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Everything posted by J2010

  1. Bholebaba - To answer your question, it is pretty much possible that an item can be sold at different prices in two different places. We should not assume that p1 = p2. Ans is E. Is the answer correct?
  2. Is |x-y| > |x| - |y|? 1) y 2) xy Stmt 1: the inequality fails for x = 1 and y= 0 ->insufficient Stmt 2: sufficient. Ans is B.
  3. Substitute a value , say 0.5 and test if the given inequality is true..
  4. is 2x-3y 1) 2x-3y = -2 2) x>2 and y >0 The equation can be written as x^2-2x+3y > 0 Stmt 1: 2x-3y = -2 -> x^2 >-2 -> sufficient Stmt 2: the equation is positive -> sufficient IMO, ans is D.
  5. In a certain group of people, the average (arithmetic mean) weight of the males is 180 pounds and of the females, 120 pounds. What is the average weight of the people in the group? (1) The group contains twice as many females as males. (2) The group contains 10 more females than males Given: 180m and 120n -> m: no. of males and n: no. of females We need (180m+120n)/ (m+n) Stmt 1: n = 2m -> answer is 160 -> sufficient Stmt 2: n = m+10 -> necessitates the value of n -> insufficient Ans is A
  6. A certain list consist of five different integers.Is the average(arithmetic mean) of the two greatest integers in the list greater than 70 ? 1) the median of the integer in the list is 70 2) the average of the integers in the list is 70. Let a,b,c,d,e be the increasing order of numbers with e being the number of highest magnitude. Now, we need to show that d+e > 140 Stmt 1: c = 70 -> Now d and e need to be greater than 70 and different which means that the summation will be greater than 140 and hence sufficient Stmt 2: average of the series of 70 which means that d and e need to be greater than 70 proving that the summation will need to be greater than 140 and hence sufficient. IMO, ans is D.
  7. From here on the OA for this question is C. :)
  8. You can perhaps follow the basic categories - inscope but irrelevant, inscope but has an opposite effect, out of scope, inscope and provides the desired effect.
  9. Many consumers are concerned about the ecological effects of wasteful packaging. This concern probably explains why stores have been quick to stock new cleaning products that have been produced in a concentrated form. The concentrated form is packaged in smaller containers that use less plastic and require less transportation space. Which of the following, if true, most seriously undermines the explanation offered above? (A) Few consumers believe that containers of concentrated cleaning products are merely small packages of regular cleaning products. – does not affect the argument (B) The containers in which concentrated cleaning products are packaged are no harder to recycle than those in which regular cleaning products are packaged. – irrelevant as the argument does not talk about recycle © Those concentrated cleaning products that are intended to be used diluted have clear instructions for dilution printed on their labels. – out of scope (D) The smaller containers of concentrated cleaning products enable supermarkets and drugstores to increase their revenues from a given shelf space. – correct answer weakens the argument by providing the true reason for economic packaging (E) Consumer pressure has led to the elimination of wasteful cardboard packaging that was used for compact discs. – completely out of scope
  10. A public-service advertisement advises that people who have consumed alcohol should not drive until they can do so safely. In a hospital study, however, subjects questioned immediately after they consumed alcohol underestimated the time necessary to regain their driving ability. This result indicates that many people who drink before driving will have difficulty following the advertisement’s advice. Which of the following, if true, most strongly supports the argument above? (A) Many people, if they plan to drink alcohol, make arrangements beforehand for a nondrinker to drive them home. – does not support the conclusion (B) The subjects in the hospital study generally rated their abilities more conservatively than would people drinking alcohol outside a hospital setting. --- correct answer © Some people refrain from drinking if they will have to drive to get home afterward. -- irrelevant (D) The subjects in the hospital study were also questioned about the time necessary to regain abilities that do not play an important role in driving safely. -- irrelevant (E) Awareness of the public-service advertisement is higher among the general population than it was among the subjects in the hospital study. – out of scope
  11. Companies in the country of Kollontay can sell semiconductors in the country of Valdivia at a price that is below the cost to Valdivian companies of producing them. To help those Valdivian companies, the Valdivian legislature plans to set a minimum selling price in Valdivia for semiconductors manufactured in Kollontay that is ten percent greater than the average production costs for companies in Valdivia. Which of the following, if true, most seriously threatens the success of the plan? (A) The annual rate of inflation in Kollontay is expected to exceed ten percent within the next year. – out of scope (B) Valdivia is not the only country where companies in Kollontay currently sell semiconductors. – out of scope © Some Valdivian companies that sell semiconductors have announced that they plan to decrease their price for semiconductors. – in a way strengthens the argument (D) The government of Kollontoy will also set a minimum price for selling semiconductors in that country. – out of scope (E) Emerging companies in countries other than Kollontay will still be able to sell semiconductors in Valdivia at a price below the cost to Valdivian companies to manufacture them. – correct answer. The plan focuses only on semiconductors from Kollontay. Even with the plan in place, the valdivian companies will continue to suffer competition from other countries that are not included in the plan
  12. Susan: Those who oppose experimentation on animals do not properly value the preservation of human life. Although animal suffering is unfortunate, it is justifiable if it can lead to cures for human ailments. Melvin: But much animal experimentation involves testing of ordinary consumer products such as soaps, dyes, and cosmetics. Susan: These experiments are justifiable on the same grounds, since cleanliness, convenience, and beauty are worthwhile human values deserving of support. Which of the following is the best statement of the logical flaw in Susan’s argument? (A) Her claim that animal experimentation is justifiable if it supports human values contradicts her claim that such experimentation is justifiable only if it leads to cures for human ailments. – no specific reasoning..just felt this to be an incorrect answer. :) (B) She places a higher value on human cleanliness, convenience, and beauty than she does on the preservation of animal life. – the argument does not indicate her preference of over the other © She uses the word “value” in two different senses. ---the context indeed demands two different usages of the word “value” (D) She assumes that all ordinary consumer products aid in the preservation of human life.—too generalized statement (E) She fails to show how mere support for human values actually preserves human lives.—correct answer. She talks preservation of human lives and then support for human lives with a clear disconnect in her reasoning.
  13. In Malsenia sales of classical records are soaring. The buyers responsible for this boom are quite new to classical music and were drawn to it either by classical scores from television commercials or by theme tunes introducing major sports events on television. Audiences at classical concerts, however, are continually shrinking in Malsenia. It can be concluded from this that the new Malsenian converts to classical music, having initially experienced this music as recorded music, are most comfortable with classical music as recorded music and really have no desire to hear live performances.The argument assumes which one of the following? (A) To sell well in Malsenia, a classical record must include at least one piece familiar from television. – out of scope (B) At least some of the new Malsenian buyers of classical records “don’t” have available to them the option of attending classical concerts.—negate this and the conclusion that people have a choice between live music and recorded music falls apart. Correct answer. © The number of classical concerts performed in Malsenia has not decreased in response to smaller audiences. – negate this and it does not affect the conclusion that people prefer records to live concerts..I would say that this statement remotely strengthens the conclusion. (D) The classical records available in Malsenia are, for the most part, not recordings of actual public concerts. --- assuming that public concerts are the live concerts discussed in the passage, negating this statement indeed strengthens the conclusion (E) Classical concerts in Malsenia are not limited to music that is readily available on recordings. – out of scope
  14. To prove x^2 = xy -> x(x-y) = 0 => x=0 or x=y stmt 1 - insufficient stmt 2 - x=y -> shows one condition required to prove the given question -> sufficient IMO, ans is B.
  15. Assuming that the question reads (7^m)+2.... stmt 1: last digit of 7^m appears in cyclic order with remainder = 4 -> sufficient stmt 2: last digit of 7^m varies with no constant remainder -> insufficient. IMO, ans is A
  16. If the integers a & n are greater than 1 and the product of the first 8 positive integers is a multiple of a^n (a raised to the power n), what is the value of a? 1) a^n = 64 2) n = 6 stmt 1: possibilities: 2^6 and 4^3 -> both perfectly divide the product of 8 integers - insufficient stmt 2: possibilities 2^6, 3^6, 4^6,... -> Of these only 2^6 perfectly divides 40320 (product of 8 integers) and hence sufficient. IMO, ans is B.
  17. Thts exactly what I am trying to convey her..They are "not supposed" to tell anything to the test candidate once the test begins..Your intrepretation is secondary rather your interpretation was due to her making that statement..
  18. Queen09 - Let me give you a piece of information that can probably help you. During the exam, the exam center coordinator or whoever it is who signs you out and into the test room should not "misguide/misdirect" or for that matter even guide/direct you in anything related to the exams, except the basic "to do" rules related to the "general" test procedure. This is definitely against the laws, although I am not sure if this is listed specifically anywhere. I am not sure if you could call up GMAT center and explain your position and am not even sure if this will help you since you dont have a concrete proof that the test coordinator said "come soon..." to you. But you can try a shot if you feel so...If you are lucky, your last GMAT chance will be forfeited...all the best... Guys - any thoughts in this direction?
  19. Using a criterion based on an object’s color, astronomers recently identified 23 galaxies so distant from Earth that their light has taken 85 percent of the age of the universe to reach us. A. astronomers recently identified 23 galaxies so distant from Earth that their light has taken – correct answer B. astronomers recently identified 23 galaxies that were so distant from Earth for their light to take C. astronomers recently identified 23 galaxies to be so distant from Earth such that their light takes D.23 galaxies were recently identified by astronomers to be so distant from Earth for their light to take E. 23 galaxies were recently identified by astronomers as so distant from Earth their light has taken
  20. Depends on the rest of your profile. However, a score of 620 is low. All the best for your re-take.
  21. Congrats Tushar..Some great tips there! Just to clarify the confusion here...The Powerscore books for both LSAT and GMAT are one and same. Only the word LSAT has been replaced with GMAT in the relevant book.
  22. The U.S. census is not perfect: thousands of Americans probably go uncounted. However, the basicstatisticalportrait of the nation painted by the census is accurate. Certainly some of the poor go uncounted, particularly the homeless; but some of the rich go uncounted as well, because they are often abroad or traveling between one residence and another.Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument above depends?(A) Both the rich and the poor have personal and economic reasons to avoid being counted by the census. -- irrelevant(B) All Americans may reasonably be classified as either poor or rich. – irrelevant© The percentage of poor Americans uncounted by the census is close to the percentage of rich Americans uncounted. – correct answer(D) The number of homeless Americans is approximately equal to the number of rich Americans. -- irrelevant(E) The primary purpose of the census is to analyze the economic status of the American population. - irrelevant
  23. statement 1 - |x+3| = 14 => x = 11 -> sufficient statement 2 - |x+2| = 13 => x = 11 -> sufficient Hence, answer is D.
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