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Everything posted by Laks

  1. Hey randhawa, I haven't received the scores as of yet but have a feeling that it should be coming by jan 1 or the first week atmost... if posted as promised :o by dec 19... again no one can predict ETS... Guys it was really interesting to read all the reactions on teh 5 "ambiguous ques"... lets hope the admission commitees are also privy to this knowledge and this may causew them to look upon csgre in a different light!!! Newyas All the best ppl do post the result of your apps... Cheers' Laks
  2. Hey Ppl, Man I am in a state of shock.... Neways as all of you have quoted.. the score does not maketh the man... and what can I say more.. all that has to be said has been said... I am sitting on my score... awaiting the mail.... Neways all the best to all those apping..... Let your dreams come true... Cheers' Laks
  3. LL grammars are CFG, that are not ambiguous and not Left recursive.... They are used by predictive parsers...{LL(1) grammars are used here} The first L stands for "we scan the input from left to right" Second L for "we produce the leftmost derivation" the number in the bracket (1) stands for the number of look ahead symbols for the parsing action. An LR is also a CFG...."L" -> scan the input from left to right" and R-> "we construct a rightmost derivation"... An LR grammar is way more powerful than a LL grammar. They are also used majorly for parsing. LR parsers can be constructed for virutally every programming construct for which a CFG can be written. Various LR grammars used actively for parsing are CLR (cannonical LR) and LALR (look-ahead LR). Cheers' Laks
  4. Ppl, Hope we are all in the prime stage of our preparation...... Here are more about primes.... Fermats little theorem For any integer a, and a prime numer p a^p mod p = a mod p Law of inverses if n relatively prime to m, there exists n' such that nn' mod m = 1 mod m (basis of RSA) Also n' can be calculated as n^phi(m)-1 mod m where phi(n) is the totient of n i.e. the numbers of numbers fron 0 to n, that are relatively prime to n
  5. Hey Wood, Great job... I would just like to point out ont thibg here about fib numbers.... f(n) f(n) = O(2^n-1)...... nothing wrong with your funda... just like to add though... Cheers' Laks
  6. Great discussion guys... Wood I believe your answer (n-1)!/2 is for a single vertex (in the above examples from 1) Or can we find an equivalent to 1 2 3 4 5 1 for an HC starting from vertex 2 and so this is indeed the total number of HC's, starting at any vertex???? Can you clarify this??? if this is for a single vertex, then for all the HC's from all vertices, the answer would be n*(n-1)!/2 = n!/2 Anyways here's my take at the combinatorial explanation.... We have n-1 vertices to order.... (the 1st vertex occurs at the first and last) So here it is (n-1)!.... but 1 2 3 4 5 1 is same as 1 5 4 3 2 1.... So we have to remove all such combinations in the order, which gives us (n-1)!/2 Cheers' Laks
  7. God..... Sorry..... I thought they were defined again in main() scope........ (thought the ques woul be trickier with same namein multiple scopes..... Ok this has spurred my thought.... If we had a local variable a too and we pass a by name, what would happen???.... I believe the local a would have precedence.... but again I have my doubts..... Cheers' Laks
  8. 4 ) It is 13C1 * 4C3 * 12C1 * 4C2 .... we have to exclude cards of the rank we have already chosen... so we have 12 ranks to choose from... and 2 out of 4 in the same rank... 5) 4c1 * 13c4 - (1) - (2) ??? (was 13 the mistake nonevent made??) 6) 9 (ways of choosing 5 cards from 13) * 4C1 (we can choose rank from one of the four suite) 7) 13C1 * 4C3 * 12C1 * 4C1 * 11C1 * 4C1 (Same funda as 4) 8 and 9 can be answered using same fundas as 7 Cheers Laks
  9. PPl, Will not call by value result in 1 being printed ???
  10. The GCD - Euclids Algo......... :-) Running time... hmmm.... ceil(max(a,b)/min(a,b)) ????? Cheers' Laks
  11. here's my take..... Given the value and base(base that the value is in), this function prints the string from the char map, whose indices are value in base b. Say value is 17 and base is 8..... First iteration remainder = 1, value = 2 Second Iteration remainder = 2 value = 0 i.e now newval = char[1] + char [2] we return char[2] + char[1].... the indices of reverse of newval are 2 1 which is 17 in base 8.... Cheers' Laks
  12. Generally.... a is said to be a quadratic residue of m of there exists a solution to x^2 = a (mod m) a is said to be a Kth power residue of m of there exists a solution to x^k = a (mod m) Wood, Whats a and m being relatively prime got to do with this???? And what is "minimum universal exponent modulo m????" Cheers' Laks
  13. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modular_arithmetic Nice one
  14. link for newton raphson http://www.sosmath.com/calculus/diff/der07/der07.html
  15. More food for thought -> On an average isn't latency of half a revolution acceptable???? (this accounts for 0.5) Cheers' Laks
  16. Cofinite Set means COMPLIMENT OF A FINITE SET!!! Cheers' Laks
  17. Hey Guys, This link is one hell of a good link for RISC vs CISC( and pipelining) and even has an interview with Hennessy (of hennessy and Patterson fame). Really did inspire me in Comp Arch. http://cse.stanford.edu/class/sophomore-college/projects-00/risc/whatis/index.html Hope this helps Cheers' Laks
  18. AlbaLed, That was definitely an inspiring post my friend..... lets combine our efforts... Open the gates and let the posts flow!!!!! Cheers' Laks
  19. Hey Dude, You can select one vowel in 5C1 ways... agin we can choose from 5 vowels since repetitions are allowed... So we get another 5C1. Hence 5*5 i.e.25. Cheers' Laks
  20. Thanks Jaideep!!!! Thnx for pointing out the mistake
  21. OK Lemme have a go! Processor clock rate = freq = 10^9 hz Therefore time for one clock cycle = 1/10^9 = 1 ns Here the IPC(assuming instruction / clock cycle) = 2 Therefore 1 instrn takes 0.5 ns... Considering 100 instrns, without remote access, total time is 50 ns And with remote access, it is 50 + (2 (0.2 % remote access) * 400) = 850 ns Therefore speed up is 850/50 = 17... it is 17 times faster without remote memory access!!! Cheers' Laks
  22. Guys, Here's what I found on googling relative error -> Absolute error = Approximate value - True value Relative error = absolute error / true value And some sources say that multiplication has less significant impact on relative error while subtraction and addition have more impact so II is definitely false.... so is I.. so the answer is C -> III only Cheerio, Laks 'Believe' the 'Be'
  23. To get the answer, one hint is to draw the recursion tree Laks
  24. Yup... It's definitely much more than the maximum stack height.... this is because the call is being made many many more times than the number of stack frames.. Jaideep right on track... O(c^n).... c is some constant.... Cheerio Laks
  25. "Contained" as in subset YES Laks
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