’ opinions are not given careful considerations. To explain this, there are few points that will validate this approach. First, students will themselves take interest in the courses because these courses are well chosen by themselves. Things will not get boring with time, if they study the subjects of their own choice. For example, if a student wants to pursue his/her career in the field of medical science, then it would not be beneficial to force him to study the pesky English literature as well mathematics. Students will start to take interest more when they know that they can study what they want. They will definitely engage in exploring themselves that in what field they want to excel and from early age, their goal will remain focused. Likewise, for teachers it would become easier to understand what a student thinks about his/her own career. As extracurricular activities also play a major role in the whole curriculum, the students will find themselves engaging the activities they want to participate. A student would not be told to play the cricket just because it is an inseparable part of the curriculum, he/she might easily take part in swimming or the sport which they are proficient in. In contrast to all these, there are students who don't know what they are actually going to choose their career in. In that case also, it would be better, if a proper counselling is done for them. They would be told about the specifics of each course and what would it bear on their career so that they start choosing wisely. In conclusion, it would be beneficial for the students, if they are given the freedom to include the things, they want to be a part of their curriculum.
Prompt: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position. youth are building blocks for any nation. They are open minded, willing to experiment, try new things. It is important to analyze the trends of its youth to understand contempory culture. But I do not agree completly with the author. We can not ignore old people while understanding any culture as they and their behavior have huge impact on young people. First, Youth learn more from society and surrounding. Every youth receives cultural values from his parents. So in that way they are the blue print of the society. They reflect same thing which they receive in home, school and neighbourhood. For example if you meet an indian guy he will greet you by saying namaste in contract to a chiness guy who will welcome you by saying ni hao. Also, Youth mind is very open to try new things and experiment. They keep themselves up to date with current trends. They notice people around and based on respect and fame others receiving they follow them. Also movies have huge impact on their mind. After globlization, they come to know about new things every day. They know culture of other cuntry poeple because of internet and other communication mediuam and youth eagerness force them to experiment. For example, wearing batman tshirt is common trend amaong youth accross countries. However, we can not ignore old people while understanding contemporary culture. As we all live in era of globlization and whole wolrd has infulence on us. Being youth, we seek for instant name, fame and glory as our mind is not matured enough. So what ever is trending in one country youth same would be trending in other country youth as era of social media and internet has brought everyone together with vile. Where as old people continuous the tradition. For example, if you see youth of india you will not be able to understand indian culture as all youth are driven by western culture and our parents are actually carrying actual indian culture with them. Therefore, it is required to see trends among youth but at the same time we can not ignore older people to understand contemprary culture. Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position. Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.
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Topic :- A teacher’s ability to relate well with students is more important than excellent knowledge of the subject being taught. There is saying in my country “A good teacher can make student culminate greatness and a bad teacher can equally plunged student down”. Teacher plays a very important part in the life of student. He is not only responsible for student’s subjective knowledge but for his personality as well. There is numerous example which can be easily found in mankind history. I do believe that a teacher ability to relate well with students supersede profound knowledge of the subject being taught. Although, a teacher should have decent knowledge of the subject being taught if not excellent. A potter need to know the properties of clay like whether it is smooth or rough when wet, whether it get dried quickly, how much strength of clay and so on. There is a reason behind this. As all types of clay tends to behave differently than others: what may work with one type of clay, it might not work with another. Based on this understanding, potter work with shapeless clay to derive some beautifully shaped structure. Same analogy can be applied to teacher-student relationship. A teacher plays the role of potter in shaping a student mind. And to do this effectively, teacher need to understand and relate to the student. If a teacher is able relate to the students, he or she will have profound impact on students than the teacher with excellent knowledge but little understanding of student. One Such example can be story of a boy named Alex and his teacher Ram. Alex was suffering of dyslexia and was having difficulties in learning even though he was studying in one of the best school of city which had most educated and recondite teachers. But it took one art teacher Ram to help Alex ameliorate his studies performance. Ram empathetic of Alex’s condition, developed teaching method based on the fact around the Alex’s predilection towards drawing and colors. Ram encourage Alex to see words and mathematics as he would think about his drawing and colors. This led to striking change in Alex’s study results. He scored well in every subject and went on to become one of the most successful student of his batch. Here, Ram’s ability to understand Alex’s condition and use Alex’s liking for drawing shaped Alex into a successful person. All teacher with excellent knowledge was not able to help him due to mere fact that they were not able to relate his struggles. Although, some people will gainsay that a teacher need to have excellent knowledge of subject being taught to give a thorough knowledge to a student. I agree to them to an extent. A teacher must have a decent knowledge of the subject being taught. If a teacher has decent knowledge of the subject and can relate to student, even with his limited knowledge he can inspire student to work harder and learn the subject. As with the story of Ram and Alex in which Ram even though limited knowledge of other subject inspired Alex to work harder and achieve success. teacher always have important role in the life of students. A teacher with excellent knowledge of subject might not be able to stimulate the mind of the student due to lack of understanding of his students. On the other hand, if a teacher can relate to student, he or she can inspire them work harder towards their goals. Although, teacher do require to have certain amount of knowledge as to ignite student’s understanding towards the subject.
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Topic: "One can best understand the most important characteristics of a society by studying its major cities." This argument is completly true with respect to past civilization but it will not hold true in the present context. My position is predicated on modern society, most of which has neutral characteristics due to effects of globalization. Hence, its better to study characteristics of rural backdrop to best understand the characteristics of a modern society. In the later stage of essay I will concede that in order to understand the political and administrative characteristics of a society its better to study major cities of the society. In recent years, due to policies supporting globization and with convenient transport facilities, the major metropoliton cities have people with roots from different societies and its difficult to understand a society by studying major cities with people from different origin. For example, by studying the people in Paris its very difficult to understand French society. Modern Paris has become home for people from different parts of the world with differnt cultural and ethnical background; and its difficult to extrapolate and understand French society by going through information about the people in paris. Adding on to the fact that rural areas are limitedly affected by globalization, countries like India has majority of its population -- about 70% -- living in rural areas. Rural areas will have most of the people with their origin mapped to the same area. These areas, majority being agricultural, along with feeding the population in major cities, will mostly conserve society's customs and rituals. Hence in order to understand a society its good to study its rural population. Excavations in Pakistan, majorly in places which was previously Harappa and Mahenjodharo, has given a good insite about Indus Valley civilization. This is true because the population was restricted to a confined outline and was not affected by popuation of any other civilization of the same time. Harappa and Mahenjodharo being the major city gave a good insite about the Indus population. Since the key political and administrative activities take place in major metropoliton cities of a society, I concede that in-order to get a good understanding about the adminstrative and political characteristics of a societies its best to study its major cities. Although its difficult to get full insight about a society by constraining ourselfs to either major cities or its rural backdrop, Its better to study rural population to best understand a society.
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People who make decisions based on emotion and justify those decisions with logic afterwards are poor decision makers. Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position. People who make decisions based on emotion and use logic afterward to justify those decisions are poor decision makers. This statement holds true because justifying an action to yourself is much easier once the action has already been taken. Once you have already acted, you have a bias towards justifying the action instead of thinking through the action logically and considering both sides. Justifying an action to yourself isn't difficult. There are many ethics scenarios where this comes into play. For example, you steal a snack from work because you're hungry and you don't have too much extra money. You initially make the decision based on a feeling - you're hungry. This emotional action, once completed, is easy to justify. You buy things from your workplace all the time, and they get plenty of your money. You're working for them, after all, and they'll never notice on measly snack missing. You don't have much money, and those corporations have tons of it. There are many lines of reasoning that could be used to justify such a thoughtless, hastily made decision. But, the reality is that you could very well lose your job over such a decision. If you had really and sincerely stopped to consider both sides, logically, before you had taken the snack, you may have come up with some very compelling counterpoints. Your job is your main source of income, is one snack worth losing it? You, like most people, have a moral stance firmly against stealing. Is this case really different? Or were you simply using your emotions to make a decision that wasn't all that wise, after all? This defines the heart of the problem with justifying a decision after it is made - you are much more inclined to try to think about what was right with what you did than what was wrong with it. You have forfeited the chance to make a decision based completely on the rational consideration of options and consequences. Another scene where the statement rings true is this: someone at school, or work, is taunting you. They're making you very upset, and they don't seem to care. In your anger, you swing at them and hit them. After the decision has been made, reasons for it are easy enough to find. The person was taunting you and didn't care about your feelings. You were quite upset with them and it seemed a blow was the only way to get them to stop. But, again, when examined too closely, the logic falls apart. The reasons are valid enough, but if logic were used from the beginning, some very strong cons of striking are present. You could be punished at your school or workplace for fighting, and likely you will be. You could have chosen to walk away, or ignore the person, or report them to a supervisor. When thinking logically, there are many choices that could, and should, have been made before striking someone, and yet it is also easy to justify a blow once that act has been committed. You could argue that those who decide based on emotions are still using logic in their justifications, and this would be a correct assumption. The issue with this is not that they are not using logic, rather it is that their logic is inherently flawed. There is an unignorable bias that is present when justifying an action that you have already taken rather than thinking the through a course of action you are yet to take. You are always inclined to find the best, most logical reasoning to explain an action you took out of emotion, rather than finding the logical reasons you should not have done it. When you use logic in decision making before the decision has been made, it gives a chance to consider both sides equally, without the overwhelming presence of bias to justify an action already done. Those who respond to situations with emotion and only later justify these responses using rational thinking are poor decision makers because using logic after a decision has already been reached creates and unmistakable bias towards logic favoring your decision. Scenarios in which this rings true are many, and the best thing for you to do would be to use logic before arriving at a decision - to try to put your emotions aside for a time and logically think through your options and consequences. This is the first GRE essay I've ever written and I want to see where you might think I'm at. Thanks!!
Q) As people rely more and more on technology to solve problems, the ability of humans to think for themselves will surely deteriorate. Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position. Ans) Every generation of humans is better than their previous generation. Just like any other visceral skill, human intelligence surpasses its prior generation equivalent. As technology is progressing at a prolific rate, human tendency to over rely on technology is growing too, so much so that the employment of instincts and visualisation which is a part of human intelligence is diminishing in every generation. Upon graduating from primary school, the first and foremost technique taught to most students in any mathematically oriented course is to use and abuse the power of a calculator to solve questions. Even though the dexterity of using a calculator, especially in the commerce and statistics stream, cannot be stressed enough, nevertheless students tend to ignore the nuances that mathematics encapsulates and incessantly use a calculator to solve various rudimentary problems. The aforementioned approach is much more innocuous than it might seem at the first glance, as it would lead to students neglecting their instinct and visualization to arrive at the answer in contrast to laborious manual data entry. Arduous extra terrestrial activities such as rock climbing, hunting, paragliding is best learnt from experience than following an instruction manual available on the internet. In the recent issue of new york times, it was well documented that a novice rock climber named Richard Dunne failed to trust the veteran rock climbers purporting that he has watched a Youtube video teaching him all that he needs to know to perform the aforementioned task. Needless to say, his effort although reprimanded by bystanders lead to deleterious outcomes. Ultimately, if Richard stepped out of his bubble and thought for himself, the after effects of the task he is attempting perhaps the results could have been a lot more benevolent. With the recent advent of Google Maps, citizens of metropolitan cities could now easily reach their destinations with no prior knowledge of city roads. However the recent article on the new york times reported that a daily commuter named Ben Gibson rode over a children’s park because the application suggested the path was a shortcut. Over reliance on these services and not employing common sense would lead to cases like the aforementioned one. The usage of google maps is detrimental to the literarily deprived section of society who rely on critical thinking and directions obtained from conversation, as no one would remember the name of the street they visited few minutes ago. Ultimately, a proper balance between technology and common sense is crucial for the smooth functioning of all sections of society Even though one could argue that developing new technologies involves exorbitant amount of critical thinking, but if the outcome remains to curtail the human thought process, then such an effort would lead to no avail. All the aforementioned instances leads to the idea that the self thinking capacity of a human is deteriorating due to over reliability on new technologies.
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Question: "Nations should pass laws to preserve any remaining wilderness areas in their natural state, even if these areas could be developed for economic gain." Write a response in which you discuss your views on the policy and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider the possible consequences of implementing the policy and explain how these consequences shape your position. Response: Mankind's relationship with mother nature had purely been that of symbiosis until the late eighteenth century, which saw a metamorphosis of this sacred bond to one that can be considered more or less parasitic in current times. It was 1600 when the european sailors first set foot on a lush green island of sumatra. This Island was home to around 3.5 million species. The indonesia of then was a land teeming with floral and faunal beauty. The sailors commissioned by monarchies and emerging economic forces in europe, immediately found a gamut of invaluable items for trade this land had to offer. The entire commodity spectrum spanning from exotic spices, orchids, tea to flavour food of the people north of the mediteranean to iron ores and wood to catalyze the colonialism that was to engulf the whole world for the next 4 centuries. After all, someone had to compensate for the highly paced so called modernization of the human race-"The Industrial Revolution". Fast forward 150 years, and here we are caught in the loop, constantly chasing the utopian impossibility of so called cliche "development", defined narrowly by a few privileged, almost two centuries ago. The word "economic development" painting before us a vivid picture of a "consumer based economy". We often begin to imagine- grandeur, ampleness, luxurious lifestyle, big malls, accessibility, popular culture, amalagamisation of trends in the scope of this definition. Time and again humanity has been chasing frantically for this perfection, and what has this cost us? -Poverty, melting icebergs, deforestation, aggressive natural imbalance and extinction, a threat to humanity's survival. It is time, all nations in the world identifed and placed in context their meaning of "development" so as to ensure a sustainable development of their culture and ecological heritage. The present day Indonesia, has about 140 extinct species as per UNEP report in 2012. Forests are gone and in their place are vast palm oil plantations all over. Gone are the days of yore when, spices and forest based products used to form a majority of country's export. These palm oil plantations are investments of MNCs that supply to fast food chains all over the world. Many of these fast food chains are today household names across the world- McDonalds, Dominoes, KFC etc. One very pertinent question in the wake of this realization is- Who is paying for this colossal, relentless modernization? Jawan tiger- a subspecies of tiger family is extinct. Pollution levels are increasing as days pass. The story of Indonesia emphasises the necessity for countries across the world to pass laws to preserve whatever of the precious wilderness that remains in their area of their administration. As seen in context of Indonesia, there are numerous examples of this colossal carnage that nature has endured so as to allow for rapid, haphazard urbanization of floral landscape. There are several factors that need to be considered- First, Countries should strategically examine their development goals and urbanization needs. This shall help them place in context and understand their demographical urbanization needs. Meanwhile, they would also be able to arrive at a more realistic and achievable goals of wilderness conservation. A centrist economic policy between socialistic and capitalist extremes would a good choice to ensure, the monetary gap between the privilged and the middle class does not widen irreparably. Second, Countries should look for opportunities to identify prudential opportunities in the form of green tourism, export items that the wilderness has to offer in modern times, without compromising the natural habitat. Third, a long term strategy must be formulated to ensure, a maximal usage of available land does not lead to its overutilisation. This shall help ensure, the resources at their behest do not get completely overutilised before an alternative technology to compensate for their sparse availability is developed. Fourth and the most important, countries should try to indigenously search for alternative ways to meet supply demand chain which does not affect conserved wilderness. This proper legislation by countries shall help countries maintain a sustainable growth across generations without compromising the delicate balance of nature. Recently, a massive crack in the main Iceberg of greenland was captured by the NASA. In a scenario with polar ice caps shrinking, ozone layer thinning, companies coming up with products such as canned breathable air, it is important we realize as a species that we are in a transition phase of our planet transgressing into an ecological armageddon. True, such precautionary measures suggested will never allow a tribal from dense swampy lands of Mawsynram, India to ever live the great American dream, experience the lavishness, the comfort at promise but this shall surely provide him/her an opportunity to live sustainably a life full of experiences, wake up to chirp of birds, experience the petrichor when the first drops of monsoon touch the thirsty paddy fields. A restraint on agressive anthropological expansion shall help us as a species in the long run to evolve, search for energy solutions, unwrong the miscalculations our granddads had made. As Gandhi said, Mother Nature has something for everyone, but not everything for few. Its time, we put in action what is aggressively discussion in conventions, conferences and parliaments. Let's legislate for a better future of our planet.
A nation should require all of its students to study the same national curriculum until they enter college. Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the recommendation and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, describe specific circumstances in which adopting the recommendation would or would not be advantageous and explain how these examples shape your position. Essay : Education plays an important role in students life. The earliest education system to which one is introduced is school system. In schools the most prominent way of teaching students is to follow curriculum. These curriculums will guide the learning process of student. There might be different curriculums in a country but the studentswill be benifitted from same national curriculum until they enter college. Firstly, having same curriculum throughout the nation will give fair and equal chance for all the students in the nation. In countries like India, each state has its own curriculum. These curriculums are different in different aspects ranging from subjects to level of difficulty. If a student from a state wants to take national level entrance exam for prestigious institutions like IIT, then that student has to take extra coaching to cover the material which are not included in his curriculum. This gives a handicap to students who are not studying the same curriculum as others. So if there is a single curriculum at national level then every student will have equal opportunity and chance at these type of exams. In Second, having same curriculum throughout the nation will make easy for students to move from one state to other state of the country. If different states have different curriculums then the student who has moved to different state will have difficulty in adapting to new state's curriculum. In addition along with students, teachers can also move from one state to other and start continuing teaching without any additional training . If curriculums are different then the teachers needed to be trained for specific curriculum to teach.If teachers relocate to a new place with different curriculum then they might have to do additional training or they might lose their job. In countries like India where each state has its own language and culture, it is difficult to have single curriculum. In these states there are curriculums which are taught in their local languages and they can't be made national level curriculums as people speak and write different languages. In situations like these, having single curriculum for entire nation doesn't work . Even if the content of the subject is same and is taught in different languages it will be difficult to have same curriculum as local states include their own languages as part of curriculum. In conculsion, a nation should have same curriculum for all students until they enter college. Having same curriculum gives students equal chance to learn and grow. It will also help students to move to different parts of the country and continue their education with ease.In countries where it is not possible to have same national curriculum they should work towards establish some common ground to give fair chance for all of their students.
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Please grade and let me know what you think! Prompt: As people rely more and more on technology to solve problems, the ability of humans to think for themselves will surely deteriorate. Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position. The power of humans to think autonomously is not so easy to deter. Even with the exponential advancement of technology seen over the past few centuries, a pattern has become apparent time and time again: when technology comes to our aid in times of need, people do not simply stop thinking altogether since their problem has been solved. Instead, they move on to think about other problems that might not have been answerable or even foreseeable before the preceding one was addressed. Advances in biomedical and laboratory technology have allowed researchers and doctors to explore new worlds, both figuratively and literally, while fostering a desire to know more about them. As a biology major and aspiring researcher, I can attest that the advent of genome databases has made the fields of molecular biology, cellular biology, and genetics infinitely more accessible to both people of my education level and those who have decades more experience than I do. Genome databases allow researchers to look at the genome at the level of individual chromosome, genes, or nucleotides, which greatly aids in answering questions about which mutations cause certain physical traits or what surrounding genetic factors affect gene expression. By answering these questions with relative ease thanks to genome databases, scientists can focus on new problems, such as how to correct such mutations or manipulate certain genetic factors to restore proper gene function. Gene databases thus promote scientific inquiry by allowing scientists to focus their time and energy on solving more complex issues, such as curing a disease caused by genetic mutation, rather than needing to use these precious commodities to rediscover what those who identified the disease before them already determined. The use of technology in the fields of crime and justice also demonstrates how technologic advances have helped the people in these fields do their jobs more efficiently. DNA testing, fingerprint databases, and facial recognition technology have made the criminal justice system more streamlined and accurate. With these technologies, police are able to apprehend the correct criminal in a shorter amount of time without obviating the important task of the police officers themselves to use proper moral and legal judgment when it comes time to arrest a criminal. No technological advance could replace the crucial role of humans judgment in the justice system, be it independent thought of police, detectives, or judges. Instead, those who work in the crime and justice fields rely on technology so that they can do their jobs quickly, accurately, and humanely. It is often said that true creativity is a spontaneous occurrence and not something that can be deliberately sought. While this is true to an extent, people involved in creative processes such as artists, painters, sculptors, or writers can indeed spark the creative process by looking to the works of others. Even those without direct access to paintings, sculptures, or books can enjoy the same creative catalyst as those who might have regular access to these works. Thanks to technologies such as computers, smartphones, and copiers, aspiring artists can derive inspiration from contemporary and preceding artists whenever and wherever they desire. The capability of humans to think independently – be it for scientific, moral, or creative thought - is one that millions of years of evolution has instilled in us. It is etched into our nature to bring independent thought into solving problems, not to let technologies that make solving these problems easier silence our ability to think at all. While some technologies can certainly distract us from independent thought, such as mind-numbing cartoons on TV or video games portraying senseless violence, technology more often than not makes our lives easier so that we can put our enormous intellectual capability to use in a positive way.
Topic: As people rely more on technology, the ability to think for themselves will surely deteriorate. Discuss the extent to which you agree with the statement and explain your reasoning. Consider how the statement may or may not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your idea. My Essay: It has been stated by technological determinists that technology impacts the ability for society to think for themselves. This essay will argue that the ability to think for oneself deteriorates as people rely more on technology. There are four main points that I will bring into the discussion that outline the effects technology has on people’s ability to think for themselves. These four deal with critical thinking, psychological effects, cognitive behaviour, and the time factor. All of these elements have been affected by the reliance on technology. Before the majority of the population had access to the Internet, people spent time researching topics through encyclopedias, printed articles, face to face, and print. One had to spend time going into great depths on these topics. Because of the time spent, one could ground themselves and take the time to understand and process the information. Understanding the information is what provides people with the ability to think for themselves on a topic. The issue with reliance on technology is that people do not need to spend the time researching topics in depth anymore, as the speed of how we process mass amounts of information has increased. One could argue that people do not need the time to process the information. However, I will state that if a person does not spend adequate time processing a topic themselves, it can become a slippery slope and undermine their critical thinking ability. Unable to digest the sheer material at hand, people lose the ability to think for themselves on a topic they are trying to understand. The second point also requires critical thinking, however takes a more psychological approach. As people are subject to hyper realities with the increase of technology, their ability to judge physical reality deteriorates, which affects their ability to think for themselves. One timely example of this is military training using simulated realities and augmented reality technology. Future soldiers are trained through simulated video games on target shooting. What is often forgotten is that there will be a time when they are shooting at real people, not a target on a screen. The dangerous potential is that these soldiers are relying on technology as a form of ‘reality’, but the stimulation makes things less ‘real’. Psychologically, it takes away from decision making abilities of empathy through veiling a very serious situation in the form of an augmented reality, taking away the ability to think for oneself. The third point is around cognitive behaviour. As we begin to constantly use technologies that perform our own day to day tasks, we may lose the ability to make cognitive decisions for ourselves quickly. For example, if I am in a car that is driving itself every day, I may not be able to make a quick reflexive decision if the time of an accident is near. The last point I would like to address is the time factor. Advocates for the reliance of technology will argue that people have more time to think for themselves since technology has made things more efficient. However, I would refute this due to the point that that they may have more time to spend on other things, but it could be a fallacy that this time is spent on critical thinking. This time saved due to efficiencies may also be spent coming up with means to create more technology, not necessarily for oneself to make their own decisions. In summary, people that rely on technologies lose the ability to think for themselves. The factors that enhance this are critical thinking, psychological, cognitive, as well as time induced.
Please grade and critique my essay on the following topic. Thanks in advance. Claim: Many problems of modern society cannot be solved by laws and the legal system. Reason: Laws cannot change what is in people's hearts or minds. Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim and the reason on which that claim is based. -------- The speaker’s claim is actually three-fold here: 1. People’s hearts and minds are key determinants of people’s behavior, 2. Laws cannot change people’s hearts and minds, and 3. In modern society, many problems cannot be solved by laws and the legal system. I agree with the first part of the claim, but disagree with the other two. The speaker goes to extreme by claiming that many problems unique to modern society cannot be addressed by implementing laws and the legal system. Experience tells us that human actions and behavior are primarily based on their feelings, beliefs and reasoning. What we do, where we go and what we follow under all circumstances is determined by our conscious, thinking and understanding. For instance, when I am faced with the option of bribing an officer and get the work done quickly instead of going by the rules and policies, I prefer to stick to the latter. I know people who would do otherwise because they follow their conventions and mores whereas I follow my own. Thus, the speaker’s implied claim is true that the heart and mind are key determinants of human behavior. However, one must admit that, the laws, if implemented effectively, act to deter people from committing offences. The laws can change people minds by creating fear and embarrassment and force them to think in a different manner. For instance, if the speeding limits are lifted, there is no doubt that there will be many more cases of speeding resulting into accidents and loss of people’s lives. Thus, even if people would like to go past the speed limit, they usually do not do it for the fear of getting a ticket. The laws and the legal system thus acts to maintain order in the modern society, in their absence the society will be worse off and would meet destruction. Though, the hearts of people might not change due to laws, they are effective in changing people’s minds and behavior. Nonetheless, there are some cases where laws are not effective in changing people’s hearts and minds. Those are the cases of extremism and irrational behavior. For instance, the terrorists do not fear of being caught, imprisoned and hanged even when there are strict laws and numerous precedents available for terrorists who were prosecuted based on that. This is because laws certainly do not change their hearts and minds. They are completely brainwashed and made to think about unilateral goals, to protect their religion or defend their own region. However, it is important to note that such problems are not unique to the modern society. For instance, the centuries old civilizations have also dealt with terrorism, murders and theft, at a smaller scale though. All societies in the past have faced such problems and have been unsuccessful to some degree in solving those problems through laws and the legal system. There might be nothing unique about such problems in the modern society. To sum up, I disagree with the speaker’s reason and claim. Human behavior, though dependent on heart and mind, can be influenced by the laws and there are ample empirical evidences of it. The problems of the extremism and irrational behavior are not unique to modern society and cannot be addressed by laws and the legal system.
Hi, I took the test today. Within the 30-minute time limit, I was able to write very little. I did have many other ideas in my mind but the time was insufficient (and as a result, I could not compose a great essay). I would want someone to assign a grade/number to this essay (preferably on a scale of 0-6, inclusive) and provide tips on how to improve pace and get the right ideas. Thank you :) Prompt: A nation should require all of its students to study the same national curriculum until they enter college. My essay:- While it may be reasonable to believe that a same national curriculum at school level is beneficial, it is not quite true. Considering the fact that there are students with relatively different backgrounds and levels of exposure, a generic curriculum may not prove useful. This is because the subjects which may be thought to be appropriate for an average student may not cater the needs of all students. Also, there may be students who are more interested in pursuing arts than say, science and learning the prescribed material may not help them in achieving their goals. In fact, their interest may be curbed due to the intrinsic pressure created by school teachers or parents who want them to focus on getting better grades. Students may succumb to the pressure and give up their goals, altogether. Not only that, having a rigid curriculum with stringent rules may make teaching less effective. Teachers would have to count each minute of their class and think how they are going to convey the topics within a few classes. They would have to teach what is there in the syllabus and may not be free to teach what is out of the syllabus. They will have to restrict what they are going to discuss with the students. Students will end up learning only what their teachers teach and learn only what they have to learn, without exploring their interests. A rigid curriculum as stated previously, may put students into a lot of pressure and may force them to get good grades, by hook or crook. This may hamper their creativity. For instance, schools in South Korea are performance-oriented: students work for more than sixteen hours and in addition to that, their parents send them to private tutors. Long hours of study coupled with pressure from students and parents makes them stressed out, as reports suggest. On the contrary, long hours of study has led them to score high on standardized international tests such as PISA. Good grades are necessary but we can imagine how this curriculum can rob them of their childhood. In conclusion, a national curriculum can be problematic to the extent that children may be made to study what they are least interested in and teachers may have to watch over their time to see what they are teaching.
Hi all! I'm taking the GRE pretty soon and would appreciate any feedback (and a grade) for my practice issue essay. Thank you in advance! Here's the question.... All too often, companies hire outside consultants to suggest ways for the company to operate more efficiently. If companies were to spend more time listening to their own employees, such consultants would be unnecessary. Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with these statements and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statements might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position. And my response... I disagree with the statement that companies who listen more to their own employees would not need outside consultants. Although listening to one's own employees and hiring outside consultants are two different approaches to company betterment, they are not mutually exclusive, and one approach would not necessarily eliminate a need for the other. Companies generally hire outside consultants to increase profit by boosting overall efficiency. These outside consultants take a 'big picture' stance when viewing what the company should change. The suggestions from outside consultants are important because they come from an objective and knowledgeable source, and companies often need the advice of others who are not involved in the day-to-day aspects of the company itself. In addition to receiving suggestions from hired outside sources, companies should also be sure to listen to their employees. The human resources side of business is certainly important in its own way, and ensuring the satisfaction of employees helps to keep up productivity within the company. This intra-business, individual-focused approach to company efficiency is certainly one important aspect, but it is certainly not the only necessity to run a successful business. One example of this multi-pronged approach in action involves the National Institutes of Health (NIH). At the NIH, outside contractors are hired to evaluate the quality of data analysis, assess both ethical and practical aspects of research proposals, and even provide a quadrennial review of the use of funds for research and the related outcomes. In addition to all these quality controls and efficiency checks that are necessary to keep the research on-track and of the highest possible quality, there are ample opportunities for employees themselves to make suggestions and express their own opinions on how to improve both the research itself and the work environment generally. This truly holistic approach allows employees to be heard in addition to utilizing the expertise of objective outsiders to improve the company as much as possible. Because employees are involved in very specific tasks or research areas, it would not make sense to only rely on individual suggestions. Especially in such a large, diversified work environment, it is important to have some suggestions from consultants who know how to remain detached and to assess the overall efficiency of such a large-scale environment. In some cases, such as with small start-up businesses, it may be true that employee opinions are the only ones necessary to increase efficiency, especially if there is a smaller budget with which to work. Given the cost of hiring outside consultants, it is certainly true that some of these smaller businesses would not benefit enough from the advice to justify the hiring, and that in-house assessment of efficiency could provide high quality suggestions for improvement. In these cases, the original statement could hold true. However, it is often the case that a multi-pronged, multi-level approach involving both subjective inside and objective outside suggestions provide the best assortment of suggestions for how to increase a company's efficiency.
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- gre essay analysis
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Hi, I am actually writing this post because I think I find an interesting technique to write a good GRE issue analysis. I will take two arguments and I will give you two arguments both written by me. One previously not written by the technique and one written using the technique. Argument 1: As people rely more and more on technology to solve problems, the ability of humans to think for themselves will surely deteriorate. I will not discuss how I have written my first essay. i will just post it. " Technology specially in the 21st century has replaced man as his best friend and now it is turning out to be his best advisor. So much reliance on technology for every aspect of life is gradually taking a toll on man's intellect. Technology is dumbing down man's ability to do mental calculations. Nowadays because of availability of calculators in even rudimentary of handsets , people are not caring to do any kind of mental calculations. It is surprising to see that even for small calculation people has to take out their fancy mobiles. There is too much trust on technology nowadays. People follow GPS to the letter even if it might lead to a wrong destination. For every aspect man is ready to sacrifice their intuition and rely on a gadget. It is okay to rely on your mobile when you are lost. But it is really disturbing to see people trust informations on media far too much than necessary. There is a slurdge of useless information which is being dumped on people thanks to technology. people are relying on hoax news and anything printed on social media is treated as a gospel without further thought. Imagination is an important aspect of growing a man's intellect and technolgy is somewhat responsible for diminishing that. Before there is any facebook and twitter people had some free peorsonal time for themselves which is very helpful for having some thoughts. But now people have no time for themselves. Even without people they are tied to their social networks. Technology however is very important tool if used judiciously. Internet helps in acquiring new skills for people who have spare time for that. A person can be productive and imaginative also if he tries to develop some applications on the technology platforms. Technology when used for channeling creative energy can be the biggest advantage anybody can have. So, judging from afar technologies role has become an advisor to people nowadays rather than an accessory. When these happens people forget their own superiority and praise technology like some kind of a holy figure ,for eg. apple products. Overall, technology is very important and it is difficult to survive in current world without it but it should always be treated like an auxiliary ." Nothing to discuss about it . Pure imagination without technique. Tried to use barron's technique (claim:warrant:grounds). After 5 mins no idea has come to my mind and has just written whatever I feel write. Now about the technique: First I divided the words in the argument Like this : As people rely more and more on technology to solve problems, the ability of humans to think for themselves will surely deteriorate. So now I am concentrating on the words in the argument, problems,technology,humans think for themselves deteriorate. What i have started to think is to analysis on the basis of these words rather than the entire argument. So this is my output using this technique. " "Problems and their solutions is humanity all about. The moment a human began to question the natural order he was faced with problems. It is because of these problems that has pushed human being to progress. Starting from the early human kind and right current to our present life situation , humanity is a continous journey of solving problems. It can be safely put that human beings will cease to exist if there are no problems at all Technology is the way to help a human being to stop thinking about old problems and concentrate on new ones. So gradually the pile of technology has grown up as we continue to solve problem . It can be evident that the amount of technology used by a common man now is astronomical compared to the amount might be used by an early man. This is simply because we have solved more problems. Now distance does not matter, environment does not matter and even in some scenarios essential human necessities does not matter. People can survive because of the virtue of technology. However sometimes the solutions of problems become problems as well. As we have somehow fixed the solution about large distance,we have created a new problem environmental pollution. Problems which are non existant in earlier societies have become prominent. But the solution of all these problems is again technology. The statement emphasizing the gradual decline of human understanding is a gross misrepresentation. Technology has helped us in solving fundumental problems which are used to be a man's major concern. The best example can be todays city culture and ancient times culture. We all know food and water are the most essential requirement of human being . if we examine early people their majority of life used to be spent on gathering or producing food. But now if we see approximately 20% or even less than that are responsible for producing food . The rest does thing which are more important than searching or gathering food for survival. How has this been achieved ? With the help of technology. We did not have einstein or edison or even great artists like mozart in the early men's time. Because at that time the major purposes of the geniuses was to hunt for food or to gather food. So in away it can be safely asserted that technology has helped in human enlightment rather than in constraining his thought. The last part of the statement is the favourite topic of science fiction movies which discuss about the day technology will overpower human being. The assertion is partly true because we dont nowadays think about where to get the next meal too much as those things are already provided unless there is a calamity which can also be predicted through technology. We dont think about getting lost anywhere or being away from communication. So most of the things that we used to think are essential have already been taken care of to much extent(improvements are still desired). Whether this not thinking for ourselves will deteriorate our thinking is not a very convincing argument, because as civilization has progressed, thinking for ourselves have changed a lot. Now we think about mobile coverages or internet access, 18th century people used to think about access to post office as thinking for themselves. So people generally change their own thinking with the change in time. Hence deterioration will not happen, a change of preference will. Technology is the ship which has been built by the man for his journey to the unknown. Distrusting that ship itself may not be a wise decision." What i have realized i am able to think better , more coherently and also apt analysis coming out of my mind. When i read this essay i find it much better than the previous one and with less grammatical mistakes. My mistake was that I was reaing the entire argument and then making a general perception out of it. But what i think is required to analysis each and every word said in the argument and weigh them accordingly, because each word gives a meaning to the argument or representation. My next argument analysis is of this issue: Educational institutions have a responsibility to dissuade students from pursuing fields of study in which they are unlikely to succeed My previous argument analysis is below: "According to the statement educations role should be elevated to the status of a judge who decides human future when it is at its nascent state. This might be a blunder which might cripple them forever. It is very difficult or biasful to judge a student in his/her formative years and to determine in which field he/she is going to succeed. Student life is just the beginning phase and sometimes human character changes based on different situations. Judging that a student will succeed in a particular field is a farfetched imagination which is actually making a put and hoping that it works. Future is unpredictible and there are lot of situations that a grown up will face which will give him a new direction in life. IF the educational institutions take it in their hands to judge a students fate it will be a little bit cruel for the student . Human beings are born to make mistakes and by self realisation they undertand their purpose. This inference can be drawn in case of choosing fields of study as well. Many individuals have changed their field of study or changed their career for better opportunities. Decision regarding choosing a field is more or less present which is influenced by job or career opprotunites. Nowadays people are less inclined to study literature as it does not give them better job prospects. making the schools' responsibility to dissuade may not be necessary . Students generally choose fields which give them a better opportunity. Discriminating students on the basis of fields sometime create alienation between them, as they tend to realize that they are not born to pursue this field. This kind of situation creates a vast gap between students. What is lost is the knowledge that all fields of study have originated from the same source. If it is left to the student to decide, most of the time it helps him to understand his own flaws and make his judgement accordingly However, there are often instances when a student chooses a field in which he is not succeeding. The student generally loses his self confidence n this kind of situation and cannot cope up with others. He might have taken the decision on parents suggestion or through peer pressure. Schools in that cases schools should understand the student. If the schools have prohibited the student earlier, it might create a major dent in his confidence. Authorities should interact with these kind of people and understand their social upbringings. That give a better picture of why he has chosen the field inspite of him lacking interest in it. So it is not all a wise idea to burden the institution with the responsibility to make a students destiny. Education's main responsibility is empowerment. To empower the students with the right knowledge is their duty rather than to decide their future. " Using the technique of dividing the argument into words I have the following words with me: Responsibility, dissuade students, pursuing fields of study, succeed My analysis following this technique is : "educational institutions like all other institutions are part and parcel of the society and hence for the progress of the society they have certain responsibilities. Educational institutions are not run in thin air. Each ingredient ,starting from the school amenities to the teachers have to be accounted for. So since they are costly, they have to be valuable.Hence, it is essential for the institutions to give the best outputs that means best students which are necessary for the building of the society as well as for its further improvement. The statement emphasizes that the responsibilities which have already been issued to these establishments should be increased and include the encouragement or discouragement of a student to enter a particular field based on his abilities. From a business point of view where we are concentrated on getting maximum output/profit this is a logical statement. As we know a bad foundation leads to a bad infrastructure hence choosing of a field should be determined by mental or physical ability. Unfortunately we are dealing with humans here and sometimes taking such kind of measures may not give to perfect solutions. There are a lot of postulates that has to be taken care in order to support that and everything is dependent on the future. If we ask a person who has a low IQ to stop studying maths because anyway he is going to be bad at it, we are not taking care of all his other options. We are not taking care where he is coming from, where his parents are working, are they economically stable. Is this decision of quiting maths going to affect their lives as well? This will look like a very absurd statement to make if we say " Son, you have 20 percent chance to succeed in this field and so dont pursue it". Taking these into account institutions do some kind of persuasion, dissuasion by providing grades. So if a person is not good at something he gets a C- and if he is very good he gets a a+. Extending that to act as some sort of a career consultant is something which the schools are not paid for. The last part is all about success which is itself a very dubious statement.Nobody has been able to say what is going to succeed and what is going to fail. Since no wise man has successfully said that the schools without exception will not be able to do it properly. If we take best example, Steve jobs and thomas edison are drop outs rejected by the institutes who had created new industries. However the role of the educational institutions should atleast be extended to mentoring or providing someone a helping hand. Sometimes students take bold steps in order to prove themselves as well as to prove others. Schools in that scenarios often act as a bully or a kind of a passive dissuader. It would be very helpful for the futures of the society , if their alma mater gives them a guiding hand and act as a friend or an advisor rather than a judge. Education is essential for smooth running of society and providing fresh supply of students to continue the progress of human civilization. Confusing education with enlightenment will be a gross mistake from the society's point of view. No matter how much educated a person he will be enlightened in his own way only. So judging all the above scenarios, the statements suggestion of elevating education to enlightenment may not be a good idea." Both the essays are written by me and both have such a different output. I am surprised This might be a very good technique to do analysis (at least for me it worked) when we have to check two important evils of writing this kind of essay :1. Digression 2. Lack of articulation If you have any other techniques, kindly share . it will be very helpful for everyone in the forum. P.S. I am surprised this is not mentioned anywhere explicitly. that is why i thought about writing about it :) -Regards, Maharshi
Rate my essay : Leaders are created by the demands that are placed on them Leaders are found in every organisation and enterprise we see around in the world , whether it be school, college, business enterprise, government.For running all of before mentioned organisation and institutions successfully a leader with qualities of confidence, tolerance and good decision making power is required to lead the members of organisation.a leader is thus like a guiding light to its group or organnisation member.Where he goes or what he thinks the whole group move along with him.Now the question raised here is that whether these leader are created by demands placed on them that is the cirmustances are responsible for creating leader or not.Well in my view circumstances are responsible for creating leaders, these circustances are difficult situations where a group is unable to make a particular decision as to go in which direction, at that point of time the person with good vision and judgement emerges out as a leader. Mahatma gandhi -also known as "father of nation" in INDIA ,was an ordinary man from a normal middle class brahman family in INDIA.He was just like every other citizen of india , got his primary education from a school in village.Then he studied Law as a major in his college.And then eventually he moved to south africa as a barrister for earning money.Just like everyone does to earn money. then how he turned out to be great leader in the racist struggle of people of south africa ?answer to this question is that circumstances there made him to stand before the government and made to fight for the cause of people.Its becaise people where sufferng a lot in S.Africa due to racism he got the opprtunity to use his barrister skill and stand before the wrong doers.qualties of good decision making , tolernace , fluecy , clarity of ideas was present in him earlier also but circumstance were responsible in deriving out the true leader out of him.Thhis is how his journey as a freedom fighter started in S africa and continued in india, rest story we all know now , why he is known a " father of nation ". There are other examples also -the presidential election of US .There were two parties -Democratic headed by Mr.Obama and repulicans headed by mitt romney. Now out of both why only Mr obama emerged out as a leader of US having population of around 314 million people.both Mr obama and Mr. mitt romney were having qualities of a good leader like confidence , fluency , line of idealogy.But Mr . obama only got the chance to become the leader because his line of idealogies and pilices were found more suitable to the growth and prosperity of the country.Thus the overall elction represent the demand of people ,and since OBAMA idealogies and way of working met those demands he was chosen as US president.thus here also demands became the basis for begeting the Leader. For those saying that leader are not created by demands could quote the example from history when dictatorial rule exist , king son used to be the ultimate heir chosen irrespective of the fact that the king's son do posess leadership qualties or not.There are many example where these kind of leaders chosen set an good exmple of leadership like majesty AKBAR during whose region every culture flourished, people were happy and enjoying prosperity and few exmaples like king aurangzeb in whose reign people suffered in misery due to his orthodox and non liberal view toward other religion and sects. Thus in the end we can conclude from our above discussion that presence of leaders are world class visionary leaders like Obama, stevejobs , mahatma gandhi and amny more, now adays a good leader are usually created by the demands of people .
Please read. Any input is greatly appreciated... To understand the most important characteristics of a society, one must study its major cities. When evaluating the traits of a particular society the instinct may be to study the major metropolitan areas of that society. While this could be a good starting point, an investigation should have a much more diverse focus. In order to understand the most important characteristics of a society, it is essential to observe the people in various settings, from the largest cities to its most rural of settings. The initial instinct of understanding a society may be to take a look at its largest population concentrations, i.e. major cities. While the broad view of a society may be seen in a major population center, the foundation of these societies are built in the outlying rural areas. It is in the rural areas where the building blocks of the civilization are developed, allowing the major cities to flourish. Rural settings produce the majority of the agricultural needs as well as much of the building materials for city infrastructure. Behind each good produced is an individual who works the land to develop these resources. The manifestation of the end product seen in the cities can therefore be better examined through the observation of the efforts made by the individuals outside of the cities. Small and medium-sized towns and cities are also important to consider when analyzing the characteristics of a society. These median areas become the crossroads of rural and metropolitan settings. One can often observe in a small town or city, the passing of raw materials from the rural producers to the manufacturing blue-collar workers that turn those materials into a refined product. The evidence of these products can then been seen in their final forms in large metropolitan areas manifested as grocery stores, malls and shopping centers, high-rise building, highway and mass transit infrastructure. It can be argued that, because of this tiered building of a society, observing the “end-product”, in this case the major city is sufficient to determine the makeup of that society. Observing the society at the city level will give the observer an insight to the society’s traits, but a real and true depth of observation cannot occur without giving attention to all levels of population within that society.
Looking for some input on my essay.... As people rely more and more on technology to solve problems, the ability of humans to think for themselves will surely deteriorate. Throughout civilization, society has demonstrated its desire and ability to develop technologies to solve lives day-to-day problems. While the development of advanced technology has enhanced people’s productivity, it has also produced a society less dependent on critical thinking. Man has traditionally had to research and develop travel routes on his own when planning a vacation or trip. This travel planning often took time and careful consideration of routes, traffic, tolls and the like. Now a traveler can simply plug in a start and end point into a GPS unit and be given multiple routes to choose from. Once the route is selected, the traveler can mindlessly follow the given directions. No longer is the traveler required to think for himself and make rational travel adjustments while on the road. The traveler is also less familiar with the route and his surroundings. Relying on this GPS technology is certainly a quick and easy way to determine a route, but does not help to develop the thought process behind planning a trip. Word processing software also poses a potential drawback of the development of our mind and thinking processes. Growing up in a “pre-word processing” world required the writer to give great attention to important fundamentals of writing, such as spelling, grammar and punctuation, not to mention the development of vocabulary through use of synonyms. With the advent of these word processing technologies, we, as a society, are no longer required to spend as much time proof-reading our written word. This becomes a detriment to our development as it promotes writing without a firm grasp of the nuances of our language. Of course, it could be argued that these technological features enhance the speed and ability of presenting our message, but I believe that it is ultimately set-back to the development of our minds in expressing our thoughts on paper. The continuing advancements in technology have certainly benefited our society in the ability to solve problems, but we need to be mindful to no let the technology unnecessarily hinder the ability to think for ourselves.
Hello All, I am appearing for my GRE exam in less than 60 days. Kindly help me to improve on my analytical skills by scoring the following essay and giving a details feedback. The issue analysis I provide here is my first draft. Thanks much!! ISSUE: Claim: Governments must ensure that their major cities receive the financial support they need in order to thrive. Reason: It is primarily in cities that a nation's cultural traditions are preserved and generated. Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim and the reasons on which that claim is based. Certainly in today’s fast establishing cosmopolitan culture across major cities of the world, a nation’s traditional cultures are under severe threat. Therefore, it is essential that a government takes sincere steps towards preservation and generation of its endemic cultures and traditions. But first the question that we need to answer is “Are cities of a nation, the true representative of traditional cultures?” Cities form gateway to international cross cultural activities. It provides a platform for display of diverse knowledge which receives mixed acknowledgement due to its cosmopolitan nature. Unique traditional knowledge is identified across the states of a nation and gets an opportunity to get exposed through these international platforms. They get varied response, both positive and negative; often leading to creating sensation and setting trends which may depend on marketing strategies. Sadly enough, popularity tends to erode with time and these unique traditional cultures in their struggle to survive, gets polluted; as they slowly start evolving to meet cosmopolitan demand of the city and lose its novelty. Hence, instead of nation’s cities being representation of diversified traditional cultures becomes uniform. Moreover, not all traditional cultures get lucky enough to reach these platforms of fame and recognition. Further, governments are known to be biased to promote specific cultural traditions that would ensure generation of high revenues and others may get neglected. In contrast, traditional cultures are endemic to a nation’s rural areas that retain its naivety, safe from cultural pollution. These are the areas where traditional cultures are practiced and inherited over generations. However, as these rural areas are often neglected by government policies and face poor developmental plans; traditional knowledge is on the brink of extinction. Often these people are unable to make any living based on their traditional knowledge or practices like painting or crafts-work, for several reasons. Of the many, few are- it is yet to be identified; government has not recognized the specific knowledge as having potential to generate revenue; or because the local population shares knowledge it is not identified as unique. Therefore, these traditional cultural bearers, travel to cities in search of livelihood. In due course, to overcome alienation and in their persuasion to survive a cosmopolitan nature of city; traditional culture weans away. Over time, these traditional cultures become endangered; and over generations, if ignored, gets extinct. Hence, government needs to identify these hubs of cultural generation and support them in all aspects for its sustenance. A traditional culture may not have great potential to generate revenues but if promoted appropriately can seek global attention. Several cultures may not be relevant in today's scenario but in rapidly depleting biodiversity or during epidemic, many may be answer to few. In addition, a cultural tradition must be conserved for nothing else but its uniqueness. In conclusion, while major cities can act as hub for promotion as well as revenue generation of traditional knowledge it is the by-lanes of rural areas in dire need of financial support to thrive. It’s these rural areas, where traditional cultures generate and needs provisions to be preserved.