As far as I know, not many schools require us to upload the course outlines of relevant courses. Also, it is not always the case that schools give us a spreadsheet to indicate textbooks/contents of the coursework. Although I am sure we can emphasise the rigor of courses somewhere in our application, how can we signal ourselves EFFECTIVELY? I mean: how can we increase the probability that Adcom really understand our coursework without official course outlines? (I think for spreadsheet of coursework, Adcom cannot always know even if somebody lies.)
It is especially true for international applicants studying in an international school with non-conventional course titles.
Examples in my school:
- Foundation of Morden Math --> Intro to Proof
- Stochastic Calculus --> Measure Theory + Stochastic calculus
- Quantitative Methods in Derivatives --> Stochastic calculus/Stochastic Differential Equation
- Empirical Finance --> Financial Econometrics
Indeed, these course titles are not wrong, but just fail to (fully) highlight their rigor. Any suggestion?