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  1. Although Napoleon Bonaparte's army entered Russia with far more supplies than they had in their previous campaigns, it had provisions for only 24 days. A they had in their previous campaigns B their previous campaigns had had C they had for any previous campaign D in their previous campaigns E for any previous campaign Please help me solve this one!!
  2. In recent years cattle breeders have increasingly used crossbreeding, in part that their steers should acquire certain characteristics and partly because crossbreeding is said to provide hybrid vigor. A in part that their steers should acquire certain characteristics B in part for the acquisition of certain characteristics in their steers C partly because of their steers acquiring certain characteristics D partly because certain characteristics should be acquired by their steers E partly to acquire certain characteristics in their steers Any suggestion?
  3. Hi all ; thank you for your reply. Congratulation for Gmatfordays. you got it right.The correct answer is B when I first solved this problem. I hesitated between "a" and "B" but I finally chose A. After reading Gmatfordays explaination, I rethough about this question and this is my reason. A wrong! because it restates the question stem ("white" because this is what you would be taught, and there would be no way that you could discover your error.) B right! the reason as Gmatfordays mentioned C wrong! it does not make sense D wrong! does not make sense too E wrong! I don't think that people mean different thing because the question stem mentions that people were taught the same thing but different color( I mean they see the same thing but different color ,EX normal people see the paper in white color but back-perceived people see the same paper in back color. However, it's the same paper)
  4. Hi carsen and nirvanas: the answers you gave are incorrect. The correct one is "A". Anyways thank you very much for trying to help me solve this problem Until now I still don't know why "A" is an correct answer. So, if u come up with any idea why "a" please let me know . thank you
  5. The existentialists are right about one thing: we are alone, radically alone. The proof is obvious. Suppose you were born with a physiology that permitted you to perceive only negative images; that is, you saw black where everyone else saw white and white where everyone else saw back. Nevertheless, you would learn to call what you saw as black by the name " white" because this is what you would be taught, and there would be no way that you could discover your error. Which one of the following can be validly inferred from the statements in the arguement above? A Some people are born with reversed perceptions of back and white, and they cannot discover this. B People with reversed perceptions of back and white would not choose their words any differently from anyone else. C Existentialism is a sound philosophy, as is amply demonstated by the physiology of color perception. D The existentialisms claim that some people are born with reversed perceptions of back and white. E The existentialisms claim that people mean different things when they use the words " back" and "white". Any suggestion with this question
  6. Odysseus answered well when the prists showed him a picture of those who has honored the gods and then escaped shipwreck, and asked him whether he did not now acknowledge the power of the gods- "Yes," he asked, "but where are those pictured who were drowned after their prayers?" And such is the way of all superstition; wherein humans, having a delight in such vanities, mark the events where they are fullfilled, but where fail, though theis happens much more often, neglect and pass them by. which one of the following contains the error of reasoning described by the author in the passage? A I have discovered that friday the 13th really is a day of misfortune. Just this past friday, the 13th , I locked myself out ofthe house. b Although Napoleon Bonaparte and Alexander the great were short, Abrahamm Lincoln and charles de Gaulle were tall. So short people seek leadership in order to overcome feelings of inferiority. C Every semester for the past 15 years, an average of 10 percent of Ms. Elliot's history students have dropped her course before the exam. So, it seems likely that we can expect 10 percent to drop out this year. D No reliable observer has ever actually seen a yeti. The strongest evidence seems to be some suspicious tracks. So I think this search for a yeti is probable a wild-goose chase. E I cannot trust my lucky shirt any longer. I wore it to the game today and our team lost. ------ i have no idea about this question. Anyone has any suggestion?
  7. HI u all !! the correct answer of this question is "d" . I also go for "c" since it follows parallel structure (1increases in labor costs and 2gains in productivity) and I have no idea about "D". So, please anyone provides the explaination for d thak you in advance
  8. Hi all of u the correct answer of this question is option "D". However, I also choose "c" as well. Anybody knows the why this question answer "d" .please explain!!
  9. Thegreater chance of developing stress-related heart disease belongs not to the dynamic executive, male or female,nor the single mother, but the married woman who holds a full-time job while still performing most houshold tasks at home. A greater chance of developing stress-rerated heart disease belongs not to the dynamic executive, male or female, nor B greater chance of developing stress-rerated heart disease is not risked by the dynamic executive, male or female, or c one who most risks developing stress-related heart disease is not the dynamic executive, male or female, or D one who risks the greater chance of delveloping stress-related heart disease is not the dynamic executive, male or fmale, nor E one most risking the greater chance of developing stress-related heart disease is neither the dynamic executive , male of female, nor any suggestion?
  10. Core inflation is genarally defined to be the rate at which increases in the cost of labor exceeds gains in productivity. A to be the rate at which increases in the cost of labor exceeds B to be the rate of increases in labor costs exceeding C as the rate at which increases in labor costs exceed D as the rate of labor cost increases exceeding E as the rate of increases in the cost of labor exceeding can anyone answer this question with an explaination.
  11. Great! all of u answer correctly The correct answer is E however, I still don't understand the reason why" E ". Could u provide more explaination for E thank you in advance
  12. Using computer techniques, researchers analyze layers of paint that lie buried beneath the surface layers of old paintings. They claim, for example,that additional mountanious scenery once appeared in Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa, which was later painted over. Skeptics reply to these claims, however, that X- ray examinations of the Mona Lisa do not show hidden mountains. Which of the following, if true, would trend most to weaken the force of the skeptics' objections? A There is no written or anecdotal record that Leonardo da Vinci ever painted over major areas of his Mona Lisa. B Painters of da Vinci's time commonly created images of mountainous scenery in the background of portraits like the Mona Lisa. c No one knows for certain what parts of the Mona Lisa may have been painted by da Vinci's assistants rather than by da Vinci himself. d Infrared photography of the Mona Lisa has revealed no trace of hidden mountainous scenery. e Analysis relying on x-ray only has the capacity to detect lead-based white pigments in layers of paint beneath a painting's surface layers. try this one out!! and I will later post the correct answer.
  13. hi Hippo Thank you very much for your help. It's much clearer now
  14. hi anandnk and gmatfordays first of all I got this question frome 67 in OG#10 i also have doubt in this question like u. I think D is bad in term of ambiguity of they , so I opt for B because it follows the subjuntive mood rule -require s'one to do s'th. However, the right answer is D as you mentioned. Anyways I still don't understand how to use "so as to" and "so that" could you explain me more? Thank you in advance Anyway
  15. Congress is debating a bill requireing certain emploters provide workers with unpaid leave so as to care for sick or newborn children. A) provide workers with unpaid leave so as to B) to previde workers with unpaid leave so as to c) provide woker with unpaid leave in order that they d) to provide workers with unpaid leave so that they can e) provide workers with unpaid leave and try this one and please give your explaination
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