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#180: Movies are popular all over the world. Expla


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180. Movies are popular all over the world. Explain why movies are so popular. Use reasons and specific examples to support your answer.




Nowadays, movies have become very popular in our life. In Macao, there is at least one new film hitting cinemas, while television stations often play old films for free. The reason why movies are so popular is as follow.


First, we can learn a lot of things from movies, for example, language, culture, history, etc. In my French class, my teacher likes to play French movies as one of her teaching material. All of our classmates like this way and think it is interesting and effective to learn foreign language. Besides, apart from learning language, we also lively learnt French culture that is very different from ours. Movie is also a good history teacher. The most impressive movie for me is ¡§Schindler¡¦s List¡¨ shoot by a famous director Steven Spielberg. It let me know how cruel Nazi killed Jewish in Germany in early last century.


Second, watching movie can release pressure. Most of us live in a modern and high-tech age. Comparing with my grandma¡¦s age, it provides us a more comfortable, effective, and rich life. However, it gives us a lot of pressure as well. Nearly everyday, we face pressure from our job, family, colleagues, etc. Pressure makes us easily nervous and have negative mood. Movie provides us an easy and economic way to release our pressure. Movie can take us away from reality and let us forget the trouble around us temporally.


Third, watching movie has become a symbol of showing romance between people, especially for young couples. In Macao, cinemas are often full in weekends, for many people like to go to cinema as one of their weekend program. Among them, most are young couples. Boys like to invite girls to cinema as an excuse to date them. Cinemas are therefore regarded romantic places for showing love.


In all, from the reason above, we know that movie is such a thing that makes almost everyone likes it. There is no doubt that movies have become popular and inevitable to our life.




Title edited by Erin.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Based on the ofiicial Essay Toefl rating that I pasted below, I think you deserve a 5.00 or even 5.5. If you revise it a little bit you may get even a 6.00.


If you write all your essays like that, you have big chances to get a good mark.


5 An essay at this level

–may address some parts of the task more effectively

than others

–is generally well organized and developed

– uses details to support a thesis or illustrate an idea

–displays facility in the use of the language

– demonstrates some syntactic variety and range of vocabulary


6 An essay at this level

–effectively addresses the writing task

–is well organized and well developed

– uses clearly appropriate details to support a thesis orillustrate ideas

–displays consistent facility in the use of language

– demonstrates syntactic variety and appropriate word choice









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This is my essay, I finished it in 29 minutes.

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Among the radio, soap TV, books, movies, what make you have more fun? If you are like most people, seeing the movies is probably high on your list. There are bunch of reasons that make movies so popular all the over the world.


It is not doubted that some movies can teach the history of our country and our cultures. For example, After seeing the movie "Hero of Qin Dynasty", I could learn not only the fashion but also the cultures about China 2000 years ago. In the classroom, It was so easy for me to remember all the articles about the "Qin Denesty" when teacher taught us the history of "Qin". Movies is the live classrooms not only for young people but also for the adult.


Moreover, movies can broad our knowledge about the whole world. If you have chance to see the movies from India, their wonderful dancing must deeply impress you. Should you have seen the movies "An American in Paris", why you don't want to find a romantic relation with some pretty girl in Paris? Movies supply the magic imagination for

our regular lifes.


Moreover, movies can really let us relax and have funs. I clearly remembered how exciting I was when I saw the movie "Matirx" three years ago. My blood went up, my eyes were strained, my grip on the chair tightened. In the movie, when the "Nio" said " I know GongFu", all the people laughed.

Movies really bring us fun.

In conclusion, people like movies so much, not only do movies bring fun to us, but also help us to understand the diversity of the world. Can you image a world with movies?

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  • 1 year later...

Hi Guys,


Please correct my essay. Thank you very much.








Movies are popular all over the world. Explain why movies are so popular. Use reasons and specific examples to support your answer.


My Essay:



Movies are popular all over the world because they are an appealing vehicle for people who love to be entertained and be able to relate it to their respective lives.



This is my reasons.



I will start my piece by pointing out personal experience. The Star Wars is our all-time favorite sci-fi movie. My husband and I love it to the point where we used to watch every week and enjoyed every minute of it. It’s not only very entertaining, but we can relate it to our daily lives. Not only that, but it is basically could give justice to what’s going on with our present time. It epitomizes hatred, power, prestige, greed, love, and even implies future technologies.



The popularity of the movie regardless of its kind has really influence people from all walks of life. It has different types to suit the needs and taste for each individual like comedy, drama, suspense, true story, etc. For instance, if people have this feeling of frustrations and stress, they could watch comedy. If they want something that they can relate and learned, the drama or life story would do justice. Suspense is same thing.



All in all, that’s what movie is about. Popularity of movie among people is very universal. It has become part of the people’s everyday living.


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