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Stata. Repeated collapse


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I want to collapse (mean) "15 variables", by (household) + casewise

This is because different households have missings in different variables.

The problem is if I collapse them all at the same time, I will be deleting missing observations and not missing observations.


I am thinking on,

for each x-var in "15 variables", collapse x and save. Then append all the files.


It sounds easy, but How can I program it?

how can I make a repeated collapse and save for each variable?

any suggestion?

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If I understand correctly...


foreach var of varlist var1-var15 {

egen mean`var'=mean(`var'), by(household)


keep household mean*

duplicates drop


I think the above works, but you can also do it using a method similar to what you've outlined (collapsing on one, saving, reopening the original, collapsing..., then merging all 15 together at the end). It might look something like:


local i=1

tempfile temp

save `temp'

foreach var of varlist var1-var15 {

use `temp', clear

drop if `var'==.

collapse (mean)`var', by(household)

sort household

tempfile `i'

save ``i''

local i=`i'+1



use `1', clear

local i=2

while `i'

sort household

merge household using ``i'', unique

drop _merge

local i=`i'+1


Edited by Liwanyo
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  • 3 years later...

I am working on panel data. I have to create the Rolling SD of Y variable.


Which I am able to create with the help of the “ssc install mvsumm”


The command for creating the 3 year moving SD is


mvsumm y, stat(mean) win(3) gen(`var'3avg) end


Here I am facing a number of issue/problems


As I have to do 3 year moving SD for number of variables.


So I am trying to use foreach command


This is the commands in do file


webuse grunfeld,clear

xtset company year

*** Code for calculating 3 Year moving SD**

global storelist ""

foreach var in y x {

global storelist = "${storelist} `var'"

mvsumm `var', stat(sd) win(3) gen(`var'3sd) end

collapse `var' , by(company)




Getting the following error message.


“variable x not found”


1) How I can over come this.



Link of the data file is





Sadia Khalid

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