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mitzi last won the day on May 5 2009

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  1. my pick is C. I think that I have seen very similar question. since the price is already been cut, 'are priced to sell' is good. so we narrow down to b and c. D 'do' can taek 'to sell'
  2. alphaPARTICLE, it has to do with as vs. like as : is used to compare actions which means we need subject and verb like : is used to compare subject(noun) hummingbirds are compared to insects so using 'like' in B is correct The reason why A is incorrect is about 'incomplete sentence' Since as introduces a clause(subject+verb), option A does not have verb. insects is a plural subject, flitting... another is a modifier to modify insects. so no verb. hope to help~
  3. I agree with alphaPARTICLE. so my pick is B. adverb + adjective + noun since 'artist' is singular, using pronoun 'their' is incorrect in D and E. reported .... had + been --> shows the sequence of time difference.
  4. absolutely B. A. 1) violate parallel damaged, lost, (or/and) xxxed ---> when you state items, you need a comma before the last one and or/and 2) then then can be unnecessary. Even if 'then' is omitted, there is no problem to deliver the intended meaning. B. two If clauses are linked by 'or' ---> good linking items with a comma and or/and ---> good so A is incorrect.
  5. my pick is D. D holds parallel very well
  6. my pick is C as well. two idioms are being tested. grounds for sympathy with noun Thank you.
  7. my pick is C. when 'need' is used as a noun, 'that' clause can't be followed. the need... becomes ---> good
  8. my pick is e. (A) on the basis of avoidance of duplicated facilities alone on the basic of avoidance --> wordy OUT (B) on the grounds of avoiding duplicated facilities alone the same reason as A (wordiness) ---> out © solely in that duplicated facilities should be avoided the place of adverb solely makes the sentence awkward. another error is about using 'should be avoided' ---> passive ---> out (D) while the duplication of facilities should be avoided conjunction while suggest that two actions are happening at the same time, but the intended meaning is not. another passive voice ---> out (E) if only because the duplication of facilities should be avoided although E has passivice voice, 'if only because' delivers a condition very well. --> my pick
  9. The 32 species that make up the dolphin family are closely related to whales and in fact include the animal known as the killer whale, which can grow to be 30 feet long and is famous for its aggressive hunting pods. include the animal known as the killer whale, which can grow to be 30 feet long and is include the animal known as the killer whale, growing as big as 30 feet long and growing.. modifies the preceding sentence rather than 'whale' because of a comm include the animal known as the killer whale, growing up to 30 feet long and being growing.. and being is parallel, but any reason to use progressive form? --> out include the animal known as the killer whale, which can grow as big as 30 feet long and is include the animal known as the killer whale, which can grow to be 30 feet long and it is to be is very suspicious, another error is 'and it is'. since 'and' is not spliced by a comma, we don't need to repeat the subject, it. ---> out my pick is D. parallel : can grow.... and is....
  10. Soaring television costs accounted for more than half the spending in the presidential campaign of 1992, a greater proportion than it was in any previous election. a greater proportion than it was a greater proportion than a greater proportion than they have been which is greater than was so which is greater than it has beenHi ashu_vik, Let's move a greater..... at the beginning of the sentence. it looks like an apposition of soaring costs. we compare two costs, they in C is better. Gurus, help me out how to eliminate B confidently~ please?
  11. My pick is C. 1) idiom a. not A but rather B. A = reveal, B = result from aaadith, I think that result of and result from have different usages. take a look at the following examples. 1) As a result of~~~ : adverbial phrase. 2) result from : result(s) from is used as a verb
  12. My pick is C. light (from sources) fainter than that(=light) If we go with d sources that can be detected by.... ---> it suggests that sources can be detected, not light. What do you think?
  13. it depends on what verbs is stated. some verbs must have that clause. for example, mandate. let me provide you example with/without that so you can see the difference. 1) with The US government mandates that all foreign students need to get a Visa. 2) without that The US government mandates all foreign students to get a Visa. It looks 2) is OK, but it is incorrect sentence. because 'that + subject + verb' is used as an object of the sentence. However, I received a letter (that) my sister sent. in this case, you can omit 'that'. because 'my sister sent' modifies 'a letter' Hope to help!
  14. between d and e, it in D) is expletive 'it'. the real subject is to raise. e) is also a good candidate. Although what clause can be served as an object, it is necessary. Is there any compelling reason to use 'what clause' as an object? so I pick D.:D
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