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Researchers studying how genes


control animal behavior have had


to deal with many uncertainties. In

Line the first place, most behaviors are

(5) governed by more than one gene,


and until recently geneticists had no


method for identifying the multiple


genes involved. In addition, even


when a single gene is found to control

(10) a behavior, researchers in different


fields do not necessarily agree that it is


a “behavioral gene.” Neuroscientists,


whose interest in genetic research is to


understand the nervous system (which

(15) generates behavior), define the term


broadly. But ethologists—specialists


in animal behavior—are interested


in evolution, so they define the term


narrowly. They insist that mutations in

(20) a behavioral gene must alter a specific


normal behavior and not merely make


the organism ill, so that the genetically


induced behavioral change will provide


variation that natural selection can act

(25) upon, possibly leading to the evolution


of a new species. For example, in the


fruit fly, researchers have identified


the gene Shaker, mutations in which


cause flies to shake violently under

(30) anesthesia. Since shaking is not


healthy, ethologists do not consider

Shaker a behavioral gene. In contrast,


ethologists do consider the gene

period (per), which controls the fruit

(35) fly’s circadian (24-hour) rhythm, a


behavioral gene because files with


mutated per genes are healthy; they


simply have different rhythms.




The passage suggests that neuroscientists would most likely consider Shaker to be which of the following?


A. An example of a behavioral gene


B. One of multiple genes that control a single behavior


C. A gene that, when mutated, causes an alteration in a specific normal behavior without making the organism ill


D. A gene of interest to ethologists but of no interest to neuroscientists


E. A poor source of information about the nervous system






It can be inferred from the passage that which of the following, if true, would be most likely to influence ethologists’ opinions about whether a particular gene in a species is a behavioral gene?


A. The gene is found only in that species.

B. The gene is extremely difficult to identify.


C. The only effect of mutations in the gene is to make the organism ill.


D. Neuroscientists consider the gene to be a behavioral gene.


E. Geneticists consider the gene to be a behavioral gene.




The primary purpose of the passage is to


A. summarize findings in an area of research


B. discuss different perspectives on a scientific question


C. outline the major questions in a scientific discipline


D. illustrate the usefulness of investigating a research topic


E. reconcile differences between two definitions of a term




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