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  1. this thread was a dead, but lets make it alive again! since decison-time is over, did you make you decision based on your boyfriend/girlfriend as well? how does it work for international couples, when one of them is going to study in US and another stays in Europe or Asia?
  2. going to LSE msc economics this fall!
  3. no worries. quant is the only one that matters (for EU at least).personal experience. seriously, be happy and enjoy your summer!
  4. is anyone going to LSE searching for a place to stay as well?
  5. oh, i am not counting on the pure center, believe me;) my surname is far from gates or trump;)
  6. thank you guys! ill book a hostel near lse and start searching when i get there! i hope that will work out fine;) ill be doing Msc in economics at LSE. i hope ill enjoy it!since i dont know london at all, do you maybe have any advice on which zone or sth is still ok for a walking distance or at least a good transport connection to LSE? thanks!!!
  7. hello! i was wondering; is there anybody searching for rooms/flats in london? I will start msc in economics this fall and i am one of the "searchers". any advice on independent hostels, flats, rooms, etc? I am not from london, therefore any help would be appretiated. thank you in advance! acoma.
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