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  1. Selena i think i cann't do that sorry as its against the law i can give you some advice like what kind og questions u get in exam
  2. hi knok i changed my description, i hope you can understand better now iam sorry about that i was in rush
  3. pls advice..no wrk experience ..got toefl ibt 110.
  4. With god's grace finally i passed Toefl ibt on may 12th. i would like to share my ideas which helped if anyone needs. thanks to test magic it helped me.. i would like to thank you all who gave some suggestions in spk- writing. got reading-28 listening-24 speaking-26 writing-25 I missed one entire conversation in listening section on the exam, and in writing i forgot to write conclusion for the independent essay. Here are my thoughts Listening-I can say listening is very easy to score guys if u concentrate a bit in the exam. Reading- i would say if you are not a good reader, try to read books as many as you can. i read nearly 5-6 novels in a month. speaking-i did lot of practice.make sure you use proper tense..and good grammar while u practice.also try this site www.voanews.com in this website there is a special english section, where the speaker give speech's about various topics, so what i did was i used to listen to the speech by taking notes for 3-4mins and then used to record my talk about the topic. This will help for practicing questions 4 and 6 in actual toefl ibt. for two weeks i did that continuously before exam, writing- i used to write 2-3 essays everyday for 2 weeks, and asked others to grade them, but i forgot to practice timed version.that is why i could not give conclusion at end in actual toefl ibt, but i gave conclusion at end of each paragraph which helped i guess, also guys check ur essay after u done writing its very important..
  5. run04

    toefl writing

    any suggestions for intergrated essay
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