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  1. My GRE exam is on 20th August, still I am not confident about awa and facing hard times how to improve it. here i have attached 2 essays from my power prep 1 test. It would be so helpful if someone could give me valuable suggestion about how to focus on the topic, improve writing by adding some skills and what points I am missing in the writings. Also If I write essays like this level what score in AWA I am supposed to get? Any help will be greatly appreciated.
  2. Hi Guys, I am preparing for GRE and my exam is in Jan '21. My math section is a little weak and inspite of that i found the vocab section the most trying. Remembering all these words is a task in itself and there are JUST SO MANY WORDS!!!!! :grief: So anyway when i couldnt do it myself i turned to apps which could help me atleast to some extent. In that search i came across an app by GREedge. The app is called GREedge WordBot and OMG guys the app is so amazing. It has visual aids to help remember the words, it has fun tests and clues and it also has levels which sort of feels like a game. The app has really made learning easy and so much fun. If anyone is facing the same problem as me i would definitely recommend you to try out this app. :eager: Also if anyone has any other better apps please so suggest.
  3. I want to do well on the Analytical writing but, I don't have anyway of knowing what my grade would be. Could someone grade or give feedback on my practice attempt???
  4. cwarren95


    Hello everyone! My name is Courtney and I have taken the GRE test once already and didn't do well on the math section (scored 148), mainly because my speed was so slow I left about 6 questions blank on each section! I will be taking the test again in about a week and would love to know any tips on how to speed up my average time.
  5. A recent sales study indicates that consumption of seafood dishes in Bay City restaurants has increased by 30 percent during the past five years. Yet there are no currently operating city restaurants whose specialty is seafood. Moreover, the majority of families in Bay City are two-income families, and a nationwide study has shown that such families eat significantly fewer home-cooked meals than they did a decade ago but at the same time express more concern about healthful eating. Therefore, the new Captain Seafood restaurant that specializes in seafood should be quite popular and profitable. Write a response in which you discuss what specific evidence is needed to evaluate the argument and explain how the evidence would weaken or strengthen the argument. Words Limit 450-600 words Introduction: The following argument is flawed for numerous reasons. Primarliy, the argument is based on a sales study, that the consumption of sea food in bay city has increased rendering the main Point, which is the authenticity of this sales study, and they have not Provided any evidence to support the authenticity of the sales study. Body: Fallacy 1: The argument fails to provide any evidence about the authenticity of the sales study. For one, they haven’t provided any criteria on how they had choosed residents, they might be talking to minority of people who like sea food. This lack of evidence could question the legitimacy of this case study. Moreover, the reason for there is no sea food restaurants are in Bay city area is because majority of the people in Bay city might don’t like sea food. Strengthening the argument: Had the argument provided any information regarding the criteria how they have choosed residents, Even then, the argument would have to further prove that, the majority of people in Bay city like Sea food. Fallacy 2: Moreover, the majority of families in Bay City are two-income families, and a nationwide study has shown that such families eat significantly fewer home-cooked meals than they did a decade ago but at the same time express more concern about healthful eating. This argument also leaves many unanswered questions. Even if the Two income families nationwide significantly eat at fewer house meals, doesn’t necessarily mean that the bay city will also not like Home meals. Nonetheless, they are also assuming that the two income families will also likely to eat seafood, when they will go to restaurants. Fallacy 3: Therefore, the new Captain Seafood restaurant that specializes in seafood should be quite popular and profitable. Finally, the argument claims without warrant that what held 5 years ago will hold true today for Captain Food restaurant. Even if we assume that Two income families would likely to eat outside, the argument is still lacking because it does not provide information to show that the general economic climate will not change. Due to rising inflation they might would not be able to afford Seafood Conclusion: Because the argument makes several unwarranted assumptions, it fails to make a convincing case that People of bay city would likely to buy Seafood from Captain restaurant.
  6. Prompt: Society should identify those children who have special talents and provide training for them at an early age to develop their talents. Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the recommendation and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, describe specific circumstances in which adopting the recommendation would or would not be advantageous and explain how these examples shape your position. Essay: Introduction Providing health, safety, education, and opportunity to show your full potential to everyone in society is the Government's job. It is also the Government's responsibility to identify special children so that later on, they will use these talents to help our society to get ahead of our rival countries. Body Paragraph In the rapidly changing and competitive world, we must have the best people for the relevant job. We can go ahead if we find people with unique talents, nurture them according to their talents, and hire them for jobs that best suit their talent so they can later help society by keeping their country ahead of their rival countries. America is doing it very well. They have their dogs worldwide to sniff those talents and get them to live in their country. For this purpose, they have created Harvard, Stanford, and MIT, in which more than 70% of people are non-Americans. Similarly, After the war of independence of 1857, Sir Syed Ahmed Khan realized that the Muslims needed Leaders with special talents, so they built Aligarh university, which later gave Muslims Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah and Allama Muhammad Iqbal. Counterexample There is a concern also that it would have an economic burden on Government's Financial budget, and it could be used for infrastructure or the health of ordinary kids. Well, in the beginning stages, You can say for a little while, but studies have proved that 90% of kids who have been trained give 100 times more than you have invested. Conclusion Instead of letting other countries snatch them and use them against us, we must identify them and help them nurture them so they can do something for the betterment of their country.
  7. A national curriculum for schools. For an educational system to thrive a curriculum is essential because it acts like a guide. However, in my view, while a basic national curriculum is obviously needed, it should have some flexibilities depending on regions, communities etc. It is admitted that a basic national curriculum at school level will play crucial roles. Firstly, a common core curriculum will make the students aware of the basic principles of the education and the reason behind acquiring knowledge. Secondly, a common fundamental knowledge will make the students informed, and productive citizens. Thirdly, because of a general curriculum, it will be convenient for the college faculty to anticipate required curricula for higher study. And finally, the basic curriculum will equip the students with necessary preconditions that are required to thrive a democratic nation. However, a exclusive national curriculum will pose certain problems. First of all, who will be in charge of making the curriculum? Who will decide what types of courses to include and what to exclude? In all likelihood, it will be the federal legislators or the member of parliaments. They all have some quirky notion of what the children should learn and should not learn. Hence, there will have some dogma and biasness in the education system. At the same time, theses political leaders are susceptible to influence-peddling of the lobbyists who are only concern with their own interests, even these harmful for children education. Secondly, there is a tremendous possibility that an exclusive national curriculum will bring political bias among the children-the future citizen of a nation. The curriculum can be used to disseminate propaganda by ruling party which in turn can hamper the main purpose of education- enlightenment. Moreover, the curriculum can be designed as such it will act as a manipulator of children and certainly, it will have a prolonged effect on the entire nation because these children will grow up with misinformation and fictitious knowledge, that is actually intentionally imposed on them. Finally, in countries with diverse cultural and traditional heritage, an exclusive curriculum might ignite racism. For instance, in the USA, which is elephantine in size and harbour a score of population who are culturally heterogeneous, a one size fits all principle might be proven drastic. Because by creating an exclusive curriculum for all, certain race, culture, community might be excluded from the curriculum. Hence, it will create a gap of knowledge of those cultures, traditions and races among the children at the same time they might contain negative connotation about the excluded communities. Finally, a national curriculum for school might act as a two fold sword. It can enhance and shape the children for future, at the same it may mislead the prospective citizens of the nation about their own country’s people. Therefore, I believe that a homogeneous curriculum will work perfectly when there will be some flexibilities to add or eliminate based on state, race, religion, community etc.
  8. I am looking forward to preparing for GRE in the upcoming year. As far as math goes, I can prepare by myself, but when it comes to English I face issues with English not being my first language. I would greatly appreciate if you could spare your time and grade my essay and provide me with some in need guidance. Thank You! AAI 1.docx
  9. I am looking forward to preparing for GRE in the upcoming year. As far as math goes, I can prepare by myself, but when it comes to English I face issues with English not being my first language. I would greatly appreciate if you could spare your time and grade my essay and provide me with some in need guidance. Thank You! AAI 1.docx
  10. Designed to prepare for toughest entrance exams in the world like GRE. Download the android application here: Vocabulary Builder with GIFs - Flipword - Apps on Google Play This app is perfect to Build English Vocabulary. This Vocabulary Builder app provides a way to learn difficult words in an easy and interactive way with GIFs. Just reading often doesn’t help in completely absorbing the word in your mind, that’s why we have introduced fast-paced and engaging quiz, which will prepare your mind to recollect words faster which is necessary whether you are in a conversation with your friends or appearing for an exam. Unique Features: • Packed with 3000+ words • GIFs, Synonyms and Example with each word • Fast-paced Quiz to practice the words you just learned • Unlock the next deck with coins you earn by appearing for quizzes • Compete with your friends by gaining the maximum XP points • Smart algorithm to help you learn difficult words using Flashcards • Perfect GRE Vocabulary app • Bookmark words for quick revision • Word of the day notification makes sure you learn a new word every day • Optimum deck size of 30 words each, so that you can complete a deck in one sitting • Pro tip: Never leave a question unanswered. Incorrect is better than Unanswered By completing 1 deck a day, you can master over 3000 words in just 25 days! So, install the app now and Get-Set-Go!
  11. Hi all, I recently heard secondhand that some schools have increased their GRE Quant Score thresholds to a 168 (consistent with 167 falling below the 90th percentile). Can anyone confirm if this is the case? I've taken the GRE 3 times, and every time have scored a 167... My verbal and AWA scores are strong enough (165 and 5, respectively). Will my application be thrown out at top schools before even being considered due to the low Q score? Any information would be greatly appreciated.
  12. If you are finding it difficult to remember important GRE words, you could learn words by clubbing them into groups based on their meanings. It makes the process a lot easier. There is an Instagram page that posts words in this fashion. Instagram page: www.instagram.com/tweakgreflashcards
  13. Hi - I am wondering if universities have a preference for GRE v/s GMAT for a PhD application in Management / Organizational Behavior. Most universities say they accept either, while some universities explicitly say they prefer the GRE. However, most of the folks on these forums seem to have answered the GMAT. Any thoughts on this?
  14. ISSUE ESSAY WRITING #6 Creativity should be used as the only true measure of intelligence What does come to your mind when you hear the word ‘CREATIVITY’? the art of curating ideas, inventing new ways out etc. The talent of creativity is one of the most underrated and neglected criterions of human intelligence in today’s generation. In this fast-pacing life of humans, people generally consider Intelligence Quotient (IQ) to be the most suitable criteria to measure one’s intelligence. And in doing so, they are forgetting to include the art of creativity which plays a crucial role in making us who we are as Humans. IQ might score us on how smart are we in learning, grasping and understanding things but it fails to inculcate the creative talent that is present inside the human brain. Creativity helps a person to grow out the best version of themselves. For a fact, two people may have the same IQ but they may not have the same creativity. It’s a subjective field where everyone has its own individuality and can do wonders with their art of creativity. Most of the top MNCs candidates look for this hidden talent in disguise at the time of hiring as it would help their organization not only grow but stand out different amongst the crowd. Such capable candidates with creative acumen are in huge demand currently and thus should be considered as one of the most important criterions to measure intelligence. Intelligence is not only restricted that how a person uses his/her brain to process and work out problems in difficult scenarios or to solve the situation but it is also about a person can deal with the idea of bringing out unique ways to solve the situation. The biggest example of creativity rising at its peak is the emergence of new startups in this golden era of digitization. The founder of these startups like PayTM, WhatsApp, Zomato, Uber, etc. who are now big MNCs came up with their new idea of helping the public in the most innovative way thereby making everyone lives easier. The idea of making banking online friendly and safe, the idea of getting our food delivered at our doorstep, the idea of hiring a cab within moments rather than waiting for a taxi are all such great inventions which has made our lives much easier and approachable. These ideas are nothing but the art of creativity which is being instilled in every human being. One just needs to find it and embrace the disguised talent of creativity. Rather than underestimating the talent of creativity, one should welcome it and consider this to be one of most important criterions to measure intelligence as it is rightly said for a fact that intelligence is not only a measure of how one smart is but how one can use their creativity to come out a best version of themselves at last.
  15. Hi everyone, If anyone here is preparing for their GRE and wants to improve their score, get used to the test taking environment, etc. Then I recommend to use gre mocks for your practice. So here, I am having total 15 mocks (kaplan5, Manhattan6 and Princeton4) which I had purchased but is kept unused. If anyone of you is interested feel free to do a private message.
  16. Hello, I just received my GRE scores, and I am quite unsure about them. I got 165Q and 168V; the scores for AWA are not there yet. I want to apply for a master's programs in economics in the UK, preferably LSE or Oxford. These programs are surely highly competitive, and I think that I do have the grades necessary to apply, but I don't know if I have a chance there with my quant score (I suppose that it is the most important among the scores). According to the universities' respective websites, they expect applicants to have scores of at least 161 or 164 in quant (depending on the university). Although I am above these thresholds, I fear that I might be in the lower half of applicants. Unfortunately, I couldn't find any statistics on the scores of accepted applicants. Thus, I wanted to ask if anyone has some insights or tips. Should I retake it or rather focus on the rest of my application? In practice tests, I scored anything from 163 to 170 in quant, but I am sceptical if I am able to significantly increase my score the next time if I were to retake the GRE.
  17. Hello all, I have been planning to take the GRE exam by the end of this year and bought some GRE books on Amazon however, I am forced to sell them at short notice ($15 for all three) because I am leaving the US in three days due to a family emergency and these books are too heavy to fit into my suitcase. Condition: new, as I never got around to actually use them yet. The books are: 1. Manhattan's 5lb Book of GRE Practice Problems, latest edition 2. Official GRE Verbal Reasoning Practice Questions, 2nd edition 3. Official GRE QUANTITITATIVE Reasoning Practice Questions, 2nd edition I am based in Washington DC metro area. Please send me a message if you are interested. This is an urgent sale. Thank you, greekgoddess
  18. Thanks for viewing this post. It would help me a lot if you could rate my essay out of 6 and mention any scope for improvement :) PROMPT Universities should require every student to take a variety of courses outside the student's field of study. Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim. In developing and supporting your position, be sure to address the most compelling reasons and/or examples that could be used to challenge your position. RESPONSE Universities play a crucial role in shaping the personality of young adults and aid them to survive the ever-increasing competitive world. A student must thrive on being an all-rounder and maximize his breadth of knowledge across various fields apart from his study area. It is pivotal that students gain knowledge and skill across diverse fields and not restrict themselves to one's specialization/domain. A quick reflection on the work-life of an individual in the technology sector reveals how all fields are convoluted. A CEO of a start-up at silicon valley requires technical knowledge about the product/service their company offers and needs to be aware of how to market it. If it were not for Steve Jobs' creativity, soft skills, marketing strategy, and charismatic personality, Apple would not have become the first trillion-dollar company by stock value as it is today. It is only with a deep understanding of human anatomy and enzymes that researchers at Google's DeepMind created AlphaFold, a neural network to predict the 3D structure of proteins with unprecedented accuracy. How will researchers publish their work without literary knowledge? Hence, juxtaposing various fields and not looking at them as one unified entity is not a sound solution. There is a pithy saying that when one removes the barriers of keeping oneself restricted to a particular field, the only barrier left is one's imagination. Furthermore, humans' imagination runs wild. The evolution of TED is a perfect example in support of this. It brings to light how innovators and extraordinary speakers, adding up a bit of spice and variety to their field of study, change how the public views it. Taking interdisciplinary courses would aid students in honing their imagination and sense of innovation. It makes people realize the depth at which fields are interrelated. Let us take the blending of psychology with computer science as an example. While developing a social media platform like Instagram, various psychological questions pop up. Is it going to solve the user's problem? How to attract users to use this product? All the questions can be answered by doing research in interviews and surveys and analyzing the psychological traits of people. Receiving education in various fields will help students adapt to society more quickly. For instance, all citizens of a nation must evaluate the ability of presidential candidates and make a rational decision. Courses on economics and politics would help them analyze what changes these candidates can bring to education, infrastructure, healthcare, and diplomacy. One might argue that taking up a variety of courses outside one's field of study might qualify one's knowledge in his/her field, thereby violating the fundamentals of specializing at a university. Moreover, forcing students to take up unrelated courses acts as an extra burden and might pressure them. Such stress, undoubtedly, will lead to loss of focus and increase diversion. As a result, the university might be filled with unenthusiastic researchers and bored students. One way to tackle pressurizing the students is to make them aware of the courses that can dovetail with their specialization and let them make their choices, instead of having it as a requirement. To sum up, I agree that universities should let students take up various courses and explore other domains. This versatility will benefit the students in their research and career and help flourish society.
  19. Is it wise to submit a low GRE score(310, 157Q) if the University made it optional? How does submitting it or not submitting it affect my application? If I send it anyway, can my research experience(2 years) and Econometrics degree complement my low scores?
  20. Will the GRE be required for this upcoming cycle??
  21. Hi. How hard is to score 640-660 in GRE Math Subject? I am an econ undergrad.
  22. The argument is correct in saying that in terms of efficacy, a leader's ability to maintain the respect of his or her peers is much more important than his or her ability to pass sound moral judgements. We know that what makes a leader, a leader, is their following. People rally behind leaders not only because they share a common vision and/or a common cause - which, to some degree, everyone involved does - but also because people recognize said individual as a strong representative and as someone who holds more authority than the following masses. Inciting this emotion of trust and respect in their peers and followers is imperetive to the success and efficacy of a leader, because trust combined with respect, more often than not, results in faith, and as history has shown us, a leader capable of inculcating faith in it's subjects, is oftentimes a leader that changes the course of history. However, this does not mean that the ability to arrive at sound moral judgements can be discounted. A leader is always one bad decision away from losing faith of his or her subjects and inviting doubt in their mind. Also, in some cases, an inability to arrive at sound moral judgement might be an indicator of an inability to think critically, which opens up a whole new box of worms. Therefore, although the ability to take sound moral judgements can in no way be ignored, a leader without the abiliy to maintain the respect of his or her peers is much more likely to be ineffective and fail. All feedback welcome, thanks in advance. :loveheart::loveheart:
  23. Topics: To understand the most important characteristics of a society, one must study its major cities. A society can consist of many large and small cities as well as rural areas. Each area has its own distinct character. As characteristics of areas differ widely, one can miss the most important characteristics of a society by just studying major cities. The major cities play different role in a society. A city can be the capital of the country, a city can be the capital of the state or a city can have a port that serves as a business hub. Among the vast different characters of these cities, it is very difficult to find out the most important ones which is also common. Even if someone completes this difficult task, he missed out the rural areas completely which varies widely from cities. It is possible that all the citizens of the major cities have a very busy and dynamic life, while rural people lead a very simple life. In this case, dynamic life style is one of the most important characteristics of the major cities but not for the rural areas, thus not the most important characteristic of the society. There can be other difficulties in this study. There can always be a lot people staying in a major city and they aren't permanent resident of the city. Their behavior can differ from the permanent residents or even from themself when they are staying in their own city. For example, people go to Las Vegas for gambling or having fun. Although they spend a lot of money without any care in Las Vegas, this is not their normal character. Similarly, people can behave differently from their normal state in capital or historic cities or cities that are famous amongst tourist. However, there can be a lot of similarity between cities and rural areas. For example, the citizens of major cities start their day with a cup of tea or coffe while reading a newspaper and the people of rural areas also start their day with a similar fashion. But this need to be confirmed by studying both areas. The citizens of major cities may eat a lot of junk food. On the other hand, rural people may strictly follow a healthy diet. There is no way to tell this without studying both sides. People can behave differently in city and rural area. There can also be a character that is common to all major cities, but not in rural area. Nonetheless, there can be character which is common both to rural areas and major cities. So, to understand the most important characteristics of a society, one must study both major cities and rural areas.
  24. Hello! Can you evaluate my profile? Currently freacking out about the entire application process. TestScores: GRE 159V (82%), 160Q (72%), AW (not received yet) UndegradGPA: 109 out of 110 (minimum is 66) in a European university. Major was Economics and took classes in both statistics (got an equivalent of an A) and econometrics (got an equivalent of an A+) Graduate GPA: 98.2 out of 100 in a top3 university in East Asia and top 70 in the world. Majored in Business Research Experience: I wrote a bachelor and master thesis and now I have finished to write a paper on what I want to research about during my PhD together with my grad advisor (we have submitted for publication, I think it will be at least peer-reviewed once by the time I submit the application) Teaching Experience: none Work Experience: internships abroad and currently working in East Asia (manager level) Concentration Applying to: OB (micro) Number of programs planned to apply to: 15-20 Dream Schools: Stanford, Duke, Columbia, Toronto, Cornell, Ohio State, Penn State Other Questions: What made you want to pursue a PhD? I have always wanted to become a professor. I love researching and I keep researching even if I have a full-time job and that means sacrificing your weekends and nights after work. Questions or concerns you have about your profile? 1) not having a GPA due to the fact that I graduated outside of the US 2) GRE. I tried to take it the first time and I got 157V and 160Q. I tried to take it again and only scored two more points in V although I focused on improving my Q score (that remained the same) Any additional specific questions you may have: I wonder whether I can pass the cut-off desk due to my GRE scores
  25. I am taking the GRE on Dec 14, so I don't think I'll have the official scores back in time for the Dec 17 deadline application for LSE. The GRE scores on the application are self reported so I will be able to enter my Q and V scores but for the Analytical section I won't know until 10-15 days after the 14th, it won't let me apply unless I put something down there so what should I do? Is my only hope to just guess what I'm going to get on the analytical section and pray the actual results match my guess?
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