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Everything posted by Sumon1

  1. What is the greatest possible area of a triangular region with one vertex at the center of a circle of radius 1 and the other two vertices on the circle? a. rt3/4 b. 1/2 c. Pi/4 d. 1 e. rt2
  2. If the quantity 52 + 54 + 56 is written as (a + b)(a – b), in which both a and b are integers, which of the following could be the value of b? A. 5 B. 10 C. 15 D. 20 E. 25
  3. GMATIC way is there. Let, A denoted the number of students play baseball. B denoted the number of students play basketball. C denoted the number of students play soccer. Number of students At least one game play, 42+ 66+ 45 -27-2*3= 120 because, P(AUBUC) = P(A)+P(B)+P©-P(AnB)-P(BnC)-P(CnA)-2*P(AnBnC) 150-120= 30 students play none of three sports.
  4. If p is the product of the integers from 1 to 30 inclusive, what is the greatest integer K for which 3k is a factor of P. A.10 B.12 C.14 D.16 E.18
  5. What is $(...$($($(15)))...) 99 times? A. 120 B. 180 C. 210 D. 225 E. 250
  6. I think something missing in the question........
  7. How can i solve this Data Sufficiency problem, anyone pull me out from the dark........ If m is a positive integer, is the value p+q at least twice the value of 3m+4m ? 1) p=3m+1 and q=22m+1 2) m=4
  8. Unsolved problem solving question.....800 level. If x is to be chosen at random from a set {1,2,3}, y is to be chosen at random from the set {4,5,6}, and z is to be chosen at random from the set {7,8,9,10}, what is the probability that xyz is even ? a) 1/9 b) 1/2 c) 2/3 d) 7/9 e) 8/9
  9. If d>0 and 0 1. c>0 2. c/d 3. c^2+d^2 >1 Here is my solution. Before making the decision in this kinds of problems we need to do some workings A. condition d>0 B. Condition 0 -1 1> c/d > 0 ( multiplying by -1) d> c > 0 ( Multiplying d with each) It is clear that, statement 1 & statement 2 only correct.
  10. Order of Distribution doesnt matter here, so use ncr instead of npr.
  11. IMO, supporting the vgp answer,Total number of way will be, 7c4=35 ways.
  12. Can u explain me, how can you say June sold 4x/3 Another Approach, let x be the number of dozen egg sold in May Sell in April=x+ x of 2/3= 5x/3 Sell in May=x Sell in June=2*(5x/3)=10x/3 Combined arithmetic mean will be, (1.26*5x/3+1.20*x+1.08*10x/3)/(5x/3+x+10x/3)=$1.15 My answer is $1.15.
  13. Sumon1


    Let s be the sell price, we can split up the total statement into two stage. Stage 1:selling price that equal the purchase price of the jacket plus a markup that was 25 percent of the selling price S=$60+.25*S=>S=$80 Stage 2:merchant discounted the selling price by 20 percent and sold the jacket. S= 80-(80*.20)=$64 Profit on sales= Selling price-Purchase price=$64-$60=$4 Hence answer choice is C.
  14. GMATIC Solution is there, we know that 1.a square diagonal =Root2*one side of this square( according to the Pythagorean theory) Difference between two monitor area will be, ((21/root2)^2 - (19/root2)^2)=((441/2)-(361/2))=80/2=40. Hence correct answer is E.
  15. Here is my explanation..... There are, Number of senior partner=4 Number of junior partner=6 We have to find out the number of arrangement that can form a committee, where at least one committee member is senior. Number of arrangement that can form a 3 members committee from 10 members( 4 seniors+ 6 juniors)=10c3=120. Number of arrangement that can form a 3 members committee from 6 junior members(because at least one need to be senior so in the arrangement we not take counted the senior members, only junior include there)=6c3=20. Number of arrangement=Condition Favorable arrangement's - Condition unfavorable arrangement's=120-20=100, Hence B is only correct answer.
  16. Excellent job henneson, i understand your explanation,thanks.....OA answer is C
  17. I live in south Asian country, willing to take the GMAT (December to January), But worried about the practice exam, please can u tell me is i need to spend money to take the practice exam? where are the link that can put me to take the different practice exam ? Please pull me from the dark....
  18. Difficult Combination problem....please help me, using ur understandable explanation. 29. In a jar there are 15 white balls, 25 red balls, 10 blue balls and 20 green balls. How many balls must be taken out in order to make sure we took out 8 of the same color? a) 8 b) 23 c) 29 d) 32 e) 53
  19. Here is my answer without explanation 1.B 2.C 3. 27/28 4.C 5.D 6.B 7.B 8.1/9 9.E 10.D 11.B 12.D 13.E 14.E 15.D 16.1/27 17.A 18.D 19.D
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