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1186. MAGNIFICENT adj. splendid; grand; lavish; outstanding.

1187. MAGNIFY v. to enlarge; amplify; glorify; intensify.

1188. MAIM v. to disable by wounding; mutilate; impair.

1189. MALEVOLENT adj. wishing harm to others; malicious.

1190. MALICIOUS adj. intending harm; spiteful

1191. MALIGN v. to speak ill of; defame

1192. MANIFESTATION n. a demonstration; revealed form; display.

1193. MANSION n. a large stately house

1194. MANUSCRIPT n. a handwritten or unpublished work

1195. MARE n. a female horse.

1196. MARGIN n. a bordering space or edge; limit; allowance

1197. MARITIME adj. located near the sea; concerned with shipping.

1198. MARTYR a. one who sacrifices himself for a cause.

1199. MASSACRE n. indiscriminate and large scale killing.

1200. MASSIVE adj. very large; heavy; substantial

1201. MATURE adj. fully grown or developed; ripe; complete.

1202. MEAGER adj. scanty; lean; inadequate

1203. MEDDLE v. interfere; intrude

1204. MEDIATE v. to help settle differences; intervene

2205. MEDICATION n. a medicine; treatment; remedy.

1206. MEDIOCRE adj. average; ordinary; commonplace.

1207. MEEK adj submissive; humble; not aggressive

1208. MELANCHOLIC adj. gloomy; depressed.

1209. MELANCHOLY n. depression; gloominess; sadness

1210. MELLOW adj. mature; soft and ripe; gentle; relaxed

1211 MELODIOUS adj. pleasing to the ear; musical; tuneful

1212. MEMO n a note; memorandum; written communication.

1213. MENACE n. a threat; a harmful thing or person

1214. MEND v. to fix; repair; improve.

1215. MENIAL adj. servile; lowly

1216. MENTOR n. wise counselor; teacher.

1217. MERCHANT n. one who buys and sells goods; a shopkeeper.

1218. MERCY n. compassion; leniency; forgiveness

1219. MERGE v. to blend together; unite; be absorbed

1220. MERIT n. worthiness; value.

1221. METAPHORICAL adj. figuratively; not literal

1222. METEORIC adj. swift and brilliant; like a shooting star.

1223. METICULOUS adj. extremely careful; fastidious.

1224. MIDGET n. a very small person; miniature version.

1225. MIGRANT n. person or animal which moves to other areas.

1226. MILEAGE n. distance in miles; traveling allowance.

1227. MINGLE v. to mix; blend; combine; associate.

1228. MINIMIZE v. to belittle; reduce; lessen; depreciate.

1229. MINUTE adj. vet small; tiny; insignificant

1230. MIRTH n. gladness; lightheartedness; gaiety; hilarity.

1231. MISCELLANEOUS adj. mixed; diversified; varied; heterogeneous.

1232. MISCHIEVOUS adj. causing trouble; annoying; teasing; playful

1233. MISERLY adj. stingy; tending to hoard wealth

1234. MISPLACE v. to put in the wrong place; lose; bestow wrongly

1235. MISSILE n. a weapon or object hurled through the air

1236. MISSION n. a duty; charge or special service; function.

1238. MODULATE v. to adjust; regulate; temper; vary.

1239. MOLEST v. to disturb; interfere; attack sexually.

1240. MONARCHY n. a government with a hereditary ruler.

1241. MONOTONOUS adj. unvarying; boring; tediously uniform; dull.

1242. MONSTROUS adj. grotesquely abnormal; outrageous; huge

1243. MONUMENTAL adj. imposing; enormous; notable.

1244. MOODY adj. gloomy; uneasy; sullen; emotionally inconstant. 1245. MOOT adj. debatable; unresolved

1246. MORALE n. level of confidence, courage and discipline

1247. MORALITY a. virtue; concept of right and wrong; ethics.

1248. MOROSE adj. sullen; gloomy.

1249. MORSEL n. a small piece of something; a bite of food

1250. MORTAL adj. subject to death; human; deadly; fatal

1251. MOTIF n. recurrent thematic element

1252. MUGGY adj. hot and humid

1253 MUMBLE v. to speak indistinctly; mutter.

1254. MURAL n. a large painting done on a wall

1255. MUSEUM n. an exhibition building.

1256. MUSTER v. to assemble; gather.

1257. MUTE adj. unable to talk or vocalize; silent; not speaking.

1258. MUTILATE v. to disfigure; maim; damage

1259. MUTUAL adj. reciprocal; shared

1260. MYSTERIOUS adj. unexplainable; obscure; enigmatic; puzzling; occult

1261. MYTHICAL adj. imaginary; fictitious; legendary.


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