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Everything posted by helix

  1. Minnesota is the only one of the contiguous forty-eight states that still has a sizable wolf population, and where this predator remains the archenemy of cattle and sheep. (A) that still has a sizable wolf population, and where (B) that still has a sizable wolf population, where © that still has a sizable population of wolves, and where (D) where the population of wolves is still sizable; (E) where there is still a sizable population of wolves and where
  2. Marketing researchers have found that, because many residents of the Southeast do not share the same ethnic heritage as Northeasterners, the two varieties of commercially prepared coleslaw most popular in New York City and Boston are virtually ignored by consumers in Richmond and Raleigh. (A) because many residents of the Southeast do not share the same ethnic heritage as (B) because many residents of the Southeast do not share the same ethnic heritage with © because many residents of the Southeast do not have the same ethnic heritage as (D) due to many residents of the Southeast not sharing the same ethnic heritage with (E) whereas many residents of the Southeast do not share the same ethnic heritage as
  3. Many writers of modern English have acquired careless habits that damage the clarity of their prose, but these habits can be broken if they are willing to take the necessary trouble. (A) but these habits can be broken (B) but these habits are breakable © but they can break these habits (D) which can be broken (E) except that can be broken Why not A?
  4. Yes OA is B. But why "flat"?
  5. In the traditional Japanese household, most clothing could be packed flatly, and so it was not necessary to have elaborate closet facilities. (A) flatly, and so it was not necessary to have elaborate closet facilities (B) flat, and so elaborate closet facilities were unnecessary © flatly, and so there was no necessity for elaborate closet facilities (D) flat, there being no necessity for elaborate closet facilities (E) flatly, as no elaborate closet facilities were necessary
  6. OA is E. I didn't want to add "an effect", but E's right.
  7. In reference to the current hostility toward smoking, smokers frequently expressed anxiety that their prospects for being hired and promoted are being stunted by their habit. (A) In reference to the current hostility toward smoking, smokers frequently expressed anxiety that (B) Referring to the current hostility toward smoking, smokers frequently expressed anxiety about © When referring to the current hostility toward smoking, smokers frequently express anxiety about (D) With reference to the current hostility toward smoking, smokers frequently expressed anxiety about (E) Referring to the current hostility toward smoking, smokers frequently express anxiety that
  8. 1. In large doses, analgesics that work in the brain as antagonists to certain chemicals have caused psychological disturbances in patients, which may limit their potential to relieve severe pain. (A) which may limit their potential to relieve (B) which may limit their potential for relieving © which may limit such analgesics’ potential to relieve (D) an effect that may limit their potential to relieve (E) an effect that may limit the potential of such analgesics for relieving
  9. 1. In feudal Europe, urban areas developed from clusters of houses where peasants lived and commuted to farmlands in the countryside, unlike homesteading policies in the American West that required residency on the land itself in order to obtain eventual ownership. (A) In feudal Europe, urban areas developed from clusters of houses where peasants lived and commuted to farmlands in the countryside, unlike homesteading policies in the American West that (B) In feudal Europe, urban areas developed from clusters of houses where peasants lived and from which they commuted to farmlands in the countryside, but in the American West homesteading policies © Unlike feudal Europe where urban areas developed from clusters of houses where peasants lived and commuted to farmlands in the countryside, the American West’s homesteading policies (D) Unlike feudal Europe where urban areas developed from clusters of houses where peasants lived and commuted to farmlands in the countryside, the homesteading policies of the American West (E) Urban areas developed from clusters of houses where peasants lived from which they commuted to farmlands in the countryside in feudal Europe, unlike the American West where homesteading policies
  10. 1. In astronomy the term “red shift” denotes the extent to which light from a distant galaxy has been shifted toward the red, or long-wave, end of the light spectrum by the rapid motion of the galaxy away from the Earth. (A) to which light from a distant galaxy has been shifted (B) to which light from a distant galaxy has shifted © that light from a distant galaxy has been shifted (D) of light from a distant galaxy shifting (E) of the shift of light from a distant galaxy Why not B?
  11. OA is D. Its a Q from 1000SC.
  12. 1. In assessing the problems faced by rural migrant workers, the question of whether they are better off materially than the urban working poor is irrelevant. (A) In assessing the problems faced by rural migrant workers, the question of whether they are better off materially than the urban working poor is irrelevant. (B) The question of whether the rural migrant worker is better off materially than the urban working poor is irrelevant in assessing the problems that they face. © A question that is irrelevant in assessing the problems that rural migrant workers face is whether they are better off materially than the urban working poor. (D) In an assessment of the problems faced by rural migrant workers, the question of whether they are better off materially than the urban working poor is irrelevant. (E) The question of whether the rural migrant worker is better off materially than the urban working poor is irrelevant in an assessment of the problems that they face.
  13. In 1791 Robert Carter III, one of the wealthiest plantation owners in Virginia, stunned his family, friends, and neighbors by filing a deed of emancipation, setting free the more than 500 slaves who were legally considered his property. (A) setting free the more than 500 slaves who were legally considered (B) setting free more than the 500 slaves legally considered as © and set free more than 500 slaves, who were legally considered as (D) and set free more than the 500 slaves who were legally considered (E) and he set free the more than 500 slaves who were legally considered as Please explain.
  14. If anyone at InterCom Financial Advisers would have anticipated, or even suspected, the impending sale of the Koniko kelp processing plant, they would have advised owners of Koniko stock to unload all shares immediately. (A) If anyone at InterCom Financial Advisers would have anticipated (B) Had anyone at InterCom Financial Advisers anticipated © If any people at InterCom Financial Advisers would have anticipated (D) If any people at InterCom Financial Advisers had anticipated (E) If anybody at InterCom Financial Advisers anticipated
  15. However much United States voters may agree that there is waste in government and that the government as a whole spends beyond its means, it is difficult to find broad support for a movement toward a minimal state. (A) However much United States voters may agree that (B) Despite the agreement among United States voters to the fact © Although United States voters agree (D) Even though United States voters may agree (E) There is agreement among United States voters that I chose D...and its wrong :( Please explain.
  16. Following the destruction of the space shuttle Challenger, investigators concluded that many key people employed by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and its contractors work an excessive amount of overtime that has the potential of causing errors in judgment. (A) overtime that has the potential of causing (B) overtime that has the potential to cause © overtime that potentially can cause (D) overtime, a practice that has the potential for causing (E) overtime, a practice that can, potentially, cause Why add "a practice" to the sentence? I chose B :(. OA:
  17. Fifty-two percent of United States high school graduates go on to college, compared with Canada’s thirty-five percent and Great Britain, Japan, and West Germany’s fifteen percent. (A) Fifty-two percent of United States high school graduates go on to college, compared with Canada’s thirty-five percent and Great Britain, Japan, and West Germany’s fifteen percent. (B) Fifty-two percent of United States high school graduates go on to college; in Canada it is thirty-five percent and in Great Britain, Japan, and West Germany it is fifteen percent. © In the United States, Fifty-two percent of high school graduates go on to college, compared with thirty-five percent in Canada and fifteen percent in Great Britain, Japan, and West Germany. (D) The percentage of high school graduates in the United States who go on to college is fifty-two, compared with Canada’s thirty-five percent, Great Britain’s fifteen, Japan’s fifteen, and West Germany’s fifteen. (E) The percentage of United States high school graduates going on to college is fifty-two that in Canada is thirty-five, and that in Great Britain, Japan, and West Germany is fifteen. OA: "Compared with"?
  18. Thanks. "Even as they" just sounds awkward.
  19. OA is B. I still don't understand whats wrong with "the victims".
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