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Everything posted by Justo

  1. Hi guys, I've posted another essay for comment. Please, any comment is much welcome.... Thanks. Seniority (years of service) should not be the basis of employee compensation. Employees should be promoted and given raises solely on the basis of their work performance and merit. That is a better way to encourage high productivity. Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion stated above. Support your views with reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations or reading. Companies are faced with the problem of using the correct proportion of tools such as salaries, performance bonuses and promotions to keep their staff motivated and hence retain them. There arise a question whether seniority or work performance should be used as the basis for employee compensation. The following arguments will assert my position that seniority should be the basis for compensation. Let me start by clarifying that I believe that seniority should be the basis for compensation only to the extent that the skill set and work functions of the employees in consideration are similar. The main reason why seniority should be the basis for compensation is that this leads to a clear organizational structure in the workplace and juniors will be willing to take orders from their superiors without feeling that they are more important than their superiors. Secondly where junior employees are compensated better than their seniors for work performance reasons, the senior staff may lose morale because they feel less important and hence they may not be able to provide the necessary support and guidance to their juniors. It cannot be disputed that excellent performance has got to be rewarded in order to keep staff morale high and to encourage innovation. This can be achieved by compensating high performers through bonuses while keeping basic salaries and promotions dependant on seniority. It can be concluded from the discussion above that seniority should be the basis for compensation. It is assumed that seniority almost always translates into better performance and better managerial skills. In instances where a superior is constantly outperformed by his juniors then it may be clear to the company that they have to let go of that employee.
  2. Hi All, My comments are as follows to Abhinav's essay; "Please rate this essay and provide me with your comments. “It is unrealistic to expect individual nations to make, independently, the sacrifices necessary to conserve energy. International leadership and worldwide cooperation are essential if we expect to protect the world’s energy resources for future generations.” Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion stated above. Support your views with reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations, or reading. How often we come across news reports about the energy crisis the world is about to face. The reports declares {declare} that the natural energy resources which are present will not last long and it is not long before we are left with only a handful of those at our disposal {I think this is a redundancy and should be left out}. These reports project a glaring situation. This scarcity of natural resources will affect not only those nations which are already depleted of the resources but also to those who at present have ample amount left {Consider revising sentence structure; eg "This scarcity of natural resources would affect not only those nations whose resources would have been depleted but also those nations who would still have ample resources." ie I think you are talking of something that is said to be going to occur rather than that has already accured.} This scarcity of energy resources will create a{delete} havoc which{and} will be detrimental for the entire human race. In such a situation it is not pragmatic to expect only a handful of nations to take up the fight for the conservation of energy resources{I think this sentence should move to the first paragraph because you are stating the point of view you are taking}. It is true that at present many nations have ample amount{s} of resources left that they can see no energy problem in near future. They probably will not appreciate the implications of the energy crisis. But {Find another conjunction; cannot start a sentence with but}they must understand that there frugality {I think you meant to say their frugality; this I think is an incorrect choice of word} will pose a threat not only to other nations but also to them{selves}. In the current world energy scene, nations are dependant on other nations for their energy consumptions, for example many nations depend on the Middle East for their oil consumption. In such a situation if the nations providing the oil do not take steps to conserve their resources, it will not only affect their economy but also of those nations whose economies are dependant on them. There are many instances where the{delete} natural resources are destroyed and wasted. Take the case of Iraq's invasion of Kuwait. Iraq destroyed many of the {remove} Kuwait’s oil wells when it is{was} forced to leave its occupation of Kuwait. Then there are examples of countries where there are no steps taken to conserve energy. The governments of these nations are taking no responsibility to make its{their} people understand the importance of energy conservation where as their counterparts are making every possible effort to propagate {incorrect word choice, I think} the awareness of energy conservation. Every nation should take the responsibility to conserve natural resources. Natural resources are not the property of individual nations. When they will be lost it will be a loss for the whole humanity and not just a particular nation. There{fore} conservation should be a priority task of all countries irrespective of their current status and current awareness. I think there will still be a lot of room to improve the structure of your sentences and grammar even after these comments. I am studying for GMAT and I did a revision for Sentence Correction before I came to AWA. I think if you do the same, it will help a lot in improving your writing. I cannot comment on the quality of reasoning and development of points as I am still learning the ropes myself. I understand that these two together with excellent organization and excellent writing skills will score you a perfect 6. Thanks.
  3. Hi All, "A person who knowingly commits a crime has broken the social contract and should not retain any civil rights or the right to benefit from his or her own labour" I think this is a complex topic and I don't understand it fully. Does it mean that everybody who commits a crime should be stripped of all their civil rights and their rights to benefit from their own labour regardless of the nature or severity of the crime they commit? Is this seizure of entitlement to civil rights or the right to benefit from ones own labor meant to be perpetual for each and every crime? I am unable to offer constructive comments on the previous posts because I am failing on the first and basic requirement to writing a successful issue essay; taking apart the issue. For instance how would one phrase the opposing view?
  4. The desire of corporations to maximize profits creates conflict with the general welfare of the nation at large. Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion stated above. Support your views with reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations or reading. The old age debate about the conflict between capitalist corporations and their conflict with the welfare of nations is still topical. I believe that there are pressing arguments for the fact that the maximization of profits by corporation is in harmony rather than in conflict with the general welfare of the nation at large. First and foremost it should be mentioned that governments should be at the forefront of the peoples welfare and are therefore tasked with making sure that corporations together with the population and other sources contribute to the pool of welfare. Having said that, one can therefore argue that, where a government has set up the necessary framework for corporations to be taxed accordingly, the corporations will contribute their fair share to the general welfare of the nation notwithstanding their desire to maximize profits. It is sometimes said that the existence of "sweat shops" is one of the disadvantages brought about by the desire to maximize profits. I believe that in these instances it is the governments themselves, overzealous to bring about employment, that fail regulate the work conditions thereby failing to ensure that proper conditions are maintained and people well compensated. It is also worth mentioning that the buyers of goods (being the nation at large) can force the corporations into maintaining good standards by not buying the goods of exploitative companies. It is evident from the discussion above that where a government and the general populace play their part in regulation and ensuring compliance, the desire of corporations to maximize profits can coexist in harmony with the desire to maintain the general welfare of the nation.
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