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  1. Judging by the number of us that have been in and out of chat today that are primarily concerned with UMich, they seem to be quite professional at it.
  2. Cool, I think that's more or less the order I've come to as well; although I have a geographical preference that makes the UMD v Cornell ordering difficult.
  3. Lol, yeah, I was somewhat of a pro at being waitlisted. Of my admits, Cornell is probably my default choice (I'm a bit hesitant about their placement record since I really want to pursue the academic route, but I'm old enough at this point that I don't really want to sit it out another year). My top overall choice is Michigan (if i got in everywhere, that's where I would go). Next choice would be Wisconsin (but they made it quite clear it would be a near miracle for anyone to get off the w/l). I've still not managed to sort out what I think about UMD and UMN. I'm an applied micro guy, so as good as UMN is overall, their applied micro isn't necessarily overwhelming. I feel like UMD is more or less a wash with Cornell. ETA: Suggestions welcome if anyone has thoughts.
  4. That's good to hear, thanks! Good luck with your waiting as well!
  5. Oh well, that's the one I'm largely waiting for, so I guess I'll settle in for a Monday wait. Thanks for the info
  6. I seriously hope not. I'm ready to put this decision behind me over the weekend and stop thinking about grad school for a bit.
  7. Waiting on waitlists is getting increasingly old :(
  8. I for one, haven't heard anything yet. During the visit day, Dr. Bound said that he expected most of the movement to be on or near the 15th...
  9. I spoke with a Michigan student about this. He said a typical first year day for him consisted of 10-12 hours of school related work, with late night peaks prior to problem sets being due. He also tried to take at least one day completely off per week (although this was often more like one day off every 2-3 weeks during the first year).
  10. Assuming we're talking about UNC-CH the email said: "Due to a family emergency, I will be away from Chapel Hill for the week of March 12, 2012. We usually send out our offers on March 20 or 21. I now anticipate that this year it will be March 26 or 27.""
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