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Everything posted by hainp

  1. Please show the difference between: pi(3.14) has no dimensions pi(3.14) has no dimension :whistle:
  2. Yes, Uniform -> Uniformity
  3. B must be the correct choice. We can rewrite this sentence in the common way: ... an office which he was elected to... but in Written English, we should write: ... an office to which he was elected...
  4. 1. D. If the answer is A, "do" should be "does" because of "any other substance". 2. C. If the answer is B, it should be "better than they can"
  5. A -> Of all because: 1. traditions (not agree with every) 2. be closest in sth to sth is OK. In Reading comprehension sec., we often meet the question: which is closest in meaning to ...
  6. Hi Haohmaku, The completed sentence is: A reagent is any chemical that reacts in apredictable way when it is mixed with other chemicals. In general, S+be is omitted.:grad:
  7. 1. In the 16th century,Spain because involved in foreign wars with several other European countries and could not find the means of finance the battles that ensued. of finance -> of financing finance is a verb. If it's a noun, there must be a conjunction between finance and the battles. For example, finance for the battles. 2. The company representation = the presentation about company. I am not sure.
  8. 1. The city of Kalamazoo, Michigan,derives its name from a Native American word which means "bubbling springs". which means = meaning (it's very popular) 2. a, I think!
  9. The brightest point (which is) seen in the night sky is typically not a star but Venus, (which is) the second planet from the Sun.
  10. yeah, sorry everybody. I made a mistake when I tried to understand the original sentence. The correct choice is C: should it rain = if it rains
  11. 1. I think C should be fuels which mention many kinds of hardwood materials. I'm sure D is correct. 2. I chose C. I found in the Collins Dic. this sentence: The feat won them a prize of $85,000, which is the same as yours. The structure is: sth1 won sb sth2 = sb won sth2 for sth1 We can rewrite this sentence in normal way: United States scientist Barbara Mc Clintock won the Nobel Prize for her work in genetics in 1983.
  12. I agree. Born in 1924, Shirley Chisholm became the first African-American woman to be (= who was) elected to the Congress of the United States. Please see the book of Thomson and Martinet, page 84 (a relative clause replaced by an infinitive of a participle)
  13. Hi akmkat_bd, Oxford Dic. says that there's nothing different between compare with and compare to: If you choose comparing, the full sentence will be: Relative humidity is the amount(1) of water which compares with the amount(2) of water! That means the amount(1) is similar to the amount(2)
  14. Hi, The 8th type of inversions says: Should you need a hand, I will be more than happy to help you. Should you need a hand = If you should need a hand So we have: Should it rain now, the farmer will have to postpone the harvest. Should it rain now = If it should rain now ... But we understood the sentence is: If it should not rain now ... It seems that the meaning of this sentence is opposite that of the origin one :hmm: How to explain? :mad:
  15. 1. I agree with Cyberabl and if it's D, we have an inversion! 2. The photographs of Carrie Mae Weems, in which she often makes her family members -------, are an affectionate and incisive representation of the African American experience. Oxford Dic. says: to make sth for sb = to make sb sth. So the correct choice is C: ... she makes /her family members/(sb) /her subjects/(sth)... 3. Relative humidity is the amount(1) of water vapor /(which) the air contains at a certain temperature/ (which is) compared with the amount(2) which it (refers to the air) could hold at that tempreture. We can restate this sentence in simple form: Relative humidity is the amount(1) of water which (or that -> I am not sure) is compared with the amount(2) of water!
  16. hainp


    Yeah, Purplevalleys' explanation is completely clear!
  17. "earliest times" is OK, no "the" is used because this time is indefinite. It's sometime in the past.
  18. No, Haohmaku. I saw this structure In the early of nineteenth century many times. But I don't remember exactly. I am also confused about this.
  19. hainp


    I don't think so. But my sentence is ok, isn't it?
  20. Hi Confuse, I explained above. some does NOT always mean several.
  21. Hi Zeta, please number your questions. I am confused about your structures. 1. I don't know how to explain but it's correct. 2. to select sb/sth as/for sth (Oxford Dics) 3. persentage -> percent 4. Despite (fail to explain) 5. to use sth as sth (Oxford Dics)
  22. 1. Art Deed, a style of design (which/that is) popular in the 1920's and 1930's, was used primarily in furniture, jewel, textiles, and interior decoration. - Comma "," is not necessary. - jewel is a COUNTABLE noun (means treasure) so the correct choice is C, -> jewels
  23. Oh, sorry Zeta, I made a mistake. Some kind = a kind (indefinite kind, some doesn't mean several). its's ok. I think that cooling -> to cool. For thousands of years, people HAVE USED some KIND of refrigeration TO COOL beverages and (TO) preserve EDIBLES. It's tricky!
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