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438. DANGEROUS adj. not safe; hazardous; perilous

439. DANGLE v. to hung loosely; suspend

440. DANK adj. damp and chilly; moist

441. DAUNT v. to intimidate; dishearten.

442. DEARTH n. scarcity; famine

443. DEBACLE n. disaster; sudden collapse; complete failure.

444. DEBATABLE adj. questionable; subject to doubt; in dispute.

445. DEBTOR n. one who owes money or something else.

446. DECADE n. a period often years; a group of ten

447. DECADENCE n. decay; deterioration in art or morals; period of decline.

448. DECEASED adj. no longer alive; deadly

449. DECEIVE v. to mislead; delude; betray; cheat; beguile.

450. DECENT adj. respectable; ethical; proper; modest

451. DECIPHER v. to translate a code; find the meaning of

452. DECISIVE adj. conclusive; firm unmistakable; determined; crucial

453. DECOMPOSE v. to decay; break down into parts; disintegrate

454. DECORATE v. to embellish; adorn; give a medal of honor to.

455. DECORATIVE adj. ornamental; adding beauty.

456. DECOROUS adj. proper; seemly.

457. DECREPIT adj. worn out by old age.

458. DEDICATE v. to devote or set aside something; commit

459. DEDICATED adj. devoted; committed to something.

460. DEDUCE v. to arrive at by reasoning, slander.

461. DEFAME v. to dishonor; malign; slander.

462. DEFECTION n. desertion; ad of leaving a group or cause.

463. DEFECTIVE adj. imperfect; faulty; damaged

464. DEFERENCE n. respect; courteous submission

465. DEFIANT adj. resisting; challenging; not submissive.

466. DEFICIENT adj. inadequate; imperfect; incomplete; lacking.

467. DEFILE v. to corrupt; befoul

468. DEFLECT v. to turn aside.

469. DEFORM v. to disfigure; distort; misshape.

410. DEGENERATE v. to deteriorate; become worse.

471. DEGRADE v. to reduce in rank or degree; lower; debase; disparage.

472. DELEGATE v. to entrust with authority; send as a representative

473. DELETE v. to erase; omit; take out

474. DELIBERATELY adv. intentionally; voluntarily.

475. DELINEATE v. to outline; portray.

476. DELINQUENT adj. falling in one’s obligations; overdue; an offender.

477. DELUDE v. to deceive; cheat

478. DELUGE n. a flood; overflow.

479. DELUSION n. deception; false belief

480. DEMARCATE v. to set boundaries.

481. DEMEAN v. to degrade; lower.

482. DEMEANOR n. bearing; behavior; manner.

483. DEMENTED adj. insane

484. DEMISE n. death.

485. DEMOLISH v. to destroy; pull down; ruin.

486. DEMURE adj. shy; reserved; modest

487. DENIGRATE v. to defame; blacken.

488. DENOTE v. to identify; designate; indicate.

489. DENOUNCE v. to condemn; criticize.

490. DEPART v. to go away; leave; deviate; die.

491. DEPENDENT adj. relying on another; conditional

492. DEPICT v. to portray; represent in a picture; describe.

493. DEPLETE v. to use up; exhaust; drain

494. DEPLORE v. to regret; lament

495. DEPOSE v. to remove from office or power.

496. DEPOSIT v. to put down; put in a safe spot; put in a bank

497. DEPRAVITY n. wickedness; perversity.

498. DEPRECIATE v. to lower in value.

499. DEPRESSED adj. dejected; sad; low an spirit

500. DEPRIVATION n. poverty; want; privation.

501. DERIDE v. to laugh at; ridicule; mock.

502. DERISION n. ridicule; mockery.

503. DESERT v. to abandon; forsake; leave

504. DESIGNATE v. to specify; point out; appoint; name; earmark

505. DESIRE v. to crave; long for; want.

506. DESOLATE adj. lonely; uninhabited; barren.

507. DESPICABLE adj. contemptible; looked down on; vile; hateful

508. DESPISE v. to look down upon; regard with contempt; scorn.

509. DESPOT n. autocratic ruler; tyrant

510. DESSERT n. a sweet served at the end of a meal; a treat

511. DESTITUTE adj. devoid; impoverished

512. DESTROY v. to demolish; ruin; put an end to; annihilate; eradicate.

513. DETACHED adj. impartial; aloof, separate.

514. DETAIN v. to hold back; delay; confine.

515. DETECT v. to find out; discover; discern

516. DETERIORATE v. to degenerate; lower in value; worsen; decay.

517. DETERMINE v. to find out; decide; resolve; ascertain.

518. DETERRENT n. something that prevents or discourages.

519. DETEST v. to strongly dislike; abhor; loathe

520. DETRACT v. to take away from; diminish; reduce.

521. DETRIMENTAL adj. harmful; injurious; causing damage.

522. DEVALUE v. to lower in value; lessen.

523. DEVASTATE v. to ruin; pillage.

524. DEVIATE v. to turn away from; digress; stray.

525. DEVIOUS adj. deviating from the usual; erring; cunning.

526. DEVISE v. to think up; concoct; invent; contrive.

527. DEVOID adj. lacking; destitute; empty; without

528. DEVOTED adj. dedicated; loyal; faithful; strongly attached

529. DEVOUR v. to eat greedily; consume; absorb; destroy.

530. DEXTERITY n. adroitness; skillfulness; skill

531. DIABOLIC adj. satanic; cruel

532. DIAGNOSIS n. a conclusion reached by analysis.

533. DIAGRAM n. a chart or plan; an explanatory drawing.

534. DICHOTOMY n. division into two parts; schism

535. DICTATE v. to command; prescribe; order.

536. DIFFIDENT adj. shy; timid

537. DIFFUSE adj. widely dispersed; verbose.

538. DIGEST v. to break down food in the body; think through.

539. DIGRESSION n. straying from the subject; deviation.

540. DILAPIDATED adj. broken down; in disrepair.

541. DILATE v. to expand; enlarge; widen.

542. DILIGENT adj. industrious; assiduous; hard working.

543. DILUTE v. to weaken by adding water; reduce in strength.

544. DIMINISH v. to make smaller; reduce; lessen.

545. DIMINUTIVE adj. tiny; small

546. DIPLOMACY n. tact; negotiating skill; skill in dealing with others.

547. DIRE adj. disastrous; dreadful

548. DISAPPOINTING adj. falling to meet expectations; less than hoped for.

549. DISASTER n. a catastrophe; calamity; total failure; cataclysm

550. DISBAND v. to dissolve a group; dismiss members; breakup.

551. DISCARD v. to throw away; cast off get rid of

552. DISCERN v. to perceive; distinguish; see

553. DISCIPLE n. a follower; a devotee of a movement

554. DISCLOSE v. to reveal; make known

555. DISCONCERT v. to upset; ruffle.

556. DISCORDANT adj. confiding; dissonant

557. DISCOVER v. to find something new; gain new knowledge

558. DISCRETION n. prudence; freedom of judgment

559. DISDAIN v. to despise; to consider unworthy.

560. DISEASED adj. unhealthy; sick; ill; disordered

561. DISGUISE v. to conceal the identity of; mask; misrepresent.

562. DISHONEST adj. tending to lie~ cheat or deceive.

563. DISINTEGRATE v. to fragment; decompose; break down into pails.

564. DISMAL adj. gloomy; dreary; depressing; cheerless.

565. DISORGANIZED adj. full of disorder; unorganized; confused

566. DISORIENTATION n. confusion; loss of direction

567. DISPARAGE v. to belittle, degrade.

568. DISPARATE adj. dissimilar; completely distinct 569. DISPARITY n. condition of being unequal; dissimilarity.

570. DISPASSIONATE adj. calm, impartial; unemotional

571. DISPENSE v. to distribute; deal out; administer; do without

572. DISPERSE v. to scatter; distribute widely; cause to vanish.

573. DISPLAY v. to show; exhibit; expose.

574. DISPUTE n. an argument; disagreement; debate; quarrel

575. DISROBE v. to remove clothing; undress

576. DISSECT v. to cut or separate into pieces; examine in detail

577. DISSEMINATE v. to disperse widely; promulgate.

578. DISSENT v. to disagree; differ.

579. DISSOLVE v. turn to liquid; melt; disunite; breakup.

580. DISSUADE v. to discourage; persuade against

581. DISTINCTIVE adj. different; distinguishable; characteristic.

582. DISTINGUISHABLE adj. recognizable; identifiable; perceivable.

583. DISTORT v. to twist out of shape; contort; misrepresent

584. DISTRACT v. to divert; cause to lose focus; confuse.

585. DISTRAUGHT adj. worried; crazes

586. DISTRESSING adj. painful; adverse; upsetting.

587. DIVERGENT adj. differing; drawing apart; deviating.

588. DIVERSE adj different; varied; not alike; dissimilar.

589. DIVIDE v. to separate; disjoin; disunite; distribute

590. DIVULGE v. to make known; disclose; tell; reveal

591. DOCILE adj. submissive; tradable; easily managed

592. DOCTRINAIRE adj. inflexibly devoted to certain principles; dogmatic

593. DOCUMENT v. to support with written evidence or reference~

594. DOCUMENT n. a written or official paper; written record

595. DOGMATIC adj. doctrinaire; over positive.

596. DOLEFUL adj. mournful; melancholy.

597. DOMESTIC adj. relating to home life or a country’s internal affair

598. DOMINANT adj. controlling; most powerful or important

599. DOMINEERING adj. overbearing; tyrannical; arrogant

600. DONATE v. to give as a gift; contribute; bestow.

601. DORMANT adj. inactive; temporarily quiescent; sleeping.

602. DOUBTFUL adj. questionable; unlikely; uncertain

603. DOZE v. to sleep lightly; nap; nod off

604. DRAMATIC adj. intensely interesting; striking; eventful

605. DREADFUL adj. horrible; frightfu1; terrible; shocking.

606. DREARY adj. gloomy; dismal; tedious; boring.

607. DRENCH v. to soak; saturate; wet thoroughly.

608. DROUGHT n. a long period without rain; a scarcity.

609. DROWSY adj. sleepy.

610. DUBIOUS adj. doubtful; questionable; undecided

611. DUMBFOUND v. to confuse; stun; surprise; amaze.

612. DUNGEON n. a dark underground cell; dark prison cell

613. DUPLICITY n. deception; hypocrisy.

614. DURABLE adj. long lasting; able to withstand wear.

615. DURATION n. the time during which something continues.

616. DURESS n. constraint by force or threat; coercion.

617. DUSK n. twilight; partial darkness.

618. DWINDLE v. to become less; decrease; diminish.


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