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Everything posted by Ximera

  1. Animals' rights and the use of animals for food or research (discuss the both views) Nowadays, animals are used not only as a source of food, which is generally assepted, but also in scientific research. The number of studies using animals grows faster. Hence, in the last decades, the animals' rigths have been discussed. The human kind is a apex predador in Earth, so, to use other animals in our alimentation is the part of our nature. Some people can exclude meal, fish, milk and eggs from their food habits, but the vegeterian diet should be supplemented with vitamins and protein complex which extracted from animal tissue. Due to the biological dependence of humans there is no way to exclude animals from our diet. Although, we can decrease the consume of meal and fish, adapting our food habits to our real needs. In the developed countries there are millions of pounds of meal which are transformed in garbage unnecessary. The better management of food distribution and consume will save thousants of animals every year. In the other side, many animals are killed during scientific experiments. The laboratorian animals, as mice or rabbits, are largery used by pharmaceutical companies, universities and researh groups in order to test new drugs or cosmetics. Maybe, some of this expeeiments are useless and there is no need of sacrify living being. The use of animals in science and industry show be allowed only if there is no other solution to certify the safenessn of medical drug or treatment. All animals are living beings, with the right to live and they do not deserve to suffer. Therefore, our society cannot live without using animals in food, but we can reduce the consume of meal in one side and avoid the criminoua murdern living beings. If we assume that animals are alive, as we are, and act in the ethical way, we will save millions of animals. (Written in text editor, without orthography corrector.)
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