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About legendren

  • Birthday 05/31/1983


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  1. "People have been so encouraged by society to focus on apparent differences that they fail to see meaningful similarities among ideas, individuals, and groups." While it come to whether people succeed or fail to see meaningful similarities among ideas, individuals, and groups, I hold the view that people have been so encouraged by society to focus on apparent differences, they also ought to find meaningful similarities, however. Meaningful as seeing similarities is, we may not overlook the function of focusing on apparent differences among ideas, individuals, and groups. The pronounced differences provide a good opportunity to study why and how the economic gaps between countries occurred, how the differences influenced our society; meanwhile even judge is the existence of apparent differences positive or negative for the development of our society. Without seeking differences, there would be short of competition among individuals and groups, there would be lacks ambition in a team work. ¡°Seeing the sharp difference between competitors and us¡±, Confucius, as the father of Confucian, once said (and I paraphrase),¡± due to the promoting come from competitors, we can do better than ever before.¡± This statement illustrates the point that studying apparent differences among ideas, individuals, and groups is beneficial to explore an uncertain new world. Too much emphasis attached to focus on apparent difference may obscure the meaning of seeing the similarities among ideas, individuals, and groups. The similarities supply a stable and comfortable environment in order to get rid of troubles in the public issues. A persuadable instance, at present, cited often is that the similar principle of trading standards among countries simplifies the export and import of products that hit foreign markets simply. Thanks to the meaningful Transfer Control Protocol principle, we can communicate with the people from all over the world even with different Operating Systems easily and comfortably. It is certain that without these helpful similarities, huge difficulties prevent ideas, individuals, and groups from sharing, communicating, or cooperating with others. This presentment shows that the meaningful and helpful similarities open a blossomy garden to people who prefer work more efficient to avoid misunderstanding. Simply argued, over focusing on apparent difference might overshadow the meaning of seeing meaningful similarities. As a Chinese old saying goes, ¡°Seeking similarities meanwhile also maintaining difference play an essential role in the progress of a country.¡± It is fair to call a balance between focusing on difference and seeking the similarities. Judging from what we discuss above, we can come to the collusion simply and safely that people should not only focus on apparent difference which have been encouraged by society, but also succeed in seeing the similarities among ideas, individuals, and groups.
  2. "It is possible to pass laws that control or place limits on people's behavior, but legislation cannot reform human nature. Laws cannot change what is in people's hearts and minds." While it seriously comes to the function of laws and legislation, the vast majority, also include me, hold the view that laws can control people¡¯s behavior; human nature and people¡¯s hearts and minds can not mere be reformed or changed by legislation and laws, can be reflected by them however. Controllable and reflectible as legislation and laws are, but we may not overlook their negative influence upon human nature and people¡¯s hearts and minds. The punishment of legislation and laws in ancient China, and other parts of the world had the similar situation, was so cruel and inhuman that had bad effects on human nature, more and more abnormal punish methods had been invented by the eunuch who lost humanity. A persuadable instance took place in XiHan dynasty cited is that Si maqian, the author of ¡°ShiJi¡± (a literature preserved more than 3,000 years history), given castration, lost the right to be a man and even disturbed his normal life, due to his explanation for a military leader who surrendered to the enemy. This statement illustrates the point that over punishment of laws influence negatively human nature and even destory people¡¯s hearts and minds without maintenace. Too emphasis attatched to the negative influence of laws and legislation may obscure the positive advantage of laws that control or place limits on people¡¯s behavior. Without a doubt, Laws and legislation play an essential role in maintaining stableness and development of society. Without the control and limits on people¡¯s behavior, there would be more and more crime, terrorist and other criminal issues that turn stable and comfortable society into disturbed and unstable one. ¡°As the reflection of human nature and people¡¯s hearts and minds¡±, Confucius, as the father of Confucian, once said (and I paraphrase), ¡°laws and legislation give people a comfortable life.¡± This presentment shows that it is possible and necessary to support laws that positively control and place limits on people¡¯s behavior. Simply argue, laws and legislation can reflect human nature and people¡¯s hearts and minds, can not reform or change them, however. Owing to laws ought to be legislated by human beings, more or less legislation should concerns about human nature that can reflect people¡¯s hearts and minds. As a Chinese old saying goes, ¡°It is easy to reform the government and other insititutuion, but difficult to change people¡¯s hearts and minds.¡± Judging from what we discuss above, we could come to the conclusion simply and safely that laws that control or place limits on people¡¯s behavior are able to clearly reflect human nature and people¡¯s hearts and minds.
  3. "All nations should help support the development of a global university designed to engage students in the process of solving the world's most persistent social problems." While it comes to whether all nations should help or not support the development of a global university designed to engage students in the process of solving the world¡¯s most persistent social problems, the vast majority, also include me, hold the view that all nations and even the people from all over the world, should help support the meaningful development. Positive and helpful as the potential development is, but we may not overlook the risk that the students, due to lack social experience, in the global university which supported by all nations are not able to engage in the process of solving the involved issues. Perhaps the motivation of developing the global university is simply pure; unfortunately the supporters might not eat the sweet fruit at last, for developing the students who are really engaged in the process of solving the social issues, however. Furthermore, the world¡¯s most persistent problems should be left to the most effective and informed political experts who grow up also from an uninformed one, the students in the global university may engage in the argument of solving the issues at the very beginning. ¡°Force the plants grow much bigger and faster,¡± as a Chinese old saying goes (and I paraphrase),¡± would properly make them unhealthy and even be destroyed at last¡±. This statement illustrates the point that the very attention, the global university should pay more, is that they ought to choose the most suitable students for developing their ability to solve a hot potato. Too much emphasis attached to the risk of developing the global university may obscure the advantage of the meaningful development. Without a doubt, the development as a public issue could bring more benefit to the supporters ¨C all nations and even the global. For one thing, the good news that the students who come from the global university are good at solving the involved problems confirm that what the supporters did is worthy. For another, the graduate from the global university would play an essential role in the future political issue, such as government reform, educational system reform and other institution reform are associated with all nations own interest. A persuadable instance took place in Rio De Janeiro cited is that the managers of a global university named the Science and Technology of university, supported by local citizens and traders, employed informed and experienced experts in the solving involved issues area to teach outstanding students chose from associated departments. About 79% graduates (total 27 people) have been employed by the local government to engage in the solving persistent local social problems. This presentment shows that the development of the global university solve the intensive local employment issue, also ease the unstable social environment. Simply argue, without the support of all nations, there would be the less and fewer experts who are able to solve the world¡¯s most persistent problems. Owing to be short of experts, one of these days, the involved issues should mere be left to hopeless computer which would make the problems worse. Judging from what we discuss logically above, we could come to the conclusion simply and safely that thanks to the supporters, the development of the experts who are good at solving the world¡¯s most persistent problems give all nations a stable and comfortable life.
  4. "Unlike great thinkers and great artists, the most effective political leaders must often yield to public opinion and abandon principle for the sake of compromise." Key words: Rio de Janerio, bikini, permission, dominate While it really comes to whether the most effective political leaders should yield or not to public opinion and abandon principle, I properly hold the view that like great thinkers and great artists, it is not the most effective political leaders` business to yield and abandon principle mere for the sake of compromise. Without a doubt, when the general public plays an essential role, the most effective political leaders should yield to public opinion and abandon principle for the sake of compromise, however. No matter when the benefit of the public dominates other society issues, the political leaders should pay more attention to general public opinion in order to maintain stableness of the society. Regardless of public opinion at very moment, the political leaders even choose iron hand policy, the general public might fight against the government governed by political leaders, would not support the major policy decision made by them. ¡°One who gain wholehearted support from the general public¡±, as a Chinese old saying goes (and I paraphrase), ¡°would dominate his (or her) society more reliable and stable.¡± This statement illustrates the point that even at the very period, considering more about the profit of the public; the most effective political leaders ought to agree with the general public opinion for the sake of compromise. Sure the political leaders should come to an agreement to the public on some issues; actually they must maintain moral principle and behavioral principle even ought not to abandon property of society. Once the moral and behavioral principles were abandoned by the political leaders only for the sake of compromise and unfortunately fail to gain it at last, there ought not to be a society ¨C murder, poison, terrorist and other evil issues would turn heaven into hell. The political leaders insist on their opinion of major policy decision and preserve steady principle is not equal to performing iron hand policy or regardless of the general public opinion. A persuadable instance took place in Rio de Janeiro, a high crime rate city in Brazil, cited is that policewomen in bikini without weapon joining into swimmers pry about criminal who do business in poison, rob, or other criminal issues on the Ria beach. Although the general public argue that it is unsafe for the policewomen wearing so revealable swimwear without weapon to pry into criminals, the most effective political leaders do not yield to the general public opinion with the sufficient evidence that the crime issues happened on the Ria beach have decreased obviously. Simply argue, over yielding to public opinion leading to disclose inefficient and powerless disadvantage of the political leaders. Yield to public opinion do not means the political leaders provide all the rights to the general public without maintenance. When I administrate a web service, such as apache or IIS, the access permissions as execute, write and browse are not available to client in order to preventing from hackers. In summary, in the interest of compromise, the most effective political leaders ought not to always yield to public opinion 101 and even abandon principle unreasonably.
  5. "Many people believe that a few individuals or small groups (family, friends, teachers, celebrities, for example) have caused them to think and behave in the way they do. Yet it is always society as a whole that defines us and our attitudes, not a few individuals." While refer to the relationship between individuals and society, I hold the view that the behavior and thought of some individuals or small groups can simply reflect the property of a society, meanwhile a society as a whole can partly define us and our attitudes. Why, you may wonder, indeed should the behavior and thought of some individuals be the reflecttion of the character of a society? ¡°The same character human beings gather together¡±, as Confucius said, ¡°The same species animals inhibit togher¡±. This statement illustrates that the particular behaviors and thoughts of some individuals in such a society can distinguish from each other. For instance, the English people usually keep away when they talk with another one. Through the study of such behavior we can learn that gentleness is one of the properties of the society. There is no doubt that the special behavior and thought of some groups can partly reflect the property of a society, but could not ignore that the bad behavior and abnormal thought influence the fair reflection? Some unfavorable behavior and thought would overshadow the reputation of a society, not to mention impartial reflection. As an American olg saying goes, ¡°A bad apple spoils the whole barrel¡±. In such situation, the bad behavior and thought could not correctly reflect the real society. For example there are criminals from different races in some parts of the world as New York whose behavior and thought trun a comfortable life of local citizen into a discomfortalbe one, but it is unfair and absurd to state that the local people in that society are born with the character of crime. It is clear that some individuals can reflect the property of society but a few ones can influence the reliability of the reflection. Yet it is sometimes society as a whole that partly defines us and our attitudes. ¡°Simply operate the computer, the proper configuration can be estimated¡±, as Stallings, the professor of computer organization and architecture, said, ¡°even the detailed imformations of the CPU, memory, and other components have not provided.¡± This presentment demonstrate that as a whole the society, reform backwards and forwards, can defines us from different generations and konwledge backgroud. For instance, in Tang dynasty people preferred to be fleshy, but nowadays, slim is people`s favorite. As the same issue that a few individuals can not fully reflect the society, it is not always society that defines us and our attitudes. Simply argue, sociey can not absolutely define the pronounced individuals. Iraq as a whole guided by sadamu, a powerless leader against peace, can not define the normal Iraqi who yearn towards a peaceful and comfortable life. Since the war between several countries broke out, the character of the common individuals sperated from the society should be judged by their behaviors not by their society. In summary, there is a delicate relation between individuals and society: the behavior and thought can partly reflect the property of society that can not wholly define its individuals.
  6. "People in positions of power are most effective when they exercise caution and restraint in the use of that power." Referees, in a fair play, exercise correct caution when one side of football players breaks the rule and restraint in the use of that power when attackers are advantageous for the match. Unfortunately, however, even scrutinzed by high technology camera, some purposive caution and unrestrained power trun a carnival play into a manipulate play. Therefore I maintains that ones in positions of power are most effective when they exercise right caution and appropriately restrain in the use of that power. To exercise impartial and suitalbe caution truns unefficient and out of control situation into normal and controllable issue. ¡±treating equally without discrimination strengthen one`s power,¡± as a Chinese old saying goes, ¡°gaining support from others strengthen one`s position.¡± Owing to exercise fair and appropriate caution, the judge maintenance the dignity of law. Due to exercise unbiased and right caution, the police punish the guilt of terrorist. But without right and suitable caution of pointsman in the traffic jam, there should likely be a traffic accident. Without fair and immediate caution of referee in the basketball match, there would likely be a fans kickup. It is effect and important to exercise impartial and immediate caution when unusual, even abnormal issue take place. Without a doubt, the right caution should be exercise in the very moment, nevertheless the restriction of useing that power is really important. ¡°one`s own desire that force others to be conquered is unfair to others.¡± as Confucius said. So it is necessary to properly restraint one`s power no matter when exercise caution, even the impartial and appropreate one. Hidden camera ¡ª installed at the secret corner in the bank, airdrome and other private place¡ª pry about one`s privacy intentionally or accidentally without restriction of useing the power that exercise caution to stickup, skyjacker and other terrorist. For instance, intentionally peep by useing hidden camera in rest room dishonor one`s reputation. Even reporters take part in the revealable media scurtiny, with the help of telecamera, sheer number and categories of ¡°dig up dirt¡± have been disclosed to public. Generally speaking, restriction of execising caution maintenance moral principles of human being. Iron hand exercise special caution that may hurt someone badly in order to survive company from bankrupt, even do not restrain in the use of that power. Perhaps iron hand may be titled as ¡°monocrat¡± in a company, but at such very period they have the proper right to exercise no matter what kind of caution. Undoubtly speaking, at very disinclined momet, people in positions of power are most effective when they exercise caution and not restraint in the use of that power. In summary, bearable and appropriate caution can be exercised properly, meanwhile restriction of useing that power should not be ignored. Furthermore, to avoid Iron hand and monocrat, the decision should be made by several pronounced different parts not the single powerful one.
  7. The topic of the argument covers some knowledge from the major such as geography, chemistry, history and biology. It is likely that the producer of Discovery Channel should spend several weeks to study the issue, not to mention a university student in a single major. Thanks to Discovery Channel, it extends my view towards the world. Here comes my argument, revise and improve it please. [clap] In this argument, the arguer maintains that the migration of pot makers caused the spread of ceramic pots owing to the discovery that many of the bones near the pots at a few sites showed high levels of the metallic element. This debate is settled by the analysis of the bones of prehistoric human skeleton. Meanwhile, high levels of a certain metallic element contained in various foods are strongly associated with people who migrated to a new place after childhood. At cursory glance, the argument seems very convincing. A careful inspection of it, however, would disclose how unreliable it is. For one thing, the argument is based upon the unpersuadable analysis of the bones of prehistoric human skeleton that found near the pots at a few sites showed high levels of the metallic element. First of all, the arguer fails to consider the dependability that the analysis of the bones of prehistoric human skeleton is influenced by the unavoidable factors in the experimentation. For instance, other categories of ferrous compounds contain high level of the metallic element. Secondly, at a few sites found the evidential bones. It is likely that the bones in many other sites showed high levels of other elements. Consequently, the arguer would not necessarily analyze the bones of prehistoric human skeleton until gather more detailed and sufficient evidence. So the mere factor that the analysis of the bones showed high levels of the metallic element is one of the insufficient evidences to make a safe collusion that the pots were spread by migration, not trade. For another, arguer illogically associates high levels of a certain metallic element contained in various foods with people who migrated to a new place after childhood. Although the bones of some of the migrators found at a few sites showed high levels of the metallic element, it do not means that the various foods contained metallic element were ate by the migrators. Perhaps, the extensive use of silver led to argyria of the migrators whose bones found at such few sites contained high levels of the metallic element. There is another possibility that the type of metallic element contained in various foods is pronounced different from the type found in the bones of people who migrated to a new place after childhood. To sum up, the argument is not well reasoned and lacks credibility because the evidence cited in the analysis does not lead strong support to what arguer maintains. To make the argument more convincing, the arguer should give more evidence to prove that the analysis of the bones found near the pots at each site have to avoid influencing factors. Additionally, the very variety of metallic element contained in various foods is equivalent to the bones of migrators.
  8. In this argument, the arguer advocates producing deluxe alpaca overcoats owing to demand of pent-up customer. This recommendation is based upon there is a new fabric supplier. Meanwhile, alpaca overcoat has not been offered for five years and even the major competitor no longer makes an alpaca overcoat, a huge market is wait for Sartorian. Furthermore, the price of most types of clothing has risen in each of the past five years, customers should be willing to pay significantly higher price for alpaca overcoats than they did five years ago. At cursory glance, the argument seems very convincing. A careful examination of it, however, would disclose how baseless it is. For one thing, the argument is based upon unreliable assumption that Sartorian has a new fabric supplier undoubtedly should resume the production. First of all, the arguer fails to consider and rule out the possibility that the new fabric supplier can not provide high-quality fabric wool. Without high-quality fabric wool, Sartorian has to discontinue production again sooner or later. Secondly, the arguer ignores the reliability that whether the new fabric supplier can provide continuous reliable fabric wool or not. Sartorian will slip into the difficulties that it had five years ago in case the new fabric supplier stop providing. Consequently, Sartorian would not necessarily resume the production until gather more details about the new fabric supplier. So the mere fact that Sartorian has a new supplier is one of the insufficient evidences to make a safe conclusion that Sartorian should resume the production. For another, the arguer considers optimistically that the alpaca overcoat market is full of potential, avoiding the issue that why their major competitor no longer makes an alpaca overcoat. During the five years when Sartorian has not offered an alpaca overcoat, the fabric supplier of the major competitor perhaps was punished by the institute of animal protector since the fabric supplier used uncertain component food to feed alpaca, leading to the major competitor received subpoena about explaining the living condition of the alpaca. If Sartorian resume production at such time, more potential difficulties that are full of challenge and danger are waiting for them. In addition, the arguer overrates the purchasing power of customers. Since the price of the most types of clothing has risen in each of the past five years is not equal to that customers should be willing to pay significantly higher prices for alpaca overcoats than they did five years ago. Perhaps the local economics suffered from economic crisis, customers prefer to choose man-made coat not the expensive alpaca overcoats. To sum up, the argument is not well reasoned and short of credibility because the evidence cited in the analysis does not lead strong support to what arguer maintains. To make the argument more convincing, the arguer should to provide more evidence to prove that the new fabric supplier can provide continuous high-quality wool fabric and local customers has strong purchasing power. Additionally, it would be essential for the arguer to make an effective and representative survey to better support the argument.
  9. Here comes my issue, please improve it carefully, thanks a lot [clap] "The reputation of anyone who is subjected to media scrutiny will eventually be diminished." Nowadays, the intensity of media coverage has been highly enhanced by unprecedented number and categories of media outlets that are available today. Severe competition around exposing photograph and the latest news on some subject has grown even secondary media issue into so called ¡°media crazy¡±. Due to the nature of competition, reporter are forced to cover deeply on a report, therewith pry about an angle of view that never ever revealed by any others. Here comes such type of media coverage, the reputation of anyone who is subjected to media scrutiny will more likely to be diminished, as Confucius said: ¡°There is no prefect man, everyone may makes mistakes.¡± Thanks to the development of technology, large amounts of information are available more easily, instantaneously and simultaneously. Technology helps media to dig the past of someone more widely and deeply than ever before, increasing the possibility that the reputation of someone perhaps be diminished. However, the above presentation is much too broad. ¡°anyone¡± includes everyone from all over the world. Someone¡¯s reputation will be increased by the media scrutiny. Also, someone¡¯s reputation was already so notorious that will not be decreased further by the media scrutiny. Generally stating the reputation of ¡°anyone¡± who is subjected to media scrutiny will without exception be diminished, it implies that the reputation of everyone from all over the world will be reduced by any category of media scrutiny. Well then what about the innocent children, particular the new born baby? What about the ones whose past is unknown at all. Another issue with such a broad presentation is not able to delimit a clear concrete intensity of media scrutiny. There is no doubt that media coverage exist a pronounced difference of intensity. Is it considered to be media scrutiny only mentioning one¡¯s name in a newspaper? Is it considered to be media scrutiny reporting one¡¯s single event, for instances a happy wedding or a birthday party? Does the media coverage about hero who dead at one¡¯s post diminish his reputation? In these cases, the diminishment of reputation is not likely to happen. Although these people are may subjected to media scrutiny, their reputation will not decreased, but will potentially increased. Undoubtedly speaking, there are also lots of cases can demonstrate that the reputation of someone who is subjected to media scrutiny will be diminished. The media¡¯s coverage of soccer superstar from England David Beckham`s sexual intercourse with his former private assistant Rebecca Rose will more likely to overshadow his sweetish marriage life with Victoria. When media reporters pry about some materials for increasing the amount of publication of newspaper without choosing ways or induce more audience to watch some TV program, fame and gain will turn an ordinary individual into attracting media target. We even can safely get collusion that media scrutiny severed the death of Diana associated with the photograph that reporters invade privacy. Without a doubt, there should be a great number of people suffered from the media scrutiny. Conclusively speaking, it seems unlikely to that the reputation of anyone who is subjected to media scrutiny will eventually be diminished. Everyday there are millions of people who are subjected to media coverage, but they still go about their lives getting rid of hurting of media. The reputation of generalists who are subjected to media scrutiny will be increased or decreased depends on details situation around media coverage. The possibility that someone¡¯s reputation will be diminished by media is equal to intensity of someone¡¯s notoriety and someone¡¯s bad behavior. How long had been covered by media is also a determining factor, since if one who is subjected to media scrutiny longer, more information that is disadvantageous to his reputation will be showed to public, or more issue that is negative to his reputation will be done. However broadly stating that the reputation of one who is subject to media scrutiny will eventually be diminished magnify the sufficient possibility. Yet in the enough length of time and some intensity of media coverage conditions, it is likely to decrease someone¡¯s reputation.
  10. The cliche "On the one hand" from your issue is associated with your location - China where many students including me are likely to use such phrases :p As shown in your TS, you argue that "complete honesty is not the most basic virtue of a leader" absolutely agaisnt mass`s view. However, I hold the view that it is more reasonable giving a concession that anyway complete honesty is basic virtue of a leader in the end of paragraph. The way of analyzing of the issue is perhaps humdrum requiring more varieties of methods as citing wisdom, offering data etc.
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