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  1. i go for (1) b (2) d As for (1) here the sales of drug manufacturers are discussed, whereas according to the question stem, we must be interested in what the hospitals sell.. hence i think B would be a better answer.
  2. IMO C "of getting" seems to be the correct grammatical construction. Between C and E, E seems incorrect because his, her (singular pronouns) incorrectly refer to Adult Survivors(plural subject). Hence C.
  3. IMO B Choices C, D, E sound just too awkward. Between A and B, B seems more correct to me.
  4. freakomalay, Square is a subset of rectangle! A rectangle with all sides equal is a square.
  5. IMO A (1) |x| > 3 x > 3 or -x > 3. In any case |x| > 1 Hence SUFF (2) |x + 8| > 3|x - 2| x + 8 > 3x - 6 therefore x 1 cannot be determined -x -8 > -3x + 6 therefore x > 7 Since a definite answer cannot be found from (2), IMO A. Plz correct if i am making any mistake.
  6. IMO A (1) Area of triangle PQS and area of triangle QRS is given to be the same. Now both the triangles share the same base QS. Since area of a triangle is (base * height) / 2, that means the heights of both these triangles must be the same. Hence the diagonal PR is bisected by the other diagonal (common base) QS. The fundamental property of a parallelogram is : Diagonals of a parallelogram bisect each other. Hence SUFF. (2) Does not give us any assistance, regarding the other sides, or the involved angles. Hence INSUFF. OA ?
  7. though D seems right, i think there is no problem with A either. they unambiguously refers to festivals plz explain
  8. IMO C (1) In 1970, population in country Y = 2/3 (X).. cannot find the % decrease from 1970 - 1980 Hence INSUFF (2) In 1980, population in country Y = 1/2 (X).. cannot find the % decrease from 1970 - 1980 Hence INSUFF Considering both together, we can find the % decrease to be of 25%. Hence SUFFICIENT. 2 /3 - 1 /2 100 - ? Cross multiply.. OA ?
  9. the link provided does not seem to work. please post the correct, working link else provide an explanation here!
  10. Option A seems wordy to me. Also the do at the end does not seem correct. If it were not there, then probably A would have been right. IMO D.
  11. i have probably followed a different approach.. here is my explanation.. (1) let club x have 100 members. therefore club y has 20 more members.. since you do not know the no. of members in club y INSUFF (2) let club y have 100 members. therefore club x has 30 more members.. again from the same reasoning INSUFF combine both.. let club x and club y have 100 members each.. therefore the clubs have 130 and 120 members respectively.. this condition is sufficient to answer the question.. hence SUFF. hope it was helpful.
  12. hey, why cannot B be a correct answer ? which she in option C seems redundant to me.. in option B them refers to illustrations, and the sentence seems correct gramatically. Can anybody explain why C would be chosen over B ?
  13. IMO E (1) 270 students attended for 2 or more days.. INSUFF (2) since we do not know the number of students who attended on a single day, we cannot calculate 10% of it.. INSUFF Combined : from 1, 630 either did not attend, or attended for a single day. however still we don't know how many attended on a single day.. hence INSUFF. Hence E. OA ??
  14. IMO D (1) aba = a Dividing both the sides by a, we get ab = 1 Hence SUFF. (2) bab = b - SUFF by the same reasoning. Plz. explain.
  15. IMO B (1) y here the condition |x - y| > |x| - |y| is satisfied in all cases except when x and y are both positive. In that case the condition becomes |x - y| >= |x| - |y| Hence INSUFF (2) x.y Hence the condition holds true for +x,-y and -x,+y Hence SUFF. I took x = +/- 5 and y = +/- 2 OA ?
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