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Found 25 results

  1. PROFILE: Type of Undergrad: BA Double Major Economics and Mathematics, private school ranked 50-100, nothing special. Undergrad GPA: 4.0 Math Courses: calculus 1-3 (A), linear algebra (A), intro stats (A), discrete math (A), real analysis (A), complex analysis (A), applied combinatorics (A), math modeling/analysis (A), intro software development (A), intro data science (A), abstract algebra (A), theory of probability (A), statistical methods (A) Undergrad Econ Courses: intermediate micro/macro (A), int'l currency markets (A), behavioral economics (A), sports economics (A), growth & development (A), econometrics (A) Grad Econ Courses: graduate micro (A), graduate macro (A) Letters of Recommendation: two strong letters from respected econ professors at current program who can speak to research I've done in their classes, one very strong letter from chair of math department Teaching Experience: TA for Calculus 1, Calculus 2, Intro Stats, and Theory of Probability (3 full semesters) Research Experience: $3,500 research grant -- used for data for my Undergraduate Thesis. 2 other excellent econ papers that I've written for class. Worked at the CEA as a intern, assisting economists with their research Research Interests: Development, Health, Energy/Environmental SOP: Very well written. Mentions my specific research interests and professors for each school. Also includes a possible research proposal for my dissertation. Other: Skilled in Python, R, Matlab, LaTex, and Eviews. Provided link to my GitHub account with evidence of work in each. I am applying to 16 PhD programs and 2 masters programs (LSE and Paris). Half of the PhD programs are top 20, the other half are 20-50. What are my chances? I am extremely worried and am considering applying to more safe schools. Thoughts?
  2. PROFILE: Type of Undergrad: Top 30 US News Cumulative GPA: 3.45/4 GRE: 160Q/160V/5AWA. My power went out during the at-home exam which definitely dipped my Q score. I will retake at end of october, should easily get 165+ Q. Math Courses: Calculus I (3.5), Calculus II (4.0), Multivariable Calculus (4.0), Intro to Proofs (4.0), Real Analysis (4.0), Linear Algebra (Spring 2021), Abstract Algebra (Spring 2021), PhD-level Statistics/Econometrics (4.0) Econ Courses: Intro Micro (4.0), Intro Macro (4.0), Intermediate Micro (3.5), Intermediate Macro (3.0), Advanced Micro (Game Theory, 4.0), Economics of Sports (4.0), International Trade (4.0), Economic Analysis of Asia (4.0), Labor Economics (4.0), Introductory Econometrics (4.0), Advanced Econometrics (4.0), Research Seminar (4.0) Letters of Recommendation: 1) Professor from research writing course. RA'd for him and received highest score on final paper in the class. Letter will be strong. Graduated from a top 10. 2) Professor from advanced metrics course. Graduated from top 5. Will be a strong letter based on our interactions. 3) Intro metrics professor. Graduated from T15 and also my #1 choice, coincidentally. Should be a good letter, but perhaps not as strong as the other two. Research Experience: Four months with research seminar prof. Was supposed to continue throughout this school year but had funding issue due to covid :( Teaching Experience: TA Introductory Macro (Fall 2020), TA Introductory Micro (Spring 2021), Tutor for Intro Micro, Intro Metrics Programming skills: Stata Other: Some things to consider: a) Will the timing of the linear algebra course impact admissions? Since I will be taking it the semester admission decisions are made and it is a key course. I've already taught myself most of the class since it was used in the PhD stats/metrics course. b) I struggled substantially my freshman year - was put on academic probation. I have some very bad grades on my transcript (hence the low CGPA) from early on, such as a 0 in an unrelated course, a 2.5 in Business Calc, and a 2.5 in Business stats. Will this hold me back? Thank you!
  3. Profile Evaluation 2021 Fall PhD applications PROFILE: Type of Undergrad: Top 30 US News Undergrad GPA: 3.45 Type of Grad: Grad GPA: GRE: 160/160/5, my power went out during at home exam and lost a lot of time. Retaking at end of October, should easily get 165+Q Math Courses: Calculus I (3.5), Calculus 2 (4.0), Multivariate Calculus (4.0), Intro Proofs (4.0), Analysis I (4.0), Linear Algebra (next semester), Abstract Algebra (next semester), PhD Statistics/Econometrics (4.0) Econ Courses: Intro Micro (4.0), Intro Macro (4.0), Intermediate Micro (3.5), Intermediate Macro (3.0), Advanced Micro (Game Theory, 4.0), International Trade (4.0), Economic Analysis of Asia (4.0), Labor economics (4.0), Economics of Sports (4.0), Research Paper writing course (4.0), Intro Econometrics (4.0), Advanced Econometrics (4.0) Other Courses: Letters of Recommendation: 1) Professor from research writing course. Decent publications record, has one in R&R with AER. Graduated from T10. I received the highest score in the class, and also worked for him as RA this past summer. Was supposed to continue throughout the entire year but had funding issues due to Covid :( Said he would write a very strong letter. 2) Prof from advanced econometrics course. Very good relationship with him, should be a strong letter. Graduated from top 5. Really good reputation and publication record. Unfortunately wasn’t able to work with him on any research 3) Professor from introductory econometrics. Him and I get along quite well. Graduated from T15 (and my #1 school coincidentally). I think it will be a good letter, perhaps not as strong as the other two. Research Experience: 4 months doing coding work in Stata for research Professor. Didnt do any formal writing but did write up reports for my Professor and his coauthors. Teaching Experience: TA Introductory Macro (Fall 2020), TA Introductory Micro (Spring 2021), Tutoring Intro Micro and Metrics Research Interests: Labor, education, health, econometrics SOP: Decent, but nothing earth-shattering Other: I did really poorly in school before switching to Econ, particularly in my first year (was put on academic probation). I have a 0.0 on my transcript in an unrelated course from freshman year, as well as bad grades in Calculus for Business (2.5) and Statistics for Business (2.5). How much will this weigh into decisions, besides slogging my CGPA? Where should I be aiming for?
  4. I'm trying to take UMD's PhD-level microeconomics as a think tank RA this fall. Last time I asked they told me my math background was insufficient (due to poor grades, I'm assuming) so I retook a bunch of classes. My old/new grades are below: My old grades from a top 30 undergrad w/ quarter system: Calc I-IV (A-. B+, B-, B), Linear Algebra (D, retook for C+), Advanced Linear Algebra (C-), Real Analysis I-II (B+, A), Intro to Probability Theory (B-), Intro to Math Stats I-II (C+, Pass) My new grades: Calc IV (A), Linear Algebra (A), Intro to Probability Theory (A). Retook Calc IV and Linear Algebra at my local community college; retook Intro to Probability Theory at UC Berkeley. Is there anything I'm missing here in terms of the math background needed to do PhD-level microeconomics? Is my B+ in Real Analysis I going to be a big deal here if I got an A in Real Analysis II? I realize the instructors still might decline to let me in on the basis of older grades, but I want to make sure I've done as much as possible to help my case.
  5. Removed due to poor formatting.
  6. PROFILE: Type of Undergrad: B.A. in Mathematics, Economics at a Large State School, Top 60 US) Undergrad GPA: 3.83/4.00 overall ( 3.95 in Econ, 3.72 in Math) GRE: Q170, V166 Econ Courses : Intermediate Micro/Macro (A,A), Behavioral Economics (A), Econometrics (A), Game Theory (A), Grad Micro II (Game Theory) (B+), Mathematical Economics (next fall), Advanced Econometrics (next fall), Advanced Macro (next spring). Stat/Math Courses: Intro to Statistics (A), Multivariable Calculus (A), Diff Eq (B+), Honors Intro to Proofs (B+), Honors Real Analysis (B+), Honors Linear Algebra I-II (B+,B+), Probability Theory (B+), Linear Optimization (A), Mathematical Statistics (A), Graph Theory (A), Intro to Stochastic Processes (next year), Grad Discrete Optimization (Operations Research PhD course) (A), Other Courses: Intro to CS (B+), Data Structures (next year), Time Series Modeling (A), Operations Research (A), Decision Analytics under Uncertainty (A) LOR's : 1. Economics Professor (taught Micro II), will also be doing Senior Thesis with them next year. 2. Operations Research Professor: Taught the Grad OR class that I took and did well in. 3. Another OR Professor: Currently writing a paper with them. Research Experience: Year-long research assistant on a research project involving state government decision making. Currently working on Operations Research paper with economic applications. Will be doing an Econ Senior Thesis next year. Research Interests : Microeconomics (Market/Auction Design, Industrial Organization), Computational Economics Concerns : No internship experience or publications. Coming straight from undergrad. Two non-economics letter writers. I am posting because I'm not sure which type of schools I should apply to (ranking-wise). I'll probably apply to places like UMD, CMU, BC, and Rochester as a long-shot, but I feel like my focus should be on lower 30s - mid 40s schools. I really like Iowa State for example. I'll also be sure to apply to some safer schools. Please let me know if this plan sounds unreasonable. Thank you in advance for your advice!
  7. Currently a rising junior at a T-10 public US university and would like an honest evaluation of my chances at PhD programs in Economics Major: Economics and Statistics GPA: 3.8 Math: Linear Algebra (A), Integral Calculus (A), Regression Analysis (A-), ANOVA(A), Statistical Data Science (A), Vector Calculus (B-), Calc III (B), Probability Theory In Progress Economics: Macro Theory (A), Micro Theory (A+), Intro Micro (A), Intro Macro (A), Econometrics (A+) Research: RA at lab focused on education economics (working heavily in R) Internship: Did a data science focused internship my freshman year summer where I implemented an algorithm from a research paper (focused on information retrieval), RA at city's economic council, interned at an analytics startup for 3-months too Plan on taking real analysis I and II, full mathematical statistics sequence, discrete math, time series analysis, math for economist, Applied Linear Algebra, Differential Equations, and Bayesian Statistical Inference and a few graduate courses before finishing mu ugrad. Obviously the biggest weaknesses are the Bs in the intro calculus classes. They were during my freshman year and when I was working 20+ hours a week simultaneously out of financial need. No excuses, but I hope receiving As in the other math classes and the ones I take in the future will help make up for it. Pretty much looking for guidance at this point on my chances. What programs do I realistically have a shot at? Should I be focused on anything in particular these next two years to be more competitive? I will be writing a senior thesis (hopefully) and I'm looking to land a position at the Fed for next summer. Are there any other math classes to focus on? In the interest of space and time I did not include much about my underlying passion for the discipline and what areas I'm interested in but I can definitely elaborate.
  8. I appreciate your input for my first post on urch. PROFILE: Type of Undergrad: T40 Public University, BA Econ. and Math minor Undergrad GPA: 3.8 Type of Grad: n/a Grad GPA: n/a GRE: 168/160/5.5 (Q/V/AW) Math Courses: Calc I / II / III, Linear Algebra (comp.), ODE, Intro to Proofs, Stats I & II, Linear Algebra I (A-:upset: ), Real Analysis I, Linear Algebra II (IP), Topology (IP), Real analysis II (eventually). (A in the rest) UG Econ Courses: Micro I / II / III, Macro I / II, Labor, Econometrics (2 courses), Research seminars. (except B in intro micro, Others All A/A+) Comment: I also retook Intro to Macro. It was a rocky transition during my first two terms in college. (Good redemption story?) Other: Python (A), too many accounting classes. Interests: labor, development economics Letters of Recommendation: (both econ professor are from top 15 and knows me well) 1. Econ professor I took 1 undergrad class & senior thesis advisor. 2. Econ professor who were my other advisor. 3. Math professor who knows me well. Research Experience: Senior thesis, and some small seminars Teaching Experience: A lot of tutoring experience. Concerns: Not all three of my letters are from econ professors, lacking some research experience, not great results during my freshman year. Questions: Should I even apply this Fall or next year? Where should I aim? Thank you for reading all the way through!
  9. Apologies, please delete this thread.
  10. Hi there, hope 2020 has been good to everyone so far. New aspiring "economist" (hopefully) here looking for some general guidance. Here is my profile(expected as I still have two semeters and a summer ahead of me before the application season): [TABLE=width: 600] [TR] [TD]Type of Undergrad[/TD] [TD]B.S. MathB.A. Japanese [/TD] [TD]Top-30 public university in California[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Undergrad GPA[/TD] [TD]Overall 3.12/4[/TD] [TD][/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Type of Grad[/TD] [TD]M.A. East Asian Studies (Finished)M.A. International Relations (Expected 2021) [/TD] [TD]Top-100 public university (full funding)Top-3 IR school in the U.S. [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Grad GPA[/TD] [TD]EAS 3.8/4IR 3.7/4 (as of now) [/TD] [TD][/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]GRE[/TD] [TD]151V, 167Q, 3.5W[/TD] [TD]Went into the exam blind without one minute of studying in 2016, will probably retake and do expect better score[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Math Courses[/TD] [TD]Calculus I,II,III B Intro grp theory B+ Intro linear alg A+ Intro complex variab C- Intro Discrete Math B Adv Linear alg C Methods of analysis A Intro to abstr algb C Intro real analysis C+ Mod eucl & noneucl I,II A- Intro real analysis C+ Intro diff geometry B+ Abstract algebra C+ [/TD] [TD][/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Econ Courses(Grad-level)[/TD] [TD]Statistical Method A Microeconomics A- (Taking now, expecting A-to A) Macroeconomics International Trade Econometrics Game Theory (Taking in Fall) International Monetary Environmental Economics Adv International Trade Public Finance [/TD] [TD][/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Letters of Recommendation[/TD] [TD]Academic Dean/Former State Dept economist (Strong) Researcher at a DC-based think tank whom I worked for during internship(Mediocre) (Still looking for one more)[/TD] [TD][/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Research Experience[/TD] [TD]Two Chinese local EPA Internships DC-based think tank Internship [/TD] [TD][/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Teaching Experience[/TD] [TD]GTA at first M.A. school (EAS courses)[/TD] [TD][/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Research Interests[/TD] [TD]Public Finance, International Monetary, Environmental Economics[/TD] [TD][/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] Concerns: My undergrad credential is simply abysmal--too many bad decisions made due to my naivete. How much would my undergrad grades hurt my chances? How much would my MA grades help? Should I reuse my old GRE scores? Comments: What I want from this post is to get a general sense of where I would most likely be admitted to. Right now my mind says somewhere around Penn State (~top 30), but my body says Cornell/Brown/Rochester(top-15 to top-20) :distracted:. Nevertheless, these are just my unrealistic, irrational guesses. I would really like to get my foot planted so I can plan my application strategy accordingly. Thanks in advance, cheers!
  11. The recent news about Duflo/Banerjee/Kremer has made me really interested in doing development economics (my goal would be to participate in the impact evaluations/RCTs done by J-PAL/IPA/Etc). The thing is, I graduated 2 years ago with a B.A. in International Affairs (at a top school in the field). I took very minimal econ/quant coursework (Calc I, Stats I, Intro to Micro, Intro to Macro, Int'l Econ). This doesn't seem to be enough to get into most masters programs (even less for PhDs). Does anyone know of any well known programs that have a qualifyng year (or a bridging program of that nature)? Right now I think my best bet would be to get into Sciences Po's International Economic Policy program (which has no quantitative requirements) and use it to get into my dream program, PSE's Public Policy and Development Masters. Getting that PPD masters would let me advance into a real econ PhD with PSE. Does my plan make sense? Do any of you have a better idea of what I could do?
  12. Given past profiles and my results from last year I know that whatI’m missing is research experience. However, I have had a difficulttime finding work as a research assistant given that I’ve nowgraduated without research experience (I worked throughout collegeamong other things) and find myself in a weird trap of seeminglyneeding more research experience to get a job as a researchassistant. So, given thiscircular trap, I am wondering what my options, if any, there are toescaping? Normally most would recommend an internship but since Igraduated all those are out as most require you to be a student. Asfor assistant jobs, I’ve interviewed twice and rejected once due tolack of research experience and once due to lack of background in banking(which I guess is just experience). That leaves me with,to my knowledge, going after a master’s that has a thesis built-inor attempting to self-publish some research. So are there otheroptions I am unaware of or any suggestions for finding RA work? Any suggestions or advice is welcome! Also, here is myprofile if it helps… PROFILE: Typeof Undergrad: BS Economics, BA US history, minor in math from top 50Econ. University UndergradGPA: 3.67 Typeof Grad: N/A GradGPA: N/A GRE:165/162/5.0 Q/V/AW MathCourses: Calc I-III (A), Dif-equations (A), Linear Algebra (A), Introto proofs ©, Adv. Calc. (B+), intro to stats (B+), probabilitytheory (A), Real Analysis I (B+), Topology ©, Experimental Stats(A), Mathematical stats (A), stochastic processes (A), EconCourses: 3.9 overall… courses of note: Regression analysis (A),Econometrics(A), Adv. Macro (A) OtherCourses: Intro to C++, intro to java, Lettersof Recommendation: ResearchExperience: none TeachingExperience: 1 year teaching middle/high school (student teacher).Helped write an online course. Currentlydeveloper for upcoming economics textbook. ResearchInterests: public policy, energy,education Other: analmost complete teaching license/certificate (3 credits short)
  13. Hi All: I'm trying to see what math classes I'll be taking in my MA program from next summer, and was hoping somebody can point me in the right direction... Already planning to take: - Calculus IV - Intro to Linear Algebra - Intro to Advanced Mathematics - Elementary Probability & Statistics - Intro to Real Analysis - Topology - Combinatorial Mathematics I can take 2 more math classes (will do MA for 3 years to prepare well for RA and PhD)... could you please help me choose from the following? - Intro to Abstract Algebra - Linear Programming (is this redundant from Econometrics?) - Principles of Analysis (I and II for 2 semesters) - Complex Analysis (I see that others have taken this in the past) - Probability I have Economic Theory research interests so I would like to have an excellent mathematical preparation... thank you!
  14. I would really appreciate it if someone could give me a realistic take on admissions possibilities here. I know that I want to do research and teach. Type of Undergrad: Liberal arts college: Honors Economics, Mathematics, Philosophy Minor (probably top 30? LAC) Undergrad GPA: Overall 3.98, Math 4.0, Econ lower than overall Type of Grad: N/A Grad GPA: N/A GRE: 169Q,170V,4.5W Math: Calc I and II in HS, Calc III, Linear Algebra, Differential Equations, Intro to Proofs, Real Analysis, Abstract Algebra, Probability, Math Stats, a ML course focused on language, Advanced Multivariate Calculus. I got an A in all my math classes. Econ: Intro Micro, Intro Macro, Micro Theory (A-), Macro Theory, Intro Metrics, Advanced International Macro, Advanced Macro (a ts forecasting class), Labor (A-),Math Econ. All classes A’s or A+’s except for the ones noted. Other Courses: Intro Programming, some Poli Sci stuff Recommendations: I’ve asked one prof, haven’t asked another yet, but I think at least two very good ones. Research Experience: Wrote a Honors Thesis. Research Interests: Macro/Monetary. Maybe a bit of theoretical IO or Health. Concerns: I didn’t go to a top school for undergrad. My research experience is also pretty sparse. Other: At the school I went to, I won the award for both top Economics and top Mathematics graduating major. Applying to: Was hoping for top 10, would still be very happy to get into top 20.
  15. Hi all, I've posted on here a couple times, but as I've finished up my undergraduate studies for the most part, my profile now is about what it would be at the time of applying. I plan to apply in a couple of years to UK and Canadian Master's programs, namely Oxford, LSE, Cambridge, UBC, and Toronto. Undergrad: Top-75 Econ (According to US News) Degree: BS Math and Econ (double major) Overall GPA: 3.86 (Summa Cum Laude at my university) Econ Courses: Intro Micro and Macro (A, A), Intermediate Micro and Macro with Calculus (A-, A-), Econometrics (A), Mathematical Economics (A), International Trade (A), Game Theory (A), Financial Econ (A), Econ Development (A-), Econ Proseminar (A) Math Courses: Calc 1-3 (AP, A, A), Intro Stats with Calculus (A-), Linear Algebra (A), Intro to Proofs (B+), ODE (A-), Real Analysis I (A), PDE (B+), Numerical Analysis (A), Math Logic (A), Complex Analysis (A), Math Modeling (A) GRE: haven’t taken, but high 160s Q and mid-low 160s V on practice tests On top of this, a one year internship with the Economic research division of a quasi-government organization doing a lot of analyst type work. My main concern is a lack of solid Letters of Recommendation, so I felt the masters degree approach might be more appropriate than going straight to a PhD. What would my chances be for these programs and what are my chances for fundings?
  16. Hi guys, it would be really nice if any of you could share your opinions! Applying to: Columbia, NYU, UMD, BU, BC, Penn State, UVa, UW-Seattle, USC(southern cali), Gtown, Rice, UCSB, U of Kentucky, CUNY, Northeastern PROFILE: Type of Undergrad: Small LAC Undergrad GPA: 3.83/4.0 Major: Mathematics, Economics Minor: Computer Science (but does not show on my transcript) GRE: Q: 168, V:154, W:4.0 Math Courses: Multivariable Calculus (A) Discrete Mathematics (A) Linear Algebra (A, but taken during a summer at a CC) Probability and Statistics 1 (A) Real Analysis (A) Econ Courses: Intro Micro (A-) Intro Macro (A) Intermediate Micro (A) Intermediate Macro (W, taking it again right now and will get an A most likely) Econometrics (A) Computer Science Courses: Intro to Comp Sci 1,2 (A) (A-) Data Structures and Problem Solving (A-) Computer Organization and Architecutre (A-) Theoretical Foundation of Computer Science (A-) Other Courses: General Chemistry w/ Lab (A) Intro to Physics (A-) Current Courses: Analysis of Algorithms, Intermediate Macro, Law and Economics, Research Letters of Recommendation: Expect two of them to be pretty strong and one to be decent. Research Experience: - Collaborative Research with two professors as a co-author (Summer research grant). Currently a working paper and submitted for EEA Conference in next year. Teaching Experience: TA for Econometrics, Tutor for various courses (computer science, mathematics, economics) Research Interests: Macro, Econometrics, Game Theory
  17. Hello, I thought that I would post this question here, as I feel the question would have the greatest probability of being answered in this forum. I have been preparing to apply to a Finance PhD program for probably 7 years now. After getting my MBA (state school) and working as a portfolio accountant for about a year, I became a high school math teacher and for the past 6-7 years have taken math courses during the summers at various universities. I have taken cal 1-3 (A,A,B) , linear algebra (B) , ordinary dif eq (C - I know this isnt so good), intro to partial dif eq (B), intro to math proofs (A), intro to real analysis (A), intro to (calculus based) probability (A), mathematical statistics (A), PhD level Microecomic Theory I (T100 state school. We covered optimization, Kuhn - Tucker conditions, equilibrium etc. - We used the Varian grad text) (A), and I have worked on a project as a research assistant for a finance professor (T150 State School). At this point, I feel like my profile is mostly pretty decent, and I am just preparing for the GMAT at this point. So far in my prep, I am getting pretty close to the 700 mark. My two most recent practice tests (MGMT CAT and GMAT Prep) gave me 690 (Q47 V 38) I realize that 700 is usually a cutoff score, but I also know that in finance there is often a pretty high quant cut-off. I see myself having a difficult time getting my quant up to Q50-51, but I feel that Q48-49 is attainable/realistic. My question to anyone who feels confident answering is as follows : will a 700 GMAT with Q48-49 get me desk rejected at a T100 program? My research interests are aligned to empirical corporate finance/corporate governance, but I am also open to behavioral finance (although I know it is rare to find professors who specialize in behavioral finance outside T30). I plan on applying to about 26 programs in the Top 100 including Arkansas, Oklahoma, Missouri, LSU, Tennessee etc. Also any additional input aside from GMAT Quant would be greatly welcomed. Thanks so much.
  18. Type of Undergrad: Non-PhD-granting State School Undergrad GPA: 3.91 / 4.00 (4.00 Econ, 3.97 Math) GRE: 161V / 170Q / 5.0AW Math Courses: Intro to Stats (A), Calculus I (AP credit), Calculus II (A), Calculus III (A), Intro to Higher Math (A), Intro to Linear Algebra (A), Intro to Numerical Methods (A), Intro to ODEs (A), Intermediate Probability / Stats (A+), Intro to Analysis (A-), Intro to Topology (A-), Intro to Real Analysis I (A), Probability Theory (A+), Intro to Real Analysis II (A), Elementary Stochastic Processes (A) Econ Courses: Intermediate Micro Theory (A), Intermediate Macro Theory (A), Money and Banking (A), Mathematical Economics (A), Open Economy Macro (A), Graduate Micro Theory (A), Graduate Macro Theory (A), Graduate Econometrics II (A) Other Courses: Some CS courses in Python, Java. I will have completed a BBA with Finance and Accounting courses. Letters of Recommendation: Two very good letters from economists at my school (one was my advisor through the applications process and helped me pick schools); One great letter from the Math department head with whom I have had five classes. Research Experience: None. Teaching Experience: None. Research Interests: Experimental Economics, Behavioral Economics, Econometrics, Micro Theory SOP: General. Explains that I challenged UG and first-semester Econometrics to take the one I have credit for. Other: Obviously my lack of research experience is suboptimal. I started taking math/econ courses late. I have finished my grad school applications. I am interested to see where people would place me based on what I wrote here. The schools I applied to are weighted heavily toward programs strong in Experimental Economics and Econometrics. If there is sufficient interest, I will post results in the spring, or link this thread to my Profiles/Results post. I am curious to see how accurate people on this forum are in predicting placements; hopefully people hop on board!
  19. Hello friends, I'm a rising 4th year international student for Southeast Asia and would be applying for a masters program. I would like to ask you guys on your opinion on what are the best European or Canadian masters for applied microeconomics, especially on labour, public and health economics, that have good funding prospects. My ultimate goal after doing a masters program is to have a decent shot for T10s in the US. Here is my profile: Type of Undergrad: Top University in Southeast Asia Undergrad Major: Economics Undergrad GPA: 4.9/5 GRE: Not yet taken Math Courses: Calculus (A), Multivariable Calculus (A-), Linear Algebra I (A+), Probability (A), Analysis I-II (A, A+), Plan to take: Linear Algebra II, Stochastic Processes and Nonlinear Programming Econ Courses: Intro (A-), Quant Methods (A-), Micro I-III (A-, A, A+), Macro I-II (A, A+), Econometrics Intro and I-III (A+, A+, A+, A+), IO (A), Programming Tools for Economics (A+), Applied Econometrics (A+), Game Theory (A+), Health Economics (A+), Plan to take: Grad Micro I, Grad Math Econs I, Macro III, Thesis Research Experience: A little more than 1 year experience as RA for an Econs AP. Will be doing a thesis next academic year.
  20. PROFILE: Type of Undergrad: Top 50 LAC Undergrad GPA: 3.83/4.0 Major: Mathematics, Economics Minor: Computer Science (but does not show on my transcript) GRE: Q: 168, V:155 Math Courses: Multivariable Calculus (A) Discrete Mathematics (A) Linear Algebra (A, but taken during a summer at a CC) Probability and Statistics 1 (A) Real Analysis (A) Econ Courses: Intro Micro (A-) Intro Macro (A) Intermediate Micro (A) Intermediate Macro (W, but will take it again this fall with my advisor) Econometrics (A-) Independent Study (A) Computer Science Courses: Intro to Comp Sci 1,2 (A) (A-) Data Structures and Problem Solving (A-) Computer Organization and Architecutre (A-) Theoretical Foundation of Computer Science (A-) Other Courses: General Chemistry w/ Lab (A) Intro to Physics (A-) Letters of Recommendation: 2 from professors that I will be doing research with this summer (expect to be strong) 1 from professor from Comp Sci department (expect to be semi-strong) Research Experience: -Spending this semester doing Independent Study which is basically like a RA -Going to do Student-Faculty Collaborative Research in the summer with two of my professors mentioned above, and it will most likely going to be under review at journals by the time of application deadlines but is feasible to be published (top 50 Journals) and, if published, I will be listed as co-author Teaching Experience: Tutor at the "Quantitative" center at my school (Fall 2017 to present) Research Interests: N/A Applying: First Choice: BU, BC, Columbia(although this one is probably a very long shot) Others: University of Washington ,UVA, USC, Georgetown Safety: Don't know yet (recommendations will be appreciated ) Worries: Even though my letters from two of my professors are expected to be strong, but they are relatively unknown and both assistant professors at a small liberal arts school. Is it better to get an okay letter from a relatively well-known professor than a strong letter from a relatively unknown professor? I always thought the former would be better but please share your opinions! Any evaluations/input would be appreciated!
  21. I'm wondering how strong of a Quant background someone applying for an Accounting PhD should have for a T-15 school? I've taken the GRE, and by quant score was 169. In my undergrad, I've taken Intro Calc, Linear Algebra, Intro Statistics, and Multivariable Calculus. As for Economics courses, I've taken intro, intermediate and advanced microeconomics, intermediate macroeconomics, economic analysis of law, econometrics and labour economics. Before I apply for PhD programs, I will be pursuing a masters of economics program, so I will have some graduate level economics courses, and can take extra math courses if my quant background is too weak. Does this quant profile look too weak for an Accounting PhD application, or is it about average?
  22. PROFILE: Type of Undergrad: Small LAC Undergrad GPA: 3.84/4.0 Major: Mathematics, Economics Minor: Computer Science (but does not show on my transcript) GRE: Q: 168, V:155 Math Courses: Multivariable Calculus (A) Discrete Mathematics (A) Linear Algebra (A, but taking during a summer at a CC) Probability and Statistics 1 (A) Real Analysis (A) Econ Courses: Intro Micro (A-) Intro Macro (A) Intermediate Micro (A) Intermediate Macro (A-) Econometrics (A) Computer Science Courses: Intro to Comp Sci 1,2 (A) (A-) Data Structures and Problem Solving (A-) Computer Organization and Architecutre (A-) Theoretical Foundation of Computer Science (A-) Other Courses: General Chemistry w/ Lab (A) Intro to Physics (A-) Letters of Recommendation: 2 from professors that I will be doing research with this summer (expect to be strong) 1 from professor from Comp Sci department (expect to be semi-strong) Research Experience: Spending this semester doing Independent Study which is basically like a RA Going to do Student-Faculty Collaborative Research in the summer with two of my professors mentioned above, and it is feasible to be published (top 50 Journals) and, if published, I will be listed as co-author Teaching Experience: Tutor at the "Quantitative" center at my school (Fall 2017 to present) Research Interests: N/A Applying: Reach: Columbia, NYU, Duke, Brown, UCLA Range: Boston College/Univ, Penn State, UVA, University of Washington, USC, Georgetown Safety: Don't know yet (recommendations will be appreciated :)) Worries: Even though my letters from two of my professors are expected to be strong and in favor, but they are relatively unknown and both assistant professors at a small liberal arts school. Is it better to get an okay letter from a relatively well-known professor than a strong letter from a relatively unknown professor? I always thought the former would be better but please share your opinions! Any evaluations/input would be appreciated!:)
  23. Hi guys, thinking about reapplying. I'm still waiting for a couple of results, but I'm not so confident anymore. 0a/1w/5r + 2 implicit. I think I overshot my chances (applied to a mix of ranked 1 ~ 70 with a goal of something between 20 ~ 30), but I'm not quite sure. Type of Undergrad: Mathematics & Business (120 ~ 130 ranked undergrad) Undergrad GPA: 3.88 GRE (V / Q / AW): 162 / 161 / 4.5 (hoping to improve GRE to 166+ next time.) Math Courses: 1st Year Calc series, Multi Calc Series (All A's), Linear Algebra Sequence (A, -A, A), Probability Courses (A, A), Ordinary Differential Equation (A-, one in progress), Topology (All A's), Intro to Complex Analysis, (A), Game Theory (in progress), Advanced Calculus (A-, one in progress), Intro to CS (A) Econ Courses: Intro + Intermediate Micro/Macro (All 4 A's), Intro to Econometrics (A), Industrial Organization (A), International Trade (A) Teaching Experience: No in-class experience. But I was a reader/ out-of-class TA for a business professor for 2 quarters Research Experience: No publications. Math research that's more related to CS. Was a RA for a business professor a couple of years. Research Interest: Economic History. Developmental Economics. Concerns: Non-Econ major. Low GRE score, hope to fix this next time around. I took it once without studying for it. Underestimated the time crunch I guess. SOP quality. 2/3 letters from Economic professors. The third is from a math professor. UC Davis is my goal. Do I have a chance if I up my GRE? What can I do during my one year of break?
  24. Hello all, I'm beginning to apply to Canadian masters programs and thought it would be beneficial to get your input on my profile. School: Public university unknown/non-ranked econ dept with no phd program in Canada Degree: B.Sc. honours (economics) UGPA: 80% PGPA: likely mid 80s Math courses: Calc | (80) calc || (96) linear alg | (84) intro to proofs (78) mathematical finance | & || (71,82) Euclidean geometry (91) registered in differential equations and linear algebra || next semester stats courses: intro econometrics (100) intro to statistics (80) empirical economics (74) econ courses: intermediate macro (88) intermediate micro (80) advanced macro (90) advanced micro (94) math econ (91) various other econ electives with grades mostly in the 80s, a seminar course with a research component (88) Letters of recommendation: 3 from econ PhDs (from good Canadian departments) who know me well Work experience: internship in public policy, co-authored a major research report that got some media attention in my province Applying to: Queens, SFU, UBC, U of Calgary, Western (MFE not MA), McMaster, Carleton, Guelph, U of T (MA and possibly MFE), York, Wilfrid laurier, ryerson I would appreciate any feedback on programs i am likely to get into, or not, or any suggestions on further places to apply. Thanks for any feedback
  25. I'm here to gain advice on my study approach to the GMAT. I've been out of college for 11 years. Graduated with a Bio, Chem, PreVet Med degree in under 3 years. Fresh out of college I accepted a job in finance and have been there ever since. I've been trying to make the crossover to Wealth Management and have been pigeon holed. So I'm going back to school to add to my tool belt. I understand it will be a long process sharpening my knowledge of the basics and what's required for the GMAT but any recommendations to study regimen and or materials would be appreciated. Twinsplitter and Ursula are the reason I joined this forum, and wanted to find updated information for my doing well on the GMAT. Thank you and look forward to being apart of your posts!! Driven
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