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GRADE MY ESSAY please.. same essay written differently

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“Companies are never justified in employing young children, even if the children’s family would benefit from the income”..



Discuss the extend to which you agree or disagree with the opinion stated above. Support your views with reasons and/or from examples from your own experience observations or readings.




I agree that the companies should not employ young children even though the income benefits the children’s families. Today’s children are tomorrow’s citizens and they should have education and wisdom to rule the nation. I support that child labor should be abolished and let the young children get educated so that they can blossom into well rounded individuals of the world.



Education should be the significant part of children’s lives. At young age, children’s first priority should be going to school and participate in all kinds of school activities and field trips. If children are employed at that age, they will miss out the opportunity of learning. Studies show that the children who are employed at that age will end up doing the same job for life.



Child labor is immoral and unethical. Children are manipulated and exploited by the companies. The children perform trivial repetitive tasks better than even adults, yet they are paid very little. Even though children’s poverty-stricken families benefit from these menial incomes, one would wonder at what cost. Children’s innocence and their zest for life are stolen when they become employees at the young age.



United Nations has advocated that child labor should be abolished globally. But, it is discouraging to note that it still exists in under-developed countries. Children are treated sub humanly by the companies. Children are very young to stand up for themselves; as a result they are abused and exploited. The UN should step in and enforce the rights of these children and encourage the countries to provide financial support for these poor families, so that the young rustic minds will blossom into beautiful minds of the world.



In my conclusion, I add that the children are precious and they are the citizens of tomorrow. They have to have education, enjoy and explore the world at that age, not employed and earn the bread for their families. It is immoral and heart breaking.



----- Senthamarais -----



List of pros and cons each side. (old one)



Argument is Favor:


Child labor is not allowed by law and by UN – cause all companies would do it and forces the products prices down



Child miss out their education when they are need to be taught and childhood life.



Child’s labor are produces poor quality work and need to be taught extensively in order to the job.



Childs are too young to choose a career.







Provides income for the family.



Child learns a trade at young age.



Families expense would be lower to bring up the child. – education, travel, room and board




Pros position assumes that child labor will not have a quality workmanship and not allowed by international law cause all other companies do it…


cons position assumes that globalization have a significant impact on child labor to cut cost.



Future cons:


Pro assumes that all kids may not enter the work force early age. Kids will have fewer skills.


Cons assumes that kids enter work force earlier..






#1 Kids may not have many skills when they start young. Child labor is not allowed by law and by UN – cause all companies would do it and forces the products prices down




#3 Jobs of the future are likely global in scope require many skills to do it. Child miss out their education when they are need to be taught and childhood life.



#2 less paid over worked Childrens – immoral and unthical.



#4 Childs are too young to choose a career.



#5. Childrens can not make their own decision. They are being manipulated and forced to be a bread winner like an adult for the family.










Should companies never justified in employing kids even if the employment benefit the child’s family?. Should the child’s income benefit the family?. I strongly agree that companies should not hire child labor for the following reasons.



First, children is not allowed to work by many developed country law and the child require to be at least 18 years of age or over, grown up, in the job market. However, If one company does it then that company can make their product cheaper than other competition. It has a ripple impact in the maket by lowering the price of the goods and demand drops if too much of these products made cheaper. Therefore, This impact to the market is internationally recognized and therefore the child laboring is made as a crime as one of many reasons. For example, Even UN has adopted a law internationally to all the countries to follow which clearly states that the child labor is prohibited. Countries enforce the company to follow the international law.


The second reason is that even if the company hires a child to do the work. The child requires extensive amount of training to do good quality work. Usually, Child labor produces poor quality of work and they need to be taught extensively in order to the job. Children makes causes accident in the work environment. Even though, the child labor is used in the garment industry as an underground economy in poor countries. However, most companies avoid using the child labor in case if it becomes tv or radio reporter for publicity events. For example, Well established companies have their garment manufacturing branches in south America for cheaper labor than in USA and they also use child labor. When the public game to know about this activity then the demand of all their brand products gone down. That company will go bankrupt if their sales are down.



The third reason is the education is number one priority at that young age. Without education, a child never becomes as a whole person when they grow up and miss out the real life when they grow up.


jobs of the future likely be global in scope which require many skills to be competitive by each employees. The companies can not afford to train all these skills and it is better for the companies to hire the skilled labor. Therefore, the Child needs to be educated and obtain all the necessary skills at the age of studying and the joy of learning in their childhood life. For example, when the child misses their school at that young age then it would be harder for them to learn when they grow up.



On the other hand, the child labor benefits that family with extra income which they could use for expenses. The family expense for that child will be lower in terms of traveling, educating them so on. Additionally, the child learns a routine simple trade at that young age which may not be beneficial in the future. Therefore, educating the child at that age and learning the skills would benefit more in the future.



Finally, the companies are never fully benefited or justified in employing young children.

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