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  1. 79 views so far and no one knows how to report TOEFL scores? Shocking!! EDIT: NEVER MIND!! I got the Solution...
  2. Hey guys, I was wondering how to send my TOEFL score to Universities.. I mean how to go about it. I just got my TOEFL score (91/120) and i'm planning to retake it for a higher score.. There's no clear way to apply to the Universities like we do for the GRE and I would sincerely appreciate it if you can guide me... Thanks and God bless!! Kaladhar
  3. kaladhar


    Hello there :) Wazzup? What do U do?
  4. Hey everyone, How is it going? I am Kaladhar from India (Chennai) and i'm planning to do my M.S. in the USA this Fall. I have scheduled for my GRE & TOEFL exams in July 2012. I have been researching all about the Public colleges and even they are super-costly like the UCLA, UCB, UVA and the list goes on.. The out-of-state tuition fees is too costly in all these colleges and i am looking for lowest Out-of-state tuition fees in public colleges in NYC or LA... I need your invaluable suggestions based on: How to crack the GRE without me cracking first (lol) Lowest Out-of-state tuition fees - Best & genuine Public college list (in only top cities like NYC, LA, etc) Scholarship Programs for Indian students I will be waiting for your replies then... Thank you... Have a good day/night!! Adios Kaladhar P.S: Don't just view this post, do reply to this one coz I believe that "EVERY LITTLE HELPS"
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