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Everything posted by crazy4gmat

  1. Hi All, I have taken the GMAT 2 times. The second time i cancelled the test midway through due to ill health.So will the GMAC/Adcoms treat my next attempt as 2nd or 3rd? Also what is the max no attempts one can take a shot at.
  2. In the years since the city of London imposed strict air-pollution regulations on local industry, the number of bird species seen in and around London has increased dramatically. Similar air-pollution rules should be imposed in other major cities. Each of the following is an assumption made in the argument above EXCEPT: (A) In most major cities, air-pollution problems are caused almost entirely by local industry. (B) Air-pollution regulations on industry have a significant impact on the quality of the air. © The air-pollution problems of other major cities are basically similar to those once suffered by London. (D) An increase in the number of bird species in and around a city is desirable. (E) The increased sightings of bird species in and around London reflect an actual increase in the number of species in the area.
  3. Which of the following best completes the passage below? In today’s pluralistic society, textbook publishers find themselves in an increasingly uncomfortable position. Since the schools are regarded as a repository of society’s moral and cultural values, each group within society wishes to prevent any material that offends its own values from appearing in textbooks. As a result, stance on an issue is certain to run afoul of one group or another. And since textbook publishers must rely on community goodwill to sell their books, it is inevitable that______ (A) fewer and fewer publishers will be willing to enter the financially uncertain textbook industry (B) the ethical and moral content of textbooks will become increasingly neutral and bland © more and more pressure groups will arise that seek to influence the content of textbooks (D) the government will be forced to intervene in the increasingly rancorous debate over the content of textbooks (E) school boards, teachers, and principals will find it nearly impossible to choose among the variety of textbooks being offered
  4. The U.S. census is not perfect: thousands of Americans probably go uncounted. However, the basic statistical portrait of the nation painted by the census is accurate. Certainly some of the poor go uncounted, particularly the homeless; but some of the rich go uncounted as well, because they are often abroad or traveling between one residence and another. Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument above depends? (A) Both the rich and the poor have personal and economic reasons to avoid being counted by the census. (B) All Americans may reasonably be classified as either poor or rich. © The percentage of poor Americans uncounted by the census is close to the percentage of rich Americans uncounted. (D) The number of homeless Americans is approximately equal to the number of rich Americans. (E) The primary purpose of the census is to analyze the economic status of the American population.
  5. Ronald: According to my analysis of the national economy, housing prices should not increase during the next six months unless interest rates drop significantly. Mark: I disagree. One year ago, when interest rates last fell significantly, housing prices did not increase at all. It can be inferred from the conversation above that Mark has interpreted Ronald’s statement to mean that (A) housing prices will rise only if interest rates fall (B) if interest rates fall, housing prices must rise © interest rates and housing prices tend to rise and fall together (D) interest rates are the only significant economic factor affecting housing prices (E) interest rates are likely to fall significantly in the next six months
  6. No nation can long survive unless its people are united by a common tongue. For proof, we need only consider Canada, which is being torn asunder by conflicts between French-speaking Quebec and the other provinces, which are dominated by English speakers. Which of the following, if true, most effectively challenges the author’s conclusion? (A) Conflicts over language have led to violent clashes between the Basque-speaking minority in Spain and the Spanish-speaking majority. (B) Proposals to declare English the official language of the United States have met with resistance from members of Hispanic and other minority groups. © Economic and political differences, along with linguistic ones, have contributed to the provincial conflicts in Canada. (D) The public of India, in existence sine 1948, has a population that speaks hundreds of different, though related, languages. (E) Switzerland has survived for nearly a thousand years as a home for speakers of three different languages.
  7. The upcoming presidential election in the West African republic of Ganelon is of grave concern to the U.S. State Department. Ganelon presently has strong political and military ties to the United States. However, the Socialist party is widely expected to win the election, leading to fears that Ganelon will soon break away from the pro-American bloc and adopt a nonaligned or openly anti-American stance. Which of the following is an assumption made in the passage above? (A) A Socialist party government in Ganelon is more likely to oppose the United States than is a non-Socialist party government. (B) The people of the United States recognize their nation’s interest in the political stability of West Africa. © A weakening of U.S. political ties with Ganelon could have serious consequences for U.S. relations with other African nations. (D) The Socialist party leaders in Ganelon believe that their nation’s interests would best be served by an alliance with anti-American forces. (E) The Socialist party will win the upcoming election in Ganelon
  8. An advertisement designed to convince readers of the great durability of automobiles manufactured by the Deluxe Motor Car Company cites as evidence the fact that over half of all automobiles built by the company since 1970 are still on the road today, compared to no more than a third for any other manufacturer. Which of the following, if true, most strongly supports the advertisement’s argument? (A) After taking inflation into account, a new Deluxe automobile costs only slightly more than a new model did in 1970. (B) The number of automobiles built by Deluxe each year has not increased sharply since 1970. © Owners of Deluxe automobiles typically keep their cars well maintained. (D) Since 1970, Deluxe has made fewer changes in the automobiles it manufactures than other car companies have made in their automobiles. (E) Deluxe automobiles have been selling at relatively stable prices in recent years.
  9. In malaria-infested areas, many children tend to suffer several bouts of malaria before becoming immune to the disease. Clearly, what must be happening is that those children’s immune systems are only weakly stimulated by any single exposure to the malaria parasite and need to be challenged several times to produce an effective immune response. Which of the following, if true, most seriously undermines the explanatory hypothesis? (A) Immediately after a child has suffered a bout of malaria, the child’s caregivers tend to go to great lengths in taking precautions to prevent another infection, but this level of attention is not sustained. (B) Malaria is spread from person to person by mosquitoes, and mosquitoes have become increasingly resistant to the pesticides used to control them. © A certain gene, if inherited by children from only one of their parents, can render those children largely immune to infection with malaria. (D) Antimalaria vaccines, of which several are in development, are all designed to work by stimulating the body’s immune system. (E) There are several distinct strains of malaria, and the body’s immune response to any one of them does not protect it against the others.
  10. Potato cyst nematodes are a pest of potato crops. The nematodes can lie dormant for several years in their cysts, which are protective capsules, and do not emerge except in the presence of chemicals emitted by potato roots. A company that has identified the relevant chemicals is planning to market them to potato farmers to spread on their fields when no potatoes are planted; any nematodes that emerge will soon starve to death. Which of the following, if true, best supports the claim that the company’s plan will be successful? (A) Nematodes that have emerged from their cysts can be killed by ordinary pesticides. (B) The only part of a potato plant that a nematode eats is the roots. © Some bacteria commonly present in the roots of potatoes digest the chemicals that cause the nematodes to emerge from their cysts. (D) Trials have shown that spreading even minute quantities of the chemicals on potato fields caused nine-tenths of the nematodes present to emerge from their cysts. (E) The chemicals that cause the nematodes to emerge from their cysts are not emitted all the time the potato plant is growing.
  11. Last year in the United States, women who ran for state and national offices were about as likely to win as men. However, only about fifteen percent of the candidates for these offices were women. Therefore, the reason there are so few women who win elections for these offices is not that women have difficulty winning elections but that so few women want to run. Which of the following, if true, most seriously undermines the conclusion given? (A) Last year the proportion of women incumbents who won reelection was smaller than the proportion of men incumbents who won reelection. (B) Few women who run for state and national offices run against other women. © Most women who have no strong desire to be politicians never run for state and national offices. (D) The proportion of people holding local offices who are women is smaller than the proportion of people holding state and national offices who are women. (E) Many more women than men who want to run for state and national offices do not because they cannot get adequate funding for their campaigns.
  12. Which of the following, if true, is the most logical completion of the argument below? The tax system of the Republic of Grootland encourages borrowing by granting its taxpayers tax relief for interest paid on loans. The system also discourages saving by taxing any interest earned on savings. Nevertheless, it is clear that Grootland’s tax system does not consistently favor borrowing over saving, for if it did, there would be no______ (A) tax relief in Grootland for those portions of a taxpayer’s income, if any, that are set aside to increase that taxpayer’s total savings (B) tax relief in Grootland for the processing fees that taxpayers pay to lending institutions when obtaining certain kinds of loans © tax relief in Grootland for interest that taxpayers are charged on the unpaid balance in credit card accounts (D) taxes due in Grootland on the cash value of gifts received by taxpayers from banks trying to encourage people to open savings accounts (E) taxes due in Grootland on the amount that a taxpayer has invested in interest-bearing savings accounts
  13. Which of the following, if true, is the most logical completion of the argument below? The tax system of the Republic of Grootland encourages borrowing by granting its taxpayers tax relief for interest paid on loans. The system also discourages saving by taxing any interest earned on savings. Nevertheless, it is clear that Grootland’s tax system does not consistently favor borrowing over saving, for if it did, there would be no______ (A) tax relief in Grootland for those portions of a taxpayer’s income, if any, that are set aside to increase that taxpayer’s total savings (B) tax relief in Grootland for the processing fees that taxpayers pay to lending institutions when obtaining certain kinds of loans © tax relief in Grootland for interest that taxpayers are charged on the unpaid balance in credit card accounts (D) taxes due in Grootland on the cash value of gifts received by taxpayers from banks trying to encourage people to open savings accounts (E) taxes due in Grootland on the amount that a taxpayer has invested in interest-bearing savings accounts
  14. Is the measure of one of the interior angles of quadrilateral ABCD equal to 60 degrees? (1) Two of the interior angles of ABCD are right angles. (2) The degree measure of angle ABC is twice the degree measure of angle BCD. (A) Statement (1) ALONE is sufficient, but statement (2) alone is not sufficient. (B) Statement (2) ALONE is sufficient, but statement (1) alone is not sufficient. © BOTH statements TOGETHER are sufficient, but NEITHER statement ALONE is sufficient. (D) EACH statement ALONE is sufficient. (E) Statements (1) and (2) TOGETHER are NOT sufficient.
  15. Professor Vasquez gave a quiz to two classes. Was the range of scores fro the first class equal to the range of scores for the second class? (1) In each class, the number of students taking the quiz was 26, and the lowest score in each class was 70. (2) IN each class, the average (arithmetic mean) score on the quiz was 85 (A) Statement (1) ALONE is sufficient, but statement (2) alone is not sufficient. (B) Statement (2) ALONE is sufficient, but statement (1) alone is not sufficient. © BOTH statements TOGETHER are sufficient, but NEITHER statement ALONE is sufficient. (D) EACH statement ALONE is sufficient. (E) Statements (1) and (2) TOGETHER are NOT sufficient.
  16. The function f is defined for each positive three-digit integer n by f(n) = 2^x3^y^5^z , where x, y and z are the hundreds, tens, and units digits of n, respectively. If m and v are three-digit positive integers such that f(m)=9f(v), them m-v=? (A) 8 (B) 9 © 18 (D) 20 (E) 80
  17. crazy4gmat


    thanks wannabee..
  18. Six mobsters have arrived at the theater for the premiere of the film “Goodbuddies.” One of the mobsters, Frankie, is an informer, and he's afraid that another member of his crew, Joey, is on to him. Frankie, wanting to keep Joey in his sights, insists upon standing behind Joey in line at the concession stand, though not necessarily right behind him. How many ways can the six arrange themselves in line such that Frankie’s requirement is satisfied? a)6 b)24 c)120 d)360 e)720
  19. A certain university will select 1 of 7 candidates eligible to fill a position in the mathematics department and 2 of 10 candidates eligible to fill 2 identical positions in the computer science department. If none of the candidates is eligible for a position in both departments, how many different sets of 3 candidates are there to fill the 3 positions? A. 42 B. 70 C. 140 D. 165 E. 315
  20. Is ¦x - y¦>¦x - z¦? (1) ¦y¦>¦z¦ (2) x provide explanation plz..
  21. crazy4gmat


    Hi All, I am a bit weak in geometry and would like to brush up geometry concepts.Could someone point me to some good online resources
  22. I took a MGMAT CAT lately and i was really struggling with the timing in Quants..I could hardly finish 30 questions in 75 minutes..It has really got me worried..Is this faced by everyone?
  23. The market for recycled commodities like aluminum and other metals remain strong despite economic changes in the recycling industry. A. commodities like aluminum and other metals remain B. commodities like those of aluminum and other metals are remaining C. commodities such as aluminum and other metals remains D. commodities, such as aluminum and other metals, remain E. commodities, like the commodities of aluminum and other metals, remains
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