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  1. 1. Boston's proximity to recreational areas: mountains, seashores, lakes and the like attract many visitors each year. 2. Sheeps and cows once grazed on the Boston Common and it is said that the paths they made to get there were the basis for the city's streets. 3. The landfill makes up over 70 percent of the total surface area of the city. anwser key: 1b, 2a, 3a Anyone explain me how to correct them. Thanks
  2. I think "with" shoule be "of"
  3. UFO

    Drying or dried

    I fully agree with you, Michael :D
  4. 1. Rapidly changing technical fields such as software manufacturing require constant updating of equipments in order to remain competitive. 2. Ninety chemical substances are known for existing in nature, and 22 more have been made synthetically. answer key: 1:C and 2:B, but I don't know why? Thanks
  5. UFO

    alive or live

    Hi, Idiot alive: adjective after linking verb. live: adjective before noun :)
  6. The Chinese produced tea from . . . . . . of the tea plant and brewed it into a beverage about 2.000 B.C A. the leaves are dried B. its dried leaves C. the drying leaves D. the dried leaves Can you explain what the diffrence between "drying" and "dried"? The correct answer is C, but I think D is correct also. Thanks
  7. Thank Erin for your explanation. but for me, we should change a dozen years ---> a dozens of years am I right?
  8. Hi all, Disease, insects, and swampy soil caused the building and the construction of the Panama Canal to last more than a dozen years. Highlight from here: to here for the answer.
  9. UFO

    a question

    Hi friends, Hepl me with the following sentence: So impolite in manner was she when treated him as if he were her servant in that party.
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