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Everything posted by piyush.kansal

  1. see, i have not got my AWA scores as of now, so i am not sure if I really eligible to give you tips on it :) but yes, i would definitely suggest you to go through barron's 5 step approach for issue and argument. understand it thoroughly and try practicing 2 essays each from issue and argument within time limits. then post those essays in this forum asking for reviews and at the same time search those essays in google to find a similar one somewhere else. compare your essay with that one and then try pick the +ve's of that essay and integrate it in your essay to see if that makes your issue/argument stronger. if it does, then this should give you a fair idea what elements you need to work on towards increasing ur AWA score. once you are done with this, then pick 10 essays randomly from awa topics on ets website and think how will you approach them in the real exam. what all concrete examples, historical context, metaphors you can use to make your point stronger. then again search them on google and then compare it again with yours as mentioned above. these two steps should give you sufficient amount of confidence to how to approach awa. but make sure that you are choosing those 10 essays from different fields like arts, history, science or anything else.
  2. hi, i just used barron's and nova ... just these two books and trust me quant will be like a piece of cake ... no need to do anything else ... also, a very imp point, you need to remember that while doing any quant question, your main aim should be not to commit any blunders, prepare your mind to write even the simple calculations on paper and then solve it. Most of the times, people end up loosing score in quant not because they are not aware the concept or formula, but just because they take the calculations involved for granted and start calculating within their mind...which in the times of exam pressure leads you towards wrong answers ...
  3. Hi Friends, I gave GRE today and got 1320 (Q780, V540). Few suggestions from my side: 1. Your score in GRE is definitely be going to very much closer to your score in POWERPREP. 2. Do as much practice as possible. 3. Those whose verbal is not good, focus on barron's 3500 WL and practise it daily.
  4. Yuvi, i think your formula should be applicable only when the nos in the set are unique as in S1 or consider another set {1, 2, 5, 6}. In such cases, the formula seems to work.
  5. S1={1, 2, 3, 4} S2={1, 1, 2, 2} What should be the mode of S1 and S2? Can we have a unique mode for both of these sets, or its impossible?
  6. hmm ... this seems to work. But I have a question here wasleys. How we are going to approach these kind of problems in the real exam. As you can see, the bridge mentioned by both me and Riyad worked perfectly and we both were able to arrive at A with no doubts at all. Its only when I checked the actual answer in BB, I came to know that I need to change the bridge. So, this thing is surely going to create a problem in the real exam. So, how come we can approach these kinds of problems, or we should just try our level best and leave rest on luck.
  7. Hi Riyad, That's what the problem is. The answer is not A but B ... and I am pretty much jumbled up :(
  8. ATROCIOUS: BAD :: A. excessive : adequate B. momentous : important C. unavailing : helpful D. contagious : diseased E. nominal : satisfactory this analogy is about intensity of some activity. atrocious (brutal deed) represents the extreme degree of badness, so the answer should be A. please correct me if I am wrong and suggest the correct answer with the appropriate reasoning.
  9. "Five years ago, we residents of Morganton voted to keep the publicly owned piece of land known as Scott Woods in a natural, undeveloped state. Our thinking was that, if no shopping centers or houses were built there, Scott Woods would continue to benefit our community as a natural parkland. But now that our town planning committee wants to purchase the land and build a school there, we should reconsider this issue. If the land becomes a school site, no shopping centers or houses can be built there, and substantial acreage would probably be devoted to athletic fields. There would be no better use of land in our community than this, since a large majority of our children participate in sports, and Scott Woods would continue to benefit our community as natural parkland." ================================================================================== I find this argument to be quite well reasoned. The residents of Morganton have maintained, in the whole argument, the same thing and that is the Scott Woods should act as a natural parkland so that it can be benefical for the whole community. As per the initial argument, the residents of Morganton voted that Scott Woods should never be used to build shopping centers or houses else it will sap the naturalness of the parkland. The shopping center will mean more and more tress will be cut to make a big space for shopping center. Once, shopping center will be built, more and more people, from the same, nearby or far places will come to that place for enjoyment or shopping. This will bring more vehicles and thus more pollution to the surroundings. Thus, the earlier naturalness will completely disappear. While, if a school is opened there, it will a better deal for the same residents. The school will obviously require a much lesser to built up. Thus, few trees will be cut. Moreover, since school has maximum open area and will also have substantial acreage, it will help in preserving rather than destroying the naturalness of the land. The school will mean that only limited people mostly from the same or nearby locality would be coming to drop or pick their to school which wont have as bigger impact as if could have been with the shopping center. Also, the school will bring provide an opportunity to the children of the residents of Morgaton to train themselves well in sports and to carve themselves for a bright future. Thus, opening a school will have far more benefits as compared to opening a shopping center. And this is what the residents of the author have voted for earlier and now as well, i.e to maintain the naturalness. Since, the residents have maintained their primary concern regarding Scott Woods, and have not changed their mind in between, the argument is very well reasoned. Total word count: 333 (Spelling mistakes: 1, Grammatical mistakes: 2)
  10. "The media (books, film, music, television, for example) tend to create rather than reflect the values of a society." ================================================================================== I agree with the statement made by author. It is the media only which creates the values, tradition or culture of a society. Media can create both negative and positive values in society depending upon the content its broadcasting. The negative content will tend to pamper the society while the positive content will bring new and vibrant changes in the society, both morally and technically. Considering the example of the songs by noted singers like Britney Spears and Madonna, some of their songs are quite vulgar in nature, in terms of dresses worn by the singer itself and the crew. Sometime, the usage of filthy words in the lyrics take it to the next level of vulgarity. Those songs when seen by thousands of people around the world, broadcast a quintessential image of the young girls and culture belonging to the same country as the singer does. But, does it mean that the girls or the culture in that country is really that vulgar. Does it really mean that the culture of that country is so open that it lets their children behave in whatever way they want. No, it does not. Taking the specific example of Britney Spears, her bedizen in the song does not mean that each and every girl from Britain dresses like her. It never reflects that each and every girl from the same country behaves like her. But yes, when the viewers watch it, they tend to get an impression that Britain is getting opened up gradually and probably they themselves are lagging behind, so they should also start dressing in the similar fashion, if not exactly the same. And this impression then gradually starts shaping into reality and thus creating a new set of values for the society. The same analogy applies to the movies as well. In todays movies, we see a lot of violence. Actors using latest guns and pistols to kill each other, sometimes with their courage and sometimes with deception, and overcoming the bad times in their life. This again broadcasts a bad message to the viewers specially, children and teenagers. They start forming an impression about life that to live or win in society, anything done is correct, even if its violent. Although the parents, schools or society never teach their children to be immoral, they tend to learn it and gradually start implementing in their life. The same applied to other modes of media like books and television too. All these forms of media, works other way round as well. For example, a movie like The Pursuit of Happiness by Will Smith tend to create a different mindset which is constructive for the society. The movie clearly sends a message that one should keep on fighting with the life, should remain calm even in the worst situations in life and should take risks in life to succeed further. So, that movie inspired a lot of people around the world. Although the society always teaches to be cautious and do things within limits, but this movie inspired a lot of viewers around the world to think differently and take risks in life. So, this is again a new value being created in the society via media. So, the negative and positive values and traditions are all created by media. All forms of media have a huge impact on society. And that is why media should be very cautious for the kind of content they are broadcasting. Total word count: 577 (Spelling mistakes: 0, Grammatical mistakes: 6)
  11. "Wisdom is rightfully attributed not to people who know what to look for in life but to people who know what to overlook." ================================================================================== I unanimously agree with the issue mentioned above. Wisdom is always attributed to people who know what to overlook in life. We have certain classical examples who confirm the same. These examples are about people like Mahatama Gandhi, Abraham Lincoln and Charlie Chaplin. Mahatama Gandhi, a great leader, known and remembered for his teachings, has always taught the world to be polite and calm. His non-violence movement in India is a classical example of how he dared to deteriorate the England autocracy over India. In his non-violence movement, he taught Indians to not to fight or behave with the Britishers the way they do it. He taught Indians not to be violent and cruel as Britishers are. He teachings always insisted "to be human". So, inspite of all the immorality and cruelty by Britishers on Indians, he always taught to overlook those bad things and instead focus on how to expel Britishers by "acting human". Through his non-violence movement, he saved a life of thousands of people and also created a large dent into the rule of Britishers and thus leading India towards the path of Independence. Today, Mahatama Gandhi is well celebrated for his wisdom around the world. The same goes with Abraham Lincoln, one of the most well known and respected President of United States. He faced a lot of difficulties in life, right from his childhood. Being born in an extremely poor family with no means of education, he still managed to get his education done. He never took the poorness of his family as a hinderance to his education. Instead he always focussed on the positive side. The same thing happened when he stood for elections, he lost it many times, he even lost his wife. But even then, none of these untoward events could stop him. He always gathered more and more courage from all of these events and always geared himself to fight with the destiny. So, Abraham Lincoln again acts as an excellent example to the world of what to look and overlook in the life. The third example of Charlie Chaplin, the maestro of comedy, also teaches us the same lesson. As the whole world knows, he had faced lot of difficulties in his life but still managed to make the world laugh. But behind the curtains, he was a sad and lonely man who has lots of problems in life. His famous quote, "I like walking in rain so no one could see me crying" signifies that. Whenever he used to come to stage for a performance, he used to forget all of his problems and in front of audience, he always tried to live a new life, a life full of happiness and joviality. And again, he is also honoured around the world for his wisdom. So, all of these examples teaches us the same thing. Never look at the negatives of your life. As Mahatama Gandhi did using non-violence movement in India, or Abraham Lincoln did after seeing all the untoward events in his life, or Charlie Chaplin did seeing the sad events in his life. Just learn a lesson from them and proceed further for a better future in life. Thus, all of these leaders, never deviated from their main aim in life, even with all the hardships they faced. Total word count: 552 (Spelling mistakes: 3)
  12. yes, its C. But how come you approached it. I chose D because in coming out of old traditions, we are exposed to new ideas for which we have to cautious (wary) and thus we are prone to these new ideas as well. Can you please suggest why this reasoning is not correct?
  13. Our times seem especially ... to bad ideas, probably because in throwing off the shackles of tradition, we have ended up in being quite ... untested theories and untried remedies. a) impervious ... tolerant of b) hostile ... dependent on c) hospitable ... vulnerable to d) prone ... wary of e) indifferent ... devoid of Please suggest the correct answer with appropriate reasoning.
  14. Ok. So, the keyword is "ancient". Got it, thanks :)
  15. I already tried searching it with keywords as "control" and "group experimented on", but found nothing. Can you please pass on the appropriate link to me or give the reasoning for the above question
  16. I also chose E but later found that the answer is D. Can anyone please suggest the logic of arriving at answer D?
  17. Control : a) minor variable b) weak assumption c) improper situation d) group experimented on e) expression substituted for Please suggest along with explanation.
  18. daguerreotype : photograph a) bust : statue b) pastiche : painting c) narrative : novel d) hieroglyphic : papyrus e) musket : firearm The bridge I am using is "is about", so: daguerreotype "is about" photograph bust "is about" statue musket "is about" firearm Here, both a) and e) are qualifying. I tried using some other bridges as well, but still not able to get the correct answer. Please suggest with the appropriate reasoning.
  19. Ok understood. I was basically stuck with exact dictionary meaning of gullible. As per dictionary, it is "easily deceived". Nowhere, I could find the meaning as "exceptionally receptive". Can you please suggest where did you find it. Even in Barron's, its "easily deceived".
  20. Yes, the correct answer is D. Thanks to all for providing the reasoning.
  21. patriotic : chauvinist a - incisive : trenchant b - receptive : gullible c - verbose : prolix d - impudent : intolerant e - furtive : surreptitious Please give the reasoning too.
  22. censorship : information a) frugality:constraint b) sampling:measurement c) sanitation:measurement d) cultivation:erosion e) philanthropy:generosity Please suggest the correct answer along with reasoning.
  23. Hi, Thats right. D is the correct answer. Thanks for help.
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