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Please rate my essay below.This is my first attempt at writing an issue-based essay


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"Originality does not mean thinking something that was never thought before; it means putting old ideas together in new ways."


In an era where technology has extended it's realms surprising human beings, a question arrises as to how many more inventions can we make?How

many more new ideas can we create?The definition of originality is creation of new ideas.So how long can we attain originality in our work?This

question is not only limited to scientific inventions but also to many other areas like fashion, movies, music etc.

The invention of new mobiles has been phenomenal for some time now.But mobiles are actually a betterrment of telephones.Had telephones not been

invented byAlexander Graham Bell, may be we would not have thought about mobiles. After telephone's invention, people asked for communication

everywhere, resulting in creation of mobile phones.Thus even though the concept of mobile phones seems original, it was actually created by using the

concept of telephone to provide us with a mobile network.

In music industry, remixes of old songs are very common. These are nothing but putting old songs in a new light. Here there has been a lot of criticism

by the original composers of the songs, arguing that they are ruining their songs.But these new songs gain popularity with the new generation.Thus if the

remixes are created by not just adding beats, but by giving some new beats along with some new lyrics, then we can have another new song.

But originality has also stemmed another word i.e inspiration.Everybody is inspired by other's works.In fashion industry we have often heard about

designers being accused of copying other's works.Here, they claim that their designs were simply inspired by other's designs. But here the word

inspiration cannot be used. If the design is simply a copy of other's design and only the colors are changed, then the accused's designs are definitely not

original.Putting old ideas in a new way does not only mean changing colors (in case if fashion industry) or adding 2 or 3 beats here and there (in case of

music industry), it means to improve the idea and present it in one's own style thereby creating a new idea altogether so that others can also draw

inspirations from it. Thus in this way a new idea is created thereby resulting in some originality.

Originality is basically always thought of as thinking something that was never thought before, but in today's age, since we are moving so fast ahead,

maybe we have to sit and ponder on the older ideas and put them in a new light or improve them, thereby creating newer technologies and newer

ideas, to widen our horizons and to never stop thinking.


Please tell me if you think any more ideas can be added. Thnks in advance.:)

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