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1332. PACIFY v. to appease; restore calm make peaceful

1333. PACKAGE n. small wrapped bundle or box; container; parcel

1334. PACT n. an agreement; treaty; compact

1335. PALATABLE adj. acceptable; agreeable; sufficiently tasty; appetizing

1336. PALTRY adj. petty; trifling; insignificant

1337. PAMPHLET n. a booklet; brochure.

1338. PANIC n. a sudden attack of fear or terror.

1339. PARADIGM n. example; model

1340. PARADISE n. heaven; an ideal place of great beauty.

1341. PARADOX n. inexplicable problem; self-contradictory thing.

1342. PARALYZE v. to make unable to move; make inoperative

1343. PARAMOUNT adj. of foremost importance.

1344. PARAPHRASE v. to restate or summarize using other words

1345. PARASITE n. something that lives or feeds off another.

1346. PARDON v. to excuse; forgive; absolve

1347. PARTICIPATE v. to rake an active part; share or join an.

1348. PARTITION v. to divide.

1349. PASSAGE n. a means or ad of traveling; excerpt or segment

1350. PASSIVE adj. unresisting; not active; submissive.

1351. PASTORAL adj. pertaining to shepherds; rural

1352. PATHETIC adj. lamentable; sad; inadequate.

1353. PATIENCE n. the capacity to calmly wait or endure. 13S4. PATRIOT n. one who loves and defends his or her country.

1355. PATRON n. a benefactor; Supporter; regular customer.

1356. PAUCITY n. scarcity; fewness

1357. PAUPER n. an extremely poor person; recipient of charity.

1358. PEDESTRIAN adj. ordinary; commonplace; on foot

1359. PEEK v. to sneak a look at; glance quickly.

1360. PEERLESS adj. unmatched

1361 PENCHANT n. inclination

1362. PENETRATE v. to pierce; permeate; enter; understand

1363. PENSIVE adj. thoughtful; reflective; melancholy.

1364. PERCH n. a place for sitting or resting; a roost for bird

1365. PERFORATED adj. having a series of punched holes; penetrated

1366. PERILOUS adj. dangerous; risky.

1367. PERIODIC adj. recurring at intervals; intermittent

1368. PERIPIWRY n. outermost area; fringe.

1369. PERMANENT adj. lasting; unchanging; fixed

1370. PERMEATE v. to pervade penetrate; infiltrate

1371. PERMISSIBLE adj. allowable; permitted

1372. PERPETUAL adj. continuous; ceaseless; everlasting

1373. PERPETUATE v. to continue indefinitely; prolong.

1374. PERPLEX v. to confuse; puzzle; bewilder.

1375. PERSECUTE v. to oppress; persistently harass; cause to suffer.

1376. PERSEVERE v. to slick with something; persist be steadfast

1377. PERSISTENT adj enduring; persevering; continuous

1378. PERSPECTIVE n. point of view; relative position; illusion of depth.

1379. PERSPIRE v. to sweat; excrete through the pores.

1380. PERSUADE v. to convince; win over; prevail upon

1381. PERTINENT adj. relevant; appropriate; related

1382. PERTURB v. to upset; greatly disturb; agitate.

1383. PERUSE v. to read attentively; examine.

1384. PERVADE v. to permeate; spread throughout

1385. PERVASIVE adj. present throughout; widespread

1386. PESSIMISM n. tendency to expect the worst; gloominess.

1387. PETITION n. a formal written request

1388. PETTY adj. trivial; small; insignificant; mean.

1389. PHENOMENON n. observable occurrence; notable thing; marvel

1390. PHONETICS n. the study of the sounds of speech.

1391. PHYSICIAN n. a medical doctor; one who heals.

1392. PIETY n. religious or familial reverence; devoutness

1393. PIGMENT n. coloring matter; dye

1394. PILFER v. to steal a small amount; rob.

1395. PILLAGE v. to rob; plunder

1396. PILLAR n. supporting column; holder of a central position.

1397. PIOUS adj. devout; high minded

1398. PITY n. compassion; sympathy; something unfortunate

1399. PIVOTAL adj. crucial; essential; vital

1400. PLATEAU n. flat elevated land; stable period; leveling off

1401. PLAUSIBLE adj. seemingly true or valid; apparently acceptable; reasonable

1402. PLEAD v. to earnestly appeal; beg; urge.

1403. PLEDGE n. a promise; vow; guarantee.

1404. PLENTIFUL adj. abundant; of great quantity; copious

1405. PLOT n. piece of land; plan; conspiracy; story outline.

1406. PLUMP adj. chubby; fat; well-rounded; ample.

1407. POIGNANT adj. piercing; relevant; pungent

1408. POLLUTED adj. impure; dirty; contaminated; corrupt

1409. POMPOUS adj. pretentious; bombastic

1410. PONDER v. to meditate on; weigh mentally; reflect

1411. PORTABLE adj. easily moved or carried

1412. PORTLY adj. staid; corpulent; stately.

1413. PORTRAY v. to represent pictorially; depict; describe; enact

1414. POSITIVE adj. definite; confident; affirmative; greater than zero

1415. POSSESSION n. something owned; a belonging; ownership.

1416. POSSESSIVE adj. jealous ownership; wanting to control

1417. POSTERIOR adj. located behind; coming after.

1418. POSTERITY n. future generations

1419. POSTPONE v. to delay; put off until later.

1420. POTENT adj. powerful; strong; effective

1421. PRACTICAL adj. useful; usable; acquired through practice

1422. PRACTICALLY adj. virtually; almost; in a way that is useful

1423. PRAGMATIC adj. practical; dealing with actual occurrences.

1424. PRANK n. a playful trick; mischievous act; practical joke.

1425. PRECARIOUS adj. unstable; uncertain.

1426. PRECAUTION n. a safeguard; forethought; protection in advance.

1427. PRECEDE v. to come before; be in front of

1428. PRECEDENT n. previous instance used as an example; custom; standard

1429. PRECIOUS adj. of great value; costly; cherished; beloved.

1430. PRECIPITATIQN n. rain or snow; a headlong fall; haste.

1431. PRECISE adj exact; definite; dearly expressed; distinct

1432. PRECOCIOUS adj. maturing earlier than usual; intellectually advanced

1433. PRECURSOR n. forerunner; harbinger.

1434. PREDECESSOR n. one who preceded another in a position; ancestor.

1435. PREDICAMENT n. a dilemma; difficult or embarrassing situation.

1436. PREDICT v. to foretell; prophesy; reveal the future

1437. PREDILECTION n. preference; partiality

1438. PREJUDICE n. bias; prejudgment; preconceived opinion.

1439. PRELIMINARY adj. prior; introductory; preceding.

1440. PREMISE n. proposition on which an argument is based; assumption

1441. PREOCCUPIED adj engrossed; absorbed; distracted

1442. PREPARE v. to make ready ahead of time; put together.

1443. PREPOSTEROUS adj. absurd; foolish; contrary to common sense.

1444. PREREQUISITE adj. required; necessary.

1445. PRESERVE v. to protect; maintain; keep safe.

1446. PRESTIGE n. prominence; high status.

1447. PRESUMPTUOUS adj. arrogant

1448. PRETENTIOUS adj. claiming importance; ostentatious

1449. PRETEXT n. an excuse; pretense.

1450. PREVAIL v. to be victorious; be most common; persuade; triump

1451. PREVALENT adj. widely used or accepted; prevailing.

1452. PREVENT v. to keep from happening; hinder; impede; forestall

1453. PRIEST n. one who performs religious rites; a minister.

1454. PRIMARILY adj. chiefly; principally; originally.

1455. PRIMARY adj. coming first or earliest; chief, fundamental

1456. PRIMITIVE adj. pertaining to earliest times; crude; simple

1457. PRINCIPAL adj. first in importance; chief, foremost

1458. PRINCIPLE n. a basic truth or doctrine; a rule or standard

1459. PRIOR adj. preceding; coming before

1460. PRIORITY n. the right to precede or come earlier.

1461. PRISONER n. a captive; one forcibly restrained

1462. PRISTINE adj. pertaining to the earliest time; unspoiled; pure.

1463. PRIVACY n. seclusion; isolation; secrecy.

1464. PRIVILEGE n. an advantage; special right

1465. PROBE v. to search; investigate; explore

1466. PROCRASTINATE v. to put off doing something; postpone needlessly.

1467. PROFESSIONAL adj. engaged in a profession; skillful; not an amateur.

1468. PROFICIENT adj. skilled; adept

1469. PROFOUND adj. deeply meaningful; thoroughgoing; complete.

1470. PROFUSE adj. copious; overabundant; lavish.

1471. PROJECT n. a plan; undertaking; piece of research.

1472. PROJECT v. to jut out; protrude; direct out a sound or image

1473. PROLIFERATE v. to reproduce; increase rapidly.

1474. PROLIFIC adj abundantly fertile; productive

1475. PROLONG v. to make longer; extend

1476. PROMISCUOUS adj. sexually indiscriminate; lacking selection standards.

1477. PRONE adj. lying face downward; inclined or tending toward

1478. PROP n. a support; part of a stage scene.

1479. PROPENSITY n. inclination; proclivity.

1480. PROPONENT n. one who supports or proposes something.

1481. PROPORTIONATE adj. having balanced parts, harmonized

1482. PROPOSAL n. a suggestion; plan; offer of marriage.

1483. PROPRIETOR n. an owner.

1484. PROPRIETY n. appropriateness; rightness; correct behavior; suitability.

1485. PROSAIC adj. commonplace; straightforward; unpoetic

1486. PROSECUTE v. to proceed against in court; pursue; carry on

1487. PROSPECT n. possibility; outlook; expectation.

1488. PROSPEROUS adj. successful; thriving; well-off

1489. PROTAGONIST n. principal figure.

1490. PROTECT v. to keep safe; shield from harm.

1491. PROTEST v. to object; demonstrate against; solemnly declare.

1492. PROTOTYPE n. original type; model

1493. PROTRUDE v. to stick out; project

1494. PROVISIONAL adj. tentative; conditional; temporary.

1495. PROVOKE v. to incite to anger; arouse; annoy; stir up.

1496. PROWESS n. superior skill or daring.

1497. PROXIMITY n. nearness; propinquity

1498. PRUDENCE n. discretion; careful judgment

1499. PUBLICIZE v. bring to public attention; advertise; make known.

1500. PUNCTUAL adj. prowl; on time; precise.

1501. PURCHASE v. to buy; to earn.

1502. PURIFY v. to make pure; cleanse; free from sin.

1503. PURSUE v. to chase after; follow; strive for; engage in.

1504. PUZZLING adj. perplexing; confusing; bewildering


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